All Chapters of The Dragon King's Chosen Bride: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
378 Chapters
Chapter 13 - The Hunt
The visit to Granny had been very unfulfilling.After many attempts, there was no success at finding anything to get rid of the powers or even, at least, contain them so she wouldn't need Alaris or his gem all the time. With disappointment and a silent threat to eliminate Nadia if Granny ever stepped out of line, they left. Belladonna had to meet the witches Seb had brought for her and when she had gone through all 13 of them, she was certain these powers were here to doom her forever.______The brush stroked the canvas, giving him no ease or escape from the guilt that tortured his mind, the images of the coffins, the numbers engraved on them, and what they signified. All those families, he had stolen someone from. All those families he had thrown into lose.His wrist moved mindlessly, his eyes aching with how much tears he had wept. He wished he could just turn back the hand of time, he wished he could have been wiser to see right through Kestra's plan. By Ignas, he hated hims
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Chapter 14 - Raining Conflicts
Belladonna sprung awake, sweat running down her forehead, an unpleasant feeling spreading through her veins, tightening her stomach.Eli. Something bad had happened to him. It wasn't something she had seen or something she had heard, it was something she could just feel in the depths of her stomach. It was a knot that twisted unpleasantly there and made her hands tremble as she flung her quilt aside and pulled her robe around her. She quickly headed out of the room, forgetting to bring the gem with her.Panic coursed through her veins and she jumped in her skin when she came across a man in the darkness of the hallway. Raindrops hung to the strands of his silver, his black leather glistering with it. The storm outside raged on. Thunder clapped and lightning flashed, then she saw his face, dripping with raindrops, his wet hair tucked behind his ears, a few strands falling over his forehead.Relief eased the stiffness in her shoulders."Alaris, I think something---" she started to s
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Chapter 15 - Something In The Forest
Ever since Anok had been brought into Granny's hovel, Nadia had been getting better. Tremendously, in fact. It had been five days and Nadia was already out of her bed, moving around the hovel and stealing glances at Anok at any given opportunity.Just like she was doing right now. Nadia had lost count of the water droplets that rolled down Anok's bronze skin, as he swam slowly around in the river. Instead, she had gotten lost in the way his muscles moved under the ray of the sun, and allowed herself to fantasize about how he would feel against her.Warm.Wet. It would be perfect. These days, all she could think about was him. It was as if she had gotten better just because they were made to be together, she hadn't died because she was meant to be his, and her death would have left his life so devastatingly imperfect. The rippling of the water floated to her ears, and she imagined what might happen if she would just become bold enough to take off her heavy gown and join him in th
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Chapter 16 - A (Rare) Gift
Meeting with the witches that Seb had brought to the Capital had been unproductive for Belladonna. None of them could help her get rid of the magic. She had dabbled into the idea of them teaching her how to control it, but they couldn't do that either. Her powers were strange to them, and restless within her. The spirits of the ghost brides that came with this "curse", didn't make it easy at all. She could still hear their voices becoming louder and louder if there was too much distance between her and Alaris's gem or him. This curse kept her movement limited to the castle, and all her plans of visiting those villages with those stupid customs had to be delayed. She had submitted some scrolls regarding the matter to Alaris though, and although they weren't talking, she hoped he would look through them and do what was necessary to be done. While she was stuck in the castle, she had received a letter from Lytio telling her about her Father's death and Aniya's condition. He said she
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Chapter 17 - (Not) Silly Arguments
"Did you cut this out of the gem?""It was nothing." He shrugged. He was lying.That must have been really painful, there were certainly consequences for that. It wasn't every day he was ripping out his soul and making bracelets for people out of it. "What do you want?" she whispered.The room fell into silence. "Is this about the Life Gem? You want me to find it for you, right? Stop confusing me.""Well," he stood up slowly. "I didn't want to bother you with this before, but the witches couldn't extract the link you share with the Bearer of the gem, for me to own."A chill ran down Belladonna's spine. No wonder he had been very interested in helping her find those witches.There was a time she had almost tricked herself into thinking he did that because he considered them as friends.How ridiculous."You told them about the gems?""I told them to extract every unnatural link you had."Belladonna frowned, taking a step forward. "So you were going to own Kestra's powers too, if it
