All Chapters of Bride Of The eccentric CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
KATHARINE THE MORNING WAS TENSE FOR me—even Richard felt it. He had little in the way of personal items in the office, but I helped him pack up some awards, books, and a couple shirts he kept on hand for emergencies. I shook my head as I folded one, trailing my finger over the sleeve. All his shirts were custom made, and his initials RVR embroidered into the cuffs; a decadent touch only he could carry off. His items only filled two file boxes. His office was as impersonal as his condo. Glancing around, I realized it didn’t look any different. No one would notice, unless someone was looking.A small piece of sculpture caught my eye and I stretched up, grabbing it off the shelf. “Did you want to take this, Richard?”He focused his gaze on the sculpture, but before he could reply, his office door flung open and David strode in. He stopped dead, looking at us. Richard was leaning against his desk, his resignation letter in hand, me standing, holding the sculpture beside an open box. David
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KATHARINE THE AFTERNOON WAS A WHIRLWIND. Richard had indeed told Amanda precisely what he wanted, and the list was endless, it seemed. Dresses, pants, skirts, blouses, suits—a vast array of materials and colors drifted by me. There were also new bathing suits, lingerie, and nightgowns. Item after item was tried on, discussed, and either discarded or placed on the ever- growing pile of clothes to keep.Thankfully, after watching me for a short time, the footwear she picked out was all low-heeled. Still stylish, she assured me, but I had a better chance of staying upright.The last straw was the exercise clothing she showed me. By that point, I was beyond exasperated. I couldn’t fathom a time I would need to have expensive workout clothes. He had a private gym in his apartment for God’s sake. When she indicated it was on Richard’s list, I threw up my hands and told her to add whatever she felt was suitable. I was done.I walked out of the store, carrying the outfit for the next day, wea
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KATHARINE I HAD TROUBLE SLEEPING AGAIN, so I tiptoed down the hall, pushing open Richard’s door. Tonight, he was on his stomach, one arm wrapped around his pillow, the other one hanging off the edge of his massive bed. He was still snoring—his low, raspy hum I needed to hear.I studied his face in the dim light. I traced my lips with my finger, stillshocked at the fact he had kissed me, held me in his arms, and we danced. I knew it was all part of his grand scheme, but there were moments, glimpses, of a different man than I was used to seeing. The flash of a smile, a twinkle in his eye, even a kind word—they had all caught me off-guard tonight. I wished he allowed that part of himself out more, but he kept his emotions—the positive ones—locked away. I had already figured that out. I knew if I said anything, he would lock himself down even more. So, I remained silent—at least for now. I had to admit though, kissing him hadn’t been bad at all. Considering the venom his mouth could prod
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RICHARD MONDAY MORNING, KATHARINE LOOKED AT me as if I had two heads. “We’re doing what?”I sighed, folding my paper and setting it on the counter. “I didn’t want toappear too eager, so I told Graham you and I had an errand to run this morning. He assumed it was to go get a marriage license, and I never corrected him.”She picked up our plates and carried them to the sink. I had to admit she was a damned good cook. I couldn’t remember the last time I had eaten breakfast at home that didn’t come out of a box. Yesterday she had taken her car to do “errands,” and when she returned, it took two trips with me helping to bring up all the groceries she bought. I had thought she was crazy, but I was having second thoughts. Dinner last night had been some kind of delicious chicken and her scrambled eggs today were stellar. So was her coffee. I fully approved of the purchase of the new coffee maker.She slumped against the sink, scrubbing her face. “You can let him think it, but we don’t have
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RICHARD SHE WAS SPEECHLESS. HER LIPS moved, yet no words came out. Then she did the strangest thing.She laughed. Huge, loud peals of laughter. She clapped her hand over hermouth, but it didn’t do anything to stem the flow of chortles. Tears ran down her cheeks, and still she laughed.It was a sound I’d never heard from her, and while I had to admit, her laughter was highly infectious—I wasn’t amused at why she was laughing.I leaned back, crossing my arms. “I don’t find this a laughing matter, Miss Elliott.”I thought hearing me refer to her formally would snap her out of her hysteria because that was what it had to be. The only effect it seemed to have on her, though, was she laughed harder.I slammed my hand on the granite. “Katharine!”She slumped against the counter, wiping her eyes. She glanced over at me, and it started all over. More gales of laughter.I shoved off the chair and strode toward her, not certain what I would do when I got there. Shake her? Slap her? I grabbed he
