All Chapters of Fated Mates, Forbidden Love : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
141 Chapters
Thirty one
Katana's POV Damien's kiss was electrifying, eager, and erratic like the storm. Gosh, the man could kiss! My wolf was dying of pleasure and my body ached for more as he thrust his tongue deep into my mouth. It was a slow dance of passion and I was lost in it, completely enthralled by him. My wolf was purring, her claws itching to break free and tear open. My fingers tangled in his hair as he pushed me back against the wall. He pulled away from me with an exaggerated groan but only enough to lift me and straddle me against him. "You're killing me," he murmured against the damp skin of my throat, kissing down my jawline and neck while my hands roamed over his hair. He let out a low groan and gripped me tighter against him. I clung to him, desperate for more of that delicious heat, and he groaned. His hands were everywhere and when I ground my hips against his, the feel of our skin rubbing together made my wolf whimper in need. He was so hard, so hot, and his smell was divi
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Thirty Two
Katana's POV I sat huddled on the cold concrete floor and my heart pounded in my chest as the sound of gunfire echoed through the bomb shelter. It felt like an eternity had passed since the explosion sent us running for cover, and now we were trapped in this cramped, dark space, unsure of what was happening beyond the walls of the shelter. I couldn't help but wonder if this was it if this was the end. The fear in the air was almost suffocating. People were visibly shaking, their fists clenched as they fought to maintain control. Some were openly sobbing. As for me, I couldn't shake the worry that was gnawing at my gut. My mum wasn't there. I had no way of knowing if she was okay. The possibility that she might be injured or worse weighed heavily on my mind, and I found myself fighting back tears as I tried to hold it together. Zayn's arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me close. His voice was soft and reassuring as he whispered, "It's okay. Your mom might be in another
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Thirty Three
Katana I woke up the next morning feeling like I'd been hit by a train. A high fever raged within me and I could barely muster the strength to lift my head from the pillow. "Sweetie, you're in heat,” my mum explained softly, her palm placed on my forehead. I was too exhausted to even find the words to respond. She headed to the bathroom and returned with a damp washcloth, fussing like a mother hen and placing the cool washcloth on my forehead. "This is going to be quite difficult for you if you and Damien stay away from each other. It's because of your proximity and he kissed you last night. Your wolf is sick and needs him, " my mum said, dabbing my arms and legs, trying to bring down my body temperature. The coldness of the cloth sent shivers down my spine. "And if he doesn't? What will happen to me?" She shrugged sadly. "Then you'd have to find someone else, this automatically ruins the mating bond. Sadness almost knocked me off the bed. My mum noticed. " You need to eat s
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Thirty Four
Damien I stepped into the boardroom where Leo was in deep conversation with Sean Thomas, a brilliant bastard who couldn't do without tea and cared nothing for the world beyond money. He was one of the government representatives in charge of real estate on the Northern and Southern coasts and his approval was crucial for me, unfortunately. "Sean, good to see you," my voice rang out, pretending to be pleased. "We appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with us." Sean looked up and gave me a small nod of recognition, sipping on his steaming cup of chamomile tea. "Good to see you too, Alpha Damien," he said in a deep, measured voice. Sitting across from Sean in the airy boardroom, my nerves tensed as Leo launched into a well-rehearsed pitch, talking about the plight of increased accommodation problems and the way immoral entrepreneurs sold leaking roofs and drafting walls. "Everybody deserves a safe and comfortable place to call home," I emphasized, sitting
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Thirty Five
Katana I ran away from Damien, heading towards the duplex, my heart pounding in my chest with every step I took. It would be stupid to tell him what Anysia and her friend did to me. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I rushed over to a nearby tap and splashed my face with water, the liquid refreshing against my flushed cheeks. As soon as I opened the door, the aroma of freshly baked cake filled my nostrils. I made my way toward the living room, where I heard the sound of kids' laughter and the incessant babble of cartoons emanating from the massive plasma screen. I smiled at the sight of them, their bright eyes glued to the screen as they giggled and laughed uncontrollably. Losing myself in their laughter, I watched them. They looked healthier fed, in contrast to their thin bodies when we lived outside the border. My muscles relaxed and my worries dissipated with each exhale as I sat down on one of the empty sofas, reaching for a bright red pillow on the adjacent seat. Memories o