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Chapter 18 - Tactics Of A Ghost
That woman who had been crying for help in the forest was the King's Right-hand woman. Didn't they say she was dead? That her body was set ablaze with the dragon's flames?She had seen a ghost!"Are you alright, Nadia?" Her Granny had asked and she had lied. "Yes, Granny. I just got a little distracted in the woods. I'm sorry for coming back so late, it won't happen again."How was she supposed to tell her Granny that she had gone past the boundary, and straight into that part of the forest she had warned her never to go to? Not just that, she had also seen exactly what she had told her she would see if she crossed the boundary. A troubled spirit. The words the ghost had said still haunted her. It was almost as if she could still feel those cold fingertips, the dread, and the chill that ran down her spine at the unwanted touch. She had sprinted away from her, and the ghost had followed, claiming that she was her daughter. Nadia had barely been able to escape. Even now, she could
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Chapter 19 - Easy Truth
"Troubled spirits are very desperate and they will cook up any lie to get you to be on their side." Granny had said those years ago when she had told her to stay away from the boundary. "If you are not strong enough. You won't be able to resist them. It is safer to never cross paths with a Troubled Spirit, than to hope to escape their tactics. Do you hear me, sweet child?"Nadia sighed, looking into the mirror, and observing the dark circles around her eyes. This was the second time she was having the nightmare, the second night after her encounter with the ghost. Ever since then, she had no peace. The words of the ghost were haunting her. Even as she stood in the bathroom, wide awake and in front of a mirror. These words just kept finding her. Her fingers parted her red hair and she stared at the silver root through the mirror.*"My daughter has the most beautiful silver hair. You do too, you are her, I saw it."*As much as Nadia wanted to ignore those words though, she couldn't
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Chapter 20 - Would Things Have Been Different?
Granny continued her narration.A witch had been in labour and she had brought her to her cottage to help her birth her child, but her touch had killed the baby seconds after she had been born. So, the witch had left. That child was Nadia. After the witch had gone though, the child woke up, but instead of seeking out the witch, Granny had been consumed with love for the baby, she couldn't let her go. So, she took the child as her own. "You kept me from my mother." Nadia was angry now, and she didn't try to hide it from her voice.This woman wasn't the Granny she knew. This woman in front of her was a stranger."I kept you from a life of pain and suffering." She said, her eyes filled with desperation. "I gave you everything.""Except what I really wanted."She knew she had always wanted to meet her real parents, it wasn't a secret she hid from her."I did what I thought was best for you."The room suddenly felt so small. So suffocating."Why would you think keeping a child from her
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Chapter 21 - You Have Us
Kenji had been outside the door when Nadia ran past him. He tried to stop her but she had held her hand up, signifying that she didn't want to be interfered with.It was unlike Nadia to be like that. She was usually shy and happy. Maybe she had finally realized that his brother didn't have eyes for her. Ah, those midnight thoughts could be ready disturbing and eye-opening at times. She would heal. He was worried though, that something might happen to her in the forest she had ran into, although she had a lantern with her. But no one knew this place more than Nadia, aside from Granny. She would be able to take care of herself. If she stayed too long though, he would go after her and check if she was alright.The door creaked open and Taria stepped out. Kenji laughed, looking at Taria's disheveled state. It looked like she had pulled at her hair in her sleep, her eyes were red with the lack of it though. "Are you going to run too?""What?" Her voice sounded hoarse, more like she
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Chapter 22 - Let Me Seduce You, Stubborn!
The three witches began their chanting and Belladonna tried to imagine a link from her to another. It was hard to do so though. Since she had to take off Alaris' bracelet to perform this ritual, the voices in her head wouldn't let her be. Also, although Alaris was in the room with her, that didn't seem to ease anything. Right now, with the constant distraction, all she could see with her eyes closed was darkness - not links. Whatever that was supposed to look like. The ghost brides mumbled in her ears, moving from one ear to the other. Alaris's grip around her hands remained warm, she was too aware of it. "See the connection..." The words of one of the witches filtered into her ears. "Feel it.""Let us relieve you of it."The chanting of their incoherent words then continued.They started clanking metals against one another and a force went through her, like she had been yanked from her body and dropped into the sea. She could see the Bearer again, a blurry image as usual. Sh
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