All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
311 Chapters
Alpha Vicker Is Horrified By Whitney's Ordeal
WHITNEY'S POV For some seconds, I gazed at Alpha Vicker. His narration of how Sophia was arrested left me dumbfounded. "After the policemen arrested Sophia, she completely broke down. I guess she was scared of going to jail. It was when we were driving to the police station that she confessed that she was the one that sent some men to kidnap you and she held you captive in the Hill forest. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was enraged and wanted to strangle her in the police car but the policeman sitting beside me prevented me..." "Oh, my goodness!" I exclaimed in shock. "We then diverted and headed to the Hill forest instead of the police station the policemen were taking Sophia to. When we got to the Hill forest and she pointed at where she tied you to a tree, I was horrified. The policemen ran to where you were while I stood staring at Sophia who was a few feet away from me. Seeing the way you looked tied to the tree, I thought you were dead and I was enraged. I
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Whitney Is In Labour
WHITNEY'S POV Soon after I returned to the house, Alpha Vicker started buying a lot of baby things which includes clothes and accessories. The wounds on my hands and legs were healing very fast but I was still a little traumatized by the kidnap ordeal. My relationship with Alpha Vicker had grown in leaps and bounds. He always comes to see me before going to work and after he comes back from work. Whenever he is with me, he talks about his work, his family, and the activities in the pack. In other words, he was telling me virtually everything about himself and I must say I was so pleased. Although I could feel that there was strong chemistry between the Alpha and me, he never made any suggestive remarks or sexually touched me and I must confess I longed for it. All Alpha Vicker's staff were now talking to me with the utmost respect and treating me like his mate which I find absurd. Though I sometimes go to the maids' room to chat with them in the afternoon when I feel bored, I
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Whitney Gives Birth To A Baby Boy
WHITNEY'S POV On our way to the hospital, I groaned in pain and suddenly, my water broke. The seat was messed up including my body and Alpha Vicker's body who wrapped his arm around me. I turned my head to look at him thinking he might be irritated but to my surprise, he wasn't fazed. "Whitney, we will soon get to the hospital. Please, hold on," he said with anxiety. Some minutes later, the car pulled up in front of the hospital and immediately Alpha Vicker opened the car door and alighted. "Whitney, please, come down gently," he said looking distressed. I moved slowly on the seat as I groaned in pain and gently alighted. I saw Philip standing beside Alpha Vicker and he was looking anxious. Alpha Vicker wrapped his arm around me and walked me slowly to the entrance door of the hospital. We entered the hospital and suddenly, I felt a contraction and yelled in pain. Two female nurses who were talking to patients ran to meet us. One of
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Finding A Surname For Her Son
WHITNEY'S POV As I glared at the nurse, Alpha Vicker noticed my countenance and said, "Whitney, is anything the matter?" Alpha Vicker is mine and I will not tolerate any woman lusting after him let alone getting close to him inappropriately. I wanted the nurse out of the room as soon as possible and thought of what to say to make her leave. I averted my gaze and looked at Alpha Vicker. "I'm sorry, I just remembered something that happened in the past," I said. "Oh, I understand. You just gave birth and need to recover physically and mentally especially considering all that you have been through. You shouldn't be troubled by your past or anything else during this period, okay?" he said. "Alright." Philip walked up to me and glance at the baby and said, "Congratulations, Miss Whitney. Your son is cute," he said with a smile. "Thank you, Philip, and thank you for driving us to the hospital," I said smiling. "You are welcome. You needed to get to the hospital as soon as po
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Whitney Converses With The Nurse
WHITNEY'S POV For some seconds, I was dumbfounded as I stared at Alpha Vicker. "Whitney, why are you looking shocked? It's just a suggestion for your son to bear my surname and it's left for you to accept or reject it. So, tell me, will you accept or reject my suggestion?" he asked. "Before I give you an answer, why do you want my son to bear your surname?" I asked. "Considering all that you suffered at the hands of Luther and his family, it will be unreasonable for you to give your son his surname which you also agree with. The second option is your son bearing your surname which I think is good. However, for reason best known to me, I want him to bear my surname. Don't ask me to tell you the reason because I won't tell you now but I promise to tell you later," he said. I was silent for a moment as I tried to guess the reason why he wants my son to bear his surname but I couldn't. Considering how much I love Alpha Vicker and my hope to be his mate someday, my son bearing hi
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Whitney Receives A Warm Welcome
WHITNEY'S POV I was discharged from the hospital two days after I gave birth to my baby. Though I was supposed to be discharged the day after I gave birth, the doctor told Alpha Vicker and I that he needs to examine my baby and me for one more day. The day I was discharged from the hospital was on a Sunday afternoon. Alpha Vicker came to the hospital just a few minutes after one o'clock. I swaddled my sleeping baby in a blanket and gently carried him in my arms and we left the hospital. As Alpha Vicker and I headed to the car, Nurse Tessy who has become my friend walked closely behind us carrying the paper bag containing the remaining things Alpha Vicker bought for me. I shared the grilled chicken and snacks with Nurse Tessy. As we got to the car, Alpha Vicker opened the door to the back seat. "Whitney, sit in the back seat with the baby. It will be more convenient for you," he said. "Alright," I said.
