All Chapters of Bride Of The eccentric CEO: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
43 Chapters
RICHARDShe was too thin again. Even with a jacket on, it was evident. Her appetite had been non-existent after Penny passed, and in the few days we’d been apart, I knew she wasn’t eating. She was suffering as much as me.When I arrived at the small cluster of cottages, I parked far enough away I wouldn’t alert her to my presence if she was, indeed, there. Walking onto the beach, I spied her right away, a small, huddled mass on the sand, staring into the horizon. She looked lost and tiny, and the need to go to her, lift her into my arms and refuse to let her go, was strong. I had never felt anything that intense until today. However, I resisted, knowing I needed to approach her cautiously. She had run once, and I didn’t want her running again.We stood, staring at each other. I began to head toward her—slow, wary steps, until I was in front of her, inches away. Up close, she looked as ravaged as I felt. Her blue eyes were bloodshot and weary, her skin paler than ever, her hair limp and
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RICHARDI LIFTED MY HEAD, SQUINTING in the silent darkness. We had been sitting, holding each other, needing the closeness. I didn’t know for how long, but enough for night to have descended. “I need to add some more logs,” I murmured. “The fire is going to die.”“I like it right here. I’m warm enough.”I chuckled and pressed a kiss to her head. “We have to move eventually.” “I should make us something to eat.”“I need to find a place to stay.”She froze. “You aren’t staying here?”Tenderly, I cupped her face, brushing a kiss to her lips. “I want to. But I don’t want to push.”“It’s a queen-size bed.”I quirked my eyebrow at her. “Small for us. I suppose I’ll have to snuggle with you. I guess if it’s the sacrifice I have to make—”Her lips curled into a smile. “I suppose so.”“I’ve missed snuggling with you. I’ve missed your warmth and your smell.”“Well then, I guess you better stay.”“I guess so.” I paused, needing to ask her the question that had been simmering in the back of my min
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RICHARDI SHOOK BILL’S HAND AND walked across the beach. Katy was sitting on the sand, a sketchbook on her knees, pencil in hand, but she was motionless. The breeze picked up the strands of her hair, blowing them back like ribbons of dark silk. I sank down behind her, pulling her back into my embrace.“Hey.”She tilted her head back, observing me upside down. “Hi. What were you talking to Bill about for so long?” A frown crossed her face. “Please tell me you didn’t ask about buying the resort.”I snickered at the expression on her face and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “No. I think he has a buyer. I was thanking him for letting you come back, and we were talking about other things. Where he is moving to, stuff like that.”She pursed her lips and shrugged, turning back to face the water. “What are you sketching?”She held up the book. “Nothing. I’m enjoying the view.”I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her tight. “It’s a great view.”“Penny and I used to build bonfires, cook
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RICHARDTHE CONDO WAS SILENT WHEN we arrived. I set down our bags and looked at the mess I had left behind.“I should have cleaned up. I was anxious to get to you.”She walked around, picking up a couple bottles. “You need to stop drinking so much scotch.”The words were out before I could stop them. “You need to stop leaving me.”Her eyes widened.I tugged on my cowlick. “Shit. Home five minutes and the asshole comes out.”“I’m going to give you that one. I shouldn’t have run. I should have stayed and talked it out with you.”Reaching out, I brought her into my arms. “You had no reason to trust me, then. I’ll make sure you won’t have that excuse next time. Not,” I added, “that there is going to be a next time.”She nuzzled close. “No.” “Then we’re good?” “Yep.”Glass crunched under my feet when I moved, and I looked down with a grimace. “Careful.”“Another asshole moment?”“A big one,” I acknowledged. “I was angry at you—but it passed quickly.”“I think you were allowed.”“I’ll get so
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Although I didn’t want any of them, I was sure the writing was on the wall, in regards to my place at The Gavin Group. It was time to look at my, our, options. I wanted Katy to be happy, and I knew she wouldn’t be in a large, crowded city like Toronto. Also, I had no desire to start commuting hours to get into the office. I had to put away my pride and choose what would be best for us.I stood up, heading to the kitchen. I needed coffee and to show Katy what Brian had sent over. She looked up from the huge cookbook she was studyingand smiled at me. “What are those?”I tossed the pile of sheets on the counter and reached for the coffee pot. “Job leads.”“Oh.” She tugged the papers closer. “Okay. Anything good?” I tapped the top page. “This is interesting.”She looked it over, frowning. “It’s pretty small compared to what you’re used to.”I sat down, sipping my coffee. “I’m going to have to make some concessions.”“Do you have to jump right away?”“No,” I acknowledged. “I don’t want to
