125 Bab
Rain and wind
Iris's POV"Damn!!! I am freezing " complains Xander with tattering teeth while we both rushed down the stairs toward our room, shivering.Believe me, it may seem romantic, having sex in rain, but when the cold water does a fusion dance with the colder wind, you realize no matter how hot your partner is, he can't save you from shivering and falling sick, hence here we are entering into the warmth of our room."Serves you right for fantasizing about sex in rain," I say chuckling, while I rub my arms to provide some warmth."Oh yeah?" With one brow raised, my annoying husband takes slow steps toward me with a mischievous glint. "Yes." Stating I turn to run into the bathroom, knowing very well what he is up to."Not so fast, my fallen angel, " wounding his hands around me from behind, he whispers close to my ears, his hot breath, shivered me more when it came in contact with my cold skin, " maybe my plan of wetting you somewhere else, while you are drenched in rain, has failed, but burn
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"Jacob...Jacob...Jacob!!!!!" "What?!!!" "Will you stop net surfing? And help me out." I whined slumping on the bed. Putting my face in my palm, I look towards Jacob, who was still scrolling through his phones, sitting Indian-style on my bed. I snatched his phone and threw it on the bed behind me. " Iris!!!" He shouted irritated. But not more than me. Here i asked him to help me out and he is busy scrolling through his phone." Is this how you are helping me out?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him.He sighed, and with a duh look, he watched me, " Iris, I agree, that I promised to be your side, thick and thin. But this....." He motioned to the scattered clothes all around my room," this is not what I signed for." He finished, shaking his head." But you are my friend." I pouted. And looked at him with sad and puppy dog eyes. He sighed, knowing he can't ignore this, cute, pouty face. If I can win Alexander Russo with this cute, sad, and pouty face, then no one else stands a chance. St
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Old Love
Jacob burst out laughing, he laughed as if his life is about to end and it was his last chance of laughing his heart out. Whereas Ava, who was standing right in front of him looked at him weirdly, for a second she thought that man in front of her has time crazy. Her expressions were comic, which I think was fueling the fire of Jacob's laughter because he continued laughing and didn't stop even when tears started gathering in his eyes. Not his uncalled behavior was angering Ava, she fisted her hand and with greedy teeth, she took a step towards Jacob, " Are you laughing at me?" she asked looking at, now a little sober Jacob. Whose laughter died, but he was still not finished. " Laughing at you. Why would you say that" he asked in between his enjoyment? The clear sarcasm didn't go unnoticed by Ava, whose jaw tightened if possible and her ruby-red lips gave him a disgusted sneer. " I think I came to the wrong person." Jacob shook his head and was now all serious, "
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Stupid coma
"Is he here?" These were the first words Iris uttered after her accident. Her eyes just like the last couple of days still fixed on the white wall of the hospital. Her face was void of any emotions. "Iris..." Jacob sighed. He does not like seeing her friend full of life, like this. If it was in his hand he would do anything to bring that innocent smile on her face, that she wears like a crown. "He isn't. Right?" Not Jacob but his silence answered Iris. And she just silently nodded her head. Not saying anything else. Jacob shook his head. Looking at her with sympathy.While Iris keeps her gaze fixed on the white walls ahead. Her face was void of any emotions but her tearful eyes said it all. Taking a seat on her bed Jacob put his hands on hers.'"I am tired." Jacob is surprised, to hear her say anything other than ask, where her husband is. With her head on his shoulder, she finally let the tears wet her cheeks. "You are strong," Jacob whispers to her while he wraps her in his arm
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As a kid, I had a bittersweet relationship with hospitals. Bitter as I had to take awful medicines and injections. I don't even want to go there as I still hate them. And the sweet part was after checkups dad would take me Ava for treats, to our fav cafe. Those were some of the best days of my life. Then dad was not this uptight, he was more of a father than a businessman. He let us have the freedom of our dreams. I still sometimes, think, that when things changed. But even if I get the answer to that nothing is going to change. I recall, once I was suffering from some disease and the doctor said, I will need an injection. I still remember how I imagined, that doctor, to be a monster red-eyed, growing in the skin, and with ugly horns, with a big injection in his hands. He was my nightmare. That day was also special because that was the first time I did something out of my goody-good-girl character. I ran away. Not far though, as my little self could only carry me to the park a
