All Chapters of The Dragon King's Chosen Bride: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
378 Chapters
Chapter 3 - Kill Me With The Truth
Eli looked better than she had seen him on the night of their Wedding Ritual. It was probably good for one's health not to be under the weight of so many spells. The black lines on his hands were gone and her eyes watered when she remembered how much he wanted to touch something and not cause its much he wanted to touch her.The heavy chains that attached his hands to the floor would make that impossible. "How are you? Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" He bombarded her with questions.Wasn't he even bothered about the fact that she had kept secrets from him? That she was part of the reason this was happening to him?She had expected to meet him a little defensive and angry, not totally just worried about her. "I am fine. You don't look too well." She said with a strained smile. "Tick-tock," Alaris said behind them. If she could have come here without him, she would have, but she realized that his presence somehow kept the voices away and stabilized this magic in her ve
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Chapter 4 - Murder Me With Honesty
The rituals had made Alaris' dragon grow faster than he did, and that had made him more violent than he should be, because he was too young to be able to control his beast, too young to control his beastly desires for blood and death. Instead, his beast controlled him. Made him wild. Then his parents got tired of how useless Eli was, and they were driven by the pollution of dark magic to get Alaris' power for themselves, and whatever it was that had been given to Eli. The night they planned to sacrifice both of them was the first time Alaris shifted into his dragon and he killed them both, sending the castle down into a pile of ash, while ripping out the hearts of Eli's parents as a gift to him. In shock and fear, Eli had pushed him off the cliff, and for years he bore the guilt of having killed him. Then he met Kestra. He lived low with Kestra. He didn't even know that the witch had been so obsessed with him, that she had cast on him a curse and made herself the cure. Eli risk
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Chapter 5 - One Deadly Request
Eli's eyes met hers and she could practically see the screws turning in his head, whether he should speak or not, and realizing it would be worse if he decided to stay quiet."You were broken and I thought it would be easy to mold you into what I needed."His words shattered her heart, like glass against a rocky surface. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, her gaze fixed on him. "And the first time you told me you loved me, did you?""I love you."That wasn't an answer."Did you love me the first time you told me that you did?"It was just so important for her to know. Had he been using that pity-seeking strategy on her in the beginning?"No, not at that moment."Another shatter. The broken pieces into smaller broken pieces. How broken could someone be? She would know. "I see.""I love you, Donna."The chains rattled, as Eli fought to move closer. They pulled him back, restraining him and he cursed beneath his breath. "I did not even know when it happened but I di
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Chapter 6 - With Powers, Comes Problems
The feeling of touching the gem was something familiar, it felt like she had been thrown across different realms and yanked right out of them, before she could even actually be there to see anything.The only thing she didn't feel this time was the pain. The one that made it feel like her head was about to crack open and rip apart along the lines of the Thanis tattoo on her scalp.It didn't feel like that at all, instead, it felt almost soothing. She saw Thanatou's soldiers marching into Me'k, the wall gone. She heard the voice of the woman whose face she had never been able to see, but whose presence brought her dread always, her voice echoing, sounding like a sad song. Then she was yanked out of it again, breathless. Alaris was standing away from her, his reptilian eyes were gone, now replaced with one blue and the other red."I knew it," excitement laced his voice and he smiled from ear to ear. Belladonna couldn't participate in his happiness, it was impossible to without know
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Chapter 7 - Aftermath Of the Pull
The news of what Alaris had told the people spread to different villages, as expected, and the trials for the witches had started. In Inaymi, many of the witches had been declared innocent and Head Lytio was already running out of the allocated funds for their compensation for their time unjustly spent in the dungeon. So he wrote to the Capital for the stand-in King to intervene. The witches seemed to be happy though, they called the King's Right-hand woman the soul witch and they celebrated her death. The sun took its place in the sky and the moon, glowing white, when it was its time. Everything had returned to normal, except for what happened in the dungeon some days ago. It was strange. The guards said they heard the voice of someone singing, a woman, but when they got there, it was eerily silent. Blood was everywhere and the witch in the dungeon looked like she had exploded.So, it was concluded that the witch was the one singing, she had probably tried to summon something
