All Chapters of TRANCE: FORBIDDEN LOVE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
125 Chapters
A second chance at love
" Stop laughing. " " I can't. " I reply looking towards Xander as I hold my stomach tightly because it's aching from laughing so hard, that I want to stop really want to stop but I again start laughing. " what is surprising is that you are not laughing. " " If you are telling me that I am not amused then you are wrong, I am amused but not as much as you. " I believe him because his lip twitching is enough to tell that he found it funny but being the Xander that he, I know is not going to let loose. He does but rarely and mostly when he is in only my presence. I don't know why men like him, are not comfortable expressing themselves. Their reactions are so measured as if they overexpressed then something blizzard will happen. As much as I love the fact there are things that he has reserved for me only and feel very special about, I want Xander to open up. I want him to express himself apart from his intensity. Do men like him think that if they expressed themselves, then
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Us Always
Xander has been constantly asking me about the wedding dress and I have come up with more than 100 reasons why I can't show it to him. But is he giving up!? No!!! The man is as persistent as an ant. If his head is stuck somewhere then it's hard to change his mind. " Why altar, why not now? You showed me everything that you bought or planned for the wedding but why not you dress," he asked seriously, the way his eyes narrowed at me and his eyes pointed, it was clear he is Come up with something Iris, or he won't leave it until he sees it. I take my brain with anything possible that can come from it. But every time I am coming to die as I have no idea what to..... Bingo!!! "mmm, it's because mom said it brings bad luck if the groom sees the dress before the wedding. Yeah, that's why. " he raises a brow, and there is a twitch to his lip as he gives me the look that says, ' You want me to believe that? '~" You can ask mom." I say immediately so that he believes th
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Little Devil
Iris's POV. We b9th laid on the mat, and for a while kept quiet. The night is perfect, not too warm nor too cold, it's perfect and comfortable. Though I am not very comfortable in the dress I am wearing still I am managing. Because of this, everything that Xander has planned is so special. I want to bask at this moment. And there is so much I want to talk about, but then I fear that even a pin dropping will disrupt this comforting silence. It's not new for me to find comfort in our silence. Xander and I always have talked more with eyes rather than words. And I like that because it feels like this is one of our special things. Something that we enjoy without letting anyone else not what we exactly are feeling. " I never pegged you on for romantic dates. " I finally break the silence, as I rest my head more comfortably on his stretches, while his fingers run through my brown locks. " I never think myself too."" Really?" I asked not very sure. The things he has d
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Blair's POV Why am I doing it? " Yo... You... can. Not.... dan....." he slurred and I roll my eyes again, this is the same thing he has been telling me since we took the taxi and now he has started to irritate me. Somehow with a great struggle, I was able to open the door to his room, and I all but let his body fall on the bed. Because carrying him from the elevator t9 here was a big struggle and my hands and shoulders are aching like anything. With parted lips, a creased brow, and a pout he lays on the bed on his stomach, his legs spread apart and hands resting beside his head. I shook my head, then scooted down, opening his shoes one by one. Then struggling again, I turned him over. My hands reach to open his jeans... But they share a little. Should I? I look between Nathan and my hands hovering above his jeans button. I am contemplating, but at the same time I know that he hates sleeping with jeans on, he feels itchy and gets irritated. With my di gets twitchin
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We need to talk. We have a lot to talk about. There is something I want to tell you. Sentences like this always leave a bad taste in my mouth and I don't know why. They just do. I don't want anyone telling me these things. Because wherever someone tells me something like this always get this feeling as of something bad is about to happen or the person is about to say something that's for sure is not going to be any good news. Hence when I look at Nathan after he said the words, I can feel my heart racing, my hands joined, resting on the table, swallowing I look at his relaxed face and try to read the expression on it. But his face shows nothing, he is related and to a surprise, he still sporting the smile that he had been when he was making breakfast for us. " What do you want to talk about?" nervously I ask him. Though a part of me wanted to skip this question if anything I have learned being a mother and a woman on her own is that you cannot always run from things
