All Chapters of Beauty and Her Beast: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
91 Chapters
Chapter 71 Grant pov
“What do you mean you are an heiress?!” “Exactly what I said, Jack. I am the lost daughter of the Graystone family and heir to their entire legacy.” “Wow. Simply unbelievable.” I watch as Christina tells her friends about her rediscovered identity, and I see the fear in her eyes. But so far, I can just see shock and disbelief in them. I think she may find that her friends will surprise her. “I hope that this will not change anything between us.” “Baby girl, nothing in this life will ever change my opinion of you or how I feel. The same goes for Simon. We are a package deal, and you are stuck with us for life.” I smile as tears of joy and relief fill her eyes and she willingly accepts a hug from Jack. “Hey! Don’t leave me out! She was my bestie before yours after all and I will not give up that claim to anyone!” Anya pushes between them and squeezes Ch
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Chapter 72: Angela pov
I feel as if I have stepped back in time. Standing in the grand vestibule of the manor I am reminded of when I was a child running around in these rooms. A tear comes to my eye as I glance at Beth and John who are looking at me. “You kept it all as it was.” They nod solemnly with small smiles on their faces. “Yes. We couldn’t handle cleaning everything on our own, but we knew it had to be kept as it was from that day, ready for your return.” They then begin to take us on a tour of the building. I look around at all the various objects here in the space which are covered in white sheets to protect the items underneath from dust and grime and damage. On closer inspection, I note that the sheets are not quite white due to the detritus that has settled down on them. The entire place is frozen in time, waiting for someone to return to breathe life back into it. The warm mahogany wood and pale cream walls
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Chapter 73: Angela pov
I remain silent just staring at Jack and slowly his optimistic expression begins to turn to worry. “Don’t you think you are being overly pushy and presumptuous to invite yourself into someone’s home? And at that on the day they move in?” Grant sounds annoyed and I glance at him from the corner of my eye I am shocked to see he is more than annoyed, his brows are furrowed in a deep frown, and I notice that Ellis has taken a discreet step back, pulling Anya with him. Jack gulps and looks to me pleadingly with a note of an apology there for overstepping. The truth is I love the idea of housemates. These people have become my family in a very short time, and I realised recently that I trust them with my life. Seeing the fight about to break out I gently place my hand on Grant's forearm hoping he will calm down before I turn to Jack. “Is that the only reason you want to move in?” Everyone stares at me not expecting my question and in the silence that follows I stand and wait patientl
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Chapter 74: Grant pov
Standing in the main vestibule as we enter, my attention is captured by the grand staircase at the far end. I was in complete awe of it as a child and it still takes my breath away even now. Memories from my many visits here with my mother assault my senses and I move through the building on autopilot while following the others. Finally, we come to the kitchen at the back of the ground floor in the left wing and as I gaze around I feel saddened seeing how frozen in time it is. Miranda was always proud of her kitchen and Henry made sure that he always bought her the most up-to-date items for it. But now the machines lay untouched and outdated. I imagine Miranda would pitch a fit if she was here to see it now. “I’m moving in! Angel, I swear to God if you don’t let me move in and be your live-in chef, I will never forgive you! This kitchen is a chef's wet dream!!” I hear those words and glare at Jack ready to r
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Chapter 75: Grant pov
“Sorry, Angel.” “It’s okay Jack. Don’t feel bad, I’m alright.” “Are you sure?” “Of course. Don’t worry so much. Besides, now I need your amazing cooking even more.” Everyone chuckles and Simon speaks up to try to take his mind off of what happened. “Come on babe, let’s go do some shopping.” It seems he has some success as Jack turns and nods to him. “Wait, here take this to buy everything.” She walks over and hands them a black credit card. They stare at her as though she has just grown an extra head. “Why would you hand us that? We can buy what we need, you don’t have to pay.” “You aren’t just getting food for yourselves. You are buying to fill and stock this kitchen and when more staff are hired, I will need to do the same in the staff kitchen. And it’s not just food either, this kitchen is twenty years out of date with all of the appliances, so I want you to shop for all the gadgets we are going to need as well.” “Are you sure Angel? I mean the cost is going to be pretty
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Chapter 76: Angela pov