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Ava's POVNo one wants to be bad. But try being the girl, who spent all her life pleasing people, but ends up being all alone in the end. That's me. Rude, arrogant, and cold-hearted and there are many names, not the good ones, people use to characterize me. Am I all these?Maybe. People change. I did too.But believe me, I was not always like this. I recall when I was five and Iris three, more than mom and dad, she was my princess, I loved my sister more than anything. We had the best bond. Hurt her and I will damn you. That was how important she was to me. I would do anything for her to smile at me with awe and look at me as her hero. She was my pride. My sister was my gem. She was my cute, little chubby world. I would do anything, just to stretch those beautiful lips. When Iris first went to kindergarten, a fat boy pushed her, and she got a scrape on her knees. I was livid.The next day I punched that guy. Bullied him until he asked Iris for forgiveness. Dad was furious
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"You know he will find me," I whispered, but I am sure Ava heard, considering we are the only ones in this small room, engulfed in silence. My hands ache from being tired up at the back of the chair, eyes are swollen because I haven't slept a wink. And I am exhausted. I don't know why, and how Ava and I reached here. What led to this?If one thinks I have the answer, then j doesn't. All I know is that something went wrong, something I don't have an idea about. It's not like we are not blood. Even if what Aunt Myra said, is true, then also it doesn't change the fact that Ava is my sister. She will always be. And no matter what she says I know she loves me. Always had. Or at least I like to believe, that she does. I don't know what made us drift apart, but I remember very well, even when she was pretending to despise me, she always cared for me from afar. Like when I will scrape my legs due to my clumsiness or habit of falling from bed, Ava would send maids to my aid. I know she
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Guns and fears
Alexander's POV No sooner did, I hear the evil voice, I pushed Jacob more into the alley to keep him away from Josh's sight. The way we are standing, I am hoping he didn't see Jacob, even if he did, I hope his stupid bragging will give Jacob some time to get us some help. I am Alexander Russo, the moment we tracked Josh, I felt something was off. A trap waiting for us was no surprise to me. That is the reason, I kept my security on alert, one call and they all will surround the whole area, what is needed is just one call.Even if I get caught, I will be fine knowing that I am with her. And maybe there will be more chances of me protecting her. So if Josh thinks he can scare me, then he really till now didn't know with whom he messed. The only thing that s scaring me is that my angel is in his hands. She is the reason, that despite knowing that this could be a trap, I came here, just so I can see my angel. Her eyes are covered by a black cloth, she can't see me, but I can very
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Unrequited love
I am here with a red rose, ready to kiss and claim my sleeping beauty...but mine is a bit stubborn...loves her sleep a bit too much....... ME Emotions confuse people, manipulate them, to feel things that never existed, and sometimes not at all feel what was always there. It's an illusion, right in front of your eyes with the knowledge of what it is and still, you get blinded. My emotions for Ava were always like this, when I was running behind her, knowing she would never be mine, my heart convinced me I have moved on but the moment I would take one step forward the tug in my chest me pulls 10 timed stronger, being with her was too much hence I convinced myself that I over her. Over. A simple word, but as difficult to do when it comes to love. AvaShe was always there in some soft corner, hidden inside hard exteriors. I recall how I scolded my heart and tried to reason that she is not the girl who did us, and she never will be. And it's not because we never loved her enough. Bu
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Not good enough
Only a broken knows how deep those pieces cut.....ME:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Life is a beautiful tale to some people and for some, it's only a tragic tale with a sad ending. And stories of love have both, you have no idea, whether your love story will be a tragic one or a happy ending. The funny thing is everyone cares about the person around whom the whole story revolves, but no one cares about the love life of people who play a major role in their stories, no one cares about their broken hearts. "Ideal. No, Iris, I am not ideal. You are ideal. Ideal daughter, sister, lover, human, and student. Iris ideal Brooke. Even your flaws were perfect. And my perfection, full of flaws. No matter what I did, I wasn't good enough ever, for dad, Alex, and everyone. It's you they all loved and I, I was supposed to cry on myself and understand, what happened and why did it happen. It was me whose engagement broke, but people were by your side supporting you, it
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