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RICHARDI CARRIED THE TRAY TO the kitchen, leaving Laura and Katy talking. Graham followed me, carrying the box and waited so we could go into the den and talk more. He glanced at the papers on the counter, picking up the job listing for Calgary.“Really, Richard?” He smirked. “You would have died of boredomthere.”“I couldn’t take Katy to Toronto. She’d be miserable.”He studied me for a moment, a smile crossing his face. “How you’ve changed.”“Grown up, you mean.”He nodded, clapping me on the shoulder. “It’s good to see.”I glanced over his shoulder to where Katy was standing, hugging Laura. “It feels good,” I admitted. “I never thought it was something I would experience.”“The right person can open our eyes to many things, Richard.” He was right.He held out my new contract. “Let’s go sign some papers.” “Why did you bring my things if you planned on rehiring me?”A strange look crossed his face, and he flipped open the lid. “The box is empty, Richard.”I gaped at him. “What? Why
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The sadness of her words made my heart tighten.“What about some volunteer work besides the shelter? You know so many of the residents at Golden Oaks—maybe you could spend some time there. I’m sure they’d appreciate the help.”“I thought of that.”I shifted forward, pulling her close. “Katy, I want you to do whatever you want to do. Volunteer, work, whatever makes you happy. But, listen to me, sweetheart. The past few months have been one thing after another for you. Everything you said earlier about how I changed your life is true.” I stroked the softness of her cheek with my knuckles. “And although it’s turned out well, I know how stressful it all was on you. Everything changed in your life,and you lost Penny. I know, at times, it must overwhelm you, so I’m going to ask you to think about it. Don’t rush into anything. Please.”Her eyes were fathomless as our gazes locked. I didn’t know how to express how important this was to me.“I want . . .” I swallowed and breathed deep. “For th
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RICHARDJENNA BENT FORWARD, TAPPING A mock-up. “I like this one.”I shook my head. “No, it’s flat.” I shifted through a pile of heavy stock, grabbing one near the bottom. “This one gets your attention.”“It’s too in your face.”“It needs to be in your face, Jenna. We’re selling fun here. It has to grabyou.”She pursed her lips, and I took the chance to take a sip of my coffee. I’d been “back” for almost three months. My relationship with all the Gavins was on solid footing, both professionally and personally. My career had never been as fulfilling as it was now.My life with my wife was amazing. Katy brought a peace to my world I never realized I was missing or needed. She was my nucleus, and everything I did revolved around her in some way. She spent her time volunteering, and two days a week, she worked at The Gavin Group—but not for me. She assisted Laura, and the two of them made a great team. It was a win-win situation for me since I could see her in the office and still have her
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RICHARDTHE FAMILIAR ACHE FORMED BY degrees in my head, my eyes became heavy, my shoulders and neck sore. I stared out the window at the gathering storm, wondering if I would make it home before it and the massive headache hit.The three raps that Amy always used sounded like gunshots to my achinghead. I slouched back against the cool leather of my chair, shutting my eyes. “Come,” I called as loudly as I dared.“Do you need anything, Richard?”I didn’t bother to lift my head. “Can you cancel Board Tech?” “I already did.”“Great. You might as well take off the rest of the afternoon, Amy. I’m going to be useless.”“Can I do anything else?”I sighed, keeping my eyes closed. “If it wouldn’t offend you, a cup of coffee and a couple of pain relievers would be appreciated. If you can get my wife on the phone, it would be great.”Her chuckle was low. “I think I can handle it, Richard.” “Thank you.”She left, and I rubbed my temples. I knew when I spoke with Katy, she would tell me to leave my
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We made our way to the elevator, the hall deserted. I kept my arm around her, not only for the support she provided, but because I liked her close. In the car, I leaned my head back, shutting my eyes again, letting the cool seep back into my skin from the compress she tucked around my neck.I slipped my hand over hers. “Thank you.” Her lips brushed mine. “Always.”I drew in a deep, bracing lungful of air. I loved living this close to the water. Katy had gone to yoga, and after I woke up, I came outside, grateful the storm had passed, taking with it the worst of my headache. I glanced around the backyard, thinking of the changes that had occurred in the months since we moved in.A pool had been the first order of business, and it now sat to the one side, glistening and serene in the early evening light. Beside it was the pool house—Katy’s favorite part of the backyard. It was the cottage she shared with Penny on their brief holidays; bright blue, with white shutters, her memories still
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