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Thirty Six
Katana The episodes were becoming more frequent, and I didn't understand why. My mom said the only solution was to become bold and fearless and confront the ghosts, or else they would keep torturing me. I kept the little encounter with Damien's baby mama to myself. I couldn't tell my mom because she was going to get paranoid, and I couldn't tell Damien because I knew he would become so mad and do irrational stuff. I threw myself into my books, instead of trying to read ahead for the forthcoming exams. Concentrating was tough, especially with everything that was happening to me. I couldn't focus on anything other than the thoughts of Damien. Tired of trying, I slammed my book shut, and my mind wandered to the incident with Anysia. Her cruelty made me sick to my stomach. I needed to avoid her like the plague. I gathered my books and pencils, stuffing them haphazardly into my bag, and headed out for a walk. I passed by several duplexes and headed west toward the vet clinic. I had no
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Thirty Seven
Damien My heart pounded with maddening rage when Xena reported all Anysia and Isadora had done to Katana. The poor girl had suffered in silence, and I felt so guilty for not seeing the signs earlier. My fists clenched in anger, and I stormed upstairs. Anysia had no right to maltreat my mate; that was a very stupid and disgraceful thing to do. After all, the girl didn't force herself on me, and if Anysia had to heap blame on anyone, it should be me. I saw red. Baby or not, it was time to do the needful. I didn't give a shit about what anyone thinks about my bond with an Omega. I loved that girl and would pounce on anyone who treats her cruelly and tear them to shreds. It was time to put a stop to this nonsense. "Leave my house," I yelled at Anysia, swinging the door open. "Now that the baby's born, I have no business with you. If you thought your actions would go unpunished because you have a child with me, then you are sorely mistaken." She glared at me with disgust, shaking her h
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Thirty Eight
Katana "Get dressed, I'm taking you out," Damien said to me and turned off the TV in his bedroom. "Can't it wait?" I groaned. "I was enjoying my movie." Damien rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair playfully. "Trust me, you'll love this." True to his word, Damien moved me into the pack house. Leo and his wife gave me dirty looks and Xena welcomed me with open arms. I felt guilty for Anysia but Damien informed me that she was in one of the duplexes in the pack house because of his daughter. Rising, I grumbled making Damien laugh. I changed into a black tank top and jeans and Damien lifted me off my feet, making me giggle like a baby. Downstairs, we got into the car and he sped off, turning up the volume of the music, and singing to the pop music playing from the speakers. Damien sang with me and I gagged. "I used to think you were perfect, but now I know one of your flaws. Your voice is terrible!" He threw his head back in laughter. "Who cares?" We headed to an ice cream p
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Thirty Nine
Katana The weekend passed in a blur and I prepared for school, sitting behind the dressing mirror and applying my basic makeup, brow gel, highlighter, blush, and mascara. I had so much fun with Damien and saw the side of him I never knew existed. He was funnier than I thought and never ceased to amuse me. And the lovemaking…ugh, it was perfect. He made me feel like a woman and drove me to waves and waves of ecstasy, so much that my body was awash with overlapping waves of pleasure I stared at my hair in the fancy vanity mirror Damien got for me and noticed a difference in my hair texture. Thanks to Xena, who recommended shampoo to help my frizzy hair, I no longer had to worry about a bad hair day. I saw the sides of Xena and her mate, Grey that endeared me to them. They were nice and friendly, and I bonded with Grey because he was a robotics engineer, my dream profession. The other day we spent the whole day in his makeshift office and I learned a lot from him. He, o
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Katana Prom Day Music swelled and diminished as the doors opened and closed. My Jimmy Choo lace strappy sandals clicked on the wooden gym hall, where the sounds of chatter and laughter rang throughout the hall. A few of my classmates were sitting in their designated seats, talking amongst themselves. I was late and scanned around, trying to find an empty seat. "A queen doesn't arrive early," Xena beamed earlier while helping me with my makeup. She had a mischievous glint in her eye, and I giggled at her comment. "Isn't this rather much for prom?" I asked while gazing at my reflection. "I look quite overdressed, and I don't want to be the center of attraction." She laughed softly as she applied mascara. "You look wonderful. Who cares about what others say? Prom is a once-in-a-lifetime event." I lifted my dress, which hugged my chest and exposed way too much cleavage. She pinned my hair into place and styled it into a sleek updo. "You look perfect!" She clapped her hands in excit
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