All Chapters of Hybrid Luna : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
78 Chapters
Chapter 21
Stryker-After walking Zach out, Nea turned to face me. “If you don’t mind, I would really like to just lie down. We can talk more later.”As much as I wanted to continue our conversation, the look on her face stopped me from asking her to sit with me a little longer. I just felt like I was so close to fixing the mistakes of our past and building a future with her, yet I was so far. Nodding my head, I agreed to talk with her later.Watching her walk up the stairs, I wanted to follow her and pull her into my arms and promise the world to her. Once she was no longer within my line of sight, I ran my fingers through my hair. Everything was a complete disaster right now and I still haven’t processed everything completely.I meant what I told both Nea and Zach, I didn’t care what she was. She could be a full-blooded vampire and I would still love her as I have always done. Gazing up the stairs, I let out a sigh before turning around to head out the door.Seeing my Beta heading this way, I
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Chapter 22
Neaera-“Absolutely not.” I looked between Stryker and Mathew in disbelief.They had just finished telling me about Stryker’s idea to relocate the pack until he felt the pack was ready to face the vampires again. He also voiced his thoughts about not doing it, but he wanted to hear my opinion on the matter. Mathew hadn’t said much, but he hadn’t tried talking Stryker out of it.“Even if we start training tonight, there is no telling when another attack will happen. I was just thinking it would buy us a little time to better prepare everyone.” Stryker explained.“Sure, if you want to get everyone killed then go ahead, move them.” I rolled my eyes at him, not bothering to hide my annoyance. “If you move them, they will be in more danger than if they remained here. At least here they know the territory and have the advantage here that they won’t have anywhere else.”Stryker, myself, and Mathew were currently sitting in the living room discussing what to do next. I asked Zach to come, but
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Chapter 23
Neaera-Having barged in and immediately started yelling, I hadn’t noticed Stryker lying on the ground, curled into himself as he clutched his stomach. Running to the top of the staircase, I called down for Mathew to come and help me. Returning to Stryker’s room, I lowered myself to the ground, next to his head.In just a short time since he came up here, he was covered in sweat. His shirt clung to his body, and his hair was dripping. Reaching out, I placed my hand against the side of his face and noticed he was burning up.“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” I complained as I attempted to lift him off the ground.Mathew appeared and assisted me by moving him to his bed. Leaving him alone with Mathew, I went to the bathroom to get a washcloth and damp it with cold water. Returning to his room, I sat on the head of the bed and laid his head on my lap.Patting his face with the cloth, I tried to cool him down. He still clutched his stomach, and his eyes were squeezed shut. His face wa
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Chapter 24
Stryker-I couldn’t believe my ears. As happy as I was about her willingness to let me claim her, I was also a little hesitant. This wasn’t the way I wanted to make her mine. If only I had more time, I could have allowed her a chance to warm up to the idea.With my birthday still a bit away, I figured it would allow me enough time to fix things between us. The last thing I wanted was for her to tie herself to me by force. I certainly hadn’t expected to run out of time.I admit that I have been feeling a little strange, but I thought it was just because Nea was back in my life and things weren’t what I expected them to be. Now that I knew what the cause was, I wondered if her return had sped the process up. Before I had just been on edge, but I thought it was because I had been no closer to finding her.After her return, I ignored everything else as my main concern was getting closer to Nea. If I had more time, I wouldn’t let her tie herself to me without being sure. Being that I didn’
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Chapter 25
Neaera-I hadn’t intended to bite him, yet the urge to do so was too strong to hold back. As my fangs sunk into his skin, pleasure shot through me like nothing I had experienced before. When his blood filled my mouth, I knew that no other blood would satisfy me in the way his did.The more it took, the more I wanted and for an instant, I didn’t think I would have the willpower to stop. It was as if something inside of me took over, only wanting to take as much as I desired, regardless of the consequences. For the first time, I was willing to feed into the monster that was inside of me.“Nea…” Stryker’s voice broke through my trance, and I had to force myself to stop.Withdrawing my fangs, shoved him off me. He rolled to the side until he was lying next to me. I felt ashamed of my actions. Sitting up on the bed, I rotated my body until I was sitting on the side with my feet flat on the floor.I didn’t know what had come over me just now, but I knew I didn’t want him to look at me. Feel
