All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
311 Chapters
Her Brother's Agony
MARTIN'S POVAs I sat on the floor of Whitney's room crying, I thought of all the times we shared right from when we are kids till yesterday night when I saw her last. I recalled that she was downcast throughout yesterday and I did my best to make her happy. Suddenly, it dawned on me that she was probably downcast yesterday because she had planned to run away from home today.I recalled when I came to see her in the afternoon and spent some time with her but when I told her that I will be going to the birthday party and might not see her till today, she begged me to come and see her again before I leave for the party. I recalled how over-emotional she was when I came to see her yesterday late in the evening before I left for the party. I just could not comprehend why Whitney who I have always known to be strong suddenly became a crybaby. It was quite unlike her to be that emotional. I knew there was something troubling her that she was hiding from me and that was w
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At The Bus Station
WHITNEY'S POVAfter leaving the nosey woman I met on my way to the bus station, I got there at a couple of minutes to five. Because my mind has been occupied with so many thoughts, I have forgotten to find out the time the earliest bus to Nashville comes to the station. I became worried and hoped it has not arrived and left before I got there. As for the bus fares, although I don't know how much it is, I wasn't worried cos I know the money with me can get me to Nashville and I will still have some money left because I know that Montgomery was not too far from Nashville. However, I realized that I need some information as regards my journey, so, I need to find someone to ask. My eyes swept across the bus station and I saw seven passengers who were obviously waiting for the bus. There were four men and three women sitting on the bus station waiting chairs. By the left side of the waiting chairs, I saw a ticket counter and a young lady was sitting behind a desk and w
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A Narrow Escape
WHITNEY'S POVMy heart was in my mouth as I was hearing the footsteps of my brother and Alpha Don coming toward the trash can I was hiding behind. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that if I'm caught, I will be taken straight to the hospital and my pregnancy will be aborted. Aside from that, the Alpha is bound to punish me. Of course, I know my brother and parents will berate me so much. As their footsteps approaches the trash can, I was filled with fear and was quivering but tried as much as possible not to make any sound.Oh, Moon Goddess, help me, I prayed in my heart."Martin, it's obvious that she is not here and we can't keep looking for her this way. I think we need to go to the police station to make a report," Alpha Don said. "Alpha Don, you know the ticket agent said she ran towards this direction and it was shortly before we arrived, so, I don't think she could have gone far. Maybe, she is hiding somewhere," Martin said. "If she is hiding somewhere, it's obvious is
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On The Way To Nashville
WHITNEY'S POVAs the bus sped on the highway, I was agitated cos my mind was in turmoil until after about an hour when I began to calm down. I wondered how my brother and the Alpha will react when they get to the bus station with the police and realized that the bus to Nashville have left and I believe they will know that I left with the bus.I imagined how angry my brother will be with the Alpha cos he didn't want to go to the police station with him but the alpha coerced him. I recall he even suggested to wait at the bus station till the bus to Nashville arrives while Alpha Don goes to the police station alone but the Alpha refused. I guess now that I have left, my brother will blame Alpha Don for giving me the chance to leave Montgomery. Anyway, I'm glad that Alpha Don insisted that my brother goes to the police station with him cos if he had stayed back at the bus station while Alpha Don goes to the police station alone, there is no way I would have been
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The Futile Search For A Job In The City
WHITNEY'S POVI woke up an hour later on the bus and I was feeling hungry. I looked at the girl sitting beside me. She was still engrossed in reading her novel. Considering the brief conversation we had earlier, I thought she was amiable. I felt pangs of hunger and dipped my hand into the nylon containing the box of cakes. I brought out the box and opened it which was the first time I opened it since the cook gave it to me. There were yummy-looking small cakes of about twenty in number. I picked up one and took a bite. It tasted very nice and I started eating it with relish. The girl sitting beside me turned to look at me and we made eye contact. Then she averted her eyes to look at the box of cakes in my left hand. I stretched out my hand containing the box of cake and said, "Please, have some.""Oh, thank you," she said and took two pieces of cake."Will two be enough for you? You can see that the cakes are many, so, you can take more," I said."You are very kind. Thank you," s
