All Chapters of The Dragon King's Chosen Bride: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
378 Chapters
Chapter 265 - Every Day Should Be like This
By the time they pulled apart, they were both breathless. Eli's eyes widened when he remembered the painting that still wasn't dry yet. He had some on his hands--gloves. He would need to wash the black-smearing liquid off his gloves and give her henna tattoo a little retouch. It was a good thing it hadn't been really affected.He wanted to pull away but he couldn't, his Donna's legs had him caged to her, the heels of her feet digging slightly against his butt, as she threw her head back with an almost silent moan, resting heavily on her hands that were pressed flat against the surface of the table for support. It was a sight. One that Eli liked. He craved to see her naked under the candlelight, delirious from his effect on her. A moan resonated through his chest, the warmth his Donna had trapped around him was starting to feel like intoxication.His hand cupped the back of her neck and he moved her to face him. She was panting from robbing against him, her eyes clouded with lus
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Chapter 266 - Pulling The Moon
Trigger warning - I can't even say it is gore, but it gets... oh well._________The dungeon gates were thrown open and the unfortunate prisoners, chosen.Amongst them was a baby fresh out of his mother's womb, still bathed in blood, his newborn cries filling the dead night and the stinky dungeon.Weak, and forced down with after-birth pains, his mother begged for the King's witch to take her instead. Her blind silver eyes sent chills down the new mother's spine, the red slightly glowing light on her forehead, terrifying. The witch towered over her and if it wasn't that she valued her baby's life more than her own, she would have surrendered to defeat, scurrying away, despite the pain she was feeling. Her long fingers trailed down the side of her face, her long red polished nails digging lightly against her dirty, sweaty, and tear-stained skin, as she gave her a blinding smile. "Save him if you can." The mother's eyes flickered to her baby in the witch's grip.She had not even ha
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Chapter 267 - Redder Goes The Moon
To tamper with nature was to tamper with balance, and for everything there were consequences. Ever since Kestra's ritual had started, the whole of Ignas had been thrown into total darkness.A never-ending night. It was as if the sun had told them all a final goodbye. It wasn't just that the moon stayed constant in the night sky, but it was slowly turning crimson. The people were petrified.It was something that they had never seen before. Even the people of the Capital who had their minds altered not to worry about things that were out of order, started to... worry.The effect of the Alterer on them was glitching, for many reasons. The Village Heads wrote to their King about what was going on, and blamed it on the presence of the witches. They pleaded for their King to make an order for all the witches to be killed, blaming their presence for the abrupt imbalance.The distance from the villages to the Capital didn't allow for quick and easy communication, still, the King tried h
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Chapter 268 - More Comes The Consequences
The sound of someone trying to force her door open made her stand straight, her hands curled around the handle of her frying pan, her gaze set on the door despite the dimming light of the candle. Everyone knew about the red moon and what had been happening after that. The madness that spread through the people, and how sometimes, their homes weren't even safe. Aniya took in shaky breaths, she really hoped whosoever that was would just go away. All she wanted to do was listen to her physician as she always did, and get better so that Lytio would finally let her see her son again.It had been months since her baby had been taken away from her. How long? She couldn't tell. Her time in confinement had messed up her calculation of time, but she had been out for a while now and she had been becoming better. The door shook violently in its hinges and her back pressed against the rough wall. There was really nowhere to run, this room was small and had everything in one. The bedroom, the
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Chapter 269 - Moments Before It All Goes Boom
Belladonna had a dream. She dreamt about the Lady in the white flowing gown and long silver hair, she had heard her echoey voice. It sounded like she was singing, although she wasn't certain about that. The entirety of the woman's presence, however, filled her with dread, just as it had done before when she held that gem. She dreamt about Thanatou's soldiers too, they were still struggling against the wall that kept them in their realm. The invisible wall was developing cracks though, and that was making her start to worry. Before, she had convinced herself that the things she saw were from the past. But now, she was concerned that the things carved on her head were making her see into another realm, and the time might just be the present. That woman might be from Thanatou's realm too. Maybe, she was the one helping them go against the wall. Belladonna also had a feeling the pulling of the moon might be helping, a nature imbalance being helpful to other things going against th
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Chapter 270 - A Visitor Of Death
Belladonna took in a deep breath as she toyed with the ring on her finger. Her gaze was fixed on the Blood Moon that stood rigid in the night sky. She could feel an odd sense of responsibility on her shoulders, as she slipped the twig - the prepared weapon, into her long, white chiffon dress. The gown that was planned for the grand wedding was more elaborate than this. Far more, she couldn't wait to wear it. That would be taking place in a week though. Tonight, however, was for the wedding ritual.Tonight was to break curses and find out hidden secrets.Tonight was for killing.She turned away from the window and went to the mirror, her face had been moderately dolled up. Something about that reminded her of how her mother had dressed her for the Choosing Ritual. She was probably dead now. Good. Belladonna traced a finger across a line of the henna Eli had taken his time to tattoo on her head again. He was certainly already down there, waiting for her. She should get going too.
