All Chapters of Beauty and Her Beast: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
91 Chapters
Chapter 81 Angel pov
His adams apple bobs as he swallows and his hands land on my hips gripping me a little firmly showing me how much he is controlling his desire at this moment. “I had dinner prepared. Are you hungry?” I say as I unbutton the top three buttons on his shirt. “Hmm yes but not for food.” I look up and he smiles before tipping his head down to the crook of my neck breathing in the scent of my skin and my body wash. “You smell devine, Angel.” He kisses my neck and I shudder with pleasure biting my lips to hold in a moan. Gripping his shirt to keep my composure I then move my palms across to his shoulders to slip his suit jacket off, it slides down his arms and puddles on the floor at his feet. I then move to his waistcoat and unbutton it before repeating my movements to slide it off like with the jacket. All the time he is kissing my neck with small pecks and the occasional nibble of his teeth on my skin. Stroking my palms along his arms I reach for his wrists to undo his cuff links
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Chapter 82 Angel pov
When I wake up the bed beside me is empty and cold. Sunlight is peaking through a gap in my curtains, so I turn to check the time and gasp when I notice I’ve slept in for most of the morning. Sitting up my hand touches something and when I look down, I see a note. Angel, I didn’t want to leave you without saying goodbye, but you were sleeping so peacefully that I decided to let you rest. Have a good day and I will see you when I finish work later. Love Grant X I smile reading his note and put it on the bedside table before getting out of bed and heading to my shower. Time to start the day. Last night was amazing and my body still feels the effects of it all. However, as I enter the bathroom, my stomach flips and I dash to the toilet, emptying the contents from last night into the pan. I don’t understand why I keep doing this, I don’t feel unwell at all, but yet this keeps happening. “Angel?! Oh my gosh, are you alright?” “Mmmm,” I grunt through my discomfort as I feel a hand
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Chapter 83: Angela pov
Since I finished my lunch during the call, I get straight back to my task of digging through the mountain of paperwork and before I know it, I’ve lost all sense of what is around me besides the papers I’m reading. “Angel? Angel.” I register my name being said but remain focused on my work until I feel hands touch my back it startles me, out of my skin and I jump up to my feet in defense mode. “Aaaaaah! Oh my, Grant!” I clutch my heart and try to control my breathing. “Sorry love. I tried to get your attention, but you were in a world of your own.” “It’s alright. Sorry, I was lost in a world of figures. Is it evening already?” “About 4.30. I finished early. What is all this?” He asks. I explain my system and the basics of what I have found so far. A frown appears on his forehead when I mention some of the discrepancies I’ve found already. “Hmm, I think you are on the right track. It certainly seems fishy from what you’ve told me so far.” “I agree," I say, "I was going to reac
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Chapter 84: Angela pov
I’m startled when the door of the office suddenly opens a few hours later and Grant is sleepily standing in the doorway. “You scared me. Are you alright?” I ask him, my hand on my heart as I try to stop it racing. “I woke up and you weren’t beside me, so I got worried and came looking for you.” “I’m sorry, I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I came here.” “Hmmm.” He mumbles as he makes his way to my sofa and lays down. “You don’t have to sleep here, go back to bed. I will come back when I feel tired.” “No s’okay, I’m fine here.” He replies sleepily already beginning to fall asleep. I shake my head but leave him to it and continue sorting through the files. Around 3 am I come across a transaction that shocks me and I have to wonder if I am seeing things due to lack of sleep. “This can’t possibly be right.” I mumble to myself as I stare at the paper before placing it safely to one side on the desk and then rifling through the rest of the papers to see if t
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Chapter 85: Angela pov
Knock, knock, knock. “Angel? Are you okay in there?” I hear Anya calling to me through the bathroom door. I don’t know how long I have been sitting on the toilet seat staring at the plastic stick in my hands. The handle moves and because I didn’t lock it the door opens, and Anya’s concerned face appears. “Angel?” I just stare at her not able to form any coherent thoughts. She frowns but when she glances down at my hands she gasps and steps closer to get a proper look. “Is it? Are you?” She looks into my eyes excited and hopeful but all I can do is nod slowly. “Ahhhhhh! Oh my god! I knew it!” She screams in excitement and begins jumping around my bathroom like a crazy person. “What am I going to do?” I whisper and she finally stops bouncing to look at me in concern. “Are you not happy Angel?” “Well, sure I guess, a baby would be nice, but I don’t know if I’m ready or if Grant even wants kids. It’s not like it’s a subject that has come up between us or anything.” “Oh, I see w
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Chapter 86: Angela pov
“Angel! How was it? I feel soooo goood right now.” Anya gushes when I see her in the corridor. “I know what you mean. I feel amazing.” She grins and hooks her arm through mine as we follow Heather and eventually walk into a parlor for skin treatments. “Alright ladies I will leave you now, my colleagues here will have you glowing in no time.” Anya beams excitedly next to me and we head to the facial treatment section. My left hand subconsciously lifts, and my finger strokes my cheek feeling the sunken area where the glass ripped through my face all those years ago. “Angel, are you alright?” “Mmhmm.” I respond absentmindedly. “Hey, don’t worry about your scars, who knows they might have some suggestions for helping it to fade a little if that would help you.” “Do you think so?” “If the experts don’t know then I don’t know who else would. Come on let’s get facial and full mani-pedi treatments. If anyone deserves it, you do.” I chuckle and follow along to a seat and sit down.