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Chapter 8 - These Skelental Arms
Collin emerged from the darkness behind her, a sword smeared with blood in his hand and grief buried in his eyes. Unexplainable rage. "I buried them yesterday. Their cold bodies beneath the cold, wet sand," his lips trembled and his teeth clattered. "They were supposed to be breathing. They were supposed to be alive when the Blood Moon came, but no..."He looked like a shadow of himself, and lifted the sword like it was too heavy for the strength he commanded. His breathing was loud, and fatigue laced every movement he made. His eyes were deep in their sockets, and his uniform looked like it had been hazardously put on, the blue color fading and stained with blood that was probably his and someone else's.It had been a very long time since she had seen that on him. Also, who had he attacked before getting in here?" killed her." He said in an empty voice, tears streaming down his face. "She was supposed to bring my family back and you killed her."Belladonna pulled her towel
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Chapter 9 - An Uninvited Guest
The guard was jittery when turning the key in her cuff, and that was when Belladonna knew something was wrong. The hood was overflowing and the guard looked...different.Wait, this wasn't a guard. This was one of the women who had dressed her up as a sacrifice the last time she had been here.If she remembered this correctly, this was Thanatou's sister, or maybe one of them. Belladonna remembered her saying that she pitied her, and getting chastised for it by her mother.What was she doing here?"Sorry," her meek voice had provided as she knelt before Belladonna, her wide and innocent gaze meeting Belladonna's suspicious one. The Thanis' gaze moved to her head then, and guilt crept into her eyes. "Sorry. You smell like betrayal again."That confirmed it. She was the one. The Thanis looked like she was probably 16 but she wasn't really sure how they aged here. Also, her floating hair made the hood look weird.The Thanis shook her head, mumbling something to herself and shooting Bel
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Chapter 10 - These Lonely Regrets
Alaris was strong, but who could beat Thanatou in his own realm?The fight had been going on for about thirty seconds and there was already so much catastrophe, that the guards had broken their intense restraint on Eli and Belladonna, so they could protect themselves against the blast of flames that shot at every direction. Belladonna was behind the throne of bones, she couldn't even figure out how she had gotten there! The ache in her legs reminded her though. She had ran. Her hand was tight around her towel. Somehow, amidst the chaos, had stolen a fallen Thanis warrior's ragged mantle, and put it on. Seeing a Thanis warrior without his black cloak made her understand why they barely left anything in view, to begin with.What a torture for her eyes.The blue pair would never recover. Belladonna slipped back into her hiding spot, her heart racing. When her gaze met Eli's from across the hall - a good distance from her and taking shield behind a pillar, she grinned, the nerves of h
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Chapter 11 - Alaris Is Annoying
"You should have put guards at my door."The words slipped through her lips before she could even think twice about it. They had gotten to the castle and she was in her chambers, the one she used to share with Eli. She really needed to get out of here, every corner was filled with too many memories. Alaris was moving around, still in his blood-stained shirt, trying to ensure that the room was secure. Belladonna had been to the bathroom about thirty minutes ago and Collin's body was no longer there."I did. If you had stepped out of your room, you would have noticed."Belladonna bit her tongue and nodded. "Thank you but you really shouldn't have come. It destroyed your portal."Yet another sentence she had said without thinking. Alaris smirked, pulling out a box of healing bottles, and throwing it open on the dressing table. He should be able to heal fast but Thanatou's sword must be different from any other blade. He hissed when the spirit jammed into his cuts, and this only remin
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Chapter 12 - Hello, Granny.
Nadia's grandmother had not expected any guests that sunny afternoon, but here the dreaded ones were, at her door. She made a couple of slightly jerky movements which could be passed off as signs of old age - for anyone who didn't know better- as she led her visitors into the hovel. Alaris' peculiar presence made her weary, along with his reptilian eyes that seemed to calculate every movement she made, although she hid her fear greatly. "It is so nice to have you in my humble abode." She threw a smile at them. "Nadia is getting better. You are the Bride? Yes." Her gaze finally settled on Belladonna, her slightly hunched back from old age forcing her to crane her head upwards so she could see her. "And you are the King's brother. My utmost gratitude for all you have done for Ignas. How is the King? I hope the confinement is helping him.""Can I see her, Gr---?" Seb chipped in eagerly, before she quickly responded. "No.""Why?" His shoulders slumped. "Is she angry at me?"He had onl
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