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RICHARD IT WAS A NIGHT TO celebrate. I had done it. I was a certified employee of The Gavin Group. I met with Graham, signed the offer, and much to his delight, I told him I wanted to stay and get started right away. My office was set up, I officially met my assistant, Amy, and Graham had already placed some folders on my desk. I dove into them with vigor, making preliminary notes, jotting down ideas and thoughts as they came to me.When he told me there was a small gathering after the office closed, I had texted Katharine to inform her I wouldn’t be home, so I was surprised when I saw her walk in carrying, of all things, a tray of cookies. Looking over at the lavish buffet spread out, I wanted to roll my eyes. She brought homemade cookies to an event like this? And why was she here? I hadn’t asked her to come.The answer became obvious rather quick. Jenna clapped her hands and hurried over to Katharine.“You came! And you brought the cookies as I asked! You’re the best!” Jenna then p
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RICHARD I WOKE UP, CONFUSED. AFTER a moment, I realized I was on the sofa. I sat up, grimacing, holding my aching head. I deserved it, but it still sucked. Cautiously, I raised my eyes, surprised to see a bottle of water and Tylenol on the table in front of me. Reaching for it, I swallowed two pills and drained the bottle. As I stood up, the blanket draped across my torso fell to the floor. I bent to pick it up, when realization dawned in my sluggish brain.After Katharine had stormed away, I had tossed back more scotch, her words on a constant loop in my head. At some point, I must have passed out, and she had obviously come and covered me up, leaving the drugs and water, knowing I’d be suffering when I awoke.Despite being even a bigger prick to her than usual, she still looked after me. My legs were shaking as I sat down, recalling the words she had flung at me last night—why she had agreed to help me. Why she scrimped and saved—to look after a woman who took her in and gave her a
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RICHARD I WAITED IN THE KITCHEN, pacing and fidgeting with my tie. Damn thing wouldn’t lay flat no matter what I did, as if I had forgotten how to tie a proper Windsor knot. It wasn’t as though I was nervous. I had nothing to be nervous about—Katharine and I were simply going to say a few words, sign a piece of paper, and be done with the formality of marriage. It was another layer in my plans. Simple. It meant nothing.I yanked at the silk again. Why wouldn’t this fucking tie lay flat?“Keep pulling it like that and there won’t be any material left, Richard.What did that tie ever do to you?”I glanced up, startled. Katharine stood in the doorway, looking equally as nervous, however, much prettier. “Whoa!”She was wearing a simple off-white dress that hugged her narrow waist and exploded in a froth of material at her knees. The top was lacy and showed off her slender neck and arms. Her hair was pinned back, hanging to one side in a cascade of curls. The champagne hue of her dress acc
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RICHARD I WAS SITTING AT THE counter, nursing my third cup of coffee when she came downstairs Sunday morning. She fixed herself a mug—I still hadn’t attempted to use the coffee maker that had appeared one day last week, so she had to make do. I could sense her stolen glances as she waited for the Keurig to perform its magic.“What?” I sighed. “I fell asleep.”“You were exhausted.”“I woke up in my bed. With my dress off.”I arched my eyebrow at her. “It is customary for a husband to carry his wife over the threshold and remove her wedding dress the night they are married, I believe.”Deep crimson flashed across the top of her cheeks, highlighting the delicate bones.I grinned and shook my head. “You helped me, Katharine. You fell back asleep; I covered you up and left the room. I thought you might be uncomfortable otherwise.”“Oh.”She sat beside me, and sipped her coffee before noticing the wrapped package on the counter. “What is that?”I pushed the box toward her. “A present.”“For
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RICHARD I WAS UNSURE WHAT TO do with myself after the conversation with Katharine. Her words kept echoing in my head, making me question the truths I held onto for all these years. I felt drained, and I needed to stop the barrage of thoughts, so I changed, hitting my gym. I pushed myself hard, showered, then headed straight to my den. I expected Katharine to approach me wanting to continue the conversation, which I hoped to avoid, but she was busy in the kitchen, not bothering to look my way as I went past.Waiting on my desk was a plate of sandwiches and a thermos of coffee. I stared at the offering for a moment, then with a shrug, dug in as I lost myself in the files I had brought home. It wasn’t until early evening I saw her again.“Dinner is ready, if you’re hungry.” I looked up, squinting.“Richard, you need some light.” She crossed over, snapping on my desk lamp. She shook her head. “And maybe a pair of reading glasses. I’ve been noticing how close you hold things to your face t
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