All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
311 Chapters
Whitney Gets Acquainted With Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POVI was woken by the sound of the doorbell. I glanced at the wall clock. The time was 9:15 p.m.My eyes were still heavy as I sat up and yawned. Who could it be? I wondered. Suddenly, it struck me that it was Alpha Vicker cos the maids said he usually comes home from work by 8 pm. I got out of bed and walked sluggishly to the door. I opened the door and saw Alpha Vicker standing in front of me and we made contact. Instantly, the heaviness in my eyes disappeared and my eyes swept over him. His hair was wet and his skin was looking fresh and glowing. I could smell the pleasant scent of his body. It was obvious that he just had a shower. He was wearing a white singlet and blue shorts. The singlet revealed his huge muscular arms and I couldn't help gazing at them. On his feet were a pair of blue slippers. Gosh! He is such an adonis. How I wish I can run my hands over his biceps. I realized I was swooning over him and my face faintly flushed with embarrass
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Whitney Reveals Her Ordeal To Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POVAlpha Vicker and I gazed at each other for some seconds as I struggled to calm my nerves. "Whitney, I'm waiting for you to tell me everything about you I need to know. I know that I'm not supposed to employ you the way I did especially because you were a complete stranger I saw for the first time but I guess I took pity on you because of your predicament and because you are a minor," he said.Though I was finding it difficult to reveal my ordeal to him, I knew I had to and I had made up my mind to tell him the truth. I summoned courage and took a deep breath. "As I told you before, I came from Montgomery where I worked as a maid since I turned thirteen. Myself, my parents, and my brother who is my only sibling live in the house of the Alpha of my pack. We all work for the Alpha..." I paused as he cut in."What is the name of your Alpha and the name of your pack?" he asked. "His name is Alpha Don and the name of his pack is Shadow Pack," I replied."Well, I must say th
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Alpha Vicker's Anger
WHITNEY'S POVFor some seconds, Alpha Vicker stared at me with shock in his eyes and with mouth agape. "Whitney, are you serious about what you just said?" he asked in disbelief. "Yes, I am," I replied. "Damn! This is crazy and sounds so unbelievable. Oh, I'm very sorry that you had to go through a violent rape and still ended up being pregnant," he said with compassion in his voice. "Thank you," I said with an emotionally laden voice. He was silent for a moment as he gazed at me."What is the name of Alpha Don's son that raped you and how old is he?" he asked with slight anger. "His name is Luther. He is 17 years old," I replied. "So, you mean after Luther raped you and got you pregnant, his father did not punish him severely?" "No, he didn't.""Damn! Raping of a minor is a heinous crime that attracts severe punishment. That boy ought to be locked up in jail even though he is a minor himself. Anyway, if I may ask, what was the punishment meted out to him by his father?" "His
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Whitney Pleads With Alpha Vicker
WHITNEY'S POVAs I knelt in front of Alpha Vicker, I rested my head on his feet sobbing, and my tears started dropping on his feet. The room was quiet except for my sobs. After a couple of seconds, I felt his hands touch my shoulders and he held me gently. "Whitney, stop crying and look at me," he said with a gentle tone.I raised my head, looked at him and we made eye contact. The fury in his eyes was gone and I could see compassion in them.He took his hands off my shoulder and reached out and touched my face. "Please, stop crying," he cooed as he started wiping my tears with his hands. I stopped sobbing but the tears continued to run down my face. "I want you to stop crying, get up and sit down, okay?"I nodded and rose to my feet. I took a few steps backward, sat on the bed, and gazed at him.He was silent for some seconds as he stared at me. "Whitney, you are putting me in a tight spot. Seeing you sobbing breaks my heart and I must say that right now, I'm confused about wha
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Alpha Vicker Preoccupied With Whitney
ALPHA VICKER'S POVI was woken up by the insistent ringing of my alarm clock. I stirred on the bed as the alarm clock continued to ring. I turned my head to look at the alarm. The time was 6 am. I reached out and hit the snooze button.I yawned and stared at the ceiling as I recalled when I first saw Whitney and the conversation I had with her last night. Yesterday morning when I drove out of the gate of my house, I was about to drive from the driveway unto the road when I noticed that there was someone under the avocado tree outside my fence. I was surprised cos I couldn't understand why anyone would be sleeping under a tree at that time in the morning. From the driver's seat, I didn't know if the person was a man or a woman but I could see that he or she was asleep. I concluded that the person must be destitute and would leave anytime when he or she woke up. At first, I was about to drive off when my intuition told me to go and see the person. I pulled up, got out of the car, and
