All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
393 Chapters
Chapter 271
WE COULD HEAR THE TRUMPETS. I wouldn't have thought it possible with the distance but the still morning allowed the rich noise to carry with ease. The cool air made my skin prickle as I watched soldiers lower another of the longboats, the soldiers within it spreading their feet to keep balance. The centaurs had it easy when it came to balance but their size meant the boats could carry just twelve. Eight of the other soldiers (the two-legged variety) slotted in around them to man the oars. Still, the ship had ten long boats so only half that many would need to make a return trip. The reminder of how few of us returned made me close my eyes for a moment, breathing deep. The salt air felt even sharper than usual as if it would sandpaper the inside of my nose which I wrinkled, resisting the urge to sneeze. No sneezing allowed, doesn't look serious at allI looked down to the main deck, meeting Loi's teasing gaze with the hint of a smile.Thanks for that. Nervous? You're up next.Not a
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Chapter 272
NOW.Sian closed her eyes for a moment, following Cat's thought to where she stood in the longboat. Running through Rashid's instructions she relaxed, letting the change flow through her. Both Kassie and Loi shifted as she did, Cat's energy chiming in a moment later. It sucked her in, the Elemental side sweeping through her mind. The delicious sensation of water flooding through her limbs, of the vast ocean absorbing her being snatched her away.Sian?Sian-Siiiaaannnnnnn-SIAN!With a jerk she snapped out of it, her friends' voices loud in her mind. Sorry! Got distracted.We noticed, came Kassie's thought. Very pretty under there but please stay on track.The longboat wasn't yet visible through the thick fog. Sian could sense Kassie working at keeping the fog in place, to make the reveal as spectacular as Rashid was determined to have it. With her mind on that, Sian called to the currents swirling beneath the boat. They answered back with voices of joy, almost pulling her ba
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Chapter 273
HIS LEGS WENT GIDDY. PATEL forced his body forward while his mind struggled to make sense of the apparition before him. Alek. The boy he'd trained, the man he'd mourned. Yet there he stood beside his flame haired princess.Tremors ran through his limbs at the sight of the two of them.Gold and red light surrounded them, Catherine's hair twisting through the air, molten tendrils of flame. Any trace of the boy he'd trained seemed gone from the handsome stern-faced man before him. Alek held himself with something more than confidence. Patel had witnessed his return from many missions but Alek had still been Alek, confidence mixed with a certain level of cockiness and uncertainty. The man before him bore a striking resemblance to Nikias after he lost Ariadwen, the lines of experience wrought on his face.Patel stopped before the couple then bowed low. A moment ticked by before Catherine's voice bid him to rise. Meeting first her eyes then his, Patel felt a certain measure of relief. T
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Chapter 274
JOY, TRIUMPH AND A SENSE of loss ran through him as he stared at the organized troops. An abrupt coronation in a small bay as far South as possible in Elion was not what he'd envisioned. Alek had expected a proper, full state coronation at the castle as his father and grandfather before him. Yakov had spoken of it often. The weight of the crown felt heavier than it should when the ghost of the advisor seemed to stand there amongst his friends.Loushka sat tall and proud beside Kerak, Rumal, and Kassie. The griffon threw her head back, uttering a sharp cry of victory, the other griffons joining her, and Sito who stood behind them all let out a bellowing roar. A tiny touch to his hand made him close his hand around Cat's. Alek turned his head, looking down at the woman who'd saved him, allowing him to save her.With a thickened throat he lifted her hand to his lips. 'My Queen.'Cat's cheeks reddened, she held his gaze before looking out over the crowds then back to him. 'Real now, h
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Chapter 275
'ARCHDUCHESS?' ALDEERN'S QUIET MURMUR WITH an underlying warning tone caused Elena to pivot, a hand half lifted at the instant protest Duke Maghlon made.'There's another villager. From Crenna.''Another?!'Aldeern nodded. 'Excuse me, your Grace.' Elena turned away, giving the man no time to protest further instead forced to bow low with an appropriate response.'Of course, your Majesty.' The title squeezed out through clenched teeth.If Elena weren't so concerned at Aldeern's words, she might have smiled. Though she technically bore the title Archduchess, her position as regent outranked that; which meant she had to be addressed as 'Majesty'. Something the painfully snobbish Duke Maghlon choked on.Hurrying alongside the tall solid guard, she listened as he ran through the brief information. 'A number of elgrids and something else, something large with tusked forearms. Killed three of the remaining villagers then cleared off into the forest when a patrol of allies came around.
