All Chapters of My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2080 Chapters
Chapter 171 Take Care Of Your Own Business
Rosalie seemed to sense a cold gaze watching her. Confused, she turned and looked around, but she could not see anything out of the ordinary.“What’s the matter?” Leon noticed something was amiss and asked her concernedly.Rosalie pulled her gaze back and shook her head somewhat hesitantly. “It’s nothing.”That was what she said, but Rosalie was a little distracted for the rest of the meal.That gaze was almost real. It did not seem like she was imagining it at all. However, she just could not figure out where it was coming from.It was only at the end of their meal that Rosalie forced herself to stop indulging her suspicions.Leon politely offered, “It’s getting late. Shall I send you home?”Rosalie declined with a smile. “It’s fine. I drove here, and I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”Leon did not insist any further.The two of them left the restaurant, chatting cheerfully. Leon watched Rosalie get into her car before he turned around and got his, slowly driving out of the par
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Chapter 172 Did Not Dare To Imagine
The cars ahead began to move again. Rosalie removed her foot from the brake and turned her gaze back to the road.She scoffed at the thought of his expression. “Aren’t you engaged to Miss Fuller, President Lawrence? But you’re getting awfully close to me because of Estie. Isn’t that a little inappropriate?”She did not even know who Estie’s mother was.In that case, that man’s behavior was even more deplorable.Where did he find the nerve to criticize her?Byron did not expect her to bring up Estie. His expression turned complicated, and he said vaguely, “That’s different.”After all, Estie was her daughter in the first place.Rosalie just snorted. “How is that different? Besides, Estie is the only thing tying us together. Without her, we aren’t even friends. Who I make friends with is my business. It has nothing to do with you, President Lawrence. You’re overstepping your boundaries here.”The temperature in the car plummeted after she said that.Byron’s expression was belo
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Chapter 173 We Can Take It Slowly
“Sorry, something came up tonight and I couldn’t pick you up. Have you had dinner?”Rosalie let them go and asked them gently.The three children nodded obediently. “Yes, we have! We’ve been playing for a long time!”Rosalie heaved a sigh of relief, standing up as she said, “What have you been playing? Show me.”Nox ran to the living room excitedly. “We were playing with the Lego Mister Byron bought us! It’s really fun!”Lucian and Estie stayed with Rosalie. She held one of their hands in each of hers, watching Nox in amusement. The kids obviously liked the Lego Byron had bought for them. The type and difficulty of the sets he bought suited them perfectly.The three children had built a base over the course of a single evening.No matter how she looked at it, though, the Lego set was very boyish.Rosalie looked at Estie worriedly. “Do you like this Lego, Estie?”Estie’s eyes sparkled and she nodded hard.She liked everything as long as she was with the boys.Rosalie was fi
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Chapter 174 Say Our Names
Early the next morning, Rosalie took the three children out for breakfast.Estie sat next to her obediently, while the two boys fed her until her cheeks puffed up like a hamster. She was adorable.Rosalie watched how sweet and cute she was. While her heart melted at the sight, it also ached a bit for her.Last night, Estie looked like she really wanted to talk…All of a sudden, Rosalie had an idea. She looked at the girl beside her lovingly. “Do you want a chicken nugget, Estie?”Estie nodded.Rosalie picked up a nugget but held it above Estie’s plate. “If you want to eat it, tell me.”Estie blinked and looked a little troubled.Rosalie frowned slightly, sounding disappointed. “If you don’t talk, there are times when I can’t understand you. I’ll worry if I’m taking proper care of you or not. Could you slowly try to talk, Estie? I’ll stay with you, so we can take it slow. Okay?”Lucian and Nox put down their cutlery and echoed her sentiment. “We’ll help too! We want to hear you
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Chapter 175 She Had Felt Exactly The Same Way
That went on for a few days. Estie had Rosalie to keep her company at home, but she was all alone at the kindergarten.She watched as the boys played with the other children but ignored her. Finally, Estie mustered up the courage and ran up to them.The boys exchanged a look and said sternly, “What is it now?”Estie gripped the hem of her little dress until it was crumpled, and she had a deep frown on her pretty brow. She looked at them solemnly, opening her mouth and trying hard to vocalize.Lucian and Nox watched her, anxiously and worriedly.If they had not known that Estie could speak, they would never have been willing to force her like this.They waited until they were about to give, when suddenly they heard a miniscule sound.“Lu… No…”Estie’s face was red as a tomato, but she could only manage a syllable for each of them. She lowered her head dejectedly.Lucian and Nox were overjoyed, however. They wrapped her up in a huge bear hug. “That was amazing, Estie!”Their hu
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Chapter 176 Where Did He Go?
