All Chapters of Fated Mates, Forbidden Love : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
141 Chapters
Forty One
Damien The clock struck eleven, and I anxiously glanced at the front door, wondering why Katana wasn't home. My worry grew with each passing minute. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number, but her phone rang from the dresser Great, she forgot her damn phone. I paced around the patio, waiting for her, my concern increasing by the second. Tired of waiting, I headed to the room and lay on the bed. My eyes were shut when my phone rang. It was a call from the pack house security unit. "What's going on?" I asked, sitting up. "Sir, the omegas are here. They are demanding to see you." I got on my feet immediately, and my mind screamed a warning. Something was wrong. I raced downstairs. Leo sat alone on the couch in the semi-dark living room, and when he heard my footsteps, he jumped to his feet. "Alpha, what's the matter?" "Katana isn't home yet.” I got to the gates to find Irene, Katana’s mum in tears and Zayn, shaking with fright. "What's going on? Where's Katana?" "I- she's
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Forty Two
Katana The moon was almost completely hidden from view, and the sky itself was blacker than normal, leaving only a few stars shining above me. It was late, far later than any reasonable person should be awake; yet here I was, following a ghost and running as fast as I could. Running away from those who could save me… From Zayn, my mum… and Damien. I had no control over my body. I heard the steady rhythm of my breathing, each exhale leaving a ghostly mist in the air. A soft breeze blew through my hair, and the night air cooled as I ran as fast as I could. The light from the streetlights cast a faint glow onto the ground that made everything look like an illuminated shadow. "Go left," the ghost commanded me. I was headed to the borders. I'd been running for over two hours, and I was exhausted and cold. My breath made little puffs of mist as I ran, my body already feeling numb from the loss of blood. The trees started getting denser, and I started to lose my bearings. Suddenly m
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Forty Three
Katana My heart pounded with terror as a river of tears cascaded down my cheeks. I was in trouble and had no means of escape. Two lunatics bound and gagged me in their living room. That ghost was Aiden, Damien's best friend. The moment I showed up at his mother's door, they held me hostage. To be here against my will was like a nasty dream. I couldn't believe it. My hands and feet felt sore from walking for two days. My mum and Damien must be worried sick by now. Hunger pangs gnawed at the pit of my stomach. Even though I crave food, I could never eat in this strange house. I'd rather die. The ghost was back, haunting the room. I bristled with unease and disgust. Sometimes, the dead longed to communicate with the living and show them that they loved and missed them but I didn't wish to be involved in this because I didn't even know the ghost while he was alive. "Let me warn you, you wicked ghost. You're dead and nothing can be done to bring you back to life. Your mum is gett
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Forty Four
Katana My eyelids slowly blinked open, and I was instantly attacked by the harsh, piercing flash of an overhead fluorescent bulb. The blinding light burned into my retinas, painting everything in a yellow tint. I trembled and pinched my eyes shut, trying to guard myself from the brightness, but it only worsened the throbbing ache in my head pounding with every beat as if a tiny construction crew was hammering away inside my skull. My senses gradually regained consciousness, and I realized I wasn't alone. The shadows of two figures lurking in the corner urged me to open my eyes. I slowly peeled open my eyelids. They weren't looking in my direction. My mouth felt so dry as if the Sahara Desert had taken refuge within it. Also, tiny prickles danced along the nape of my neck, causing a slight shiver to ripple down my backbone. It was then that I noticed the thin, translucent tube connecting me to an intravenous drip. Confused, I scanned my surroundings, desperately trying to det
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Forty Five
Being cooped up indoors for so long was driving me mad. I've been itching to break free and do something new, but my mom was a wall of protectiveness, shielding me from the outside world. I sat restlessly on the couch in the living room, flipping through channels on the TV. I was bored and tired of doing the same things day after day. Kenneth was preparing his daughter, Angie, for school while my mom was cooking in the kitchen. I headed to the kitchen and began pacing around, tapping my fingers on the countertop and gazing outside the window. "Honey, is everything OK? You seem restless." "I'm fine," I groaned, "just tired of staying home all the time. I need something different." She gave me a knowing look and opened the fridge to get a bottle of the drink, but I didn't want the drink; I wanted to mingle with people. "Mom, can you permit me to work in the coffee shop nearby, please?" Her smile dissolved, and three visible lines appeared on her forehead. "Honey, I'm worried about