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Whitney Falls In Love
WHITNEY'S POVI was woken by the shrill sound of the doorbell. I yawned and stretched my body before I turned my head to look at the wall clock. The time was 6:45 a.m. I got out of bed, walked slowly to the door, and opened it. Alpha Vicker was standing in front of me looking quite dashing. Instantly, the pleasant fragrance of the perfume he was wearing drifted into my nostrils. My eyes swept over him. He was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a blue tie. He was holding a black briefcase in his right hand and a gold wristwatch he was wearing caught my attention. On his feet were expensive-looking black Oxford shoes.Even the suit did not hide his impressive physique and he looked quite intimidating. I found myself very attracted to him and gazed at his handsome face. I averted my eyes and gazed at his sensuous-looking lips and I yearned to kiss him. Gosh! What a gorgeous man. He kept an impassive face as his penetrating blue eyes were gazing at me. I thought he could read m
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Whitney Hatches A Plan
WHITNEY'S POV I was shocked as I realized that I have fallen in love with Alpha Vicker. How is that possible? I wondered. After some seconds, I lied on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I only met Alpha Vicker yesterday and I barely know him, so, how could I be in love with him? Although I have heard of love at first sight and heard some of the girls in Alpha Don's pack talk about how they met a guy for the first time and fell over heels in love with him, I never believed them. I had always thought that they are stupid to believe that one can fall in love at first sight but I guess I was wrong cos I can't explain the strange feelings I have for Alpha Vicker which I have never had for anyone and I have no doubt that it's love. When I first set my eyes on him, I was instantly attracted to him but there was no emotional feeling, so, I guess that could be just lust. However, getting to know him and his highly commendable charact
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Whitney And Her Brother Exchange Words
WHITNEY'S POV I was filled with anxiety as my brother's phone started to ring. I held the phone to my ears with shaking hands. With each passing second the phone was ringing, my anxiety increased. After some seconds, the phone stopped ringing and I dialed the number again. The phone started ringing again and after a couple of seconds, my brother answered the phone. "Hello, who is this?" he asked. As I heard his deep raspy voice, tears welled up in my eyes. I opened my lips to talk but no sound came out. "May, I know who is on the line?" he asked with exasperation. Tears started rolling down my face. I wish I didn't have to make the call but it's important cos I know when Alpha Vicker comes back from work and comes to see me, the first thing he will ask is if I called my family and he will want to know their response, so, I knew I had to get hold of myself. I wiped my tears with my hands and took a deep breath. "Martin, good morning," I said.
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Whitney's Threat
WHITNEY'S POV"Whitney, so you are serious about getting a job in Nashville, and that your boss is a wealthy Alpha?" Martin asked with a disbelieving tone. "Yes, I am damn serious. I thought you know me so well, so, you should know when I'm lying," I said."So you meant what you said that you will not come back to Montgomery until you have given birth to your baby and he is at least a year old?" he asked."Yes, I meant everything I said," I replied bluntly. He was silent for a moment and I could hear him breathing heavily."Whitney, do you love me?" he asked with a gentle tone.I was taken aback by the question."Why are you asking me such a question," I asked. "Just answer the question!" he said with exasperation. "You know I love you. You and I grew up together and there is no denying that there is a strong bond between us," I said. "You say you love me and that we have a strong bond between us, yet you are hurting me. Is that fair?" he asked with a gentle tone."What do you m
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Whitney's Brother Succumbs To Her Threat
WHITNEY'S POV"Whitney, please, don't ever say you will commit suicide. That is such a horrible statement. You know how much I love you. You are my only sibling and you mean the world to me," he said with a pleading tone."If you love me as you claim, then, why are causing me so much pain? You should have considered the physical and mental trauma I have suffered since I was raped and should have tried as much as you can to alleviate it but instead, you are causing me more pain. No matter how you feel about my pregnancy, I expected you to be understanding and accept my decision but you have vehemently refused to..." I paused as he cut in."Will you shut up! Yes, I know that you have been traumatized and I want you to get over it and that is one of the main reasons I want you to abort the pregnancy!" he roared. "What you are saying doesn't make sense to me. In what way would terminating my pregnancy make me get over the trauma?" I asked. "If you terminate the pregnancy, you may not im
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