He accepted! I almost don’t believe that anything that is happening right now is real. But the truth is that it is real, and I could not be happier. Walking into this house, aside from being overwhelmed by my emotions from my memories of my past, I found myself intimidated by its size. I am used to my small flat and minimal furniture so seeing the size of Greystone Manor was almost too much. I am immensely grateful that Jack, Simon, Anya, and Ellis all agreed to move in with us. The idea of everyone living here together warms my heart and I am certain that this is the right choice. We enter the corridor for the bedrooms located in the left wing and Beth leads us while pointing out which rooms are which. There is a large master bedroom at the front of the wing above the library overlooking the entrance to the property and another the same size at the back of the wing above the kitchen, overlooking the gardens. In betwe
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Chapter 77: Angela pov
I look around and realise we are in the ensuite bathroom, and he has me pressed against the closed door. “Say stop and I will, if anything we ever do becomes too intense for you, I want you to say so immediately, understood, Angel?” I nod as my body shivers with anticipation of what it may experience in the next few moments. “Use your words love.” “I understand, Sir.” I don’t know what possessed me to add that last word at the end of my statement but the way his eyes darken, and his breath quickens I know it was the right thing to say. “Oh kitten, what am I going to do with you?” The promise in his voice is almost my undoing as my thighs clench his waist and he presses into me with a groan. Bracing me against the door he leans back and reaches for the edge of my shirt before quickly lifting it up and over my head. Dropping the garment to the floor his hands reach up to cup my breasts and knead them as he leans in to kiss my jaw and down my neck. I gasp from the multiple sensa
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Chapter 78 Grant pov
It’s been a week since Angela moved into the Greystone estate and everything has gone very well. I was both amazed and proud at how she responded to me in the bathroom. Up to that point, I had been worried about how she might respond to that side of me due to her past.Much to my delight she completely embraced the moment and afterwards, while we spent time with the others she kept fidgeting and sending me cheeky looks that held endless possibilities. At one point she reached out to caress my cock through my trousers while I was standing behind her and I leaned down to whisper in her ear.“Keep teasing me like this Angel and I will have to punish you later.”Her ears turned red, but she didn’t respond other than to cup my manhood and give it a squeeze which instantly had me hard. I knew she knew what she had done and that she had done it on purpose, but I got the confirmation when the others suggested moving her things inside and she giggled. “Laugh it up while you can love because l
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Chapter 79 Grant pov
She ends the call and Ellis stands frozen for a few moments. “She didn’t even thank me.” “Don’t read too much into it. Just do what you said you would and I am sure she will thank you later.” “Yeah, alright." "I’m going back to continue hounding restaurants for you.” “Okay. Let me know which one you manage to book.” He waves and walks out leaving me alone to wait. I try to focus on my emails while I wait but it is almost impossible, and I find myself watching the clock and my phone waiting for the message. Suddenly my phone screen lights up and I am quick to grab it. A - “Oh my god Grant! That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I hope Ellis is taking notes.” I chuckle and hearing me Ellis pokes his head into my office. “What’s up?” “Your girlfriend has high standards.” “What?” I show him her message and his face falls. “Damnit! Why do you have to do this to me? I thought we were friends.” I laugh and another message comes through, this time it is the video I as
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Chapter 80 Angel pov
I am still in shock from his proposal. Who knew he could be so romantic? I wipe down the last table and glance at the clock. It’s 4.30 pm I have time to try to figure out how I’m going to repay him. I never held it against him that we didn’t celebrate valentines. In truth, I completely forgot about it, and I have never celebrated it, so I didn’t miss it anyway. But he seems so impassioned by this and resolute in his actions that I do not have the heart to deny him. My biggest concern now is answering him with the same passion that he has shown me. “I cannot believe you refused to answer him.” "And I cannot believe that you were complicit in it all. Where is your loyalty A.” “Oh, don’t give me that, Angel, we both know that what he did today was amazing. I only found out when the deed was done, and I got a text from him asking me to video your response. Now that poor man has no doubt spent hours unsure about his actions because you refused to answer him.” I feel guilty thinking th
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