All Chapters of Hybrid Luna : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
78 Chapters
Chapter 61
Stryker-“Call all the warriors back and get the hybrids here.” I ordered Mathew through the pack link.Looking into the face of the man that took my mate, I felt this fervent desire to rip his head straight from his shoulders. The pack was a notorious pack, but it was only two hours from here by car. In wolf form, I could make it there in an hour.The pack was Alpha Benson’s pack, which used to be known as the Fury Fang pack. Since the Alpha King did away with pack names, they were now recognized by their Alpha’s name. Like how this pack was just known as my pack.It was made this way ten years ago because the new Alpha’s wanted to change pack names, and many packs migrated a lot that didn’t have a pack territory. It wasn’t always easy to keep track of the different packs, but who was I to question the Alpha King?Knowing that Nea was taken by Alpha Benson’s pack though, I was ready to rip his pack to shreds. They weren’t exactly allies with us, but we tended to leave each other alon
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Chapter 62
Neaera-Ugh, my head was killing me. Opening my eyes, I looked around at my surroundings. I didn’t recognize anything. Where was I? I tried to remember the last thing that happened before going to sleep, but nothing came to mind.The room I was in was large and extravagant, like something straight out of an elegant home design magazine. I was lying on a large bed with bedposts on each corner and some sort of off-white fabric covering each side of the bed.Slowly sitting up, I placed my hand on my head as my head felt as if it were spinning. After a moment, the dizziness went away. Allowing my gaze to wander around the room, I realized that there was something familiar about this place.If I remember correctly, I had been in a room like this before, but I hadn’t paid too much attention to it. Thinking back, I tried to remember exactly when I had been in a room like this. Only bits and pieces of my memory returned, but not enough to put the pieces together.Shoving the covers back, I lo
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Chapter 63
Neaera-I woke to the sound of yelling and screaming coming from outside. Once again as I woke up, my head was pounding, but it was from the hit I got from Alpha Benson. This time, as I looked around, I realized that I was in the cellar that was under the packhouse.I was lying on a cot in a dank cell, with only a bucket at the far end that smelled as if it were used as a toilet. Groaning, I rolled off the cot and stood up. I nearly forgot about my hip, but quickly remembered when my leg gave out from under me.Steadying myself, I went to the cell door, which was nothing more than iron bars from floor to ceiling. Turning my body to the side, I tried to see if I could squeeze out, but no luck. Peering through the bars, I didn’t see anyone around.“Hello?” I yelled but was only met with the sound of my own echoing voice.Hitting the bar with my hand, I let out a curse. I didn’t know what was going on outside, but I needed to use this as a chance to get out of here. Looking around the ce
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Chapter 64
Neaera-I was about to say something, but before I could, a deep voice spoke instead. “I don’t think you have the right to decide that.”Spinning around, I saw a tall man walking toward us. I recognized him, he was the Alpha King. I wasn’t sure why he was here, but I instantly became cautious. This wasn’t the first time I have interacted with him, but that was when he hired me for a job.Now it was different because I didn’t know why he was here. Stepping back, I moved closer to Stryker. My eyes moved to where the other hybrids were, and I could see that they were also a little wary about the Alpha King is here.“Alpha, what brings you here?” Alpha Benson bowed his head, completely disregarding what had been said and acting as if all was well in the world.“Cut the crap.” The Alpha King’s voice roared as he came to tower over Alpha Benson.A whimper escaped Alpha Benson and he dropped to his knees, with his head tilted to the side. It was an obvious submissive move, but it seemed as i
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Chapter 65
Neaera-A slow smile spread across the Alpha King’s face as he nodded his head. “Now I can understand why Zach believes you are the one to lead the hybrids. Honestly, I was hoping you would agree with my suggestion, but that was for my own benefit. The council and I have already discussed another option.”“What is that?” I turned my body slightly, raising one knee on the bench and folding it into me.“For now, we would like to offer you complete transparency and you lead the hybrids as you see fit. Just like other were-animals, you will become a branch of the werewolves. When you have something established and know which direction you wish to go, then we can discuss things more in-depth. In the meantime, you will have the protection of the werewolves at your back.”I narrowed my gaze at him as I tried to decipher his words. It was pretty much what he was telling me before, but different. He also told me just moments before that hybrids couldn’t have our own system, but now he was tell
