All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
393 Chapters
Chapter 261, Prologue
Book Four: AwakeningIT STARTED WITH A SOUND. Asleep in bed, Elena thrashed as the sound grew, a mounting pressure against the inside of her skull. Her eyes snapped open, unseeing, as an image of a face angular, pale and feminine filled her mind. The image screamed for mercy, voice pitching higher and higher. Hands curled claw-like Elena's breath came short and fast at the pain. With a muffled 'pop' the sound and sensations evaporated. Elena woke gasping for breath and lurched upright. Her chest convulsed as she choked on the sudden intake of air. The thin nightgown she wore stuck to her clammy skin with sweat running beneath the long plait down her back. Tears squeezed out while she fought against coughing as her head rang in pain with each harsh hack. Finally, she caught her breath and leaned back against the headboard with a shuddering sigh of relief. Across the room, the mirror on her dresser began to glow.'Ellie!' Verani's voice sounded hoarse.'Wait,' Elena called out in a
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Chapter 262
THE COOL BREEZE THAT WHISPERED through the narrow windows caused his skin to prickle, the hairs on his arms stiffening. Alek breathed in the salty sea air, relishing the taste. Beside him, face tucked against him her breath warming his skin, Cat slept. Another breeze blew through the room and she flinched. Her lips moved briefly then she hunched closer against him, her hands half curled above and below her breasts.Without meaning to his energy expanded while he watched her, his eyes and mind involved in absorbing every inch of her face. The twitch of a well-defined red brow, the flutter of lashes against her pale skin, and those almost sharp cheekbones smattered with freckles. Her lips, soft and just parted, revealed a glimpse of teeth. Her nose wrinkled then she sniffed the tip of her nose wriggling when a strand of hair tickled past. The hair glinted ruby in the angled morning light from the windows. He brushed it back when she made a restless gesture against him.The gold energy
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Chapter 263
ACROSS THE DECK, TRYING TO take what heat she could from the sun Loi shaded her eyes and peered across at the sound of Kassie squealing. Rumal appeared to be teasing her friend who looked ridiculous in all the layers of clothing she wore. Seated beside her, Sabyn let out a tired sigh and opened his eyes, looking across too then back to Loi. 'How can she wear all that? She'll smother.'Loi smiled and reached out tucking her arm under his, folded across his stomach. 'She's Malay, even in full summer in New Zealand she'd be wearing more layers than us. I don't mind the cold at all, makes me think of Scotl--' The word died in her throat.'What?' Sabyn opened his eyes again a concerned frown rippling across his forehead, body stiffening beneath her hand. 'What's wrong?'She looked at him, a sense of shock and dismay running through her. 'I'm not Scottish- I've never been Scottish.' Just saying it, hearing her own voice, the burr to her tone the roll of the r's it sounded ridiculous to
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Chapter 264
THE ROOM RANG WITH SILENCE. Ada stared resolutely at the dress before her as she made various adjustments while ignoring the Countess Stranson's soon to be mother-in-law. The older woman made another 'humph' when Ada pinched at the back of the dress drawing the fabric in to fit tighter, watching as it smoothed out beautifully.'What?' snapped the Countess, colour flushing up the back of her neck.'You're looking too thin, Eyress,' the Grand Duke of Qua'tai's mother admonished.'It's perfectly normal prior to one's wedding,' the Countess retorted.Ada nodded unintentionally while she pinched at fabric on the other side then winced when the Dowager Grand Duchess' voice cracked out.'Do you agree then, Fabricer?'Ada sat back on her heels and tried to ignore the heat that flared up her checks. She attempted the flat gaze she'd practiced in the mirror and said in an indifferent tone, 'I beg pardon.'The older woman's forehead creased and her lips pursed. She met Ada's eye for a mome
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Chapter 265
'TWO! I CAN SEE TWO ships!'Lieutenant Patel looked up from the spread of maps across the table to see the Rodhite lookout officer galloping down from the cliff edge that hung over the shore meters below.'Are they ours?' he demanded, moving a paperweight on top of the maps before ducking out of the tent and walking toward the centaur.'They look right.' The officer offered an arm to Patel who seized it, swinging up onto the centaur's broad back. Around them the thickly spread cavalry all shifted positions, trying to get a better view. At the cliff edge the officer turned sideways. They stared out. The two ships appeared as if suspended on the horizon, perched at the edge of nothingness. Patel took the offered telescope and lifted it to his eye. It brought the ships into sharper perspective though not enough to state for sure either way.'Can you tell?' asked the officer.'Not yet,' Patel answered with a growl of impatience. 'Come on! Put up the sail!'The other soldiers gathered
