All Chapters of Hybrid Luna : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
Chapter 31
Neaera-“Vampires!” Someone yelled from the gathered crowd and then I heard a few growls coming from them.“No!” I quickly stepped between the other hybrids and the pack members to make sure no one attacked. “They are hybrids, like me. None of them are here to harm anyone, I asked them to come so we can all work together.”“Why do they have red eyes like vampires?” Another member asked, but I couldn’t see who it was.“Honestly, I don’t really know. I admit that I am a little different, but not in any way that would be dangerous. We still haven’t found out why I am different.” I explained.I had been tempted to tell them all the different things that make me unique but figured it was for the best to at least keep that information limited. As I thought about it, I realized that if I told them, it would only make me sound dangerous. The last thing they needed to know was I was getting my blood from Stryker or Zach, whereas the others drank solely from a blood bag.So far, they seemed to
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Chapter 32
Neaera-The training was a success with everyone working together. We still had a long way to go to get everyone ready, but I was happy with the outcome. My biggest worry of revealing my secrets hadn’t become an issue, which was another bonus to everything.By the next day, everyone was still working hard. Zach and the others had even been given a place to stay within the pack territory. Surprisingly, the hybrids had even made a few friends. I was starting to think that with just a little explanation, the rest of the community could accept what we are.There were still plenty of pack members that had an issue with everything, but Stryker has been working diligently to settle the matter. He hasn’t returned home, so we couldn’t talk more about our situation. I did a little thinking and decided that right now things were good enough between us, so I didn’t see a reason to stir anything up.Now, it has been three days since I revealed my secret and since I saw Stryker. We have seen each o
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Chapter 33
Neaera-Looking from Stryker to Luke and back again, I couldn’t decide what I thought about this. On one hand, I fully understood Stryker’s anger, but on the other, I didn’t feel this was the right time to hash this out. I was just about to step forward to attempt to resolve it when Luke dropped to the ground on his knees.“Please forgive me Alpha, I acted too rashly. You may punish me however you see fit.” Luke begged, with his hands clasped together and raised over his head as he bowed his head.I couldn’t get over how strange it was to see a large man like that, beg. From his size alone, he looked as if he could take Stryker in a physical fight, but his attitude reminded me of a scared child. I didn’t know the reasoning behind it, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he had been bullied by Chloe as well.Had I been wrong about him? I still considered him someone I hated, but I was starting to question the reason I hated him. Was it because he helped torment me in school or was it beca
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Chapter 34
Neaera-“That works, but you still need to eat as well. Why don’t I cook something first, that way you can eat right after. I don’t want you to feel weak while you deal with whatever you are dealing with.” I suggested.“Then I am going to go up and shower really quick. I won’t be long.” Stryker started up the stairs before he finished talking.I watched him head up the stairs, wishing there was something I could do for him. There was a part of me that wanted to ask what he was up to, but I didn’t want to butt in. I might be his mate, but I didn’t have any intentions of becoming the Luna of the pack.I figured that if he wanted me to know, he would tell me. Perhaps it was my own anxiety that was making me imagine things and he could be perfectly fine. Until there was another attack, I didn’t know what I could do.It wasn’t like I could properly prepare for a defensive approach. The members were improving with what we were teaching them, but we still had a way to go before everyone was
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Chapter 35
Neaera-While Stryker cooked, I moved from the table to sit on the corner of the counter, so I could watch him. As he moved around the kitchen, he seemed to be in a whole new world. From the looks of things, it appeared as if he enjoyed cooking.He seemed to be completely in his element. While he chopped up some bell peppers and onions, I noticed he had better skills with a cutting knife, than Zach did. He chopped everything up into perfect strips.He already had some slivers of steak frying in the pan, so while he was cutting the vegetables, he would occasionally stir up the steak. As he moved between his tasks, I wondered how he was able to keep track of everything. After failing with my attempt to cook for him, I noticed where I had messed up.For one I didn’t manage my time, nor did I adjust the temperature of each burner accordingly. Watching him, I realized there was an art to cooking. Either that or he just made it look like it.“When did you start cooking?” I asked while leani
