All Chapters of Bloody Rose: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
125 Chapters
Rain had grown accustomed and more irritated with her daily routine as the days went by.She would wake up early, take a shower which Nurse Anna always had to be there every fucking second just to make sure that she didn’t slip and fall or maybe put way too much water on her almost healed injuries.It had been more that two weeks since Rain woke up after the incident and despite the fact that her entire body was healing nicely, she was still being treated like a patient that required special attention.After taking a shower, she wore comfortable clothes then sat down on the bed waiting for either Nicky or her breakfast to come first.Majority of the time, her breakfast came first and sometimes her brother didn’t even come at all. He would call later on to tell her that he has to work in order to get her out of the Guerriero mansion.He'd never mentioned what work he did and where. Rain never got a straight or proper answer so she stopped asking.Nurse Anna and Vicky who was no l
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His Arms
Rain saw him and knew who he was almost immediately. When she saw mem stationed in front of Alexander’s office, she’s first thought they were the men that followed Enzo and Alexander everywhere but they were all dressed differently and none of them looked familiar. The two men at the entrance of Alexander’s study both had their backs turned to her but only one of them was able to pique her attentionHis silhouette looked so familiar, it brought back the memories of that day when she stared long and hard at his back as he left her on that floor to die, his fingers stained with Elisa’s blood and Rain’s knees soaked in Aldo’s.He didn’t turn around though, Rain couldn’t see his face and even though she couldn’t be sure, she noticed the other man pulling out a gun from his waistband and turning off the safety.“We’re supposed to shoot Alexander Guerriero and not miss, if we go in now, things would be so much more easier for us,” the man’s partner said impatiently, sounding like a child
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Best Doctors
Rain shivered, she felt warm in his embrace but couldn’t control her body’s reaction.Her eyes were closer shut, she’s didn’t want to open them anymore, she just wanted the reality of the damage she caused to fade away.She didn’t feel better.She thought she would.But she didn’t. Elisa was still dead, she was never going to come back and Rain never get to see that smile or even her permanent scowl again.It was gone. Forever.“What did you say?”There was a certain chill in his tone, so evident and suffocating that even the groaning man on the floor quieted and the groans of Elisa’s murderer became non-existent. He pulled away from her and put a finger beneath her chin just so he could raise her head.Rain opened her teary eyes to look at him just like he wanted, her vision almost completely blurred by the tears in her eyes but she could see the intensity in his liquid brown gaze and it scares her. Because despite the fact that his expression was one of gentleness and he a
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Rain Coleman In Japan
“What are you going to do to him?“ Sleep, Rain, I’ll tell you all about it after it is done,”“No!” Rain turned around so she could be face to face with him, but that was a big mistake on her part. The second her gaze landed on his face, her heart beat so fast that she thought it would fly out of her chest.There was this effect seeing his face had on her and as much as she enjoyed it, she wanted it to stop as well because it scared her.The last time she felt this way towards a man, he had almost killed her, he has broken her down into tiny pieces and ruined her for everyone else.“I just need to see, I need to know what you’ll do to him,”That bastard had taken the life of a person she cares so much about and made her relive the pain of losing a parent again.Rain didn’t want to be consumed by the hate she was feeling...even though it was definitely too late for that.Rain had shot the man and didn’t feel even a tiny bit of remorse after. She feared the kind of person she w
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Truth Hurts
The air was stale, the stench of blood and disinfectant filled the air and it was almost suffocating.It smelled like a hospital that had lost control of it’s blessing patients and it made Rain gag once or twice since she walked into the room.The sight was much worse than the stench though.The man was still in his bloodied clothes but they had been cut open from the parts that were shot. Bandages covered his bullet wounds and the rest of the blood had caked on the material and his skin, that was probably where the stench was coming from.The areas around his bandaged wounds were clean but not the same could be said for the rest of him. He seemed to be covered in a mess of his own making, he’d grown quite a stubble since Rain last saw him. His mouth was wide open, like he had something to say but couldn’t will his tongue to move.He looked terrible.Good.Rain took another shaky step forward, almost regretting why she came there in the first place but then again, she was also