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Whitney Meets Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POVAfter some seconds of gazing at each other, the seeming spell that held us spellbound was broken. My eyes swept over him again and to my surprise, I felt a flood of emotions overpowering my senses. My heart started racing and my breathing accelerated. A warm feeling I have never experienced rushed through my body and I became nervous as I gazed at him. What is wrong with me? Why I'm I feeling this way? I have never felt like this about a man. Even though I have met many good-looking men in my life, I only admire them or sometimes lust for them but I have never been overwhelmed with so many emotions all at once which I find very strange. Aside from his good looks which I find very appealing, I was struck by the realization that he was a werewolf and it made me feel a little bit more at ease with him. I guess his height to be six feet, four inches tall and I guessed his age to be between twenty-seven to twenty-nine. "Young girl, what are you doing here?" he
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Inside Alpha Vicker's Mansion
WHITNEY'S POV I was lost in thought as I gazed at Alpha Vicker. So many erotic thoughts about him were flooding my head and I struggled to banish them but it was futile. "Whitney, what are you thinking about? Please, pick up your luggage and let's go to my house," he said and I jolted from my thoughts. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking of my family," I lied. "I guess you are worried because you didn't tell them before leaving home. When you knew you will be worried then you shouldn't have left home without telling them. Anyway, when I get back from work, I want you to tell me why you left home without informing your family, okay?" Gosh! The last thing I want is a stranger asking me personal questions, especially about my family. But due to my situation, I have no choice but to tell him because he is about to be my employer and it is necessary for him to get some information about me. However, I am yet to decide if I will tell him the whole truth about what happened to me or par
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Whitney Learns About Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POV"Whitney, do you mind if we show you around the house now or you prefer we take you to your room?" Vera asked.I jolted from my thoughts and turned to look at her and Felicia. They were gazing at me with curiosity. "I want you to show me around the house first," I replied."Okay, come with us," Felicia said.The two maids turned and I followed them.They showed me the kitchen which was very large with numerous kitchen utensils. Then they showed me a large library with a lot of books on various subjects as well as novels and magazines. I must admit that I was excited to see the library because I love reading about various subjects. However, I especially love reading novels. After we left the library, they showed me the conference room where the alpha usually has his meetings and after that, they showed me the laundry, store and a music room that had many musical instruments which includes keyboard, percussion, strung, wind, and electronic instruments. Although I'
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A Warm Welcome
WHITNEY'S POV"Whitney, we will advise you to be careful with Sophia when she comes. I have a feeling that she will be jealous of you because of your beauty," Vera said giggling."Yes, Vera is right. You are a very pretty girl and way prettier than Sophia. You also have a sexy hourglass body shape. I have no doubt that she will be envious of your pretty face and curvy body," Felicia said with a chuckle.I was silent for a moment as I watched the maids laughing. Although I appreciated their compliment, I must admit that I was a little worried about Sophia. "Is Sophia beautiful?" I asked."To be honest with you, she is pretty but not as pretty as you. But as regards body shape, hers cannot be compared to yours. Sophia has a straight body that is not sexually appealing in any way although she is a bit taller than you. Overall, I guess the only thing that makes her beauty stand out is her blonde hair," Felicia said. At that moment, I felt a little sad that I don't have blonde hair.
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Her First Day In Alpha Vicker's House
WHITNEY'S POVAs I was lying on the bed, my eyes swept across the luxurious room again and I felt a lowly person like me doesn't deserve to be here. I found it hard to believe that it was reality. How can I be so lucky? I came to Nashville and slept under a tree till daybreak on my first night, woke up to see a gorgeous wealthy man that employed me, brought me to his house, and gave me this luxurious guest room the maids said is reserved for top dignitaries. This is nothing short of a fairy tale. It sounds too good to be real. Perhaps, I'm dreaming. I pinched my leg to be sure I wasn't dreaming. Gosh! This is no dream. How can I be this fortunate? I guess this is a sign that my life in Nashville will be a good one. My mind drifted to my room in Montgomery which was the shabbiest room in Alpha Don's mansion as well as all the rooms I have seen in the packhouse. Comparing my room in Montgomery to this one is like comparing night to day. I touched the soft velvety
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