All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
311 Chapters
Overwhelmed With Emotions
Whitney's POVMy brother and I ate in silence as he stole glances at me several times. He finished his meal before me and drank some water. He then rose from the bed and sat on the chair facing me. I deliberately focused my attention on my food without raising my head cos I knew he was keenly watching me. Although I knew he couldn't know that I was about to run away from home, I was scared that he might read my mind which I know is ridiculous but that was just how I felt. "Whitney, I think a lot is on your mind troubling you which unfortunately, you have probably decided to keep to yourself. I really wish you could confide in me," he said as I dropped the fork in my hand into the dish. I raised my head and looked at him. "Other than my worry about the abortion, there is nothing else that is troubling me," I said in a whisper."Whitney, I must say that I'm really bothered about you. You know that we grew up together and I have watched you with eagle eyes over the
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Whitney's Strange Vision
WHITNEY'S POVAfter crying for some minutes, I got up from the bed and walked to the door. I turned the key in the keyhole and locked it. I walked to my wardrobe and reached out for my bag on top of the wardrobe. I grabbed it and set it on the floor. I opened the wardrobe and my eyes swept across my clothes hanging on the rack. I picked up six of my favorite dresses from the rack and three footwear which include a brown loafer that I love wearing cos I feel comfortable whenever I wear it unlike other types of footwear. I unzipped the bag, gently folded five of the dresses, and put them in the bag. I hung the last dress I want to wear when leaving the house on a hanger close to the window. I then put two of the footwear in the bag except for the brown loafers which I set on the floor beside the wardrobe cos it was the one I want to wear when leaving. I reached out to where my undies were neatly folded in a basket inside the wardrobe. There were several of them in multiple colo
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An Implicating Statement
WHITNEY'S POVFor some minutes, I thought about the strange vision as I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling.I was baffled and filled with fear cos I have never had a vision before. I only have strange dreams which sometimes come to pass. My mind tells me that the vision was from the Moon Goddess cos I felt a supernatural force controlling me both in the real life and in the vision while it lasted.I strongly believe that was not an ordinary vision. If the vision was really from the Moon Goddess, then, I guess she was trying to reveal my future to me.The vision looked as if it was real and I was physically there. What could it mean? I recalled I was wearing a beautiful expensive-looking red dress. That dress will probably cost thousands of dollars. I wonder if I will ever be able to afford such a dress. On second thought, is the vision trying to tell me that I will be rich? I was confused and I let out a sigh. Oh, Moon Goddess, if it is your will f
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Whitney Surreptitiously Bids Her Brother Farewell
WHITNEY'S POVI was fast asleep when I was woken up by a loud knock on the door. I felt exhausted maybe because I was emotionally drained.I glanced at the time. It was 9: 30 pm. I stared at the door as I wondered who was there. Then I remembered that my brother had promised to come and see me before he leaves for the birthday party. I guess he was the one. Suddenly the door swung open and Martin walked in. I rose from the bed and sat up. He was staring at me as he shut the door and my eyes swept over him. His ginger hair was neatly brushed back. He was wearing a fitted blue T-shirt with black stripes and blue jeans. On his feet were a pair of white sneakers with black stripes. He was looking dashing and attractive. It was glaring that he was prepared to go to the birthday party. I can't imagine how many girls will be swooning over him at the party.I watched him as he sauntered toward me and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling now?" he asked."I feel much better. Tha
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Her Brother's Reluctance To Leave
WHITNEY'S POVAfter some seconds of my brother and I crying, we disengaged and gazed at each other. "I'm sorry," he said as he wiped tears from his eyes."Sorry about what?" I asked. "I'm sorry that I let my emotions get the better of me. I just couldn't control myself. I guess I have been holding myself from breaking down since I learned that son- of-a-bitch defiled and impregnated you. I'm a man and I should be able to control my emotions. I'm supposed to be a role model to you and shouldn't be crying in your presence," he said with an emotionally laden voice."You don't have to apologize and you don't have to suppress your emotions just because you are a man. Men don't always have to prove that they are strong by always holding back on their emotions. I think sometimes, they need to express their emotions. I don't think that would make them seem weak or less of a man," I said in a whisper."Yes, you are right. Indeed expressing our emotions doesn't make us less of a man. However,
