All Chapters of Bride Of The eccentric CEO: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
RICHARD SPENDING AN EVENING WITH TWO nervous, tense females proved to be interesting.Jenna was unnaturally still, which was disconcerting itself, but Katharinewas the bigger surprise. I had gotten used to her quiet nature, but tonight, she rambled.Incessantly.Between showing Jenna her plans for the living area, “our room,” asking endless questions about the history of yoga, the general inquiries about every member of the Gavin family and office, as well as any other subject that seemed to filter through her brain, she talked non-stop. Also, she never sat down. She flitted around the room, using her hands to demonstrate her ideas. She picked, moved, tidied, and straightened every object in the room at least twice. She kept patting Jenna’s shoulder, making sure she was okay, and the cold compress she kept on my neck was switched out every twenty minutes. I didn’t think it ever reached room temperature. I had to admit, when she stood behind me, chatting, I didn’t mind the way her fin
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RICHARD JENNA RECEIVED A CALL FROM Adrian while we were having breakfast, telling her he wouldn’t be home until Sunday. With the storm still all around us, we assured her she was welcome to stay until he came to pick her up the next day. There was no other option. Besides, she made Katharine laugh, and I liked hearing the sound. I wanted to make it happen more often.The three of us went to see Penny while the storm simmered, low and tame. I insisted on cheeseburgers, letting it slip how often I snuck them in for her. Katharine was shocked to realize the number of times I’d been to the home without saying a word. Her eyes shone with appreciation when she stretched up and kissed me, catching me off guard. I yanked her close and took full advantage of the fact we had a captive audience with Jenna, kissing her until she was pink-cheeked and embarrassed. Jenna caught my eye with a wink as I accepted the heavy bag of burgers with a wide grin.Penny was quiet but lucid when we arrived. She
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RICHARD KATHARINE WAS QUIET THE REST of the evening. The rain came and went, eventually easing off around midnight. Jenna sensed the turmoil in the air and tried to be discreet. At one point, she asked me if Katharine was all right.“We, ah, had a disagreement,” I admitted. Couples argued; my response—it seemed probable.“Because of what happened earlier?”“Yes.” I didn’t tell her to which earlier occurrence it pertained. I let her think it was what happened with Penny.“Do you want me to leave?” “No, it’s fine.”“Don’t go to bed angry. Talk it out,” she encouraged. “I’ll head up soon and give you some privacy.”Unsure how else to respond, I nodded. I had no idea what to say to Katharine, but as soon as Jenna went upstairs, she followed. I waited a while, shut off the TV, and joined her in my bedroom. She was already in bed, curled up and close to the edge. I got ready and slipped in behind her small, warm body. I hesitated, then reached over, tugging her back to my torso.“Don’t be
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RICHARD I SLID MY KEY IN the lock, entering the condo quietly. I was shocked to realize how much I had missed being home. How much I had missed Katharine.I found myself texting her, checking she was okay, that Penny was well,or she remembered to lock the condo door. Her return texts made me smile, always a little cheeky and sweet. She had adored the cheesecake, telling me how the staff all dove in and helped her and Penny eat it. She found it amusing I had also sent a fruit arrangement for Joey’s snack. When she mentioned Penny seemed more tired than usual, I had phoned the home to check up on her twice, making Tami chuckle at my worry.I had to laugh at myself. It seemed, even without trying, Katharine’s presence in my life brought forth more emotion all the time.I should hate it, yet somehow, I didn’t.I was anxious to get home, see her, visit Penny, and get back to the office. When the client had agreed sooner than expected to our pitch, we had both agreed to head home early and
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RICHARD I GLANCED OVER AT PENNY with a frown. I had been excited the same jazz trio we’d seen before was doing an encore performance this evening, but she’d been off the entire night. More than once, she had lifted her hand, wiping away a tear as it rolled down her cheek. When I asked, concerned, if she was all right, she waved me away with an impatient hand.“I’m fine.”Yet, she seemed to be anything except fine.I wheeled her back to her room, hoping the treat I had waiting would pick up her spirits.Katharine mentioned Penny wasn’t eating well the past couple days and seemed tired. Tonight, her caregiver told me she picked at her dinner and had only eaten lunch because Katharine fed it to her.I knew Katharine was worried. She had considered canceling her yoga class, but I encouraged her to go. I reminded her only two classes remained, then she could join us every Tuesday. I would miss my time with Penny, but the classes started again a month later, so it would be back to us at tha