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Whitney Tells Her Brother About Her Baby
WHITNEY'S POV Later in the day, I summoned the two new girls Alpha Vicker employed and I chose Kate, the one with the short hair to be assisting me in taking care of my baby. I chose her because I had earlier surreptitiously watched the two of them when they were working and noticed that Kate is more hardworking than the second one. Aside from that, she was calm by nature and was seemingly amiable and more polite. In the evening, I wanted to bathe my baby but didn't know how to do it. I spoke to Alpha Vicker about it and he spoke to Naomi, the cook who has three grown-up kids. He asked her to help me to be bathing the baby until I learn how to bathe him myself and she agreed. Naomi came to my room, bathe my baby, and helped me to dress him up. I thanked her and she left. As soon as she left, my baby started crying and I knew he was hungry. I sat on the bed, carried him in my arms, and started breastfeeding him. After breastfeeding hi
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Whitney's Vow To Protect Her Son From Luther
WHITNEY'S POV The cry of my baby made me wake up twice in the night to breastfeed him and when it was dawn, his cry woke me up again and I breastfed him. After breastfeeding him, he fell asleep and I set him in the cot. I sat on the bed and I was preoccupied. I must say that I found this new routine kind of stressful but I really didn't mind cos the love I have for my son was worth the sacrifice. Aside from that, I recall how I stood against all odds to keep my pregnancy, and now that I have given birth to my baby, I'm ready to face all the challenges that come with motherhood. I recall the conversation I had with my brother yesterday over the phone and the promise I made to him to call my parents this morning. I decided to call them. I reached out and picked up my phone from the top of the drawer and dialled my dad's number. After some seconds, he answered the phone. When I told them the news about my baby, they were overjoyed. They told me that Martin had earlier tol
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Through The Months Before Whitney's Eighteenth Birthday
WHITNEY'S POV After a few days of watching Naomi bathe my son, I learned how to bathe him myself and got used to my new life as a mother. Kate, the new maid, I chose to assist me was often in my room to help take care of my baby especially when I need to sleep during the day. All the staff in the house were treating me with the utmost respect and made me feel I am Alpha Vicker's mate. I must admit that it made me feel uneasy. Whenever I'm bored in the room and goes to chat with the maids, they always acted awkward and it was glaring they were no longer comfortable with me. The only staff that was comfortable with me was Kate, the new maid because she spent more time with me and my son. I asked Kate personal questions about her family and she told me that she is 21 years old and an orphan who has two younger siblings that depend on her. According to her, she has lived all her life in Nashville and her parents were quite comfortable financially but not rich. One fa
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Moon Goddess Appears To Whitney
WHITNEY'S POV I woke up with a start as I heard a soft voice whisper my name three times in my ears. As I opened my eyes, I looked around the lit-up room with fear in my eyes. Since I came back from the hospital after giving birth to my child, I stopped switching off the light so that I can see my baby whenever I woke up. I thought I heard someone call my name or was it just a dream? I wondered. I sat up and moved closer to the cot. I leaned forward and looked at my baby. He was sleeping peacefully. I reached out and touched his chest and his heart was beating steadily. I heaved a sigh of relief. I glanced at the time. The time was 12:05 am. At that moment, I remembered that today is my birthday. Finally, I am 18 years old today. I remembered what Alpha Vicker told me and I was filled with anxiety to hear what he has been hiding from me. Suddenly, the light in the room went off and the room was pitch dark. My eyes widened with fear and I let out a gasp of shock a
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