All Chapters of Beauty and Her Beast: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
91 Chapters
Chapter 61: Grant pov
I watch from my car as she enters the café and speaks to her friends and her boss. She seems happy so I turn the ignition and drive home to change into a suit for the day. As I walk into the mansion, Lobo comes bounding up to greet me but seems to pull himself short once he notices that I am alone. “Missing her already boy?” “Woof.” He seems to snort at me and then walks away, I chuckle at his behaviour. It seems that I have not only lost my heart to her but my dog’s loyalty as well. I find I am less upset about that than I would have been if it was my ex-wife. I quickly change and while I am fixing my cufflinks, I receive a call from Ellis. “I am about to head into the office now.” “Alright but I’m calling to warn you, Rita is here with her lawyers. I’m sorry, Grant, I couldn’t keep her out.” I frown wondering what she could possibly want but instead of worrying about it, I choose to handle it when I get there.
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Chapter 62: Grant pov
I smile and he visibly shrinks from seeing it because it is not the usual smile I give to Angel. This is full of cold contempt and satisfaction that I will finally be able to prevent her from contacting me for personal reasons. “She was issued with a restraining order stopping her from contacting me or Angel.” “Bloody hell! I didn’t think you would go that far.” “She is a threat to Angel, and I will not allow her to cause trouble.” Ellis nods and smiles knowingly since he has seen my ruthless side and knows how far I will go when I care deeply about something. I cut my own father off when his agenda threatened mine, although that was mutual on both our parts because he threatened me first, I just acted before he did. I spend the rest of the day working and attending meetings to check the progress on the developments of my new builds as well as the growth of the current chains. Everyth
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Chapter 63: Angela pov
It's been a week since I asked Grant for space and since John and Beth revealed who my parents were and who I would've been. I’ve been struggling with it so much that the longer I wait the harder it is becoming to say anything. I should’ve told Grant about it the night he turned up with that beautiful purple and red bouquet. I was so overwhelmed by his declaration that I forgot about everything else that was playing on my mind. Unfortunately, two days later he phoned to inform me that he was having to travel for business and would be gone for five days. Today makes day four and although I have assured him each time, he phones me that I am alright, I have been afraid to be alone here in my flat. Anytime I hear someone in the hall I become jumpy and nervous. Jack and Anya have both been checking in as well, but it hasn’t helped. To try and take my mind off of it I have been trying to focus on my online degree, thankfull
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Chapter 64: Grant pov
The last five days have been utter torture. I never thought I would need the companionship of another human being as much as I crave being with Angela. I used to look forward to my trips to the other sites because it would give me a break from the constant stresses at home. Living with Rita was a complete nightmare. When she wasn’t out burning a hole in my bank account, she was home complaining about how I refused to hire maids to work in the mansion and how she was forced to cook and clean. I knew when I married her that she was used to having everything done for her because that is how her father ran his home. It is also how my father ran ours and it became even more obvious how much we relied on the cook and other staff after mother died and father was never around anymore. I practically raised my younger brother after that and yet he still chose to follow our father and work for him at his company after he graduated from universit
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Chapter 65: Angela pov
I am up watching the sun rise as Grant, Ellis, Anya, Jack, and Simon are all sleeping in chairs around the room. My chair is directly beside Tom and Grant is beside me. Ellis and Anya are in one corner with Anya asleep on Ellis’ lap, likewise the same for Jack and Simon but Jack is sleeping on Simon. I turn from the window to look at Tom and notice his eyes moving. As I watch him, he gradually wakes, and I gasp causing him to look toward me. He smiles seeing me and tears of relief gather in my eyes. “Tom! You’re awake!” I whisper shout so that I don’t make too much noise, but my excitement and relief are clear which makes him chuckle. I ring the bell for the nurse and begin fussing over him while we wait. He playfully bats my hand away while I try to tuck his blankets in, and we are having a mini battle when the nurse finally enters. She completes her checks and then advises that she is going to fetch the doctor to come to assess him. She closes the door too loudly and it shocks t
