All Chapters of My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
2080 Chapters
Chapter 161 Highly Displeased
Rosalie smiled apologetically. "My apologies, I'm not really in the mood." Her refusal was quite indirect, and the gentleman was a little regretful, but he did not force it. He turned around and left.It was finally quiet again.Rosalie was about to sort out her thoughts when suddenly she heard a familiar male voice."Rosalie? Is that you?"Hearing this, Rosalie looked up in the direction of the voice. Just a few steps away was a man dressed in an iron-gray tuxedo. The handsome gentleman was looking at her in surprise.When their eyes met, Rosalie's eyes lit up. There was also some surprise in them. "Leon? Could there be such a coincidence?"Leon was a senior student she met abroad and was also of the outstanding individuals of the younger generation in the world.This senior had helped Rosalie a lot when she was abroad in many aspects. Their relationship was also very good.Rosalie had not had the opportunity to contact him after returning home because she had been busy with
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Chapter 162 What Is Her Relationship With Him?
After seeing them interact several times, Andrius more or less noticed something.At the very least, he realized that Byron's attitude toward Rosalie was different from what he had imagined.After learning about their relationship, Andrius kept thinking that Byron would ignore Rosalie, but the result was quite the opposite.Byron seemed to be helping the woman both openly and secretly.To Wendy, however, he was giving her somewhat of a cold shoulder.Looking at the way their relationships were, Andrius faintly realized that Byron was paying more attention to Rosalie. Hence, he put forth such a proposal after witnessing the scene in front of him as well as Byron's sudden cold mood.Byron frowned even more, but he did not answer. His expression was cold.Andrius understood him very well, so he spoke again as if he was troubled, "Dr. Jacobs is a very important guest of mine. It’s not nice to just leave her there. I should still go over and offer my greetings. Would you like to go t
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Chapter 163 Do You Plan To Reconcile?
For a while, the atmosphere between the four of them was a little strange.Almost everyone's gaze had fallen onto her.Rosalie frowned uncomfortably. She did not want to have too many interactions with Byron, so she just looked at Andrius and asked, "Did something happen? Why did the young master come over all of a sudden?"Andrius was stunned for a moment before he gave a laugh. "I thought it was rather impolite of me to invite you here and then leave you alone. So I came over to chat with you for a while."With that, he looked at Byron silently.Byron's expression was cold, and it was obvious that he had no intention of opening his mouth to relieve the situation.Andrius could only bear the blame.Hearing this, Rosalie calmly replied, "It doesn't matter to me. I just so happened to meet my senior here. It's rare for us to meet, so we wanted to talk more for a while. I appreciate your kindness, but you don't have to entertain me especially."Hearing her turn them away, Andrius
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Chapter 164 Still Not Going To Leave?
Melody, along with Master and Madam Quirke, was with the old master when Byron and his party were called back. After learning there was nothing wrong, they were about to leave when they saw Rosalie and Leon coming over one after another."Old Master, if there's nothing else, I'll be heading back first. The children are still waiting at home," Rosalie politely said goodbye.Hearing this, Clara was a little surprised. "Are you leaving so soon? The banquet is only halfway through. Why not stay a little longer?"Rosalie smiled apologetically. “No, it’s fine. I’m really worried about the children at home.”Everyone present knew about her two children. Seeing her adamant, they thought it would be impolite to have her stay.The old master waved his hand and ordered Andrius, "I won't be at ease with Dr. Jacobs going back so late. Go and see her off."Andrius turned to look at Byron’s expression.Seeing that he was not unhappy, he knew he had agreed to it and was about to nod when Leon's
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Chapter 165 What Is Your Relationship With Martin?
