All Chapters of Fated Mates, Forbidden Love : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
141 Chapters
Fifty One
Katana Walking into the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled my nostrils. I made my way to the kitchen, saying hello to the barista expertly steaming milk. The kitchen was a hive of activity as usual, and I went straight to work but froze with unease when I heard Bella's familiar voice. Bella entered the coffee shop, oozing with smiles and warmth. My gaze shifted away, wrestling with conflict. My mom made me swear to stay away from Bella because she was a bad influence capable of leading me astray. But I knew that Bella was genuinely a good person who just wanted to have fun. But my mom comes first before Bella. She was my mother after all and knew what was best for me. Perhaps motherly instincts kicked in, and my mom already saw that our friendship was dead on arrival. All morning, I avoided Bella's friendly advances, staying on my own instead. While helping to wash the coffee beans, someone passed me a note. Hesitant to open it, I did after some minutes. “Did
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Fifty Two
Damien All night, Anysia complained about having a fever, depriving me of a restful sleep. Someone had to babysit my daughter and although Anysia assured me she was okay, I was concerned. The sound of someone throwing up made me leap off the bed and bolt into the bathroom. Anysia bent her head over the white sink and the medicine cabinet was opened and scattered with drug containers. Holding her hair, I tried hard to hold back my irritation. "It must have been something you ate last night," I said softly to her. She retched again, this time louder than before, and began to cough. I ran back to the bedroom to fill a cup with water and then handed it to her. "Drink this. You'll feel better." "Thanks," she responded weakly. Her silk nightie was soaked with perspiration and her hair darkened with sweat. "I don't think it's the food. I'm not allergic to sushi," she said, leaning on the countertop with labored breathing and glassy eyes. "So what is it? And why isn't your wolf
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Fifty Three
Katana Angie's face flushed with fever, giving me extreme concern. Her dad wasn't home and had joined a friend in the neighboring pack for some car repairs. Worried about the little girl, I had to do something. “Mom,” I called over my shoulder. “Angela is burning up; we need to do something.” My mom remained unresponsive and refused to take immediate action. I noticed she didn't give a damn about the girl or even Kenneth, and sometimes I wondered why. “Did you hear me?” I repeated. “She needs help.” “I'm not a doctor, darling. What am I supposed to do?” “That's not nice, Mom,” I said, frowning. “Are we supposed to ignore the girl?” “She'll be fine,” she said nonchalantly. “Kids get sick all the time.” “Mum!” “Do whatever you want,” she snapped. “I have a headache.” Without wasting any more time, I reached out to Kenneth, dialing his number and getting frustrated that he wasn't picking up. He picked up after the third ring. “Angie is sick, and Mom isn't doing anything.” Ken
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Fifty Four
Damien I jerked awake from a dream where Katana and I were alone in an enchanted forest. I was shocked to see her. She wasn't happy that I had moved on with Anysia. "Damien," she wept, "why didn't you wait for me? Did you even love me?" "What are you talking about?" I asked, baffled. "You know I loved you with all of my heart. That's not even supposed to be up for debate." "But you moved on with her!" She cried. "You forgot everything about me.” I sighed in exasperation. "You left me, Katana. You didn't leave me with much of a choice!" "Hmph! Couldn't you have chosen someone else? Did it have to be Anysia?" "Anysia isn't a bad person, Katana. I know you might not believe me, but she's quite the opposite of what you thought about her." "I don't care!" She cried, tears spilling down her cheeks. I tried to hold her, but she pushed me away from her. "Stay away from me," she cried, her blue eyes gleaming with disappointment. I woke up that night, my face glistened in sweat. I didn
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Fifty Five
Kenneth My limbs shook with fear, and my heartbeat raced. I couldn't believe that this was happening; my hair lifted on my arms and the nape of my neck, and I knew that the game was over. If Damien was alone, he wouldn't have seen Katana, but the blonde woman standing beside him saw her before I could hide her. Damien approached us with slow and calculating steps. He trembled visibly at the sight of Katana. "What the fuck!" He growled. "Is this a dream?!" "Stay away from her… she… she's not…" "Katana, my love," he whispered, and Katana herself was stunned, not knowing what was going on. The other woman behind Damien stiffened and watched them while Katana recoiled and grabbed my arm. "Who is this? And why's he calling me Katana?" I trembled at the wild look in Damien's eyes and gripped Katana's hand. Every cell in my body fired up. "It's a mix-up," I whispered to her, and Damien blinked, confused, and his nostrils flared in rage. "Have you lost your mind?" He bellowed. "What