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RICHARD THE CONDO WAS QUIET. KATHARINE, after another night of silence, had gone to bed. She hadn’t eaten much dinner, barely sipped her wine, and answered my questions with small hums or shakes of her head. I heard her moving around upstairs, the sound of drawers opening and closing, and I knew she was probably rearranging and organizing. She did that when she was upset.Worry ate away at my nerves; it was something I’d never experienced. I wasn’t used to caring about anyone. I wondered how to help her to feel better, how to help her talk. She needed to talk.The memorial had been small but special. Since Laura and Graham handled most of the arrangements, it wasn’t surprising. Laura sat with Katharine and helped her pick out some photos, which they placed around the room. Her favorite one of Penny they positioned by the urn that was decorated with wildflowers. There were flowers sent by different people, the largest arrangement came from Katharine and myself. All of Penny’s favorites
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RICHARDI KNEW SHE WASN’T THERE, yet I still checked every inch of the condo. When I looked in her dresser and closet, most of the new clothes I purchased for her remained, but some were missing. Her two still-to-be-unpacked boxes were in her closet, some of her toiletries were in the bathroom, but the one suitcase she had was missing. I remembered hearing drawers opening and shutting last night. What I thought was her organizing and moving things, was in fact, her preparing to leave me.I sat down on the edge of her bed with my head in my hands.Why? Why would she sleep with me when she knew she was going to leave? Why did she leave?I cursed under my breath—the answer to that was obvious. Penny was dead. She no longer had to provide for her, which meant she no longer had to keep up the pretense of being in love with me.We had, I thought, been getting along well. I was sure she was feeling something. Why hadn’t she talked to me?I barked out a laugh in the empty room. Of course, she
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RICHARDI STARED OUT THE WINDOW overlooking the vast property. Memories of bringing Katharine here the first day flitted through my head. How nervous and anxious we both had been. How well she played her part. My gaze swept over to the deck. Remembering our wedding dinner, my chest became tight. She had looked so pretty, felt so right in my arms when we danced. The day, which should have been nothing but another piece of my plan, had been a joyful one.Had I loved her then?“Richard.”I turned to face Graham. He held out a steaming cup of coffee. “I thought you could use this.”I took the mug with a silent nod and turned back to the window. My thoughts were jumbled and confused. I had no idea how to start this conversation, but I knew I had to have it. I needed to wipe the slate clean, then figure out my next move.Taking in a deep lungful of air, I turned back to Graham. He was leaning on his desk, feet crossed, sipping his coffee. He was his normal, calm self, yet the look on his fac
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RICHARDIN THE HALLWAY, LAURA STOPPED us. She looked up at me, a frown on her face.“I was listening by the door, Richard.”“Okay.”“I heard almost everything.”I dropped my gaze, hers too intense to meet any longer. “You lied to me. To my family.”“Yes.”“So did Katy.”My head shot up. “Because I made her, Laura. She hated it. She hated the fact she had to lie in the first place, but once she got to know you, she loathed it.” I stepped forward. “She did this to make sure Penny was looked after and had a safe home. She . . . she became so fond of you, of all of you, this ruse ate her up inside.” I gripped the back of my neck, wrenching on the tense muscles. “I think it was the main reason she left. She couldn’t take the lies anymore.”She stretched up, tugging on my arm. I released the grip on my neck and allowed her to clasp my hand.“Was it still a lie when she left?”“No,” I admitted. “I love her. I’m lost without Katy.” I swung my gaze to Graham and back to her. “That’s why I had t
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KATHARINETHE GENTLE SOUNDS OF THE waves breaking on the shore soothed me. I rested my chin on my knees, trying to lose myself in the beauty of the beach. The gulls flying overhead, the ebb and flow of the moving water, and the utter peace.Except, I wasn’t peaceful. I felt lost, torn. I was grateful Penny was nolonger trapped in a never-ending nightmare of forgotten moments, but I missed her terribly. Her voice, her laughter, the tender way she would cup my cheek, kiss my forehead, tweak my nose, and in her rare moments of clarity, provide her wisdom.If she were here I could talk to her, tell her what I was feeling, and she would explain it to me. She would tell me what to do next.I was in love with my husband, a man who wasn’t in love with me. A man who felt love made you weak and couldn’t love himself. He would never be able to see his good traits; the ones he had buried deep inside in order never to be hurt again.He had changed a lot since that fateful day he asked me to be his
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