All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
393 Chapters
Chapter 291
HANDS SHIVERING ON THE WET handle of the spade, Wilheim thrust the pointed end into the ground, jumping on the head forcing it deeper into the sodden earth. The rain continued to pelt down, soaking him to the skin as he worked. With a heave he hauled out a mound of earth, turning and dumping it on the ground behind him.'Can you feel anything?' demanded the forest goblin assigned to guard him.'N-not yet,' said Wilheim, groping with the spade.'Then keep digging!'Muttering under his breath Wilheim set back into the ludicrous task. He hadn't believed it when Aldeern had brought him before the Sorceress, to find her glowing, energy extended along the length of the inner gate securing it from the ground shaking blows the enemy rained down.Why the roses, Wilheim growled in his mind. What could be so important about digging up roses in the middle of the night when enemies attacked on all sides? It was insanity!A gruff yell made him jerk his head up in time to see something tackle t
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Chapter 292
CHAOS GRIPPED THE HALLS OF the gentry, crowds of noble men shouting at the guards that attempted to keep them within the castle as they demanded to be let out. Many carried weapons. Aldeern scowled as a Hotorethite soldier energy shouted, shunting the crowd back. It did little to calm them down. They needed every fighter they could get, but the Sorceress wanted none of the nobles involved. An idea occurred to him. Watching the crowd and knowing the need for more help, Aldeern made an executive decision.'House Lhr'yne! Return to your rooms!' Startled faces amongst the crowd gaped at him. Nobody moved.'NOW!' he bellowed.With hesitant looks to each other, six men and a number of helmet wearing servants started to move toward their assigned rooms.'All others follow me!' Aldeern turned, marching toward the turret. Though she mightn't be happy, the Sorceress needed the extra help. The best he could do was see the traitors to their rooms. As he started down the stairs a figure runni
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Chapter 293
AN EXPLOSION OF SOUND AS I smacked into wet earth rang in my ears. Coughing, head and stomach spinning in a distinctly unpleasant manner, I retched, wincing as that added to the pain. All around me were groans and the sound of vomiting. I could feel Sian's anxiety and pushed up to crouching, struggling just to hold myself in the crouch, my head spinning so much it felt like the ground moved.A bizarre sight greeted me, making my body feel weightless as my brain tried to make sense of it. Glowing centaurs in trees.Glowing.In trees.Clinging to branches, sticking awkwardly out the tops, arms and legs flailing. One floated, actually floated above the trees, illuminated against the pitch-black night and sleek rain pelting down.My jaw dropped.Stop gaping and start helping, snapped Kassie. At which point my brain kicked back into gear as I realized the floating, glowing centaur was due to Kass working at getting them down. Nodding, I stretched my arms out, partly just to steady m
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Chapter 294
THE RENEWED NUMBERS OF SOLDIERS, even if the nobles had second-rate skills compared to the actual soldiers, gave rise to hope.Sunrise is only four hours away, Elena thought. Just have to hold it in place till then.Closing her eyes, she drew a deep breath in, mind reaching far beneath the surface of the planet, linking with the white-hot life flame at its centre. Her gift swelled at the extra energy, pouring out from her own centre, her hope and determination helping to grow and enhance the energy.A massive CRACK rang out, hurling Elena face first to the ground.Ears ringing, she gasped as pain reverberated across the back of her head, mind echoing with agony. Strange sounds around her made no sense. The world seemed to swim before her eyes as she pushed, trying to get to her hands and knees, body and mind swaying.Another blow smashed her to the cobblestones, breaking her jaw. Some portion of her mind recognized that someone had struck her. Clinging to that thought, realizing w
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Chapter 295
'SITO, SWEETIE, ARE YOU FEELING better?' Sian sat huddled next to the dragon's muzzle, stroking it while shielding him from the dense rain. He hadn't spoken to her since bringing them out of the leap, and it terrified her. His life light flickered oddly but no amount of her energy would soothe it. She couldn't hear any of his thoughts, blocked out by something.The scales beneath her hands felt clammy when they should be warm and solid. The dragon breathed shallowly. It took all her willpower to not fall to pieces. Cuddling over his muzzle, Sian sung softly, a children's song from the last movie she'd taken her niece and nephew to. Normally it'd make her cry to think of them, but somehow in this moment it helped. She could imagine their faces if they'd met Sito; the utter delight and fascination. It brought a smile to her lips. She sang a little louder, the music soothing her. After the second round of chorus she realized Sito's breathing felt steadier.Still singing, she probed alon
