All Chapters of Bloody Rose: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
With Her
He didn’t look scared of the roller coaster, when he paid for the ride and they were both seated properly. He still had on that passive expression, he looked like he didn’t have a fucking care in the world.So stiff… “Have you ever been on a roller coaster before?” He didn’t answer, instead he inhaled audibly as the technician made sure they were both strapped I’m properly.“Make sure to keep your legs in at all times and don’t unbuckle your seatbelts halfway,” the man said and then winked at Rain. “You sure you’ll be okay ma’am?”“ She’ll be fine, leave!” Alexander said coldly to the man, his eyes widened slightly in fear but then he sneered at Alexander before leaving.He probably saw Alexander as a cock block right now.“Is this really your first time on a rollercoaster?”Rain still didn’t get a reply, at that point she was already laughing because she knew the truth. “Damn,” Rain laughed uncontrollably, “I’m sorry I know it isn’t funny but...I haven’t met anyone who’
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A Truce
A gasp. A breathy whisper.“What about Andrea?” She wasn’t going to bring it up. She wanted to forget completely about it and just enjoy the warmth that his body brought, the ways his rough fingers scorched her skin and how she enjoyed the softness of his lips against hers.He pulled away, his hand moved up to cup her chin.Rain opened her blurry eyes to look at him, his lips were wet with their saliva and his eyes were alight with a flame that made her entire body burn with desire. “Just for a moment Gattina…” his entire body had stiffened when he heard her but he didn’t make any movement to leave her.His other hand went down to her waist while the other cupped her cheek, his breathing ragged and his heart pounding hard and fats against Rain’s palms.“…don’t think about that, just feel this,”A sweet shiver ran down her spine, she moved closer to him, melted into him and moaned as her sensitive peaks rubbed against his chest.“Alexander…” Those words were at the tip of h
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We Need To Talk
Rain was breathless by the time the car pulled to a stop. No, they hadn’t kissed but, he was so close to her, her entire body was aware of his arousal, felt it. His body spike it in volumes and he couldn’t keep his hands off of her.Once the driver, who’s face was already beet red stopped the car. Alexander smiled at her as he opened the car door and stepped down. Yet again, he held out a hand for her…she took it without hesitation.Fuck it! She thought.His palms were callused but warm, she enjoyed the feel of his skin.She looked up at him, brows furrowed in concentration. Trying to decipher just who the man in front of her was. Was it the arousal that made him act this way?Was it because he was still trying to apologize to her or was it all genuine?Rain was afraid that it wasn’t. “Why do you look so confused?” he asked as they both began to walk into the mansion.Rain coughed awkwardly and looked away, hating the way her cheeks heated up at the sound of his voice but f
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Nicholas Coleman was depressed.Not the kind of depression that went away with just a few sentences from a loved one or at the sight of money…his problems, his depression had gone way beyond being able to be fixed by money.He wasn’t going to be a wimp and cry about it but every night he had the same dream—no, nightmare. He would walk up to the mysterious cradle in the middle of his bedroom and it would be empty and somehow he knew it wasn’t supposed to.The baby was missing. He would become panicked and search around the house, he would search everywhere until he becomes a sniveling mess.Gone.The baby would be gone.Then he wakes up and realizes that it was only just a dream, then it happens again the next night.Did Andrea really get rid of the pregnancy?Was it his guilt of walking out on her when she clearly needed him the most?Was it the fact that he betrayed Alexander?Not the stealing but he did something far more worse. He betrayed him in the worst way possible
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A promise
“In a way, I know I’m supposed to be happy that I’m going to be an aunt soon but…”“ The mother of the child?” Viola asked, her face already red with laughter. For some reason, she found Rain’s current expression funny.“ Not that Andrea is a bad person or anything like that,” Rain waved her hands trying to dismiss the thought from Viola’s head.“Uh huh...” Viola said, Rain’s words only succeeding in making her laugh harder.“Look, it’s just that she has a lot of issues and sometimes she’s like a—”“—bitch, she’s a bitch Rain. No need to censor your words,”Yup. She was a bitch. A stuck up bitch that shot at Rain as a warning to stay away from Alexander yet from what she’d learned at the dining table, Andrea herself had come to end things by herself.Rain and Viola sat on opposite sides of her bed, a pillow each in their grasps and Viola looking like she would burst into laughter at any given moment.She’s been laughing from the table when she had first heard everything but no
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A War
