All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
393 Chapters
Chapter 251
THE SIGHT BEFORE HIM CAUSED Rumal to forget the mangled arm hanging at his side for a moment. The shape looked like Kassie but the figure with its back to him glowed a brilliant deep orange gold. The air around the Elemental felt thick and responsive, wrapping around and swirling out. Rumal's syren energy allowed a hint of the ecstatic murmurs of the winds to reach his ears while they swept around Kassie, whispering greetings, and evidently informing her of his presence. The figure jerked around and he watched in awe while the energy dissolved back into her, the golden eyes changing to Kassie's amber green shade.The marked look of horror on her face reminded him of the arm and she rushed forward then stopped short, both hands held back while she examined the damaged limb. Before he could speak she reached up, placing a hand on the shoulder and he felt the warm spread of her gift swell out.They watched the rich gold colour envelop the arm and the visible section of broken, protrudin
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Chapter 252
'WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO alive?'Leseach turned from watching the elgrids moving along the track near where they sat hidden, to regard Sabyn. He'd asked the question so quietly she wondered if he wanted an answer. The blond man sat on the ground with Loi's body in his arms, his eyes tracing her face. Tomiar lay behind him, her body pressed against his back and head near Loi's, beak touching Sabyn's thigh.Ignoring the question for the current time, Leseach returned to watching the track. They'd managed a very rough landing when the shockwave hit and now hid in the remains of the torched forest, close to the cave entrance. The shockwave laid waste to the valley, ruining it for decades to come, and most of the vegetation had burned, only the higher sections of forestlike where they now sathad survived.'They must have done it,' Leseach said in a low voice when she climbed back down beside Sabyn and Tomiar. 'All her soldiers are leaving, even the rider-less jehyns.'He didn't acknowledge
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Chapter 253
'OH FUCK! OH GOD, SITO!''Take it easy, Pix! The rocks will still be loose. How close is Kassie?'Daron caught her arm when she made to race to the dragon that lay crushed under a massive rock fall, just part of his tan muzzle and a forearm visible. With a choked sob at the sight of her beautiful boy lying there in agony, Sian shook her head, trying to focus and threw a thought out.Kass! Where are you?Close, we're just trying to spot you.Hurry! Sito's under a mass of rocks, it's awful!Hold on, nearly there.Daron moved cautiously toward the dragon, body tense while he watched the rocks at the top.Sian followed his footsteps and just when she reached him he jolted. 'What?''Nesha's under there too!''Where?''Under Sito, there's not much air. Dammit where are they?' Daron twisted, looking high and Sian moved over to Sito's muzzle, placing a soothing hand on it.'Hold on, honey. We'll have you and Nesha out soon, I promise.''Hurts, friend.' The pitiful reply caused t
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Chapter 254
STANDING STILL, ALEK WATCHED PHROMA land before him and Gredel slid down.'Alek!' The strawberry blond man's face almost split with a beaming smile and he strode over, enveloping Alek in a bear hug. 'I thought we must have lost you this time! Damn good to see you, friend.'Alek hugged him back feeling an odd mix of emotions but at the very least, joy, for seeing his friend alive and well. When they separated Gredel spotted the body and made a gruff noise in the back of his throat before making the old motion of grief, head bowed and right hand curved, palm up to the sky, wishing the soul a prosperous new life when reborn. Alek showed the necklace while they walked to the group and the two talked about the trip to Benhyll, Phroma making the occasional interjection via Gredel. After ridding Phroma of her armour and fastening Cat well to the saddle, they all set into the air.Within an hour they landed again, discovering Sabyn and Tomiar making their way on foot down the side of the va
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Chapter 255
THE PATTERING OF RAIN ON Loushka's wing lightened and Cat whimpered. In the dark Alek rolled onto his side, leaning over her and brushed a hand gently across her forehead and hair. Any sound she made wrenched him out of sleep, no matter how deep, and exhaustion combined with worry kept trying to drag him back down. He could feel she still burned hot and he tried again, letting his gold energy smooth over her while gently stroking her hair.'Kitten, love, can you hear me?'She made no obvious response, just the restless smacking of lips and he reached for the damp rag, keeping his energy bright enough to see to wet her lips. She murmured at the touch of the cloth, her closed eyes twitching.He kept dreaming of when she found him in the dark; the joy and terror at seeing her there. The weeks of torture, of being Jenviet's plaything while she experimented with various ways to extract his energy, it all seemed worth it when Cat arrived. He could hear her voice broken with tears and that
