All Chapters of My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
2080 Chapters
Chapter 181 Children Are Innocent
Byron vaguely heard the sound of the news broadcast inside and knew that Rosalie should have also listened to the news. He frowned and tried to read her expression, but he did not notice anything amiss. After a long while, she said in a deep voice, "I've come to see Estie, how is she?" Rosalie stepped sideways to make way for him, "She's upstairs. You came just in time; I also have something to tell you about Estie." The two walked into the living room. Rosalie asked Byron to sit down on the sofa, while she sat on the single-seater beside him. Mrs. Zora quickly poured tea for the two of them. Seeing that they had something to say, she left quickly. "What's the matter?" Byron saw Rosalie's face, and his heart sank. Rosalie said indifferently, “I promised to let Estie live here before because of Estie's condition. In the past two days, Estie's condition has been much better. She has even learned to speak recently, and it is considered a great improvement. I think she no longe
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Chapter 182 This Is Not Your Home
After a long silence, Byron broke the silence coldly, "As you wish." Rosalie nodded and went upstairs to tell Estie to come down. The three children were in Lucian and Nox's bedroom and looked dejected. The atmosphere in the bedroom was somber. Lucian and Nox were playing with a robot in their hands, while Estie buried her face in her doll's stomach. They were all staring into space. The three children looked over in unison when they heard the door opening. Rosalie's heart softened when she met the children’s hopeful gazes. Thinking of the man downstairs, she steeled her heart and said softly, "Estie, your father is here to pick you up." Hearing this, the three children were all stunned. Estie opened her eyes blankly and hugged the doll in her arms. Rosalie lowered her eyes and repeated awkwardly, "Your father is waiting downstairs, come down quickly." After speaking, she waited silently at the door. "Auntie..." Estie's timid voice piped up reluctantly. Rosalie fo
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Chapter 183 She Agreed Like That
The door of the house slowly closed, and Estie disappeared from Rosalie's sight. Rosalie took a deep breath and suppressed her sudden tears. Her heart was full of reluctance at the thought of parting with the little girl. During this time, it was clear that Estie had taken a liking to them. What was more, her condition had improved rapidly after staying with them. If possible, Rosalie also wanted to take care of the little girl until her condition improved, and she looked forward to nothing more than a single coherent sentence from her. However, such an opportunity no longer existed... Lucian and Nox followed them downstairs and saw that their Mommy wanted to send little Estie away. Although they were reluctant, they did not say anything. Seeing that their Mommy was so sad now, the boys burrowed into Rosalie's arms, hugging her from both sides as they comforted her, "Don't be sad, Mommy, we will always be with you!" Rosalie felt the softness in her arms, and her heart slo
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Chapter 184 The Operation Started
"If nothing unexpected happens, I can spare some time tomorrow to examine the patient's condition." Rosalie thought about her work schedule for the past few days and made this suggestion. Leon came back to his senses, nodded quickly, and agreed, "Okay, thank you for your help. If you need anything in the future, feel free to ask me." Rosalie smiled, "You have also helped me a lot when we were abroad, and it is a doctor's duty to treat patients. Since you think I am capable, then I have an obligation." The two discussed briefly and set a time for Rosalie to see the patient. At noon the next day, Rosalie finished her work at the research institute, so she made an appointment with Leon to meet at the hospital gate. "I told my family in advance that no one but me will be on bedside duty today, so don't be stressed." After the meeting, Leon took her to the ward. On the hospital bed, the old man's hair had been shaved, and he was still in a coma. It was a sudden illness, so h
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Chapter 185 I Can Only Throw It Away
Before she knew it, the operation took more than seven hours. At the same time, almost all the children had left the kindergarten, and there were only three children left. Although Estie was no longer staying with them, Lucian and Nox treated her as usual in kindergarten. Seeing that no one came to pick her up, the two boys brought Estie to build a sandcastle in the sand pit and had a great time. When Byron arrived, he saw three children squatting on the sand, and the small playground in the kindergarten was full of their laughter. "Estie," When the three children finished laughing, Byron stepped forward and called his daughter. Estie looked at the two boys and reluctantly got up after a long time. Byron frowned and looked at Lucian and Nox, "Where's your mommy?" Although the two boys had decided that they did not like him anymore, they still stood up politely. Lucian pursed his lips and tilted his head to look at the small pile of sand they had just piled up, ignorin
