All Chapters of TRANCE: FORBIDDEN LOVE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
"Where are you going, Daddy?" Finally, my baby asked the same question, which I have been trying to get the answers for, for the last 20 mins. Hence just like my son, I look at my husband with glee waiting for him to feed our excited curiosities. "Somewhere. You will love it. " Not again!! I muttered in my head, this is the very same line, I am getting, each time I asked him the questions. And I don't know, what at this moment is irritating me more, the fact that my husband is keeping this somewhere place a secret, or the fact that my son, is getting too close to his dad. I mean, if it was me, whom he would have asked this question and got the somewhere answer, he would have eaten my brains out, asking again and again, where is somewhere.But now that's his dad, he is satisfied. Annoyed by both of them, I huffed and looked out of the window. Xan and Xander have bonded pretty well, and things for once being normal around us, free of any dramas, made the binding easier. Alwa
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Back to normal
Iris's POV "Hey, mom..." I stop mid-sentence seeing Ava sleeping peacefully with her head on mum's lap. I smile, feeling warmth spread through my veins to chest, seeing the view of my mom running fingers through Ava's hair, while she sleeps peacefully has something serene spreading in the air. If I rewind everything about today's day, it was so relaxed and calm that it made me feel as if this was something, I so desperately needed, was just not aware of. After Xander dropped me, I came to know that mom wanted to spend some quality time with both her daughters. And the quality time we spent. Something we never did in past. We cooked, danced, cracked jokes, did the makeup of each other and whatnot. I know all of this is pretty cliche and filmy, but we enjoyed. We wanted to start somewhere and we did. We acted as if nothing out of ordinary happened in our lives. And touchwood, I want our lives to be just like this. I love my mom, but the way she handled aunt May and Ava si
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Mid night sugar
IRIS'S POV Aai stare the empty side of the bed, and miss my husband,. I want to crawl. Dow from the same window and run to him. I am so used to sleeping in his arms, that I am missing him more than I have thought. Argh!!! Groaning I dig my face in the pillow and throw my legs in the air, smiling I recall the effort he pulled for me today. He is the best. It still feels like dream, all the differing of four years, makes me pinch myself all the time, still there are times when nightmares wake me up and scared I look beside me and it's only when I see Xandee and Xan by my side, that I feel peaceful. Feeling little perched I got up from the bed, I wore my slippers and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. I frowned and walked in to find mom sitting on the island, her eyes fixed on her phone, she is looking lost, she didn't even notice me walking into the kitchen. There is a sullen look on her face. " I am getting myself chocolate ice cream and I can share. " starle
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Good and Bad
Ava walks properly. You better come first. Your grades are not good enough. She is not your sister. She is not your mother. You won't share anything with her. That's too many calories, Ava. You are not eating that. You look like a beggar. What the hell are you wearing? He is rich. That's all the reason you need to marry him. Doesn't matter. She is not your blood. And if you want to be happy. We will have to kill her. She is not your mother. You can never be good enough!!! Never Never Never!!!!!! No!!! I woke up and was startled sitting on my bed. I wipe my face as if it is dam because of the sweat. Ky's heart thumping at a rate, in a natural and scared that it will stop any second. My fingers twitched and I fist my hands. I look around my room, to see darkness spread, it takes a few minutes for me to calm down and my eyes fall on the clock on my bedside table to see it is 33 am I sigh. Rub my face and keep it there. Another sleepless night. Same ni
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Let's be friends.
