All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
393 Chapters
Chapter 281
WITH THAT FIRST STEP CLEAR in her head, Citaan quickly began to think through possible weapons at her disposal. Eight years of living with Gredel allowed her to look at most objects from two viewpoints. The most vital thing, however, staying in the saddle. An inventory of options built in her mind, but nothing that would have an effect on the numbers.I need something bigger, she thought desperately then stiffened at the sound of sloshing. Without turning Citaan knew the gragnolls on the right had moved closer, hitting the ankle-deep stream that acted as the road run off. Each side of the road had a run off. Her heart beat rapidly when she realized this was the option she'd sought. The reins in her white knuckled grip jerked again, and she wrenched them hard, forcing the horse to keep its walk. The animal neighed and started to twist sideways, giving Citaan more to concentrate on while she fought for control and attempted to call the water to her cause at the same time.'Settle, sett
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Chapter 282
'ANOTHER ATTACK, MY LADY,' ALDEERN murmured as they hurried from the hastily arranged meeting with the heads of the Houses that now occupied the castle.Face calm, Elena asked quietly through still lips, 'Where?''Just beyond Gartoll.''Dead?''No. Badly injured. They're bringing the victim to you.''When?''Within the hour.'Damn. Elena paused and turned her head, regarding those that crowded the area. Many eyes met hers, expressions varying from reverence to disdain.Too many, she thought in frustration. It'll be all over the castle by nightfall.'Still nothing?' she asked and turned to Aldeern willing the man to say yes.With sympathetic eyes he gave a slight shake of the head. 'No, my lady.''Dammit.'The meeting had reassured no one. Those of House Draskel were vocal in their concerns for Alek. More like their concerns for occupying the throne, Elena thought with a grimace. House Lhr'yne echoed their words at every given opportunity. House Vaethon, and those standing i
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Chapter 283
'READY, SITO?''Ready!''Dive!'Pressing against the dragon's back-harness, long leather straps looped tight around her arms, Sian grinned. The dragon tucked his wings in, body turning, and plummeted toward the gathered centaurs at the entrance to another village. An excited scream whipped past her ears half a millisecond after it left her lips. The heavy wind drag made her squint as they drew closer. Sito's muscles shifted and Sian braced herself.Flinging his wings wide, an ear-splittingly loud CRACK rang out as the dragon caught air. The audience waiting below watched with varying expressions.Show off, Kassie thought.Sian ignored her, unhooking the harness from around her waist and using her energy to provide a smooth surface over Sito's layered scales, she slid, tipping off the dragon to Daron's waiting arms.'Oomph!' Daron caught her. 'You could have cushioned yourself, Pix.'Her feet now on the ground, Sian tiptoed to kiss his lips, meeting his unimpressed eyes with a c
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Chapter 284
BREAKING THE SILENCE ADA SAID, 'I'm glad those two finally stood for her. It felt awful to watch.'Wilheim didn't respond at first, pursing his lips. He gave a minute shake of his head. 'They didn't do it for her, if it were for her, they would have stood straight away.''Then why?' Ada asked.'To keep both sides open I should think,' Wilheim said it slowly, considering. 'Queen Ariadwen was a daughter of Tor'del, so they have a clear alliance there but that only counts if the Princess and Prince return.''But who is on the other side?' Ada asked.'House Draskel and House Lhr'yne.'Ada didn't know what to say. The thought of them not returning made her stomach churn, she didn't even want to consider Elena not being here. The weeks of waiting seemed even longer.'They have to return,' she half whispered. 'They have to.'A warm hand squeezed hers and she looked up into Wilheim's face.'I think they will,' he said, giving her hand another gentle squeeze. 'And watch those lot scram
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Chapter 285
THE ROOM WAS BEAUTIFULLY QUIET. Ada stayed there against the door and breathed in the cool silence, relishing the taste in comparison to yet another uncomfortable dinner. If only they'd arrive home, she thought yearning; then those horrid nobles would be put in their places. Though, watching them stand prompt to attention now when Elena entered caused a malicious grin of delight amongst those at the service table. The arrogance of House Lhr'yne irritated everyone, not a day went by without more extravagant demands.Letting the niggling thoughts go she pushed away from the door and headed for her bedroom niche. The heavy wood panelling made the wall look as if it contained a built-in wardrobe but it concealed a set of wide bunks. The hand holds must have been built for a man as they swamped Ada's hands but she could still manage it. Getting a good grip, she hauled back and the well-oiled hinges let the beds out with ease. The top bunk came out whether you wanted it or not, Ada only eve