Byron had been somewhat busy lately too, but he still showed up at Rosalie's door every day.Every so often, he would remember the sight of Rosalie meeting Leon in private and the way Rosalie had turned the conversation against him later in the car.Because of their argument that time, Rosalie even asked him to take Estie back home. Since then, Byron would stop by but stay out of Rosalie's sight. He would simply watch the four of them from afar.As he watched, Estie grew livelier by the day. At first, Byron assumed she just liked Rosalie, but now the little girl was even starting to speak.At the same time, Wendy rushed to the Lawrence Corporation as soon as the working day was over. "Sorry, Miss Fuller. The Master just left." Luther had just gotten off from work too, and he called out to Wendy when he saw her hitting the button for the President's floor.Wendy's expression turned a little hard at that. "Where did he go?"Luther gave her a polite smile. "How would I know where
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Chapter 177 That Won’t Do
The three of them discussed the matter for a while before immediately inviting the Lawrences out for dinner at River View Lodge.When Melody and Benedict arrived at the restaurant, Wendy and her parents were already waiting for them in a private room. Wendy's head was lowered and she seemed to be feeling down, while her parents looked less than pleased too. When the Lawrences came in, Wendy looked up and forced a smile. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence."That was all she could manage before her smile faded. She acted as though she had been deeply wronged.Melody was confused. "What's the matter, Wendy? Did someone do something to hurt you? Could you tell me?"As soon as she said that, Magdalene replied, "It's all because of those rumors going around. They're making our Wendy sound like a fool who doesn't know her own place. She's been crying herself to sleep every night lately."Wendy hastily denied it. "No, I know Byron didn't mean anything like that. I heard about those rumors, b
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Chapter 178 Announce The News
In the private room, Wendy lifted her head slowly. There were no traces of tears on her face.“Now just wait and see!” Magdalene tugged at the corners of her lips confidently.The only other way to get rid of the rumors other than cancelling the engagement was to go through with it!She was certain that Melody was thinking the same thing!…The next morning, when Byron arrived at the office, he noticed that Luther’s expression was slightly odd.“What’s the matter?” Byron asked, confused.Luther hesitated for a moment, but he could not hold back his curiosity. “Master, are you and Miss Fuller…”Byron frowned slightly. “What about us?”Seeing the confusion on his master’s face, Luther added carefully, “Are you two really going to get married?”He immediately lowered his head after asking.He had heard the rumors first thing in the morning. Everyone was saying that his master was finally going to get engaged to Miss Fuller.Outsiders may not know any better, but Luther had bee
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Chapter 179 Get To Know Each Other
Byron stood in front of the window for a long time before he pulled out his phone and called his father.His call went through quickly."What's up, Byron?" Benedict had not gone to work that day. He was eating breakfast at home, and he looked up at Melody opposite him when he picked up his son's call. Melody immediately knew what was going on when she heard it was her son calling. She held out her hand to take the phone from Benedict.Benedict did not protest, handing her the phone as she wished.On the other end, Byron had no idea what was going on. He asked in a low voice, "Were you the one who spread the news about the engagement?"Even though Luther had already confirmed it, he still wanted to hear it straight from his father's mouth. However, it was his mother who replied."It was my idea. Is something wrong?" Melody said matter-of-factly. Byron was slightly taken aback. After a moment, he began to frown. "Why didn't you ask me what I thought first? This is my marriage
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Chapter 180 What Are You Doing Here?
At the same time…Rosalie had a habit of watching the news over breakfast. She took care of the three children while keeping an ear out for the news broadcast."The engagement between the Lawrences and Fullers has lasted for six long years. Now, we finally have confirmation that the marriage will take place in the near future," said a man's voice.Rosalie paused halfway through filling the children's plates. After a few seconds of silence, she continued as though nothing had happened. Meanwhile, Lucian and Nox immediately lost their appetite. Their expressions crumpled.While they were abroad, they had been curious about their father too. They could not wait to see him. After they returned to the country and realized that their Daddy had another child, the two boys resented him for it. They even hated him for abandoning their mother. Once they had gotten to know him better, though, they noticed that Daddy was not as cruel and heartless to Mommy as they had thought. In fact, h
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