All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
311 Chapters
Whitney At The Mercy Of Sophia
WHITNEY'S POV I suddenly regained consciousness as I felt something cold on my body. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that my hair and dress were drenched with water. I raised my head and realized that I was in the forest. It was already dark but there was a full moon in the sky with several stars casting their pale light in the forest. My eyes swept from my dress dripping with water to my legs and I let out a gasp of shock as I realized that my hands and legs were tied with a Manila rope to a large oak tree. I raised my head and my eyes swept around the forest. Fear gripped my heart as I could hear the distant sounds of wild animals. What am I doing here? I wondered as I tried to remember where I was before I found myself here. I closed my eyes and suddenly, the scene flashed in my head. I remembered when I told Phillip at the gate of Alpha Vicker's mansion that I was going for a walk on the street and I recall when I was walking back home and suddenly, a Toyot
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Whitney In Agony
WHITNEY'S POV I was silent as I gazed at Sophia who was glaring at me with eyes filled with hatred. I wondered how the men she sent to kidnap me knew that I would come out yesterday. I decided to ask her."Sophia, if I may ask, how did the men you sent yesterday to kidnap me know that I would be coming out by that time?" I asked."They didn't know. Since Alpha Vicker broke up with me, I gave the men instruction to always keep vigil over Alpha's Vicker's mansion. So, they have been coming everyday to the street and keeping vigil over Alpha Vicker's house since he broke up with me. I instructed them to kidnap you anytime they see you come out of his house alone," she paused to catch her breath. "At a point, the men got tired because they have never seen you come out of the house with someone let alone being by yourself. The only times they saw you, you were with Alpha Vicker in his car.They told me that they don't want to continue keeping vigil over Alpha Vicker's house and
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Alpha Vicker In Distress
ALPHA VICKER'S POV It was past midnight and I was pacing up and down in my room because Whitney didn't come back home yesterday evening after she told Philip that she was going for a walk. I had earlier lay on my bed but couldn't sleep. For over two hours, I tossed and turned in bed as I wondered what happened to her and where she could be. Even though I have only known Whitney for some months, to a large extent, I know her personality and can predict her actions in different circumstances. That she would just leave the house and go somewhere without telling me is unlike her. So, I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that something was awfully wrong. How could she be missing? Where could she have gone to? A voice in my head was telling me that she has been kidnapped cos I see no reason why she would run away from home. But if she is actually kidnapped, who would kidnap an innocent young girl like Whitney? To make matter worse, she is heavily pregnant. I was deeply troubled
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Evil Sophia!
SOPHIA'S POV After I shifted into a wolf and bit Whitney, I was elated when I heard her cry in agony. I then ran to my car which I parked beside a dogwood tree and shifted back to human. Before I got into the car, I laughed heartily for some seconds. I then entered the car, started it, and drove away. As I drove out of the Hill forest onto the road, I recall my conversation with Whitney. Imagine that idiot begging me to forgive her. She must be very stupid if she thinks I'm ever going to forgive her. That bitch hurt me so badly. I thought of all that I have suffered at the hands of Whitney ranging from hurling insults at me, beating me to the extent I was hospitalized, getting pregnant with Alpha Vicker and lying about it, making Alpha Vicker break up with me, to taking him away from me. No one has ever humiliated me the way Whitney has. The most annoying part is that she claims to be a maid which I know is a blatant lie. Whiney and Alpha Vicker have been trying to play a t
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Sophia Goes To See Alpha Vicker
SOPHIA'S POV The alarm clock buzzed insistently and I woke up. I reached out to hit the snooze button as I glance at the time. It was six o'clock which is usually my waking time. Thank goodness, today is Saturday. If it was a weekday, I would have to start preparing to go to work. As I lay on the bed, I averted my gaze to the ceiling. I was feeling tired and my eyes were heavy due to lack of sleep. This morning, I will be going to see Alpha Vicker to beg him to forgive me and accept me back as his girlfriend. However, I must admit that I'm a bit worried cos I remember how angry he was the last time I saw him when he broke up with me. Another reason why I'm worried is that he might probably not listen to me cos I know he will be agitated because of Whitney. My mind drifted to Whitney as I wondered about her present state. I recall how she screamed in agony when I bit her and I felt elated. She might still be bleeding from the wounds I infli