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Chapter 87: Angela pov
“Please madam, we have already apologised and explained that the spa was closed for the day exclusively by a very important client. We will be more than pleased to accommodate you here tomorrow, but we are unable to see you today.” “Impossible! I have an exclusive pass to enter here, and no one has the right to deny my access upon my request. How can she have more influence than me.” She then storms over in my direction and continues her barrage. “Tell me, how did you do it? You must have done something very shrewd and unspeakable to hook him like you have. Otherwise, why would he even look twice at someone as lowly as you? You are not fit to even lick the shoes of members of our society and yet you stand there as though you are better than me. Disgusting tramp!” In the distance, I hear the phone on the desk ringing until it is picked up, but my focus remains on Rita. Her words are hurtful and deliberate, but I don’t care for them. She was the one who had the affair and decided th
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Chapter 88: Grant pov
I’m sitting in a board meeting not really listening to what these men are saying because all I can think about is Angel and wanting to know if she is enjoying herself at the spa. She looked so tired this morning and I’m worried about how obsessed she has been with figuring out what is going on with the board of directors at her father’s company. That’s a point, I should audit my directors to make sure they aren’t trying to swindle me. Suddenly the door bursts open and everyone turns as Ellis rushes in. “Boss! I need you urgently.” “Ellis, I am in a meeting.” “Yes, I understand but this cannot wait, otherwise it might require divine intervention.” The way he stresses the word divine and stares intently at me has the hairs on my neck raising. “Excuse me gentlemen it seems I have to handle this immediately. Compile the rest of the reports and send to me to review by email. That will be all.” I leave the room at a brisk pace and head to my office. As soon as the door is closed, I
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Chapter 89: Grant pov
I hang up and glance out of my office window at the city below. Could it really be possible that I’m about to become a father?I think about my own father and the strained relationship I have with him and my brother now. I won’t let that happen to my family. No matter what happens I always want my children to know that they can come to me for anything and that I will be there to help and support them.Two hours later I message Simon to check in on things back at the house.G- “Are the girls home yet?”S- “Not yet but they are due shortly. I had a message from Anya recently saying they are en route.”G- “Good. I will get ready here at the office then head over to collect Angel in time for when she should be ready. Don’t let her be late, we have a schedule to keep.”S- “Don’t worry I’ve got everything organised.”G- “Thanks.”I put my phone away and try to focus on work, but I just can’t do it so instead I check the itinerary for the evening to make sure everything will go smoothly.“Yo
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Chapter 90: Angel pov
As we step into the foyer of the restaurant I am amazed by the interior décor. It is stunning, the walls are lined with mirrors and the Matre de stands behind a mahogany pedestal near a pair of wooden doors with glass panels that lead into the main dining room. “Good evening, Sir, Madam. My name is Paul may I take your reservation name?” “Cerulean.” “Please follow me.” He is almost falling over his own feet to lead us to our table, I find it a little comical. “Whatever did you say to them when you made this reservation?” “I don’t know what you mean. Besides, I asked Ellis to help me make the calls.” “Overworking your best friend again?” “No, not at all. He was happy to help me make this the perfect night for you.” I squeeze his arm affectionately to let him know that I appreciate the effort he is making. Crystal chandeliers give it a rich ambient feel, the tables are mahogany with white tablecloths on them. Every table has a pair of red roses in a vase as a centre piece whic
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