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Chapter 256
SIAN STARED IN CONFUSION AT Cat, who glowed. The colour wasn't like Cat's normal red, but a dark shade with hints of red and it didn't trigger Sian's energy like it should. Cat's eyes snapped open and Sian leaned forward with Alek then felt her mouth go dry. Cat's eyes rolled back, only the whites showing, and a vicious smile spread over her lips. Alek reacted in an instant, grabbing Sian by the waist and heaving her back out of the way when a black energy pulse snapped out. She hit the ground hard and heard a strangely familiar cackle.Boots pounded past her head and Sian coughed, spitting out the dirt in her mouth. She sat up shaking her head and blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the rubbish in her eyes as she looked for Cat. Her eyes watered profusely but she made out Sabyn leaning over Alek, shaking him and calling his name. Kassie stood near Cat, shielding her.And the sounds!Awful sadistic laughter and shrieks bubbled out from Cat's mouth, her body jerking while more of t
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Chapter 257
THE CATERWAULING SHRIEK SCRAPING THE insides of her skull vanished and Kassie sat up, swaying at the sudden silence and looked at Alek embracing Cat. The dark-haired man's energy started to resonate in gold waves, his outline shimmering and before Kassie could blink a shockwave exploded out from the couple, flinging her over the rough ground. Her head connected with something solid and it all went black.Sometime later Kassie woke.Both her body and head rang with pain and she blinked, wincing at the sensation. Both eyelids felt like they'd been sandpapered on the inside. The action of blinking sounded shockingly loud against the thumping of her head and her stomach lurched. Twisting to the side she retched, throwing up the contents of her stomach, then tipped onto her back with a moan, closing both eyes again. Being sick didn't improve the pain in her head and she cried out quietly when the thumping increased, her skull feeling like it might separate.Reaching within, Kassie discov
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Chapter 258
THE SMELL OF SALT ON the air confused me and I blinked, eyes blurry and sleep clogged, while my mind refused to tell me what the hell was going on. The low wooden ceiling I stared at looked familiar but I couldn't quite place it, yet. Then the room swayed and I gasped, throwing my arms out for a hold on anything. Sheer panic hit when my brain registered it. I sat abruptly and cracked my head on the top of the berth bed. 'OW!'The panic subsided to some extent with the ringing of my head and I stumbled out of bed before freezing when the room tilted again.The same room.Everythingexactlythesame.Oh god, no, no please no, my gut clenched in horror when my scrambled brain seized on the idea that I'd dreamt it all. The door creaked open and I gasped a sob, eyes filling with tears while I stared miserably at Ignatius.'Love?'I gulped in shock and frantically blinked the tears away, barely daring to breathe. Alek's navy eyes watched me, a warm smile spreading on his gorgeous face.
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Chapter 259
AFTER HAVING HER SO OUT of it for the trip back to the ships, it felt fantastic to see Cat really awake. Alek held her hand high while helping her up the stairs but before she could step out onto the deck, jerked her back so her chest hit his.'Behave yourself,' he growled in mock anger and with a quick glance over her shoulder to check the others weren't within view, scooped her up so to kiss her firmly. She flushed, nearly sparking with annoyance and frustration when he set her down and smacked at him.'Damn you,' she grumbled and he grinned, squeezing her ass.'Payback.'The voices of the others caught her attention and her small hand found his. Alek lifted it to his lips, touched to see the glimmer of tears at the gesture.'No, kitten,' he said softly. 'No tears now. We've won. It's all done.'They walked out onto the deck, fingers entwined and rounded the corner to the open area of the main deck. Loushka, sprawled in the evening sun with Kerak, and Phroma, lifted her head an
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Chapter 260
LITTLE THINGS LIKE THAT MADE me uncomfortable as Alek casually arranged the meal. Mainly because I knew that's what we sailed back toa life with servants and massive responsibilities.And no Yakov, I thought, feeling a weird mix of grief and betrayal. He'd been such a fantastic advisor, so genuineor so it seemed. Yet he'd been personally responsible for my parents' deaths, directly aiding Jenviet. I wonder what Al will tell Elena? I almost shuddered. What an awkward thought and there appeared such a genuine attraction too, on Elena's side at least.I pushed the thoughts away when the smell of food reached us, my stomach rumbling in approval. The cooks brought out a range of dishes, all simple but it looked like far too much for our small group. Still, it surprised me, how much I managed to eat.'I'm looking forward to red meat,' I commented while working my way through another fish dish.Alek shrugged and winked at me. 'I'm just enjoying food.'It wasn't said with anything other t
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