Byron grabbed Rosalie and practically dragged her out of the banquet in full view of the crowd.Rosalie tried to break free several times, but the man's grip was so tight that he did not even give her the chance to break free at all. His grip on her wrist only loosened when they made it outside the villa.Rosalie gritted her teeth as she pulled herself away. She took two steps back to distance herself. "Thank you for your kindness, but I can get home just fine by myself. There's no need to trouble yourself to send me back personally. Moreover, your mother and fiancee are still inside. It would be better for you to go back and accompany them!"With that, she wanted to walk past the man to the gate of the manor.She intended to go back by herself from the very beginning and did not expect the situation to evolve into this. Even more so, she did not expect Byron to do that in front of so many people.Rosalie's mind was a mess. She just wanted things to quiet down for a while.Just a
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Chapter 166 You Children Are Amazing
They reached the gates of Rosalie's house.Luther practically could not wait to step on the brake. He got out of the car and opened the door for the two individuals. After watching their figure enter the villa, he heaved a long sigh of relief.For some reason, the atmosphere did not seem very happy whenever the master and the young madam were together."Mommy! You're back!"The children greeted Rosalie with sweet smiles the moment she came in through the door.It was the first time the children saw Rosalie all dressed up. Nox said sweetly, "Mommy, you look so beautiful today!"Rosalie’s mood improved a lot after seeing the children. Hearing this, the corner of her lips gently raised into a smile. "Thank you, baby."Lucian was about to say something, but then he saw another person coming in through the door.Seeing the visitor, he frowned but greeted politely and distantly, "Hello, Uncle."Hearing this, Nox then noticed the person at the back. Seeing Bryon, a touch of longing f
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Chapter 167 Stay Out Of It
Seeing the little one's behavior, Rosalie was a little confused.Estie had spent a lot of time with Lucian and Nox during this period, so the two boys could guess what she was saying just by looking at her expression and actions. Rosalie, however, still struggled a little.Seeing that Rosalie did not understand her, Estie was a little anxious and pointed to herself while pursing her lips.Rosalie was even more confused."Mommy, Estie wants to tell you that she made that part," Lucian explained.Hearing these words, Rosalie then came to a realization. Her eyes formed crescents. "Estie, you’re also amazing. You put so many pieces together!"Hearing the praise from the beautiful aunt, Estie's eyes looked like they were shining. Her small face flushed from excitement. She turned to look at her father.The atmosphere between the four of them was harmonious. Meeting his daughter’s gaze instantly, Byron knew what she meant. For a moment, he was a little speechless. Finally, he just nod
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Chapter 168 Just What Is The Meaning Of This?
At the same time, in the Fuller family.Wendy returned with her parents. All three of their expressions had been ugly the entire journey back.Wendy threw her high heels away angrily the moment she entered the door.Magdalene was about to appease her when she saw her daughter stride upstairs with a dark expression.Then, there was a deafening slam of the door.She was obviously furious.Upstairs, Wendy had slammed the room door. Her fingers were tightly embedded in her palms as she was shaking with anger. Her ears were filled with the voices of the people who had been at the dinner banquet.‘Seeing how high-spirited Wendy has been these days, I thought there were finally prospects to her marriage with Byron, but who would have guessed…’‘The Fullers only rose to where they are now because of the Lawrences. Looking at President Lawrence, the Fullers seem to be bracing for a storm in the future!’‘It's been so long yet everything’s but empty joys? Tsk, what a joke!’Ever since
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Chapter 169 You Haven’t Contacted Me For A While
Seeing each of these individuals' expressionless faces as they held the boxes in their arms, Rosalie was confused. "What is this..."Byron answered, "Lego sets. I heard they wanted to play with Lego sets yesterday, so I asked my assistant to buy them overnight. There are some difficult sets among them, so the children should like them."Rosalie could not help feeling stunned.Looking at the expressionless strong men in front of them, she found that they looked a little out of place with the things in their arms."Let them bring the things in first." Byron motioned the bodyguards to take the things in.Rosalie hesitated for a moment and finally made way for them. She watched them put the boxes in their arms down on the floor one by one.The children who were in the dining room heard what was happening outside and ran out curiously.Lucian and Nox stood beside the boxes, their eyes shining.Estie, on the other hand, went to her daddy and ran around him once before returning to th
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Chapter 170 Let Me Treat You To A Meal
Old Master Quirke's treatment had come to an end. All that remained was to prescribe him medicine that he was to take regularly and inform him to take it on time.Rosalie also no longer needed to make her way to the Quirke household every now and then. She had plenty of free time. She practically spent all of her days in the research institute, either dealing with trivial matters or participating in research and development with the researchers in the experimental area.As her former assistant abroad, Yves now naturally gave her a hand. Their cooperation was tacit.It had not been easy to make a breakthrough in their research and development today. Hence, the two of them exited the experimental area early.Yves suggested, "After being so busy for so many days, why don't we have a meal to celebrate?"Hearing this, Rosalie glanced at the time and refused apologetically. "Why not another day? I have to pick up the children later."Hearing the reason, it would not be nice for Yves to
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