All Chapters of Hybrid Luna : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
Chapter 51
Neaera-As I looked at Leo, standing next to Dimitri, a weird feeling fell over me. I couldn’t explain what it was, but it gave me goosebumps. There was something off with seeing Leo stand next to the man that says that he is my father.I hoped that when it was time to get him away from the enemy, there wouldn’t be any issues. As it stands, to get to Leo, I was going to need to go through Dimitri. After the last encounter I had with him, I wasn’t too sure if I could fight him and win.When I returned my attention to Dimitri, I kept myself from looking directly into his eyes. Whatever his ability was, Zach had warned me about looking into his eyes. Looking at his nose instead, I clenched my teeth, grinding them a few times before speaking.“The problem with vampires like you is that you have no honor.”“Who cares about things like honor, when you have power.” Dimitri scoffed. “Just as your friend Leo. He has witnessed what power can do for someone determined to rise to the top. I, well
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Chapter 52
Neaera-“Not so fast.” Dimitri said in a deep voice as he stopped my hand.His fingers were wrapped around my wrist, with the tips of my fingers barely touching his chest. I had thought I had him, but his movement had been so fast that I didn’t see it until he grabbed me. As quickly as he grabbed me, he stood up and twisted my arm behind my back.A loud popping noise resonated through the wind as my shoulder was dislocated. Pain shot through me so intensely that I nearly blacked out. Clenching my teeth, I did my best to remain conscious.“What is wrong Nea?” Stryker’s voice spoke inside my head.“I am fine.” I responded to him, doing my best to keep the pain out of the link.The last thing I needed was for him to fly off the wall and rush in when there was still a hint of wolfsbane in the air. It was mostly cleared out, but not enough for a werewolf not to be affected. Just a little longer and maybe we can get out of this.“The hell you are, I can feel your pain, but I don’t know what
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Chapter 53
Stryker-I knew this guy was insane, but this was on a whole different level. This was my first official encounter with him, and he was laughing like this was just some sort of joke to him. Delivering one last blow to his face, I stepped back as he clutched his stomach and laughed.“I am going to pee my pants from all this laughing.” Dimitri said between laughs.Stepping back, I looked over at Nea, who had also stopped attacking. We were getting nowhere with him, and we both understood it. Looking around I saw things were getting messy with everyone.A few of the vampires that we had brought with us were now dead, while the others were barely hanging on. When Leo had alerted Zach that the air was clear, we ran as fast as we could to get here. The others were waking up the pack members, but we weren’t going to last much longer if they didn’t get everyone on their feet soon.As the thought occurred to me, the doors to the school burst open and my pack members scattered around to attack
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Chapter 54
Neaera-Stryker led me to his bedroom and all I could think about was tasting his blood. Since he mentioned it, I thought of nothing else as we walked to the house. I didn’t really need it, but I wanted it more than I wanted to breathe.“Before I give you any blood, you need to promise that no matter what is going on, you will not block me anymore. It was different when you couldn’t control it, but I don’t like the feeling of being disconnected from you.” Stryker said the moment we entered his room and he shut the door.It took a second for me to register what he was saying. My mind was so focused on the beat of his heart and the beating of the pulse just under the surface of his artery. When it clicked that he had spoken, I had to focus on him and not on my lust for his blood.I needed to learn to get control over this side of me, or I was going to become the very thing I hated. Snapping out of it, I looked him in the eyes while letting down my mental block. It was still strange that
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Chapter 55
Neaera-Over the next three days, I focused mostly on getting my head right. Since I didn’t need to feed so soon after taking what I did from Stryker, I used the time to gain better control over my ability. I was surprised by how far I have come.Natalia had stayed behind to help me, and I could even consider us friends now. She didn’t stay inside the pack territory because most of the pack members had an issue with it. Instead, she and a few of the vampires that wanted to stay behind to help took over the cabin that the hybrids had stayed in for a bit.With Natalia’s help though, I was now able to use my empathic ability without as much pain. Sometimes it was a little overwhelming and did leave me with a migraine, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Today she was going to help me overcome my sickness from drinking out of a blood bag.Stryker didn’t know that I was planning to do it, because I didn’t want him to talk me out of it. After nearly killing him from taking too much blood, I knew