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Fifty Six
Katana I screamed myself hoarse and began sobbing uncontrollably as the strange man and woman forced me into the car. It was so annoying that the doctors and the security did nothing but stood there, watching me helplessly. "Help!" I screamed. "He's taking me away!" I felt a prickle of fear along the back of my neck and heat in my face. The man locked the door, and the woman sat in front, not taking her gaze off me. He drove off like a maniac, and I trembled violently. "Those bastards will see the worst of me for daring to do this to me!" "Damien, please slow down. You're scaring her." I didn't know what to think, and I wished this was all a dream. The woman's eyebrows grew together in concern as she observed me. "You're going to be okay, I promise you. You're in safe hands." "Yeah right!" I rolled my eyes. "That has got to be the biggest joke of the century. You are taking me against my will and telling me that I'll be okay? I guess I should say thank you for that." "Shut up
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Fifty Seven
Damien Irene sat beside me at the Omega lounge and we stared at Katana who sat opposite us, seeming closed off and gripping a colorful pillow. My eyes followed her as she stared at the fireplace and the pictures of omegas on the wall. There was nothing we didn't do to make her react. Even the little pups ran around her trying to hug her but she ignored them and scowled as though they were the most disgusting things on the planet. After yelling and sobbing uncontrollably she began to pull out her hair and jerk away from anyone who tried to come closer to her. Irene wept, her eyes sore but the more she tried to come closer to her, the more Katana's hysteria grew. "Give her some time," Xena pleaded. "I think we're being too clingy and that will scare her off. Remember that none of us knows exactly what is happening to her." It was so devastating to watch the woman I loved reject me and glare at me with so much hatred and anger and her eyes. But it was even more saddening to see
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Fifty Eight
Kenneth I gazed outside the grimy window at a brown puppy barking outside while my convalescent child concentrated on watching a SpongeBob cartoon, having no idea of what turmoil Katana's absence had caused. "This is all your fault," my mum cried with an emotion-choked voice and shook her head. "If she hadn't gone to that stupid hospital, Damien wouldn't have found her!" I watched her sob and beat her fist against the wall to the point that I feared she would break her limb. Not that I cared anyway. "Ma, it was bound to happen. I warned you not to get too comfortable with her presence and that Damien was going to find out where she was eventually, didn't I? "Oh shut up! This has been your plan all along!" Her parched lips trembled, and she grabbed a fistful of her scanty hair. Her red-rimmed eyes glared at me with so much hatred. "You're happy now, aren't you?" She continued ranting. "Who knows if you didn't call Damien himself and handed Katana over to him." My lips curled in
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Fifty Nine
Katana The cloud above looked so gloomy and unnatural. The moon hid under it with a dark glow, as if holding a secret. Even the birds were silent. Panic struck my bones, and I ran as fast as my feet could carry. I couldn't stop running… running from him. Why couldn't he leave me alone? Why did he want to kill me? My breaths came in short gasps as I ran further into the thick forest but yelped in pain when my right foot hit a tree trunk. Stupid tree! My sweaty hands fell on my arms, and I stopped to catch a breath, but a figure emerged from the shadows. It was him! His steps were slow as he approached me, holding a sword and grinning. "You can't hide from me forever. You're mine!" He was twice my size and had the strength of a lion. It would be impossible to outrun him. My heart thumped wildly, but I refused to back down. I ran deeper into the forest, but behind me, he chuckled like one playing video games. "Leave me alone!" "Come here, you belong to me." I heard my voice
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Damien All the werewolves gathered at the pack's clearing for training. About twenty newly recruited scouts fixed their eyes on me, waiting for my next command. "All the scouts must always communicate with the spies and submit to the Beta and Gamma wolves. We must make sure that we don't get double-crossed by our enemies!" "Yes, Alpha Damien!" they chorused. I wasn't in the best of moods because of Katana's predicament, but I had an obligation to rule my pack, especially now that there was unrest among the other packs due to the rogues that had begun to attack weaker pups. "Grey, please show them the drill." Grey nodded at me before stepping up to the front and blowing a whistle. The scouts arranged in their usual formation of matching in twos. I watched him give a signal, and everyone stopped dead in their tracks. Leo, whose usual playful, puffy face was now serious, moved around the lines, picking some males and using them as target practice. "Shoot without hesitation," he co
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