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Chapter 266
'KASS.'Kassie twisted in Rumal's arms to stare over at the other ship sailing parallel to them.'Kerak's awake,' Rumal said, the words rumbling beneath her ear pressed against him.'And wanting off.' Kassie yawned, the cold air making her wish for her snug bed on Earth with its multiple layers of thick feather duvets.'Morning, Kerak. Or should I say good afternoon?''Morning, can you lift us off?' Kerak sounded restless, she could see movement on the deck that looked like a hungry griffon pacing.'Who else is there?''Loushka, Tomiar, Nesha, and Phroma.''Are ALL of you still there? What a bunch of lazy bones,' Kassie teased. 'Pft. Have you seen Sito?''He's off exploring a sea cave with Sian and Daron.''Oooo, I wonder if he'll bring back lunch.' Kerak sounded excited at the possibility, while Kassie hoped that if the dragon brought back something, he kept it to the deck over there! They conversed a little longer before Kassie instructed him to get all the others up and
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Chapter 267
'OFF ALREADY?' ALEK THOUGHT, CLIMBING the stairs to the hatch, ducking his head before coming out into the afternoon sunlight.'Yes. We thought we might see if we can reach the land.''Don't tire yourself out too much.'He felt her laughter at that and smiled, watching as the three griffons wheeled around the masts then swooped off, across the ocean. Turning, he paused at the sight of Leseach, not far from where Cat stood with Rashid and the other men. The Northerner wore an impassive expression but gripped the rail she leaned back against tight with both hands.Not in the manner of one nervous of heights but like one who fought against anger.Sprawled at her feet, its large eyes watching her, the ardwyr whined low and long, its whiskers vibrating. Leseach didn't appear to notice, eyes staring off into the distance.An unsettling sensation rose in his gut.Why did Leseach kill Ignatius, he suddenly thought; I'd assumed it was to protect me but I heard what she said to Cat and wh
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Chapter 268
'LIEUTENANT, WHERE SHOULD WE SET up the stage?'Patel turned from watching the two ships and that purple banner flaring out. The rest of the sails appeared furled; the ships anchored though they looked ridiculously close to each other. It gave him a wild hope that perhaps the other girls had survived. I'm sure Sian or Kass could manage such a feat, he thought.The cavalry soldier cleared his throat.'Oh! As close to the water front as the high tide will allow. It needs to have enough open space around it for the survivors to witness the crowning and for the cavalry to gather around.' He motioned to the soldier, and they walked toward the water. The camp teemed with activity, soldiers trotting back and forth with freshly cut trees, others stripping the branches and levelling the lengths to ready them for use. Half the Medanga soldiers worked at cleaning and polishing all the armour and weapons while several dozen Rodhite centaurs cantered off to shoot and catch enough food for a suit
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Chapter 269
KASSIE CHOKED MID-LAUGH, ALMOST inhaling the mouthful of seared fish she'd just taken. Coughing, she turned away from the table face flushing as she struggled to take a breath. When it cleared, she sat up, still red faced and laughed even harder as the two desert goblins continued acting out the moment between Rashid and Leseach in the caves, with reckless disregard for their own safety. Both Rashid and Leseach eyed the two with dour expressions. A fluttering at the edges of her mind caught her attention. She watched the moment in time via Cat's mind as she showed Alek, the whole thing so sharp it almost felt like her own memory. Cat knew she watched and winked at her from across the table. The two allies finished their dramatic interpretationa fair bit raunchier than the actual event, Kassie thought in amusement, artistic license muchwith everyone applauding heartily. During the pause between performances the chefs clanged on their pots again. Everyone stood with their plates in hand
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Chapter 270
A SERIES OF THUDS AND muffled shouts woke him. Alek twisted in bed, body tense. Beside him Cat sighed and turned her head his way, eyes glassy.'Noisy lot aren't they,' she commented.He relaxed, reaching a hand to cup her face. 'They are. It's an exciting day. Lots to do.'A tentative smile touched her lips but no more. 'Hmmm.'A brief flash of annoyance made him shake his head before leaning forward to press a firm kiss to those pouting lips. 'C'mon, let's get up. This is the day I've been waiting for since my father died!'Cat scrambled out of the bed after him but he ignored her for the moment, wanting to call back the elation he'd woken with. Anxiety wafted through her energy crawling up his spine in a way that made him shudder.'STOP IT.' He twisted, an arm swinging out in an unexpected defensive gesture as the tension rose making his chest tight. Cat froze. In an instant it increased, clapping shut around his body. He couldn't breathe or see, body and mind screaming.It s
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