All Chapters of The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
332 Chapters
Chapter 221 Inappropriate Post-argument Gifts
"Didn't you agree before this? Why are you all coming out to object to my relationship now?" Murong Xu was surprised at Murong Haotian and Zhuang Yaru's response. Both had obviously given him their permission but Gu Chengkang had unexpectedly refused. Now that Gu Chengkang had finally agreed, it was their turn to say no. What did they want him to do? Why was his relationship with Gu Yuxuan so difficult? "We never expected the Gu family to be so unreasonable. Since they're so reluctant, why should we force them? It's not like we have a shortage of ladies wanting to marry into our family." "But Uncle Gu has agreed now!" "We want nothing to do with people who go back on their word." "Then aren't you going back on your word as well? Before you criticize someone, please reflect on your actions." "You disloyal brat! How dare you criticize your parents for a mere woman?!" "If you don't want criticism, you s
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Chapter 222 Talent for Provocation
"Your chances of using them are almost 90%!" Murong Ye couldn't look any somber than if he had tried. Evidently, he had been suppressing his anger to the point that he was close to exploding. His pupils were cold and unreadable. "Huh, why? If that's the case, is there still a need for us to go to America?" Murong Ye's figure startled Murong Yunxi. This indicated that something bad would surely happen during their US trip. She became more and more anxious. Gong Yu was also looking at Murong Ye in astonishment. The glint in his eyes became even sharper. "Go! Of course, you must go!" Murong Ye looked far away into the distance as if he was looking through time and into another dimension. "Brother, do you know something? Tell us so we have some mental preparation at least." "Someone is losing their patience and is preparing to make a move. So they would be targeting you in America!" "Me? Who are you refe
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Chapter 223 Holding Back a One-Off Big Move
Gong Yu's smile made the hair rise in Murong Yunxi's heart. With a jerk, she attempted to break free from Gong Yu's iron grip. However, she did not anticipate their great disparity in strength and ultimately, her efforts were futile. Eventually, she could only force a smile and fawn over Gong Yu. "Hubby, it's my fault. I'll stop groping around randomly. Who made you look so handsome? I simply couldn't restrain myself for a moment." "Oh? You like it?" "Hahaha... I like it. Of course I like it! My husband looks so handsome. Who wouldn't like a handsome man?" "Oh? As long as it's a handsome man, you'll like it?" "Of course. Oh, no! No, I meant that in my heart, nobody is more handsome than you. Other people are only passing clouds. I only love you!" "You only love me? All right then! Prove it through your actions!" "Prove it through my actions? How can I prove it?" In her hea
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Chapter 224 Stay Away from Him
Murong Ye looked up at the door. A man with long hair came in, wearing a black trench coat, followed by two men in black suits. His long hair was tied behind his head. Wearing black sunglasses, the man was above average in height, which made him taller than Murong Ye and Gong Yu. Dressing in all black showed his cold nature, just like an insulator, and his presence could easily drive people away. "When I heard that Big Master Murong had come here, I thought my men were wrong. I didn't expect that it was really you." The man had a unique accent of foreigners speaking Chinese. Apparently, he couldn't speak Chinese very well. Not only was his pronunciation not standard, but his sentences also had some grammatical errors. Murong Ye narrowed his eyes, and the atmosphere around him seemed more gloomy and cold. A smell of Death once again filled the air, making Murong Yunxi feel a little chilly. "Ken, what are you doing here!" Murong
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Chapter 225 Her Mind Was Opened Up
As Gong Yu was standing still, Murong Yunxi wagged her long forefinger at Gong Yu and asked, "What are you thinking? Did you actually not sleep last night and did something you shouldn't have?" "Ah? What could I do?" Gong Yu coughed lightly, but the instant embarrassment on his face was observed by Murong Yunxi. Murong Yunxi narrowed her eyes slightly and pinched Gong Yu's chin with one hand. "Tell me! What did you do while I was sleeping?" As Gong Yu hesitated, a knock was heard at the door. He got up and opened the door. Outside the door was Murong Ye, who had dressed up. He looked at Gong Yu a little seriously and whispered, "We will set out in advance today. You and Xiao Xi need to get out quickly." "Why? Is there something wrong?" "Right. Because of what happened last night, I've changed our schedule for catching the person playing tricks behind our backs..." Murong Ye looked at Go
