All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
311 Chapters
Alpha Vicker Is Worried
WHITNEY'S POV I woke up by 5:30 a.m the next morning and I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. After that, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I was kind of happy that I'm starting work today. I have been kind of bored since I came to this house. I walked back to the room and opened the wardrobe. I picked an old worn-out brown dress that I brought from Montgomery and quickly slipped into it. I picked up my hairbrush from the top of the drawer and stood before the mirror, then, I started brushing my disheveled hair. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the doorbell. I turned my head and looked at the closed door. Who could that be? I wondered. I walked briskly to the door and opened it. I made eye contact with Alpha Vicker who still wearing his pajamas. His blonde hair looked disheveled and stubble was on his chin and cheeks. I must say that was the first time I saw him looking like
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Whitney Scolds The Maids
WHITNEY'S POV When I got to the living room, I saw Vera and Felicia mopping the floor. I greeted them and they responded. I told them that I came to work and they were glad. They took me to the storage and showed me where to get the things I needed to work such as a mop, bucket, broom, duster, detergent, soap, and some other items. After they have shown me everything, I picked up a mopstick and a bucket. I ran some water in the bucket and put some detergent in it. I then joined Vera and Felicia. The three of us were engrossed in our work for about thirty minutes and Vera and Felicia commended my work. They were happy and Vera hummed a happy tune. They said that now that I have joined them their workload will reduce. After some minutes, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I knew it was Alpha Vicker. "Good morning, Alpha," Vera and Felicia greeted him in unison. "Good morning. I believe that the two of you are happy that Whitney has joined you, right?" he said. "Yes
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Whitney Reveals Her Pregnancy To The Maids
WHITNEY'S POV I was sound asleep for some time until I was later woken by the sound of the doorbell. I glanced at the time. It was 9:15 p.m. None of the maids come to my room by that time, so, I guessed it was Alpha Vicker. I got up from the bed and walked to the door. I opened it and made eye contact with Alpha Vicker. He was still dressed in the suit he wore to work and he was holding his briefcase in his right hand and a paper bag in his left hand. "Good evening, Alpha. Please, come in," I said as I stepped aside from the doorway. "Good evening, Whitney," he responded as he walked into the room. I shut the door and walked to the bed as he sat on the sofa. I gazed at him and he was looking exhausted. "How was your day?" I asked. "I had a very hectic day. When I left for work in the morning, I first went to the hospital to get your medications from the midwife before going to the office. I had a lot of urgent work I had
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Sophia Accuses Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POV I woke up from sleep in the morning of the next day after I revealed to the maids that I'm pregnant. This day was on Saturday. I was happy because Alpha Vicker would be home today. I got up from bed and walked slowly into the bathroom. I went through my morning routine and walked back into the room. I took off my nightgown and slipped into my work clothes. I quickly brushed my hair, slipped on my slippers, and walked to the door. I opened the door and left the room. As I shut the door, turned, and was about to take a step, I heard the sound of Alpha Vicker's door opening. I thought it was Alpha Vicker, so, I stopped in my tracks to greet him. I was just a couple of feet away from his door. As the door swung open, to my surprise, I saw Sophia. She was wearing a green flowery dress and fluffy slippers were on her feet. She stood for some seconds in the doorway as we made eye contact and she gave me a cold stare before her eyes swept
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Alpha Vicker Breaks Up With Sophia
WHITNEY'S POV For some seconds Alpha Vicker stared at Sophia in bewilderment as I gazed at him. "Sophia, what the heck is wrong with you? Why did you barge into the room like that?" Alpha Vicker asked with anger. "How could you do this to me?" Sophia asked angrily. Alpha brow creased in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked. "I thought I was your only girlfriend. I never knew you have been taking me for a ride," she said. "Will you stop beating around the bush and tell me exactly what you are saying," he said. She stomped into the room and stood in front of the bed facing Alpha Vicker. "I am talking about that slut that you impregnated!" she yelled as she made a gesture at me. Alpha Vicker was shocked as he gazed at her. After some seconds, he seemed to get over the shock and slowly got out of bed. He stood in front of her and glared at her. "Who the hell told you that I'm the one that impregnated her?" he roared. "I don't need anyone to tel