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Chapter 296
HUDDLED TOGETHER ON THE SETTEE in the sitting area of the Griffon Guard quarters, Citaan, Vesbel, and Ada sat silent. At their feet Audi let out a sigh, her ears perked as she listened. The heavy blows still occurred but didn't seem to shake the building any more.Perhaps I'm just used to it now, Citaan thought to herself, rocking Rirae who fussed quietly against her shoulder. The baby wouldn't feed, too distracted by their anxiety, and wouldn't sleep either.Perched on Vesbel's shoulders, the jybois hummed softly, large triangular ears twitching.Long minutes had passed since Nnelg unexpectedly vanished. Citaan couldn't imagine what he might be up to. Had he tried to attack more of those monsters? Emboldened by his kill? Had he heard something they hadn't? Breathing in through her nose and exhaling slowly, she calmed herself as much as possible. Stress made it feel as though she wore a tight headband, pressing against the back of her skull.Nnelg blinked in. Both women gasped, sta
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Chapter 297
I PANTED WHILE RUNNING THE length of the second floor, my energy extended as I scanned the area, to see if any enemy had been missed. The air currents were gone, Kassie's presence no longer in my mind though I could pick up a sense of excitement through her energy.Pushing myself, legs burning and heart pounding, I resisted calling up my elemental side, preferring to be myself for the moment. Alek felt not too far ahead of me, and I couldn't wait for this night to be over. Rounding another corner, seeing nothing but corridor with doors lining the sides, I stopped with a groan.Bending over my knees to catch my breath, I looked up. It hadn't got any shorter.C'mon, Cat, I growled inwardly; let's get this done, one step at a time.ALEK WALKED CAUTIOUSLY ALONG THE third-floor corridor. Only a moment ago he'd heard the unmistakable sound of shadow creatures attacking. It caused an involuntary shudder down his spine. Those sharp high screams brought unwelcome memories to mind. Jenviet
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Chapter 298
WITH ALDEERN AND THE ASSISTANCE of the Lieutenants, Elena was able to get a semblance of order back to the courtyard. The Cavalry had entered with much pomp and ceremony only to be ordered around, clearing bodies out into the space between the inner and outer gates. A quick fix till the morning.Elena clarified that a proper receiving ceremony for all those involved in the battles would occur. Just not right now. Right now, she needed to present their monarchs, squashing any inclination of civil unrest back into those stubborn nobles' stone-like brains. Though Cat had healed her skull, the knowledge that someone had tried to crack it open to allow Jenviet the castle rankled. Elena wasn't about to let the memory go to waste.'Call out the nobles, call out everyone! Now!' At her snapped order Patel made a gesture, sending a troop of centaurs into the castle. Almost ready?The unexpected voice in her mind made her jolt in shock. Aldeern looked at her, concerned. She waved a hand at
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Chapter 299
SIAN WATCHED WITH PRIDE AS Cat and Alek walked out of the doorway. The shocked gasp from the audience of castle people was drowned out when the horn blowers began. Sian stared at the strangers under centaur guard.So many people, she thought, I don't seem to recognize anyone! Turning her attention back to Cat and Alek, she almost jumped when Loi pinched the back of her hand.'Ready?' Loi hissed.'Oh yes!'One, two, three, thought Kassie.The three of them shifted to their Elemental forms, striding across the courtyard with the men of the Griffon Guard behind them, the Lieutenants of the Cavalry, and the General Guard behind them. They stopped before the platform that the Royal couple walked toward; a hasty creation of several stone benches and a heavy slab of wood over the top. Elena already stood on it and Sian thought she could feel a hint of the Sorceress' energy stabilizing the wood.The expressions of those in the audience were hilarious. She spotted Citaan and Ada beaming a
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Chapter 300
THOUGH THE ROOM SHOULD FEEL familiar it felt more like a distant dream, the one you caught snippets of throughout the day that left you wondering about it. I knew these rooms. I knew this space. But it wasn't home yet. Walking past the double doors to the enormous wardrobe, I entered the bathroom with a sigh of relief at the sight of the beautiful mosaic door that led to the shower. This was something I remembered well.Movement made me jerk around, and then laugh at my sheepish expression in the mirror. After expecting to be attacked so often in the last couple of months, I could imagine I'd be jumpy for a while. Watching myself, I reached back to straighten the chain mail at the back of my neck then getting the angle right, drew open the seam. With a jiggle I dropped the top to the ground, glimpsing my bandaged breasts. The bras Ada had created were great, but hadn't held up to the extreme treatment of war. I couldn't wait to burn the horrid bandage, but it had lasted surprisingly w
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