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Chapter 226 The Bomb
Blank was confused by Murong Yunxi's question. Why had she mentioned the F list for no reason? He turned to look at Murong Yunxi's beautiful black eyes, but the obscure light in her deep eyes amazed him. "F list! Of course I have heard of it! It's a very famous list in the United States which is updated every four years. The people on the list are god-like prominent figures in computer science. Ordinary people are not qualified to be on the list. It's an unofficial list that is organized spontaneously, yet it is still very authoritative. There are many computer gurus, hackers and expert programmers on that list. I don't know much about computers, but this is common knowledge." "Oh, who are the top ten figures on that list, Blank?" "Well, I haven't done any research on that, but they are certainly leading figures. The top 5 could be called grand masters in the industry." Blank was even more convinced that Murong Yu
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Chapter 227 Meet All My Demands
Murong Yunxi was startled suddenly because the bomb had stuck to her hand. As time passed by, she felt despairing instantly. She was week as if her heart had been hollowed out. Sitting on the ground in despair, she looked at Murong Ye and Gong Yu with blank eyes. "Brother, Gong Yu, just leave this place now. It's too late! Make good use of the time left and run as far as you can." Gong Yu chuckled, looking extremely tender in his eyes. He crouched over and fondled Murong Yunxi earlocks. "Silly girl, I will be with you whatever happens." Murong Ye still looked serious. He took out a tiny Swiss army knife, which contained many small tools in it. He crouched, watching carefully the bomb in Murong Yunxi's hand. Blank also lost his head on seeing the current situation. He said hastily, "I'll go to ask for help." Then he ran away after saying this. Seeing what Gong Yu and Murong Ye were doing, Murong Yunxi
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Chapter 228 Don't You Have Selfishness?
Murong Ye and his two fellows walked out, heading straight for their villa. On returning home, Murong Ye called in the family doctor, who simply dressed the wound on Murong Yunxi's hand. Knowing that it was merely a minor skin trauma, Murong Ye went back to the study. He closed the door, looking scarily sullen. He took out the phone and called Lisa, "Hello, Lissa, how's it going?" "Childe, they've been too cautious this time. No trace can be found." "What about that woman?" "She's dead!" "Dead? How could she die within such a short time?" "We've been following that woman as soon as she came out. She went directly to a nearby hotel, where she made a deal with a drug dealer and exchanged the drug with her chastity. But she died on the spot from taking excessive doses of drugs. That's about just ten minutes ago." "She died on the spot? This is so weird. Someone must have done
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Chapter 229 Never Come Back if You Don't Apologize
Zhuang Yaru had lost her head while she slapped Murong Xu. She had no idea what she was doing! Murong Xu narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to have experienced a strange feeling, as if he had been seeing through everything. Although a sarcastic smile formed at the corner of his mouth, the burning pain in his face made him feel quite relieved. "Well! Now that you slapped me, I don't feel sorry for you." After he uttered his last word, Murong Xu was planning to leave. Zhuang Yaru, who immediately felt completely at a loss, hurried over and grabbed Murong Xu's wrist. "Xiao Xu, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it; I didn't want to do that. Don't be angry." Murong Xu turned stern and sneered, "Whether you meant it or not doesn't matter. You've done it. Your slap makes this easier. I should be thanking you!" Zhuang Yaru's ankle had gotten injured, so she couldn't stand up. Thus, she had to hang herself up to ho
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Chapter 230 Play Along
Zhuang Yaru was surprised by the sudden voice, so she looked at Murong Haotian in shock. Murong Haotian was confused when seeing her freaking out. "What's wrong? Why are you so surprised?" "Oh, nothing. I just didn't expect you to come in suddenly. And I was a little uncomfortable due to staying in Xiaoxu's room." "OK, after the doctor examines the wound on your feet, I'll take you back to your room." "Thank you. Haotian, if you have something to do, go ahead. You don't have to stay with me here. I'm fine. I just injured my ankle. It's not a big deal." "I'll wait for the doctor." ———— When Murong Xu hung up the phone, he was so sad and heartbroken, which made Murong Ye, who was video chatting with him, feel worried. "What's wrong?" "How ironic. He actually believed that woman! He's the man who had raised me for over 20 years, and he didn't believe me at all."
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