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Forty Six
Damien The weight of sadness and depression in my heart was enough to drag me down to the lowest I'd ever been. It crushed me like a giant fist, and my world turned upside down. My heart was heavy with the absence of my love. Every day, I wake up hoping for a miracle, but as time goes by, that flicker of hope dims. I've searched high and low, leaving no stone unturned, combing through those forests, sleeping at the police stations and border… I tried everything. The loneliness was drowning me in a sea of emptiness and suffocated me with guilt and regret. How could I have let her slip away? Work becomes my solace. It's the one thing that kept my mind occupied, preventing me from drowning in my thoughts. "Good morning, sir," my staff members chorused respectfully, and I ignored them, heading to the private elevator that took me up to the highest floor of my office building. Alone, I wallowed in self-pity without worrying about prying eyes. The mirror showed my reflection; messy ha
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Forty Seven
Katana I woke up with a bloated stomach and rolled on the bed, expelling a grunt. Since the amusement park visit two days ago with Ken and Angie, I haven't left my room. I thought I could sleep it off, but it wasn't working. My mum gave me several drugs and painkillers and assured me that I will feel fine. My breath shuddered in pain as I struggled to use the bathroom. There was something wrong with me that I couldn't figure out. It took a lot of strength for me to make it to the bathroom, and my stomach twisted in pain, making me yelp. I placed my head on the toilet bowl and began throwing up. When I finished, I noticed my reflection in the mirror. There were black bags under my eyes and my face was swollen. I felt dizzy and nauseous, and my vision went black for a few seconds. "Oh god," I moaned, leaning against the sink. After a couple of minutes, I managed to make it back to bed. I crawled under the heavy covers but still felt uncomfortable. I made my way back to the bathroom
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Forty Eight
Damien Extremely cranky, I focused on settling a dispute in the crowded pack hall. "Alpha Damien," Toby, a delta wolf, said. "The other packs have been leveraging our wealth and kindness since time immemorial. Whenever we need their help, they back off. I suggest we stop rendering help to them." I sighed, running a hand over my face, signaling another male to speak. "Also, the Howl Destroyer pack is encroaching on our hunting ground. They're subtly trying to take over the place. I suggest we build a high fortress to block them out." "Alpha, we don't need them; rather, they need us. We have virtually everything they want. We can't keep playing dumb and letting these people treat us like fools," the third male said. "Alpha Damien," Tammy, a female elder, got on her feet. "My granddaughter, Lucia, got pregnant by a rogue who seduced her, and now, he doesn't want to take responsibility for the pregnancy. This is getting rampant, and we need you to put your foot down." I cleared my t
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Forty Nine
Katana Bella and I rode in her beat-up navy blue Toyota Camry to her house. As ugly as her car was, she referred to it as her baby and loved driving it. "We gotta get your car fixed," I often joked with a grin as we pulled out of the gates. "You're just jealous," she smirked and played some pop music, which I guess was trending because I'd heard it on TV the previous day and liked it, so we sang together. Unfortunately, our voice combination was so horrible that we began laughing. "Imagine us going for America's Got Talent. Simon Cowell would press the buzzer before we even begin to sing!" She howled with laughter, and I joined her, hoping she wouldn't ask me questions because I didn't even know who or what she was talking about, but I assumed it was a singing group and made a mental note to check it out. "Why don't we get some snacks? My younger sisters are gonna have my head on a platter, and they've been texting me to get them some donuts," Bella sighed. "Sure, let's stop at
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KATANA My alarm went off and I got on my feet. It was time for me to do the unthinkable. Despite my mum forcing me not to hang out with Bella anymore I still hung out with her at work and we planned on attending a frat party tonight. I couldn't even remember if I had ever attended a party in my life and it was too exciting for me to say no but at first I was skeptical about it. "What if we get caught? I asked her, my heart thumping with fear. "My mum is very strict and she will not take it lightly with me if she finds out that I snuck out of the house." "Come on, Honey, you're almost nineteen and a fucking adult. Your mum has to let you live. At our age, my mum already had me and was married." "Fine, I'll find a way to sneak out. She keeps a spare key in the kitchen. I'll find it and wait until she falls asleep before sneaking out." "Now that's the spirit," she cheered, giving me a high five. "I promise you that you won't regret it." That evening, immediately after dinner, I exc
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