All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
311 Chapters
Sophia Is Beaten At The Pool
WHITNEY'S POV My eyes swept over Sophia. She was wearing yellow swimwear that looked ridiculous on her body because of her shape. Sophia had small breasts and small buttocks and she was a little bit too skinny. As if that was not enough, she had no curves at all. She was as straight as a pole. I guess Mother Nature was not kind to her. Overall, the only thing that stood out in her body was her blonde hair and height. I guess she would be slightly taller than me. As for her face, today will be the first time I will see her without makeup and I must say that she is not as pretty as I thought. By every standard, I was way better than Sophia which includes my voluptuous body and my beauty. Not to mention, my charisma and sex appeal. For some seconds, I gazed at Sophia. Although I was furious and would have gotten out of the pool and beat her up, I was in no mood for that. Besides, I could see that her face was still swollen from the beating I gave her yesterday. I also
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Whitney Makes A Friend
WHITNEY'S POV I watched the young man swim to the handrail of the swimming pool with his left arm wrapped around Sophia who was gasping for air. He climbed up the stairs and helped Sophia to stand on her feet. He wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked slowly up the stairs and came out of the pool. Suddenly, Sophia slumped and fell to the floor and started gasping for air. The guy knelt beside her and started panicking. Fear gripped my heart and I ran to meet them. I knelt beside the guy and looked at Sophia's face. She was looking pale and feeble and groaning in pain. "Miss, I think she needs to be taken to the hospital. Please, stay here with her while I run to inform the Alpha," the boy said. Just then, I heard footsteps coming toward the backyard, and the boy and I turned to look to see the person. After some seconds, I saw Alpha Vicker come from the side of the house and looked in our direction. He stood transfixed for some seconds and gazed at us. "What i
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Whitney Rejects Her New Friend's Proposal
WHITNEY'S POV I was shocked by the boldness of George cos I never expected a young guy like him to have such guts especially considering that we just met. On second thought, maybe he is just kidding. "George, how can you ask me to be your girlfriend when you don't know me? Or are you kidding me?" I asked with an incredulous expression. "I am not kidding you. I'm serious. Is there anything wrong with making advances to a lady on the first day of meeting her?" he asked. "I guess there is nothing wrong with that. However, I must say that I find it absurd," I said. "Don't be ridiculous! Why would you say you find it absurd?" he asked. "You know nothing about me except my name and where I come from. I believe before a man can ask a lady for a relationship, he must have known her for a while," I replied. "Well, there is no law that says that. It is just a belief by most people but I'm different," he said with a chuckle. I was silent for a moment as I gazed at him. I must admit tha
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Whitney Gets Acquainted With George
WHITNEY'S POVI watched George as he was looking around the room in disbelief.After some seconds, he turned around and looked at me."Whitney, this room is lovely," he said with a smile."Yes, it is," I said as I walked slowly to the bed and sat down. "I find it hard to believe that Alpha Vicker gave you this room to stay. Vera and Felicia have their room downstairs and you are supposed to stay with them, so, why did he give you the room?" he asked with curiosity. I recall that Vera and Felicia asked me the same question when I just arrived at the house as well as Sophia. Now George is also asking me the same question. I felt my temper rising cos I find the question annoying. Why should they be asking me such a question when they know that I cannot stay here on my own without the permission of Alpha Vicker? "George, why are you asking me such a question? The person you should ask that question is Alpha Vicker cos he is the owner of this h
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Alpha Vicker Advises Whitney
WHITNEY'S POV For some seconds, there was pin-drop silence in the room as I watched Alpha Vicker glaring at George who was visibly trembling. I felt sorry for him and I decided to say something that would exonerate him."Alpha, I was the one that invited him here," I said. Alpha Vicker turned to look at me with surprise while George stared at me with disbelief. "Really? So, why did you invite him to your room?" he asked as he stared steadily at me. For some seconds, I was silent as I thought of what to say. I recall when I first saw George as he came to stop me from beating Sophia and instantly knew what to say. "I hit my leg against the handrail of the swimming pool when Sophia and I were fighting, so, my leg was slightly swollen. After you left with Sophia, I was limping and George saw my swollen leg. He told me that he is good with massages, so, I asked him to help me massage it. That was why I invited him to my room. It was after massaging my leg, we started getting acquaint
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On The Way To The Hospital
WHITNEY'S POV I woke up the next morning. I glanced at the time. It was twenty minutes after six. I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and had a warm shower. I walked back to the room and opened the wardrobe. I picked undies and a pink A-line dress. I slipped into them and picked up my hair brush. I stood before the mirror to brush my hair. The dress clung to my body accentuating my curves and I smiled at my reflection. I started brushing my hair, and after a couple of seconds, the doorbell rang. I glanced at the time. It was a quarter to seven. Who could that be? I wondered. I walked briskly to the door and opened it. Vera was standing in front of me and she was carrying my breakfast on a tray. "Good morning, Whitney," she greeted with a smile. "Good morning, Vera," I responded as I smiled back at her. "I brought your breakfast," she said. "Thank you." I moved aside from the doorway and she entered the room. She set the
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Is Alpha Vicker Jealous?