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Chapter 56
Neaera-We managed to get away from the pack without anyone asking any questions. Zach and Stryker had a phone conference with the Alpha King, so we had time to get out. I simply told them that I was going to work with Natalia and Kalea.When I had mentioned to Kalea about Natalia taking me somewhere, even though I didn’t know where she jumped at the chance. I realized as we were on our way to where we were going, I haven’t gone out with Kalea for anything like this.In all reality, I have never experienced a girl’s night. The only times I have spent time together with someone was when I was with Stryker and his friends. I was both excited and scared. Mostly scared as I didn’t know what to expect.I have asked Natalia many times where we were going, but she just told me to keep my panties on and let her drive. We were all piled into a small car, that one of the vampires had brought. I hadn’t wanted to take my car because it would have been too obvious.I did feel a little bad that I l
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Chapter 57
Neaera-Scanning the bar once again, I felt a sense of peace wash over me at seeing how everyone was getting along. Smiling to myself, I relaxed a little, thinking there was hope for our kind after all. Natalia patted my back and winked at me as she ordered two shots of something I have never heard of. “This is exactly what you needed,” Natalia said as the two shot glass with a dark red liquid slid across the bar to us. “What is this?” I asked, Natalia because the bartender walked away. “Don’t worry about it, just drink.” She motioned for me to pick up the shot glass as she picked up hers. “Bottoms up.” She said as she drank the liquid in one drink. Looking at the shot glass, I wasn’t sure if I should do it or not. It had a very strong alcohol odor to it and something that smelled familiar, but I couldn’t place the smell. Shrugging my shoulders, I lifted the glass to my lips and took it all in one swig. The liquid burned going down, but it felt so good. It was like an instant w
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Chapter 58
Stryker-When Kalea had first sent me a text about where they were located, I jumped in Nea’s car and sped down the road. The moment I received a video about what was going on though, I had been in a full rage. Now that I saw firsthand what was happening, I was doing everything I could to keep myself from killing every guy in the bar.“She said don’t.” I growled, sounding more like a wolf than a human.The werewolf that had a hold of Nea I knew personally. He had been the Beta of a small pack nearby. I have had to deal with him a few times in the past before his pack disbanded.I always thought he was a stand-up guy, but seeing the way he was grabbing my mate, I wanted to rip his head off. With him not letting her go, it only irritated me more. I had a large man holding me back, but if I wanted to, I could break free of him and kill the man.The only thing stopping me is that I respected that this bar had zero tolerance for fighting. I knew the bar owner and he was a close friend of m
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Chapter 59
Stryker-“Nea, come on, wake up.” I whispered, keeping my voice low even though I knew it was pointless.Struggling with the seatbelt, I became agitated. Gripping the clip tightly, I yanked as hard as I could. With a little more effort than normal, it broke away. Before I fell on my head, I raised my other arm to support my weight.Slowly readjusting my body, I sat upright on the roof. I first shook Natalia, hoping she would wake up. I couldn’t afford to get both out of the car and to safety, but I figured I would at least give Natalia a chance to save herself.When she didn’t respond, I moved so I could release the seatbelt on Nea. Catching her before she could fall, I slid her body out of the car, through her broken window. As I was crawling out, one of the feet I saw walking toward the car grabbed Nea by the arms and started dragging her away.“Release her!” I roared, quickly getting out of the car and on my feet.A rush of vertigo hit me, and I had to grab onto the car to keep fro
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Chapter 60
Stryker-“How did you know we were here?” I asked Kalea once she was standing over me.“Neaera linked with me, asking for help but she didn’t say anything else. I tracked her phone to this location.” Kalea answered as she bent over to look inside the car.“Members of a different pack took her. I wasn’t strong enough to stop them.” I grunted as I tried forcing myself to stand.As much as I tried, I couldn’t find the strength to stand. My legs buckled before I could put any weight on them. The guy from the bar came around the car just then and grabbed my arms. I didn’t care that he was with Kalea, but I was slightly curious.“From what I see, I am surprised you are even conscious.” Kalea said as she stood back up after helping Natalia from the car.The guy helped me to my feet, and I leaned against the car, taking my weight off my bad ankle. I was feeling stronger than I had been, but it was still a far cry from my normal self. I needed to heal quickly if I wanted any chance of saving N
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