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Rain lay in her bed, she was tempted to put her hands over her ears. She couldn’t sworn she still heard the screams of Ymir when Alexander did what he wanted to do.Tearing open his skin, burning him, punching him…every single action elicited a scream from the man Rain almost felt pity for him but then again she doesn’t look away and one might even say she enjoyed every moment.Is it what Elisa would’ve wanted?That tiny voice at the back of her mind haunted her.If Elisa were here, would she approve of Alexander doing such a thing and Rain supporting him?Rain doubted it but the fact remained that Elisa was dead and she was never coming back.“Hey…” Viola’s weak voice brought Rain out from her thoughts. “Viola!” Rain gasped as she immediately got up from the bed and walked to the door where Viola stood. Rain put an arm around her waist to support her and helped her as both of the walked slowly to the bed. “You should be in bed resting,” Rain said as she heard the tired si
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Alexander turned on the faucet and put his bloodied hands under the running water. He forced himself not to stare at his reflection because he knew he would hate what he saw.A man that was barely recognizable. A man that has taken on a path he told himself he wouldn’t take…but now things were different.Elisa was no longer here. She wasn’t here to tell him that happiness, true happiness wasn’t far away. Was there truly such a thing as true happiness for a man like him? “Xander, Romeo and Luigi are here,” Came Enzo’s voice through the door.“I’ll be out in a minute,”Alexander blew out a ragged breath. Ymir was dead and he now had the locations of the biggest Council members, Elisa’s death was halfway avenged…his cousin’s death as well.This was supposed to be a reason to celebrate, something that would make him feel lighter. Take that heavy feeling off his chest but it didn’t . Alexander was annoyed by the fact that he still felt the same, there was no change.He washed h
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A Rose By Her Bedside
A rose by her bedside.Every single day for the past one week.It should feel like a routine, like her life was finally getting back to the weird normal it was when Elisa was alive but, it didn’t.Rain now knew who was keeping those roses every single morning, what baffled her the most was how she never stirred whenever he walked into the room.Yet whenever they met during the day, he was indifferent toward her, both of them knowing fully well what had happened only a few hours ago.Alexander was driving Rain insane, confusing her with his actionsOne second he was the charming man she knew, bringing a single rose to her bedroom whilst she slept and then the next second he is the Don of the Guerriero empire and her nothing more than his assistant.“Aren’t you and Xander going out for a meeting today?” Viola asked, a bag of chips in her hand and countless crumbs littered on the bed and her face like she was a fucking five-year-old!Yes, Viola has also been here in the past one w
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An Amusement Park
The meeting was being held at an amusement park which Rain felt was the weirdest place to have a meeting.But apparently it was what Mr. Endicott requested and strangely enough, Alexander agreed to his request. “This is going to be fun,” Luigi said as they stepped down from the car, he looked at Rain with an excited expression and Rain couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm.“We’re here for business alone, you know that right?” Rain said with a faint smile on her face.The park was the most beautiful she’d ever seen, the sun was bright and it made the place look even more colorful and vibrant.Adults and kids alike flooded the place, some in long straight lines, some on rides that it was clearly obvious they couldn’t handle. Maybe it was the screams and laughter of people, maybe it was the scent of junk food in the air and the crowd but, Rain felt lighter than she had been in a long while. She inhaled deeply and then watched the crowds of people having fun longingly. “We’
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An Amusement Park (II)
Rain wasn’t going to be distracted by the activities at the park, or so she told herself. It actually became a chore just to pay proper attention to their conversation. “…really went through with it,” “Yes, yes I did.” Alexander’s reply was short and devoid of any emotion. He brought out the files that Luigi had given to him earlier and set the down on the table. “Wow,” Williams said with a low chuckle, “You really don’t waste time when it comes to these things Mr. Guerriero,” He took the files and divided them into two, giving the other half to his twin. “The list is quite long but it’s achievable, don’t you think?” Walter asked his brother who nodded in reply. Were they going to be the ones tasked with killing the families? Holy shit. Was Alexander really going through with it? “What are you guys going to do with them?” Rain could see from the top of the files that they were people’s profiles, even little kids weren’t spared. The Endicott brothers looked at Alexander stran
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