All Chapters of Bloody Rose: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
125 Chapters
Luigi's Stupidity
Alexander brought up the cigarette to his mouth and inhaled, closing his eyes as the tobacco got into his lungs and soothed him…well just a little bit.It had been so long since he had the urge to smoke but now he just wanted to drown himself in packs of them if they would help with the emotional turmoil he was feeling in that moment.“So you fucked her, big whoop. The both of you make a great couple anyways,” Luigi snorted, “Why are you acting like someone died?”Alexander blew out a breath and the smoke along with it and then shook his head.“You wouldn’t understand,” he said to Luigi as he crushed the cigarette into the ash tray next to him and then leaning back into the armrest of his study’s couch.He'd been cooped up in there all morning since he left Rain in the cabin.They had been at it all night, his body not ever getting enough of hers and Rain’s body the most responsive and sexy he’d ever touched.His body finally tired out in the early hours of the morning, by then
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Come With Me
Rain didn’t want breakfast to be weird or awkward, despite Alexander’s presence.She tried to keep up with the conversation between Luigi and Viola, tried to secretly taunt Vicky whenever she noticed the woman’s glare and all this just so she could ignore the burning stare she knew she was getting from Alexander. He was seated opposite her and not at his usual position at the head of the table.He didn’t say anything when he’d arrived at the dining room shortly after Luigi did. Enzo and Romeo came in not long after, Romeo gave her a look that made her feel super uncomfortable and remembering what happened the last time they’d both met and had a conversation, it only made matters worse.So when she decided to shift her gaze from Romeo, so as to not ruin her morning more than it already was, she saw him.Alexander’s eyes were on her, ablaze with desire and this time he did nothing to hide it even though they were both at a table filled with people. Rain’s eyes widened and for a sp
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A Swim
Drunk. She was fucking drunk, it made Alexander wonder if he was wrong by giving her a glass of alcohol this early in the day. He didn’t think she was a light weight but apparently she was, he was learning new things about the woman everyday. “Are you kidnapping me?...again?” Then she giggled like she’d just told the funniest joke. It was anything but funny to him though. Was that really what she thought of him their situation? Did she see him as a man that held her against her will? Even now? After all they’d both shared together? “If you don’t want to come with me, you can go back Gattina,” Alexander sighed, “I won’t stop you,” His arm was around her wait and he held her tightly to his side as the both walked. She held on to his arm like it was a tree branch she wanted swing on, a loopy grin on her face and her tripping over every little thing. “I trust you,” she shook her head, “unfortunately…” she added in a low voice. It floored Alexander, he silently wondered why it was
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Rain wasn’t sure where she got the courage from. Was it from the orange juice that turned out not to be orange juice?Liquid courage as they called it, she wondered if that was what her case was.She was in front of a naked Alexander, naked…he was fucking naked and he was breathtaking.Her eyes couldn’t get enough and her hands itched to get in on the action as well.Here she was, without panties and trying to unbuckle her bra from behind but embarrassingly so, due to her shaky hands, she seemed to have forgotten how to perform even the simplest of tasks. Alexander noticed because his lips curled up and he began walking closer to her.Rain heart skipped a few beats, she took steps back but yet he still came closer.Heat radiating off him as he held her should in a firm grip and then wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her body flush against him.“Why are you running away?” she felt every rumble and vibration from his chest and on hers, Rain’s knees weakened and her eyes
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Sergio Mendes
“Sergio Mendes,” Alexander said, a hint of fondness in his tone as he remembered his old friend. They hadn’t seen ewch other since they both graduated from highschool and went their separate ways. He was an American man with Italian descent and his parents made him school in Italy so he could learn more about their family’s culture. The boy had been the top student, Alexander was the only person who was above him in the rankings. Sergio’s father was the head of one of the biggest mobs in the USA, he was raised in a similar to Alexander and that was probably why they both got along so much. “How nice to hear from you after so long,” There came a low chuckle from the other line, “I’ll have to admit, it’s creepy that you recognized my voice right away,” Alexander smiled, “You know how my memory is, I never forget a face or voice,” Sergio laughed and there was a but of shuffling in the background then the giggles of women. “I heard you’ve become the Don of the Guerriero family, fi