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Chapter 286
ELENA STARED AT THE HACKED remains strewn across the wooden floor in Ada's quarters. Beside her Wilheim, Cat's younger guard, stared white faced at it.'What was it?' he asked, a tremor in his voice.Elena glanced at the boy. 'What did it look like to you?''Me,' he said. 'Just like me, as clear as if I looked in a mirror.' Wilheim shuddered. 'Then it changed, got all hazy, and it looked like Ada.''Telepathy as well as shifting abilities,' Elena murmured, making a motion over the corpse so the head turned. 'Part gontai then. Part troll too.''The body looks like a urotho,' Aldeern said from beside her. 'But those talons I'm not familiar with.''It's Jenviet's signature. She always adds it to her creatures.' Elena looked at Aldeern. 'I want all the troops, our own and the allies, inside the gates. Have the gates closed. Anyone requesting access must be tested. Use the obiki method,' she addressed the Hotorethites behind Aldeern, the five men nodded. Their violet eyes glowed in th
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Chapter 287
IT TOOK LITTLE TIME TO finish getting ready. Elena dressed in the garments specially created for this particular ritual. The long wide sleeves of the fitted ankle length navy tunic had certain crystals melded within the fabric to aid the rite; even the silk pants she wore beneath the tunic had crystals. It added unexpected weight to the garments.Drying her wet hair with a thought, Elena bound her hair back with a length of black silk, tying it down so not a single strand escaped. She called for Aldeern to enter. The solemn expression Aldeern always wore didn't flicker at her appearance, nor at the items she asked him to carry. He picked the blanketed mirror up as though it weighed nothing and slung the sack of wrapped crystals over his shoulder. They left the room, walking to the closest turret and made their way down the stairs to the ground floor. The long corridors were dim and soldiers stood at every entrance way, making sure no one wandered about. Leading the way to the library,
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Chapter 288
THE WORDS FELL LIKE STONES, plunking through Elena's consciousness.Lord Yakov, she thought numbly, something he'd always shunned the concept of. Nikias had offered him the title many times yet he'd laughed in response, batting away the compliments, insisting he didn't deserve it.Elena forced her attention back to the scene before her.The two conspirators bowed again, keeping their upper bodies low as they backed out of the room. Yakov watched in amusement. When the door closed, Jenviet asked, 'Are they likely to share their secret?'Yakov made a snort of amusement. 'No, they wouldn't dare. They'll be far too caught up in telling everyone about the upcoming marriage. Have you told the Dowager Duchess yet?''Not yet, but I look forward to it,' Jenviet's lips pulled back in a dark smile. 'As much as I look forward to removing all those in-bred simpletons when I arrive at the castle.''I could have them killed in the first wave of attacks?' Yakov offered, as pleasantly as he might
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Chapter 289
I FELT IT LONG BEFORE anyone picked up the scent. The sensation of flames darting recklessly sang to my energy like an intense caffeine hit. Having been almost asleep, clinging to the saddle with my head bobbing lower and lower, I jerked upright and peered about in the dark. All I could see was the dim shapes of the cavalry at fast trot. Each soldier carried a torch in the purpose designed sheaths set to their right foreleg, but none seemed inclined to light them, instead leaving them glowing eerily in the darkness. It didn't help that the moon was barely out of new, just a pale thin sickle in an ink blue sky.Still peering ahead, expecting to see something, I felt a curious hum from Loi and Kassie, moments before Alek's thought popped in my mind.What's that? I twisted, staring his way though I couldn't make out his form. I'm not sure, I can feel a fire burning. Do the farmers do burn offs?I felt his frown.Not usually. Not in this area.Though faint just moments ago the smell
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Chapter 290
RISING HEAT FROM THE FURIOUS flames blew my hair back from my face even as I sat on centaur back several meters from the entrance to the engulfed village. Around us, now visible in the bright light of the flames, soldiers shouted to one another, Patel and the Rodhite Lieutenants ordered the Calvary to spread out around the village. Alek and the other men of the Griffon Guard all stood near the Lieutenants. The dancing flames caused life-like shadows everywhere and my energy expanded without a thought, the inferno singing through my elemental side. Eyes closed in bliss for a second, they snapped open in shock.'KASS!' I shrieked above the sound of the flames.ALEK TWISTED AT THE SCREAM spotting Kassie and Cat, both on centaur back staring at each other, their eyes shifting from human to Elemental. The soldier Alek rode hurried forward, allowing the brief conversation to reach them.'There's something?' Cat demanded of Kass, who nodded.'Yes.''Can you find it?''Give me a sec.'
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