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Chapter 36
Neaera-Unlatching myself from Stryker, I grabbed some paper towels off the roll that was sitting near me on the counter. Cleaning up the blood that was dripping from his wound, I tried to come up with something that would settle Chloe. Stryker took the now bloodied paper towel from me and threw it in the trash.“You are a monster!” Chloe yelled and marched toward me as if she were intent on killing me.Her arm extended out to me, with her claws extended from her fingertips. Sidestepping, I grabbed her wrist and twisted it, while stepping around her to pin her arm against her back. Placing my free hand on her shoulder, I held her in place.“Calm down before you do something stupid.” I ordered her, not really caring that I was just making this worse for me.Instead of trying to convince her that I wasn’t a monster, I was holding her against her will. Luckily, I had Stryker on my side, so he could help me explain what was going on. The last person I ever expected to explain myself to wa
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Chapter 37
Neaera-Turning to Stryker, I saw he was watching Chloe walk away and he had a twitch in his eye. “Are you okay?”“It is better this way. I am sure we can figure out what to do without a pack doctor.” Stryker sighed, and his demeanor slowly started relaxing.“Actually, you won’t be without a pack doctor.” Dirk said, stepping next to Stryker and me.Smiling at Dirk, I had to fight back the irony of having a Hybrid as a pack doctor. Maybe it might prove to everyone once and for all that hybrids aren’t a threat. It was also a good thing to have the hybrids find a way to connect to the pack, especially after becoming a member of the pack. First, we needed to talk to Zach about it.“We can discuss everything inside. I think there are a few things that we need to discuss.” Stryker turned to head inside, without waiting for anyone to respond.Once inside, we gathered in the living room, with Stryker sitting in the recliner that his dad always sat in. I was about to sit on the couch, but he g
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Chapter 38
Neaera-For the longest time, Zach sat on the sofa, not answering, or giving away anything on his face. His eyes would occasionally look around the room, but other than that his expression was unreadable. As the seconds ticked by, I wondered if I had overstepped.When Zach finally opened his mouth to speak, I sucked in a sharp breath. “Actually, I have thought about this as well. It was something I had planned to approach you on later after we settled things here.”My nerves were on high alert as I waited for Zach to continue. His shoulders slumped and his face relaxed, once again displaying his emotions over his features. From the way his body relaxed, I thought he was okay with everything, but his facial expression appeared more stressed like he was exhausted.“I fully intend to continue helping hybrids find their place in this world, by being welcomed amongst the communities. There isn’t much I can do about vampires, but that will be something that will need to work out on its own.
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Chapter 39
Neaera-We all talked for a bit, then Zach, Mathew, and the hybrids left. I was going to be joining them soon, but I was wanting to talk to Stryker about something else. Once they were gone, I removed myself from Stryker’s lap.Now that we were alone, I didn’t want there to be any temptation. We have already covered a lot of things, but there was still something we had yet to talk about. I had him follow me into the kitchen, so we can heat up our food and eat.With everything going on, we had forgotten about the food. Since I knew how to heat up food, I took care of heating things up, while Stryker sat at the table. He had made stir fry and rice, which was one of my favorites when I was a kid.The more I spent around him, the more I learned that he had gone out of his way to take care of me most of my life. Now that I was back, I could only hope that I could manage to return that level of care to him. I might not be able to do everything he used to do, but I was going to work harder t
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Chapter 40
Neaera-I found Mathew at the main entrance, talking with the guards. It was too loud to hear what they were saying, so I moved closer. I opened my mouth to ask what was going on but snapped it shut when Stryker arrived demanding answers.“What is going on?” Stryker yelled over the blaring sound of the siren.“Every alert was set off at the same time. We haven’t seen any sign of vampires, but we can’t shut it down.” The guard answered, also yelling over the loud noise.“Do we know if this is an attack or a malfunction?” Stryker asked.“We don’t know yet. No one has spotted anything, but most of the pack is in an uproar. The few members that are still functional, I sent to run a perimeter check. It could be a malfunction, but the system says it is working properly.” The guard responded.Looking around, I located the speaker that the alarm was coming from. It was on a tall telephone pole a few yards away. Not having time to waste, I climbed up the pole with ease. The benefit of being wh
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