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Chapter 271 - One Dead, On To The Next
Eli turned swiftly to the door of the hall, someone had slipped in at that moment but that person wasn't the one he was waiting for. It was a redhead. Forget this! He was done waiting, he would go and get her now. If Kestra hadn't gone on and on about how seeing her before the ritual wasn't going to destroy things, he would have gone to get her way before now. He did send guards to her though, and Sebastian had said she was fine, but just a little nervous. He was starting to feel that something was wrong other than just nerves, but he had been having that feeling for a while that he couldn't really trust it now. Being paranoid had been his major trait ever since those nightmares started troubling him. He had even ensured the castle was well-guarded for tonight. It was as if he was prepared to fight against an invasion while also attacking an enemy.What enemy? He couldn't know. Before coming down here for the Wedding Ritual, he had checked the dragon to confirm that it was still
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Chapter 272 - The End?
Eli and Belladonna stood at opposite sides of the pillar-like altar between them. There were two golden goblets on it, filled with red liquid. Kestra was standing before them, chanting something for them to say after her. Eli kept his eyes trained on his Donna and as the moment passed by, he was starting to feel that something wasn't right. At all. Belladonna stared back at the mortal King in front of her, sensing his growing suspicion, knowing that before the chanting was over, he would question her.Everything that happened next was in a blur. In a second, Belladonna swiped out the twig to strike it against the ring. Kestra's ears perked with the sudden movement, a blast of magic erupting from her and throwing everyone a good distance away from her and her sacrifice.Eli's back hit the floor, deja vu and pain rushing through him, as he raced his way to the podium.Too late.A force repealed him. Red walls, that reached the ceiling, with red lines moving through them, blocked hi
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Volume 2 - Chapter 1 - Someone Different
Belladonna was sweating profusely, her eyes shut tight while she curled and uncurled on the bed. She wasn't sleeping, she wasn't awake either. Someone was cooing comforting words to her, but she could barely hear it. The images that raced through her mind made her struggle with sanity. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palm so she could hold onto physical pain, and focus on it rather than this mental turmoil. Her breathing was laboured, she could see the woman again in her mind, her silver hair and her overflowing white dress. The voices in her head became too loud, voices screaming for her to grant them freedom she never intended to steal from them in the first place. A warm hand pressed gently over her head and relief washed over her. The voices slowly became quiet, and the hotness in her veins cooled down. The minute she woke up, she bolted from the bed and staggered to the mirror. Her hands went over her neck, tracing a line where there should be a bleeding g
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Chapter 2 - There Is More
Belladonna had thought he had referred to the people as his because he had taken the throne during those three days she had been out. But to think that he was the King before, and Eli had been the one to take the throne from him was something she didn't expect.Eli was one to follow protocol and if he had gone against it, then there must have been a reason. A good one at that. She couldn't believe the story Alaris had told the people, he did say there were some added tweaks to it. Frustrated, Belladonna ran her hand over her head. The surface of her scalp was no longer as smooth as it used to be, the sharp end of the hair pinching her palm.There was no way she would believe anything Alaris was saying without talking to Eli first, it was obvious he had an ulterior motive for saving her. Alaris was very smart, she had to be smarter. "I want to see Eli." She folded her arms across her, determined eyes meeting his. It still felt strange to be able to see him, not just that, it felt st
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