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The meeting Alexander had asked her to schedule with the mysterious Sergio Mendes didn’t happen until a month later. Rain had spent the past few weeks adapting to life as Alexander’s assistant and his somewhat girlfriend? Beloved fuck buddy?Wait, what were they?They both haven’t really bothered to put a label on it even though it had become obvious to everyone that they were both fucking…he didn’t really show any affection to her in front of everyone else but when they were behind closed doors.Shit.Alexander would become a man she never thought she needed in her life. A man that she knew she couldn’t leave without. She was no longer in a hostage situation but instead constantly living in fear of the day he would finally release her from his life.Nicholas was well on his way to becoming a good father and baby daddy.Andrea was literally hanging on every word he said, she is so fucking smitten that there’s almost no trace of her old bitchy self left. That and she was as rou
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True Feelings
The meeting with Sergio Mendes was the next day but since Alexander had decided to leave her out of the serious stuff, he left for the exchange that they’d almost had an argument about. Or did they actually have an argument? After pacifying her, he went straight into the shower, it was noon by the time the guys came over and Rain had to revert to her routine of avoiding Romeo while trying to act like everything was normal. At first she’d thought Romeo was just in a bad mood and it was a phase that was going to pass but soon his actions started getting bolder and bolder. He would hold her hand secretly, whisper some nasty sexual words in her ear or try to kiss her when no one was looking but whenever they were with everyone else, he was their friend. The same person he was when they’d first met. Would they believe her if she told them just how much he was giving her the creeps and why? Probably not. Viola was the only person Rain could confide in about stuff like that but she still
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“Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?” Asked Viola who was sitting on Rain’s bed which surprisingly enough, she hardly ever used these days…well until last night. Viola was munching on chips, not really caring for the crumbs that she was actually littering the sheets with.She looked as worried as a woman eating chips would look.Rain shook her head, “It was just a dizzy spell. I’ve had them countless times back when I was in Japan,”Sure, the previous day’s episode got her shook but she quickly regained her composure.It was a normal thing to feel dizzy in the morning for absolutely no reason at all.Rain had been prone to dizzy spells and panic attacks back when she was recovering from…you know who.She didn’t see anything wrong with it but Viola seemed to think otherwise, rather strongly.“You should really go to a hospital and get checked out,”“Viola…” Rain groaned.“Just saying,” Viola shrugged her shoulders, “or better yet, get yourself a pregnancy test and pee on
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The Blue Eyed Man
One of the most expensive restaurants in Italy. To some, it might take months to make a reservation at a place such as this but as for Rain. The second she mentioned Alexander’s name to the restaurant, they quickly and easily processed everything.The Guerriero family name carried a lot of power and Rain was really tempted to use it to her advantage sometimes.Getting easy access into places that others could not. She could get used to this sort of thing.The restaurant was a long drive away from the mansion but it was honestly worth it. It had one of the most beautiful interior decors she’d ever seen, also probably the most expensive.The people on the tables dressed up like they were attending a fucking gala or something, every single one of them, prominent people in the country or even celebrities.Rain forced her mouth to stay closed and tried not to gape and embarrass herself.She then turned to look at Alexander who was dressed like he was just taking a casual stroll in t
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The Truth
Sergio Mendes. That was what he called himself and that was what everyone knew him as. That wasn’t the name he told her three years ago. This was not the image he carried either. He might be able to fool every single person in this room but he couldn’t fool her, she knew who he was, she would recognize that face anywhere and her mind was not playing tricks on her. Three years ago she’d been a lost girl, and when she’d finally met him she thought it was over, the she’d been found and she finally found herself, found who she was meant to be. She was wrong. “Rain?” Then came Alexander’s worried tone, only then did she realize just how long she was staring at the man in front of her. His hand outstretched for a handshake, a knowing smile on his lips. When was the last time she had a panic attack? Rain could not remember. She thought it had stopped permanently. Now. “I…I need to use the bathroom,” she managed to choke out as she forced her feet to move and quickly leave the room,
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