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Iris's POV ----------------When I was a kid, I always dreamt of a big wedding. Beautiful decors, the best wedding dress, people I love around me with big smiles. I wanted music dance and so much more. I would feel my heart flutter and my eyes tear for no reason when I used to imagine my wedding. But then I started growing up, dreams changed, and now I wanted to make a name for myself I wanted to be someone in my own eyes. Everything was pretty planned. But somewhere in some books, I read, in everyone's life there comes a storm, that not only changes their life but their dreams. The storm is good for someone and for someone it's bad. And that storm in my life was Alexander Russo. My soon-to-be husband. And indeed he was a good storm, who changed my life for good. Our stories had ups and downs but in the end, I knew he will be there with me by my side on this roller coaster of a ride. " You look beautiful dear. " indeed I look. As I look at my mom in the m
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My emotions
I shook the scene out of my mind. I don't want to walk down the aisle wet. Not until our reception is over. After the first time, I wanted a small wedding, with friends and family only. And there was no debate on it because Xander and I were on the same page and so were put families. Hence there were not many people, only those who mattered. If you start noting down lessons of life, you will realize one of them is, that your circle of friends needs not to be big, it can be small, but all that matters is people who form the circle, should be loyal and real to you. That's all friendship defines and I am glad about everything bad happening, I have made a pact with the best people in my life. Jacob was a surprise, but he is like most protective yet the most understanding brother that I could have wished wish for. From worst to best, he was by my side or behind, always having my back. No matter what situation I am in, one thing I knew was, he is just a call away
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Old dreams
Dear Angel I was someone who never believed in love let alone love at first sight. And then you came and changed everything. You became everything to me. Your thoughts confirmed everything that I had, my heart mind, and soul. You don't even know when you had me already wrapped around your fingers. You were in my bed, sleeping with a divine smile on your face, I am sure you were dreaming something good, your hair was sprawled on my pillow and you had your hands resting on my stomach. You had me captured, and you didn't even know, and when the Trance cracked, the first words that left my lips were, " Angel" That day when I first met you was a special bit there is another day that surpasses it and it always will. It is the day when you were drunk, sat on my lap, and named me Mr. Handsome. That was the first time you showed me a piece of your self and that day it was set that you are mine only mine. As much as I am you're. Always will be. I will take what I can give
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Walking down the aisle
Iris's PoV Dad and I were still talking when we heard a knock at the door, we both simultaneously turned towards it to see mom at the door, she is looking beautiful as ever in her lavender dress. As she is also my bridesmaid. Dad and she exchanged an understanding nid and smiled at each other. I missed this smile a lot. It's not the same as they use to give each other every morning but it is something. This tells me, that they did talk and things are working out. "Don't run the horses in your head baby. " mom gives me a knowing. Of course, she always knows what I am thinking. "We are trying," she whispered coming to stand in front of me and besides me. From the moment she entered the room dad has his eyes fixed on her, not for once did he tell his eyes off her. And why won't he, mom is looking beautiful, let me tell you unlike me mom is a health freak, she enjoys her junk food but never forget to exercise, and she loves doing yoga. It's her regular, because of
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Husband and Wife
Alexander's POV I never thought hearing two words would fill me with so much bliss. But I am feeling it. It's as if someone has given me happiness in the whole world. For the first time unlike me, I want to jump and scream to the whole world that I am the happiest man alive in the world. I have the woman, who I loved like I never knew I was capable of loving. Today I have made Iris Brooke mine in all ways. She is my wife. " I do." the beautiful words that left her lips are echoing in my head like beautiful music. And I want to hear them on a loop. The words of the pasture are fading and I am hearing nothing my eyes are fixed only on my beautiful wife, who has the most enchanting biggest smile plastered on her face. But all of a sudden her smile turns into a frown, and she looks from the paster to me, as of waiting for something, I don't understand her sudden reaction and look at everyone, and their eyes fixed on me with the same confusion. " Dude you are freaking ou
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