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Chapter 26
Neaera-Even though I felt much better now that I had talked to him, I knew that I wasn’t entirely fixed. For now, I was ready to put my uncertainty to rest. I would continue to be aware of the possibility that I could lose control, but I was going to start believing in myself a little more.The urge to kiss him had me leaning forward. A smile spread across his lips, and his hand moved to rest behind my head. Just before our lips met, a commotion downstairs stopped us. Stryker let out a curse before moving me off him.Since he hadn’t removed his clothes, it didn’t take long for him to fix his appearance enough to leave the room to check out what was going on. Finding my pants, I quickly pulled them on, while forgoing my underwear.As soon as I was dressed, I slipped into the bathroom in the hallway to grab a hair tie. Pulling my hair into a messy bun, I headed down the stairs only to stop when I saw Chloe was there. She was crying on the floor at Stryker’s feet, with her arms wrapped
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Chapter 27
Stryker-Walking to the school with Nea was better than I could have imagined. Other than walking side by side, nothing happened but it was still more than enough for me. Both my mark and scent were evident on her, proving that she was mine.I could tell she was a little annoyed by the way I kept smiling, yet I didn’t care. I was still over the moon with the way she stepped in to make it clear to Chloe that I was hers. I had expected that it would take more time and effort for her to admit that. Only when we arrived at the school, for the pack meeting, did I become more serious. Mathew was already inside the gym, waiting for our arrival. Pack members were seated on the bleachers, talking amongst themselves.Taking Nea's hand in mine, I was relieved when she didn’t try to pull her hand back. During the time she has been away from me, I was happy to see that she had more of a backbone. Everything I thought I knew about her; she was proving to me time and time again that I had a lot to
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Chapter 28
Neaera-I didn’t know why Zach was so upset about me being mated, although I couldn’t blame him. As far as he knows, I didn’t want anything to do with anyone in this pack. Since arriving, we haven’t talked much about what has been going on.Everything happened so fast that I haven’t had a chance to explain things to him. Then there was the fact that I am the Beta of his pack but was now mated to an Alpha of another pack. That was the only thing I could think of, of why he is upset.“I can explain.” I said to Zach once we were inside.“Do you know how hard I have worked to make it so other werewolves will accept your kind? This could jeopardize everything.” Zach turned on me, his eyes changing colors from a light shade of blue, to a darker shade of blue.It was exceedingly rare for me to see him on the verge of losing control of his wolf. From what I could tell, he was remarkably close to having his wolf take over. Even black fur was starting to appear on his arms and his face.Steppin
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Chapter 29
Neaera-Telling Zach everything, well, almost everything, I could see that it was a lot for him to process. I was sure it was a lot for anyone to process. I knew it was for me. Even now, I was still trying to wrap my head around things.I couldn’t tell him all the details that I still didn’t know that Stryker was privy to, nor could I explain my own thoughts on the matter. The only thing I could do was tell him all the details, or rather the events that led up to this moment.I included filling him in on what happened before I ran away. He knew most of my history already, but around the time I first ran away, I had only been focused on finding out I was adopted, not the conversation that happened prior. When I told him how my empathic ability could be controlled when I was touching Stryker, Zach seemed interested but didn’t interrupt.Since I figured he would ask eventually, I included telling him that I wasn’t sure what I was planning to do about the pack situation now that I was mat
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Chapter 30
Neaera-I thought that if I waited until after the training sessions, it would be better for everyone. I was quickly proven wrong. During the first round, it was clear that I was going to need to step up my game.To do that, I would need to reveal what I was to everyone. Their tactics were good, but not good enough. Unless I attacked them as a vampire would, they wouldn’t be able to fully fight against one.When the first round ended, I felt frustrated. At this rate, we were never going to get through training. There were too many of them and not enough of me. Turning to face Zach, I saw he was just as frustrated. The members of the first group hadn’t seemed to learn anything, other than gain a little knowledge, it hadn’t sunk in.“We aren’t going to prepare them if we don’t give them all the information that they need.” I sighed. I knew what needed to be done, but I was dreading the outcome.“What did you have in mind?” Zach asked, but from his expression, I was sure he knew where I
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