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Sophia begs Alpha Vicker
ALPHA VICKER'S POV To say I was shocked to see Sophia in my house is an understatement. Since I broke up with her, I have not set my eyes on her and I had thought I will never see her again. But now, she is in my house and standing in front of me. I could see that her eyes were puffy and wondered why. "Alpha, since you have broken up with me, I have tried to reach you on the phone but you refused to answer my calls until you blocked me from calling you. Please, find it in your heart to forgive me," she said with a gentle tone. "Sophia, get it into your thick skull that I am done with you for good! My relationship with you is over! To be honest with you, I thought I will never set my eyes on you again and now you are here standing in front of me. Damn!" I roared. "I will appreciate it if you stop shouting and calm down. As I said before, I just want to talk to you," she said. "Well, I don't want to see you let alone talk to you!" I said angrily. She was silent for a moment as s
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Sophia Is Guilt-Ridden
ALPHA VICKER'S POV As I gazed in shock at the inscription on the pendant of the necklace, suddenly, Sophia rushed at me and snatched the necklace from my hands. She ran out of the room and I immediately followed her. I started pursuing her as she ran down the stairs and I was on her tail. Sophia jumped on the landing of the staircase, ran into the living room, and headed to the entrance door. I heard the maids gasp in shock but I didn't look at them as I ran after her. Sophia ran outside the house and headed to her car and I followed closely behind her. I saw Philip and Steven who stared at us with widened eyes and mouth agape. As Sophia got to her car, she tried to open the car door but it was locked and she was panic-stricken. I guess her car key is in her handbag which she left on the floor in my room because she was desperate to get away with the necklace I bought for Whitney. Sophia was in frenzy a
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Sophia Is Arrested
ALPHA VICKER'S POV I was alarmed when I saw Sophia slump to the floor. I rushed to where she lay and crouched beside her. I looked at her face and her eyes were closed. I touched the side of her neck and felt her pulse and it was still beating. I heaved a sigh of relief as the guards and maids surrounded me and were panicking. "Vera, get me some water!" I yelled. The cook is already coming with some water," Vera said. Just then the cook brought some water in a bowl and gave it to me. I dipped my hand into the bowl, scooped some water, and sprinkled it on Sophia's face. Immediately, Sophia's body spasmed and she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes widened with shock as she saw me and my staff surrounding her. "What happened? Why are all of you surrounding me?" she asked feebly. "You fainted when I was talking to you," I replied. She stared at me thoughtfully and suddenly she gasped as she seemed to remember what I was telling her before she fainted. "Are the
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Alpha Vicker Beat Sophia To A Pulp
ALPHA VICKER'S POV After driving on the highway for over thirty minutes, the car swerved off the highway into a road leading to the Hill forest. As the car got closer to the Hill forest, my heart started racing. Oh, Moon Goddess, please, keep Whitney alive. Please, don't let any harm come to her. I prayed in my heart. "Miss Sophia, we are at the Hill forest. Which part of the forest is Whitney?" the blonde-haired policeman asked as the car moved down the road at moderate speed. "When you get to the road junction, turn to your left and drive down. I will tell you where to stop," Sophia said. I gazed at Sophia as I was overwhelmed with rage. If Whitney is harmed in any way or anything happens to her baby, Sophia is as good as being dead. She should kiss the world goodbye cos I will not spare her life. I will kill her with my hands and damn the consequences. Just then, the car got to the junction, swerved to the left, and drove down a narrow road. I thought Sophia wa
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Whitney Regains Consciousness
WHITNEY'S POV "Doctor, I must admit that I'm worried even though you told me not to get myself worked up. Whitney has been unconscious for three days. How long will it take for her to regain consciousness?" I heard Alpha Vicker's voice as I regained consciousness but my eyes were closed. Suddenly, my ordeal in the forest flashed into my mind and I shuddered in trepidation. Why am I hearing Alpha Vicker's voice? Where am I? Or am I dreaming? I wondered. "Alpha, I have told you not to get agitated. We have run several tests on Whitney to ascertain her state of health as well as that of her baby and so far, she seem okay and her baby is also okay. As a matter of fact, Whitney is in good health except for the injuries on her hands and legs which are healing very fast. I must say I'm surprised at her remarkably good state of health which is unusual considering the ordeal she went through. Just be patient, I believe that before the end of the day or latest by tomorrow, she will regai
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