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Chapter 276
CAT ROLLED HER EYES AND reached for the box he held. 'Here, my King,' she said teasingly while making a show of getting the crown level on his head. 'Now let's get breakfast. I'm starving!'They walked out of the room and down the short staircase. In the small living room both Lieutenant Patel and Lieutenant Rashid waited. Leseach stood in the corner but he'd expected to see her. She stayed close to Cat.'Lieutenants, what can we do for you?' Cat smiled at them both while Alek exchanged a glance with Patel over her head.'Nothing,' Rashid lied smoothly. 'We wanted to lead you out to breakfast.'With the distractions of the other girls playing up their roles of Elementals, as instructed by Rashid, Alek managed a quick conversation with the two men, Sabyn and Rumal listening in.'We've been informed that all those of the Houses have made their way to the castle.''Reason?' Alek asked quietly, not glancing at Patel as he accepted a plate from another villager, smiling at the awed ma
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Chapter 277
WILHEIM SLOWLY REACHED OUT TO touch a dark bronze zip encrusted with darker bronze crystals. The pull tab was shaped to cup a teardrop crystal, smooth not faceted.'I do, Miss Ada. They are a work of art,' he directed the compliment to Ormbel, nodding at the man. The metal fabricer stiffened, blinking rapidly for a moment and returned the nod. 'Thank you.' He turned to Ada. 'After the last order you took, I thought it might be an idea to make more elaborate pieces. I've had many questions about them, it might create a fantastic side business from the armoury.'The breath-taking array of zippers would catch anyone's eye. Some shone bright gold with pretty enamelled leaves, berries, and flowers. Others silver, set with ebony in a striking chevron pattern that followed the lines of the zip. Several of the zips were plain, but the pull tabs were shaped like beautiful flowers, a glittering gem at the centre.'I feel guilty taking these,' Ada said, unable to tear her eyes from the tiny
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Chapter 278
OOOOOO, THE TREE'S VOICE SANG out in her mind again, sounding curiously of laughter. It barely registered her presence though they drew closer and closer. Close to her ear Leynorah clung to her hair making her scalp prickle as she resisted the instinctual urge to shake her head.'What's got you looking bemused, goddess?'As she turned her head to wrinkle her nose at him a sudden clawing on her leg gave her a shock. 'Leynorah!''What?'The voice by her ear made her jump, an exclamation slipping out as she swatted at the brown creature scrabbling up her leg. 'Oh, Oh!'The little brown thing squeaked, stubby tail waggling as it fell backward into the long grasses. With an excited whistle of a squeal Leynorah leaped off Loi's shoulder, dropping into the grass after the creature. Loi crouched, both hands spreading the grasses to spot the little fae. Sabyn was beside her a moment later reaching past, uncovering Leynorah.'There!'Grappling in the dirt, Leynorah clung to the hissing br
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Chapter 279
I NODDED, WATCHING AS AL, Loi, Kass, Rumal, and Sabyn all headed back to the centaurs. When they reached them I called the energy inward. The tiny creatures uttered an array of distressed and annoyed cries, some clinging tight as I shook my arms to dislodge them.'Ow!' One hanging from the mail covering my elbow spat, the spray just touching my chin. 'You little!' I growled while working away at unhooking its claws. 'OW! Stop it! Jeeze give me a chance.' The last little claw unhooked. As it dropped, I darted away, pausing to unhook another I hadn't noticed at the back of my neck.With a grumble I shook all my limbs again, spinning around to check I hadn't missed any. I heard laughter from those watching and screwed my face up as I walked back. 'Oh, very funny.''Lovely dancing, princess,' Al teased when I reached his side. 'Just three weeks to perfect those moves.''Shut up,' I said with a grin. 'Just three weeks?''Give or take, we're making good time.' He lifted me onto the cent
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Chapter 280
SPREAD LAZILY ACROSS THE WARM leather of Phroma's saddle, Gredel pushed up enough to look at the cavalry below. A steady dust cloud rose but the breeze at this height snatched it away before it reached them. The army kept a strong pace while it negotiated the narrow mountain pass. From this height they looked to spread for miles.'Glad the smell can't reach us here,' Phroma thought to Gredel.'Or the noise,' he added. Nothing breached the peace up here, not even Kerak and Sito playing ahead, ducking and darting around each other. Sian's laughter drifted back to them occasionally.'I thought Daron would be on Nesha, rather than riding,' Phroma observed.Gredel shrugged, the pointless gesture an ingrained habit. 'She needs space. He knows it.''We all know it.''Hmm.' Gredel watched the tan dragon twisting through the air, gold sparks of light reflecting off the creature's scales. 'Grief hits everyone in different ways.' They both fell silent, thoughts melancholy despite the bril
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