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Whitney's Parents Pray For Her
WHITNEY'S POVAfter crying for some minutes, I got up, went to the bathroom, and washed my face. I walked back into the room feeling exhausted cause I was emotionally drained. I glanced at the time. It was 10:30 pm. Oh, my goodness! Time has gone so fast. I didn't realize that I have spent so much time with my brother. I had thought I will spend a few minutes with him but I spent over thirty minutes.Now that I have bid my brother farewell, it remains dad and mom. They might be sleeping by now but it's of utmost importance that I bid them farewell before I leave, then, I will be satisfied that I have bid everyone I love goodbye. I slipped on my slippers and left the room. I walked down the silent hallway that was lit up with several fluorescents. I got to the door of my parents' room and knocked on the door. I waited for some seconds, but there was no response. They must be asleep. I prayed they wake up and come to open the door. If I don't see them and bid them farewell b
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Whitney Mocks Luther's Sister
WHITNEY'S POVI stood transfixed in the hallway close to the door to my brother's room as I stared at Lilian. She was walking down the hallway but oblivious to my presence cos she was gazing at the floor as she cried in a low tone probably because she didn't want anyone to hear.I started walking toward her and the sound of my footsteps jolted her. She raised her head and she froze as she saw me. She was shocked to see me and immediately stopped crying and raised her hand to her face to wipe her tears. I noticed that her face was swollen.We gazed at each other as I approached her. As I got closer to her, in a split second, the shock on her face disappeared and was replaced with a scowl."What are you doing in the hallway by this time of the night?" she spat."I should be asking you that," I replied as I stood a few inches away from her. "You have no right to ask me that because this is my dad's house. You are a wretched maid that was just privileged to be living with us," she said w
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Whitney And Luther's Sister Exchange Words
WHITNEY'S POVI was gripped with fear as I stared at Lilian lying unconscious on the floor cos she was already in a bad state before I slapped her.Though she was the one that provoked me, nonetheless, I shouldn't have slapped her back and should have restrained myself but I knew that would not have been possible cos I was enraged. How could a girl I'm older than insult and slap me and I would not retaliate? I don't care if she is the daughter of the alpha. No one hits me and go scot-free.My eyes swept over Lilian and seeing her swollen face, torn clothes, and trails of blood on her legs, I felt sorry for her. Suddenly, it struck me that she might die if I don't resuscitate her fast, so, I ran to my room and rushed into the bathroom. I picked a bowl from a bucket, filled it with water and rushed out of the room. I rushed to where Lilian was lying and sprinkled some water on her. She quivered and began to groan in pain.After some seconds, her eyelids fluttered and she opened her e
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Whitney Runs Away From Home
WHITNEY'S POVI was jolted from my sleep by the alarm clock. I quickly turned it off and glanced at the time. It was 3:00 am. Although I was feeling tired and drowsy, I had to get up and prepare for my trip. I stretched my body and sat up for a few seconds. Then, I got up from the bed and stripped off my night dress. I walked sluggishly into the bathroom and quickly had a shower.After drying my body, I walked back into the room and took my body lotion on top of drawer. I quickly applied it on my entire body and slipped into my undies. I picked up the blue flowery dress I hung by the window that I had set aside to wear for my trip. It was one of my favorite dresses. I slipped into the dress and sprayed perfume on it and some parts of my body. I then hurriedly brushed my hair. After I had finished brushing my hair, I brought down the rucksack I want to travel with which was on top of the wardrobe.I opened the bag and gazed at my clothes that
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Whitney's Brother Is Heartbroken
MARTIN'S POVI walked into the living room of the alpha's mansion feeling exhausted and drowsy due to the all-night birthday party I had with my friends.I saw two of the maids cleaning the living room and I greeted them. They responded with a smile. I started going up the stairs as I thought of Whitney. Whitney ought to be working with the maids but the alpha has given her a week off because of the abortion that she is going for. According to the alpha, after the abortion today, she will be given six more days to recuperate which makes the total number of days one week. I stepped into the hallway and stopped in my tracks. I glanced at my wristwatch. The time was 6:05 am. Gosh! The alpha said he will be leaving for the hospital with Whitney by 7 am and I told him as well as Whitney that I'm going to the hospital with them. I need to get prepared as fast as possible.I started walking down the hallway as my mind was filled with the thoughts of my sister.
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