WHITNEY'S POV As I sat in the waiting room in the hospital, I was lost in thought thinking about my pregnancy. Suddenly, I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jolted from my thoughts. "Hey, beautiful, I'm sorry to bother you," the young man sitting beside me said. I turned to look at him and we made eye contact. "My name is Mark. May I know yours?" he said. I was silent for a moment as my eyes swept over him. He had grey eyes and attractive facial features. He had curly ginger hair that looks so much like that of my brother. He was quite handsome and reminds me so much of my brother. Judging by his looks, he would be either eighteen or nineteen. He was wearing a white T-shirt and stone-wash jeans. The shirt clung to his body accentuating his slightly muscular physique. On his feet were white sneakers with black stripes. "My name is Whitney," I said. "Wow...nice name. I have been coming to this hospital for some years and I have never seen you. I must say that I come quit
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Whitney Goes Through An Ultrasound Examination
WHITNEY'S POV As I sat in the waiting room waiting for Alpha Vicker, I watched the staff and patients in the hospital walking up and down. I thought Mark, the boy I earlier spoke to in the waiting room went to see his mother and might come back. After some minutes, I saw Alpha Vicker walking briskly toward me. I quickly stood up and went to meet him. "Whitney, I have just seen the lab technician. He said the test results will be ready in a couple of days but I want you to also do a pregnancy ultrasound scan to know the development of your baby as well as to know the sex of the baby. I spoke to the doctor and he is waiting for us. Is that okay with you?" Alpha Vicker asked. "Yes, it is. Thank you," I said. "It's my pleasure. I told the doctor briefly about you. I didn't want him to know that you were raped, so, I told him that I just employed you and you recently found out that you are pregnant. In other words, I made him believe you don't know how long yo
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George's Suspicion
WHITNEY'S POV The sun had by now risen and shone brightly. I got to the gate and rang the gate bell. After some seconds, the gate swung open. I saw Steven, one of the guards, and greeted him. He responded and stepped aside for me to pass. I walked through the gate and saw Philip, the second guard. I greeted him and he responded. I looked toward the mansion and saw George pruning the flowers in front of the house with garden shears. He had his back to me and was wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday, so, I guess they were his work clothes. The clothes were drenched with his sweat. As I approached the house, I guess he heard my footsteps because he stopped working and turned to look at me. His face lit up as he saw me. "Whitney, good afternoon," he greeted me with a smile. "Good afternoon, George. I can see that you are busy," I said smiling. "Yeah, I have been busy since morning but I will soon be done in a couple of hours," he said as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
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Whitney Refuses To Believe
WHITNEY'S POV I was silent for some seconds as I gazed at George. I find it hard to believe that Alpha Vicker could be in love with me. I felt he was just pulling my legs. "George, will you stop kidding me?" I said. "I'm not kidding you," he said. I believe that you are," I said with an incredulous expression. "Well, I'm not," he said bluntly. It was then it dawned on me that he was serious. "Why do you think he is in love with me?" I asked. "I suspect he is in love with you because of his reaction when he saw me here yesterday," he said. I was surprised cos it was only anger I noticed when Alpha Vicker saw George in my room, so, what other reaction could he be talking about? I wondered. "George, Alpha Vicker was only angry when he saw you in my room and that was the only reaction I noticed," I said. "Well, I don't expect you to see what I saw cos you are a woman," he said. "Gosh! What the heck are you talking about? What has my sex got to do with what we are talking
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