The large hall was dark and moldy. No one had been inside of it or cleaned it for weeks all because of one person.Alexander Guerriero.The hall was once a place beautified by the lights that came in from the windows and at least thirty men filled the now dusty seats lined up in the hall with their own desks.Now the hall’s curtains couldn’t be drawn open and the men that stood in the hall, gnashing their teeth in anger were two while the third man eyes took in the appearance of the once great hall with a cold gaze, yet his eyes were emotionless and one could tell what he was thinking.The three men in the halls were all obviously not from the same countries.A red haired middle aged man who’s head was still held up high like nothing in the world could touch him, he still carried around an air of confidence despite him knowing that they had all bee brought down and they had nothing left attached to their names.A man who’s entire hair was already gray and his back hunched over b
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Finally Over
The building was almost empty. That was the first thing Rain noticed when she walked in. It was as good as abandoned and the only person in the bobby was the receptionist. A teenager that looked like he was just trying to earn extra money.His eyes widened when he saw them in the lobby.Probably because of the number of men Alexander had brought with him.They were at least thirty men behind them and that was apart from his consigliere, Luigi, his capo régimes, Enzo and, Romeo and Aldo. The boy looked like he was going to piss his pants at any second.He quickly bolted away from the desk and tried to run to the entrance but Enzo caught him easily swiftly and bent his arm in an odd angle behind his back.He said something in Italian to the boy that made his eyes widen even more and then he shakily pointed at the second door at the right at the lobby.“Thanks,” Enzo said to the shaking big as he let go of his arm and then walked past him like he didn’t just threaten his life.Th
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Their destination was only a short drive away from where they’d picked up the council members. Alexander had driven the car while Aldo took the other front seat and Rain sat at the back. They were both silent all through the drive and Rain spent the entire drive contemplating if she should start up a conversation or not. Their moods were somber.When Alexander finally stopped the car, Rain looked outside the window to see that they were at some park or meadow of some sort.The green grass stretched as far as her eyes could see and at the side was a gathering of trees, it wasn’t big enough to call it a forest though.Rain stepped out of the car before the men. When they both joined her, she saw that Aldo was holding a jar in his hand tightly and his brows furrowed like he was in pain. The jar was ceramic and beautiful designed by flowered and butterflies hovering over each of them.They began to walk, nothing needed to be said. She already knew why they were here.The walked int
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Rose In The Vase
A week later, things seemed to be more normal around the mansion. The maids went back to their normal routines only with Vicky as the person in charge and of course a few of them had already been fired. Rain had trued to enjoy the fake normalcy but she couldn’t, she missed Elisa and she also missed her brother who she hasn’t seen since the day she found out she was going to be an aunt. She honestly thought that after their little talk, he would confide in her more but no… not Nicholas. At least eight days had passed since she’s last see him or even spoken to him. His number wasn’t connecting whenever she called and he wasn’t replying any of her texts either even though it was being received. Alexander on the other hand had also been MIA. Rain was still being his assistant of course but most of the time he left the house without her saying it was ‘unofficial matters’ and that she didn’t have to concern herself with them. She knew he was lying. Knew he was trying to protect her, he e
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In Love
It was a bright Saturday morning.The birds were chirping and singing, the sun had risen earlier than normal…Rain inhaled deeply, the scent of roses assailed her nostrils.She opened her eyes groggily, the light from the windows almost blinding her. She waited a few seconds for her eyes to get used to the brightness before she opened her eyes again.Roses…They were everywhere!A gasp escaped her lips as she looked around her room. The roses occupied every nook and cranny, every corner and every space, even the floor was covered in petals.The room wasn’t this way when she went to sleep last night, rather late, she couldn’t recall the reason why she slept late but she knew that she was so excited in that moment.Wait…why did something feel off?Did she really fall asleep in her room last nightIt was her wedding day.That’s right.She was marrying the man she loved today!Something she had been looking forward to for so long. She hadn’t seen her fiancé in almost a week and today, fina
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