Jacob stood at the entrance of the kitchen blinking. And it's not because Ava is sitting in front of him. Nope. He is at her mother's house, and her being here is natural. What he is blinking at and is finding hard to believe is Ava, sitting with a lot of calories and stuffing them, like she has no car for the world. And before he can process his thoughts and think about what he is found to do. He did something that he didn't think he will do. Blinking, he took quick steps toward a very confused Ava, who is studying his movements with confusion, and before she can figure it out she got more confused when Jacob placed his hands on her forehead." What are you doing?" Ava scowled swatting his hands from her forehead. " Checking, if you are down with fear," he replies still studying her face. His eyes swapped from the ice cream to her face. Finally, understanding dawned upon Ava's face and she rolls her eyes. " I am perfectly fine. Thank you very much. " giving him
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" Jacob please tell me I want to know, what is it that hurt you? " Ava pleaded looking at me, and I was still deciding if it is what I held her accountable for. Was I not hurt by the fact that she didn't return my feelings? Ni, I was hurt. But the rejection was less heartbreaking. Somewhere I was prepared for. I think all boys and girls who love someone, then decided to propose to them, are ready for their rejection. They don't want it but at the same time at the back of their head, they know the odds of their feeling being rejected and they prepare themselves for that. I know though, that the preparation is not of much help, no matter even if you know what the person's answer is going to be, still you will be hurt at the same level. Because love is something that makes you feel the best and at the same time leaves you at your worst. I look at Ava, her eyes pleading, the few tendrils that have fallen from her face, when she while ago and tired them in a messy bun
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Since I was five years old, I find it difficult to huge my emotions. Whatever I am thinking, if you are a good observer, you will read me like an open book. I am that transparent. And hiding my emotions become more difficult if I am too excited. I don't know how to contain my excitement. I have always been a little too chirpy when I am this way. When I know something that fills me with hope and excitement. " Stop looking at me as if I am your favorite candy. " Ava groaned as she takes another bite of her banana pancake. Mom immediately looks at me and raises a brow, and like the over-excited I am, I give her a big smile. " Why are you so happy today?" mom asks wiping her mouth with the napkin as she is finished with her breakfast, her eyes on me looking with both confusion and curiosity. I look at mom and open my mouth to answer, but before I can do so, our house help enters the dining area, and she pours juice into mom's glass. Once she leaves mom once again l
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My little bump
I look at myself in the mirror and look. The black off-shoulder tube dress that Ava brought for me is hugging me tightly as it's my second skin, it is way too short for my liking. But according to Ava, it's a Hens party, so even if I go naked that doesn't matter. I wanted to interrupt her and tell her that she is very bad at assuring people, but hold my tongue. At least she is trying. From beneath the layers of perfect Ava, my sister is peeking out and I am not gonna do anything that is gonna solidify those layers, I want the layers to crack until they peel off and my sister shines brightly from inside it. I smile, as I recall how she was caring towards me and my mom last these days, she made sure that eat everything that is a necessity for a pregnant woman and at the same time taking care of my little cravings. She showered me with whatever I wished for. And mom, I think more than me mom is enjoying her company, they are finally covering up for the lost time, their
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Strip Club
No sooner did we enter the club, than I knew we were not supposed to be there. And maybe not we. Only I know that I am not supposed to be here. Because except for me, everyone around gas their eyes shining as they drink the scene in front of us. " Ava you are a fucking genius." Kimberly excitedly raises Ava as she signals for one more tequila. This party is for me, but the club is full of Ava's friends but I cannot blame her, I didn't give her many options, the only option I gave her was Blair. Who might I add has my nerves in a twist? Because I am not the only one with a lot of drama in their lives. Ava and Blair have their dramas to spice up mine. Ava is Nathan's ex-finance, and Blair is the mother of his son. I was expecting cold shoulders or at least them trying to ignore each other's presence but none of that happened, instead, they met casually. I was the one with my jaw dropped when they air-kissed each other's cheek and looked proud declaring that they or
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Everything Hot
They threw the party. They called the strippers. Because of them, our location was leaked. And who's getting the heat of the moment? Me!!!!!!!! Angrily I look at Ava and Blair, who look at me with sheepish smiles with their hands raised. As if they are the most innocent being existing on this planet. I don't want to sound rude or anything, but at this very moment, I want my hands and their throat to have a conversation. Not only this I want to jab my fingers into their chest and ask only two questions. How? Who? I never wanted to be here. I was not enjoying the strippers. Hmmm... Ok, a little bit maybe. But that's not the point. The point is who told Xander our location? Whereas I am sending daggers to my sister and best friend, I don't have enough strength to turn and face my angry husband. And more than that I am feeling sorry for the stripper in front of me, who is looking behind me frozen as if he just saw a ghost. Little does he know that my husband is
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