All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
311 Chapters
Whitney's Blunt Response To Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POVI sat on the bed and cried for a couple of minutes. I felt bad because I knew my decision to keep the pregnancy against all odds have hurt a lot of people dear to me, especially my brother and parents but I have no other option. I just can't imagine ending the life of my growing fetus. I hope everyone I have offended and who feels aggrieved because of my decision will find it in their heart to forgive me. My eyes swept across the room and I couldn't help comparing it to my room in Alpha Don's house. Despite I have been here since yesterday, I still found it hard to believe that I'm not dreaming. "Thank you, Moon Goddess for all the things you are doing for me," I muttered and let out a sigh. I felt claustrophobic and bored cos I have not left the room since yesterday, so, I decided to leave the room and go to the backyard and read but first, I need to go to the library and get a novel. I stood up, walked to the bathroom, and washed my face. I walked back to the room
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Alpha Vicker Is Impressed With Whitney
WHITNEY'S POV For some seconds, Alpha Vicker stared at me with a puzzled expression. "Whitney, what do you mean by I shouldn't worry and what do mean by your family and Alpha Don will not bother you again? What did you tell them?" he asked with curiosity. I was silent for a moment as I stared at him because I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell him that I threatened my brother and Alpha Don. "Well, I just made my brother understand that even though I'm a minor, I can still make some decisions on my own and thank goodness he understood," I said. He was silent for a moment as he gazed at me. "Whitney, I have a feeling that you did more than that," he said. I was shocked to hear his statement and I wondered what made him suspect I lied to him. He must be very intelligent. I concluded. "Alpha Vicker, why did you say that? What are you insinuating?" I asked. "I believe strongly that you told your brother something that made him decide to leave you alone because accor
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Whitney's Brother Accuses Her
WHITNEY'S POV For some seconds, we gazed at each other. I averted my eyes and looked at his lips and felt like kissing them. I felt so attracted to him that it was as if an invisible magnet was pulling me to him. I was struggling with my body which was yearning for him. "Whitney, are you sure that your threat is enough to make your family and Alpha Don leave you alone?" Alpha Vicker asked. "Yes, I believe so," I replied. "Just to be very sure, I will like to speak to Alpha Don and your brother," he said. Fear gripped my heart because I didn't want him to talk to them. I started thinking of what to tell him so that he will not call them. "Alpha, it is not necessary to call them. I'm very sure that with the threat I have given them, they will not bother me anymore," I said. "I'm not saying that I don't believe you. I only said I want to be sure that they will not call the police or will not be searching for you themselves. The last thing I want is for anyone to accuse me of harb
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Whitney And Her Brother At Loggerheads
WHITNEY'S POVFor a couple of seconds, I was crying. I couldn't believe that Martin could accuse and hurl invective at me."Whitney, why are you crying, huh? You can cry for all I care! Did you expect me to applaud you after you ran away from home which almost drove me mad and caused mom and dad so much pain? As if that was not enough, you had the nerve to threaten Alpha Don and me just because we want you to abort that unwanted pregnancy. We all want the best for you but unfortunately, you are too stupid to see that!" he said angrily. "I may be a minor but I know what I want. I understand why everyone wants me to abort the pregnancy which is logical but all of you have to also see it from my perspective. I just can't fathom why none of you want to understand me," I said as I sniveled and wiped my tears with my hands. "From what fucking perspective do you want us to see your stupid decision! Listen to me carefully. If you think I will ever understand your crazy decision or consider
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Whitney Visits The Maids
WHITNEY'S POVI stared into space for a couple of minutes as I thought of my mom and dad. I imagined how distraught they would probably be since I left. I wish I could go back home and spend some time with them as my brother suggested but that is impossible. I don't need a soothsayer to tell me that if I dare go back home, my brother and Alpha Don are bound to take me to the hospital forcefully and abort my pregnancy. Besides, they might likely not let me come back to Nashville again and that would be the end of my dream of being Alpha Vicker's mate. I was filled with sorrow and let out a sad sigh. I thought of my colleagues in Alpha Don's house and all my friends in the pack. I tried to imagine their reactions when they found out I ran away from home. Although I have only been in Nashville for a few days, I must admit that I miss everyone dear to me in Montgomery. I hope to see them someday but for now, my priority is how to develop mysel