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Chapter 66
Neaera-At two o’clock in the morning, two days later, I was sitting on a plane with Stryker and the pack, along with fifteen vampires. I still didn’t know where we were headed. When I learned that the pack owned a plane that was big enough to hold over two hundred passengers, I was shocked.It would have been less shocking if it had been something new that Stryker did. The shocking part was that I grew up in this pack and I had known nothing about the plane. What else did I not know about this pack?“Are you okay?” Stryker asked in the seat beside me.“Will everyone be safe where we are going?” I asked, deciding to keep my real thoughts to myself.“We will be arriving at a private hangar. There is an underground path that the vampires will be able to access to get to our destination. I promise I made sure everything would be safe for everyone.”Being that he was thoughtful, I let go of the fact that I had been left in the dark about the pack. It really shouldn’t be too surprising, co
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Chapter 67
Stryker-Having Nea on my back as we ran across the open fields and through the woods, had been something I had dreamed of. When we arrived at a small village, we didn’t have to hide as we shifted back into our human forms. Most people around here were either part of the supernatural world or knew about it.Taking the clothes that I had discarded from another member that had picked them up for me, I quickly dressed. Nea wandered off on her own, but I wasn’t worried. I found her sometime later as she was having a snowball fight with some kids.Instead of joining in, I stood back and watched. This was the first time I have seen her laugh so freely as if she didn’t have a worry in the world. Even when she was younger, there had always been something keeping the light from fully reaching her eyes.“She really is something, isn’t she?” Zach said as he stepped beside me and watched Nea playing around. The hybrids also joined in on the fun, as did some of the werewolves.“That she is. By the
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Chapter 68
Neaera-This was just my luck. Instead of watching where I was going, I nearly ran into a wolf that jumped out in front of me. Now I didn’t know where I was. One minute I was having fun and snowboarding down the mountain, the next I was taking a hard left turn to avoid hitting the wolf.I ended up getting off track of the course and going down the wrong side of the mountain. My board was broken, and I think my ankle was sprained. Other than that, I felt fine, but when I attempted to let someone know what happened, I couldn’t get through.It was weird because it reminded me of when I was around Alpha Benson. I doubted there was any connection between now and then, but it made me feel uneasy. Sitting in a heap of snow that I crashed into, I stood up and winced when I applied pressure to my sprained ankle.Careful not to put too much pressure on my ankle, I turned around a few times to try to figure out where I was. Looking up at the area that I fell from, I saw that it was a large drop-
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Chapter 69
Neaera-Watching Stryker basically mutilate Benson, I sat back in shock. I have seen a lot of gruesome things in my life but watching someone I knew going to this extreme was on a whole new level. When Stryker stood up, he was naked and covered in blood.Looking into his face, I barely recognized the man that he was. His face was distorted, with wolf features mixed with his human features. It was hard to distinguish between beast and man.“Are you okay?” Stryker’s voice sounded more human than it did, but I couldn’t move or speak.I wasn’t scared or anything, but I was in shock. It wasn’t until he was standing in front of me, crouching in the snow, with the same hand that he used to rip apart Benson, that my senses returned. Blinking a few times, I focused on him and saw the same man I fell in love with, his eyes filled with concern and very much human.The animalistic features he presented moments ago were gone. I didn’t mind that he was covered in blood, but I was glad to see he was
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Chapter 70
Neaera-It took two days to get everything ready for the ceremony. I was nervous, but I wasn’t at the same time. It was helpful that I had a large support system around me. To think that before everything changed five years ago, I only had my brother to depend on and a few others.Now, I have them and so much more. A part of me wished that Stryker’s parents could be here because I would have loved to show them the woman I have become. I knew they had loved me like their own daughter and for the first time since learning of their death, it hurt knowing that they weren’t here anymore.“Are you ready?” The Alpha King asked through the door.I was in the room I shared with Stryker, but he was already downstairs, making sure everything was ready. The Alpha King was stepping in to make the Luna Ceremony official since we were uniquely going about this. It made me think of a wedding ceremony, that I have seen in movies.I was wearing a white dress, minus the veil, with a tiara covered in dia
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