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Chapter 66: Angela pov
I wake in the morning and head to work. The day passes quickly as it is busy and before I know it, it is time to close up and Jeff is already out in the car park waiting. I grab my things and say goodbye to Anya and Jack before rushing out to the car. “Hi Jeff, sorry to keep you waiting, it has been a crazy day.” “Not to worry at all Miss Angel, the event begins at eight, so you have time.” I breathe a sigh of relief and relax back into the seat cushions as he drives. When we arrive, I see Grant standing out on the front steps waiting and when we pull up, he is quick to approach the car to help me out. “Hell-“ I am cut off from greeting him when he presses his lips to mine and as I kiss him back, I feel his desire for me. He leaves me breathless, and I am slow to regain my senses when the kiss ends making him chuckle. “Let’s head inside. Thank you, Jeff, please have the car ready by 7.30.” “Of course, Sir.” Grant leads me inside and straight up to the bathroom to begin getting
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Chapter 67: Grant pov
I am walking around looking for Angela when I reach a side room that has a light on and the door is slightly open, I can’t see who is inside, but I hear Angel speaking so I stop to listen. “Oh of course it’s one hundred percent just about the money and the sex is great which is an added bonus. I mean what more could a woman want? When money is the goal, it really doesn’t matter who comes attached to it after all right?” My heart breaks hearing those words come out of her mouth. She has spent all of our time together stating that she doesn’t want my money and yet she just freely admitted to it to whoever she is inside speaking to. Any sane man would probably burst into the room and confront her, but I am too confused and hurt to think clearly and return to the party instead. While I am discussing a couple of new projects with an investor, I feel an arm snake through mine, and I flinch involuntarily. I feel her stiffen in surprise but
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Chapter 68: Grant pov
Now I’m worried for a different reason, she is losing control of her emotions and is becoming increasingly upset. “I found out who my parents are or were.” “Were? Do you mean they are both no longer here? But I thought that woman in the park was your mum.” “Me too. Turns out she lied. She is my mum's twin sister. She took me in when my parents died.” “Oh, Angel.” She shakes her head as tears spill down her cheeks and I am more desperate to gather her into my arms than ever. “Angela isn’t even my real name.” I stare at her in shock, clearly, this has been playing on her conscience for a long time and I never noticed. I have never been more upset about how well she can hide her emotions. I take a risk and stand to close the distance between us. Before she can evade me, I take her into my arms and hold her hoping to provide comfort and support.
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Chapter 69: Angela pov
“Of course! It was an act from the beginning. A ruse to make me pity you and then when I drop my guard you will stab me in the back!” “What? No! That’s not it!” “Don’t bother trying to convince me differently. I have seen your true colours now, Angela!” “Grant! Please, listen to me! What you heard were all lies! I Love You!” “Bullshit! You never loved me, only my money! I don’t need a leech like you in my life, get out!” He grips my upper arm hard and marches me to the front door before opening it and throwing me out. I scream as I stumble and fall down the stone steps…. I gasp as I wake up trembling and struggling to calm my heart rate. As my mind catches on that what I just saw was only a dream my stomach rolls and I feel the need to get to the bathroom. I throw the covers off but when I try to move, I am pinned by a heavy, weight. I try to move it, but he holds me
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Chapter 70: Angela pov
“Shit! Are you alright?”Grant panics and rushes over to see if he can help. He grabs a glass and fills it with water handing it to me, which I take gratefully and sip until my coughing stops. “Sorry, I guess that was a joke that I should have waited a bit longer to use.” “Is, is that something you want? At some point.” He stares at me while I wait for his response. “I have to admit I haven’t thought about it before now, but with you, I would be delighted. Just perhaps not yet. What about you? Do you want to have a family one day?” I turn to look out of the window into the evening sky before I answer him. “Growing up I swore that I would never repeat what happened to me. But I also assumed that I would be alone for a long time since touch was such an issue for me.” “What about now?” I turn back to face him with a small smile on my face. “Now,
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