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Whitney Gets More Information About Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POVSeeing the jealousy on their faces, I knew I might have problems with them and I resolved to do my best to make sure I get very close to them. Hopefully, that would assuage their jealousy. "Whitney, you are employed as a maid and you ought to be staying here with us. I don't understand why Alpha Vicker wants you to stay in the guest room," Vera said with eyes filled with envy. "Yes, Vera is right. You are employed as a maid like us, so, why are you given exceptional treatment? If I may ask, how did you meet Alpha Vicker? Did he hire you through an agency the way Vera and I were hired?" Felicia asked with curiosity. Gosh! How do I answer the question? The two of them are sounding bitter. They don't know that Alpha Vicker met me sleeping outside his house and offered me employment right there. Thank goodness that they don't know cos If they had known, they would have been more baffled. Although I don't also know why Alpha Vicker is giving me exceptional treatment as a
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Whitney's Readiness To Meet Alpha Vicker's Girlfriend
WHITNEY'S POV"Vera, so you really think Alpha Vicker is searching for a mate?" I asked."Of course. I am very certain," she replied."I also think so," Felicia said. "Hmmm...I must admit that the things that you have told me about Sophia make me curious to meet her," I said."Really? We can't remember telling you anything good about Sophia, so, why should you be curious to meet her?" Felicia said with surprise. "Yeah, I know that you have only told me horrible things about her but I want to meet her just to satisfy my curiosity," I replied."When you meet her, you will know that all we have said about her is true and I'm sure you will wish you never met her," Vera said laughing and Felicia roared into laughter. "She will probably come tomorrow which is Saturday cos she comes to visit Alpha Vicker most weekends," Felicia said. I was really eager and curious to meet Sophia. I hope she will come tomorrow. I was beginning to feel drowsy and I decided to go to bed. At least to
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Alpha Vicker Speaks To Alpha Don
WHITNEY'S POV I work up in the morning and glanced at the time. It was 6:30 am. I yawned and stretched out my body. I lay on the bed for some minutes as my mind drifted to Alpha Vicker. Today is Saturday and I can feel it in my guts that it will be different from the other days I have spent in this house since I arrived cos of the series of events happening today which includes going shopping with Alpha Vicker, getting a new SIM card, Alpha Vicker speaking to Alpha Don and my brother on the phone, and the one that I'm mostly looking forward to which is meeting Sophia, Alpha Vicker's girlfriend. Aside from that, today is the third day that Alpha Vicker told me I will give him an answer concerning my pregnancy. I wondered how he will react when I tell him that I will never abort my pregnancy. I guess he will be probably angry and would coax me to abort the pregnancy but I have made up my mind. Then, it struck me that he may not want me as his mate if I refuse to abort the pr
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Alpha Vicker Shows His Benevolence To Whitney's Family
WHITNEY'S POVAs Alpha Vicker and I stared at each other, I guess he could see the fear in my eyes and I saw a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. "Alpha Don, are you aware that abortion is illegal in some states in the US which includes Tennessee where I live, and Alabama where you are? And are you also aware that it doesn't exclude rape?" Alpha Vicker asked.Alpha Don was silent for some seconds."Yes, I'm aware but that doesn't mean she can't abort the pregnancy," Alpha Don said."May I ask why you want her to abort the pregnancy?" Alpha Vicker asked."I want her to abort the pregnancy because she is still a minor. She is just 16 years old and becoming a mother at that age when she is obviously not ready for the responsibilities that come with being a mother would have a significant negative impact on her life. Besides, she would likely be stigmatized if she delivers the baby cos people might think she is wayward and that is why she was impregnated," Alpha Don said. "Alpha Don, Whitn
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Whitney Meets Alpha Vicker's Girlfriend
WHITNEY'S POV I stood up on my feet, walked slowly to the bed, and sat down. I gazed at Alpha Vicker and we gazed at each other for some seconds. "Whitney, you heard when Alpha Don said I should coax you to get rid of the pregnancy which I did when you first told me that you are pregnant but you refused and that was why I gave you three days to ponder over it. Today is the third day and I demand an answer now. I want to believe that you have thought carefully about it," Alpha Vicker said. "Yes, I have pondered over my decision to keep the pregnancy and my answer remains the same. I want to keep my pregnancy and deliver my child," I said. He was silent for a moment as he stared at me in disbelief. "Is that your final decision?" he asked. "Yes, it is," I said bluntly. "Gosh! I must say that you are too wilful for your age. I would have continued to persuade you but I can see that you have already made up your mind, so, I'm not going to pressurize you anymore. Aside from that, a
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