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Alpha Vicker Makes Promises To Whitney
WHITNEY'S POV Alpha Vicker and I hugged each other for some seconds before he disengaged from me. He looked into my eyes and said, "For my sake, please, forgive Sophia for all that she did to you." I was quiet for some seconds as I stared at him. His sapphire blue eyes seemingly held me spellbound. "I forgive her," I said in a whisper. "Thank you," he said with a warm smile. "Your stomach is getting bigger. I don't think it's good for you to be doing any strenuous work at this stage. I don't want you to work anymore," he said. "Okay, but let me work for the last time today. After today, I won't work till after I give birth to my child," I said. He was silent for a moment as he gazed at me. "Alright, if that is what you want. However, I must say that after today, you will not work as a maid for me and even after you have given birth to your child," he said. I was surprised and wondered what he meant by that. "I don't understand what you mean," I said. "What I just
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A Call For Celebration
WHITNEY'S POV When I got downstairs, I saw Vera standing with her back to me and she was dusting the furniture while Felicia was mopping the kitchen. "Good morning, Vera," I greeted. Vera turned around and her face lit up. "Good morning, Whitney," she responded with a smile. "You came late to work today," she said with feigned anger. "I'm sorry. It was because I was having an altercation with Sophia and she later started a squabble with Alpha Vicker," I said. "If I may ask, what caused your altercation with Sophia?" I didn't want to tell her that it was because of my pregnancy. "It was nothing serious. You should know that Sophia would always quarrel about trivial things," I said. "Yeah, I know. That girl is just too bad-mannered for my liking. To be honest with you, I have never met anyone with such terrible manners and I strongly doubt if she will ever change," Vera said with a tone of anger. "I also don't think she will change. After all, a leopard never changes its s
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Whitney Turns Seventeen
WHITNEY'S POV A month after Alpha Vicker broke up with Sophia, I was now seven months pregnant. My stomach was bigger and I had added weight. Alpha Vicker stopped me from doing any chores in the house including cleaning my room. He instructed the maids to be cleaning my room and serving my daily meal. However, I implored the maids to allow me to clean my room myself but they refused and said that they cannot disobey the Alpha. I told them that I want to be cleaning my room myself because I don't want to be lazy. I promised them that the Alpha will never know about it and they reluctantly agreed. The day George realized that I am pregnant was a day I went to the swimming pool and he saw me with my bulging stomach. I recall what happened that day. It was on a sunny afternoon and I was feeling hot. I decided to cool my body in the swimming pool. I changed into swim wear and wrapped a towel around me. I then left the house. When I got to the swimming pool, I did not
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Whitney Celebrates Her Birthday
WHITNEY POV Tears streamed down my face and dropped on my dress as I gazed at the inscription on the pendant and Alpha Vicker kept a straight face as he stared at me. The tears were that of joy. Although I love the diamond necklace, I must admit that I appreciate the inscription on the pendant more cos it meant so much to me. After staring at the inscription for some seconds, I raised my head and looked at Alpha Vicker. "Thank you so much. I must say that though I love the necklace, I love the inscription on the pendant more. I have never had a diamond accessory. This is my first. I guess it must have cost a fortune," I said in a whisper. "I'm glad you like it. Yes, indeed it is expensive. Would you like me to take you out today to celebrate your birthday?" he asked. I was silent for some seconds as I thought about it. Although it would have been great to go out with him, I didn't feel like going out. I just want to be indoors today. Since my pregnancy became visible, I d
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Whitney Is Kidnapped
A month after my seventeenth birthday, my pregnancy was now eight months. I had added weight but I was not fat. I was now having antenatal appointments at the hospital every two weeks and Alpha Vicker takes me to the hospital on my appointment days. Aside from that, I was religiously taking my medications cos I want to give birth to a healthy child. Alpha Vicker was pampering me and I was now craving different things virtually every day and he always gets me anything I want. However, most times, I crave chocolates and cookies. Anyone that doesn't know that Alpha Vicker is just being gracious would think he is the father of my baby. Seeing the way Alpha Vicker was treating me, everyone in the house now talks to me with the utmost respect including the maids. The maids serve my meals morning, afternoon, and evening with lots of fruits and vegetables which I love. They come back later to take away the dishes. I felt I was being over-
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