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Chapter 186 Initial Aloofness
When Rosalie came out of the operating theater, it was already dark. Seeing the sky outside, Rosalie suddenly remembered that she seemed to have missed the time to pick up the little ones. She only had time to change her clothes and hurried to the kindergarten. As she walked to the gate of the kindergarten, she could only see a man standing by the bench with one hand in his pocket from the distance. Three children surrounded each other, each holding a hamburger in their hands, bowing their heads down, and eating seriously. Rosalie paused at this sight. As if he felt her gaze on him, Byron raised his eyes and looked over, then lowered his head and said something to the children. The three children looked up at the same time and ran to her side with their unfinished hamburgers in hand. Rosalie crouched down apologetically and touched the heads of her sons, "I'm sorry, Mommy is late." Lucian and Nox had long been used to it, and they nodded forgivingly when they heard her ap
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Chapter 187 She Fell Ill from Exhaustion
Back at the villa, Lisa was waiting for them to return home. The dinner she had prepared was ready for a long time, but there was no sight of them. When she finally saw them entering the door, she stepped forward with a worried look on her face, "Miss, why are you so late today?" Rosalie forced a smile, "It's nothing. I had to work a little late, that’s why. I’ll leave the children in your care. I'm a little tired, so I'll go to bed first." Seeing that her face was very haggard, Lisa hurriedly agreed. Rosalie exchanged a few words with the two boys and then went back to her room. The next morning, Lisa prepared breakfast as usual, but Rosalie did not come down. However, the two boys went downstairs by themselves and even wash themselves up. "You guys eat first, I'll go take a look at your Mommy." Lisa felt a little worried when she thought of Rosalie's haggard appearance yesterday. Hearing that, the two boys stopped her and said, "No need, Mommy will be very tired every
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Chapter 188 Mommy, Please Go to the Hospital
Byron was standing by the side. Estie refused to go back with him until she saw Rosalie, so he waited here with the little girl. However, he did not expect to hear such news. Estie grabbed his sleeve anxiously, "Auntie..." Reading her thoughts, Byron asked in a deep voice, "What happened to Miss Jacobs?" Lisa did not know anything about the conflict between them, so she replied without hesitation, "Miss Jacobs came back yesterday and something was wrong. I thought she was tired, but I didn't expect her to start running a temperature at noon today. I have to go back quickly to take care of her." After speaking, she was ready to leave with the two little boys. Lucian and Nox even forgot to say goodbye to Estie and hurriedly turned and left. Seeing this, Estie's eyes turned red with anxiety, and she kept murmuring for her "Auntie" in a low voice. Seeing the little girl's worry, Byron fell silent for a long time. Nevertheless, he took the little girl into the car and aske
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Chapter 189 How Do You Feel?
Rosalie hesitated. She did not want to have too much contact with Byron. However, she had to admit that this was the best solution. After a moment of hesitation, Rosalie nodded and agreed, "Alright." Byron nodded. Rosalie made the two boys get off the bed and got out of the bed by herself. Unexpectedly, she felt the world around her spinning as soon as she stood up. Fortunately, she was still beside the bed. After staggering a few times, she managed to stand upright."I'll help you down." Lisa hurriedly stepped forward to help. Suddenly, everything within Rosalie's sight went pitch black. It was only after a while before she regained clarity and nodded weakly. Lisa went over to support her, and she managed to take two steps. The three children followed beside nervously. Rosalie really had no strength. She balanced her entire body weight on Lisa, causing Lisa to struggle to walk. Seeing this, the three children stretched out their hands to help. Just as they stretch
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Chapter 190 It Was Not a Dream
Rosalie slept throughout the entire journey to the hospital. She did not wake up until the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Byron hesitated for a while, but he still could not bear to wake her up. He instructed the driver to open the car door as he removed his jacket and draped it on her carefully. He got out of the car with her in his arms. It was late, and there were only people in the emergency department when they arrived at the hospital. Byron proceeded with the registration and carried Rosalie to the clinic. After they entered, Rosalie woke up leisurely. After a few seconds, she realized that she was still in Byron’s arms, and the doctor was sitting opposite. Rosalie's face flushed instantly at this realization. However, it was not obvious because of her fever. "Put me down!" She pushed Byron awkwardly. Byron was listening intently to the doctor's examination results and only realized that she had woken up when he heard her voice. He looked down at her
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