All Chapters of The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
332 Chapters
Chapter 241 Do You Intend To Make Them Wait For Their Entire Lives?
On that day, Gong Yu opened his eyes. He still embraced Murong Yunxi and that white little bear tightly in his arms. Murong Yunxi was soundly asleep and her warm body temperature made his heart feel assured. His sharp, slitted eyes looked up and scanned the surroundings for possible danger. They were currently situated in the mountains in the middle of the jungle and the bounds of their surroundings were not visible. Soft soothing sunshine penetrated through the dense branches onto the jungle. Dewdrops still hung onto the petals of the flowers in the bushes reflecting the rays of sunlight. Thanks to the thick layer of grass they lay upon, the ground beneath them was soft. However, because the dew had yet to evaporate, it was also slightly damp. Gong Yu frowned slightly. Worried that Murong Yunxi would catch a cold, he got up gently and prepared to carry her up the old tree that towered over them to continue sleeping. However, a
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Chapter 242 Duanmu Gongyu Does Not Exist
Murong Che saw that Gong Yu was visibly moved and he knew that both his and Murong Yunxi's words had had an effect, so he continued to persist in his efforts to advise and console. "Third Brother, regardless of anything, you should provide accountability to everyone. Back then, you left quietly without a word. Now that you have returned after all the trouble, you should at least provide everyone with an explanation. Ultimately, everyone waited for you, and searched for you, for years. Did you intend to make everyone continue with the search? To continue with the endless wait?" Murong Yunxi, too, chimed in. Tugging on Gong Yu's shirt sleeve, she said, "That's right, we could just return quietly to take a look. Furthermore, we have no baggage. Currently, we also do not have anything to eat. No matter what, we should first get a big meal out of them!" Gong Yu finally nodded his head. Looking at Murong Che, he said, "Let's go then!" Murong Che's
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Chapter 243 Wrong Person
Gong Yu became nervous and stared fixedly at Ouyang Fangzheng. "What do you mean, you can't find him right now?"" What should Xiao Xi do if she couldn't find Master? Niannian was still at home waiting for them to go back... He was prepared to never return there. But when it came time to say goodbye, he found he had an attachment to the place. Even though he had only lived there for five years, he had so many memories and experiences he found difficult to let go. Ouyang Fangzheng saw Gong Yu's expression and was surprised. He had no idea what Gong Yu was thinking, but he could tell that Gong Yu felt a longing for this place. "Anyway, Master has gone to chase after predecessor Baili." "Oh? Did Master's wife show up?" Gong Yu looked a little surprised. Master's wife had disappeared from Master's life for over ten years. Master was unable to find her anywhere. Many people told Master that his wife was d
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Chapter 244 The Last Thing He Wanted to See
She Yingzi turned her back on Duanmu Gongqi. She did not notice anything strange about Duanmu Gongqi at that moment, nor did she notice the fierce look in his eyes. "Yes, he looks like Duanmu Gongyu. Just he is a totally different person. They have the same appearance and voice, even his tone is the same. However, the most important thing is that this person smiles, and I never ever saw a smile on the face of Duanmu Gongyu!" Duanmu Gongqi was suspicious. He walked over to She Yingzi and said with a faint smile. "Zi, let's go! See what else you want to buy later." "Excellent!" She Yingzi laughed sweetly. This time she felt she had finally convinced Duanmu Gongqi to go with her. But Duanmu Gongqi didn't just go with her, he treated her tenderly as well. She was overjoyed. Duanmu Gongqi said smoothly, "Zi, it's strange that nobody knows where Gong Yu was al these years. Father and big brother sent many men to look for him, but the
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Chapter 245 The Password Lock That Could Not Be Unlocked
Gong Yu looked around at the situation in the courtyard. Dong Fangying and the rest were already fighting with the other party. The others were heavily armed, but he still saw a clue in the swordsmanship displayed by one of them. He had fought with that person a few years ago. At that time, he already felt that his swordsmanship was very unique. Thus, it merely left a clearer impression on him. When he observed the other people, he also felt that their moves were slightly familiar and he was quickly able to judge who they were. However, that discovery made him very upset. Even after so many years had passed, everything was still the same. He turned back to look again. When he saw that Murong Yunxi was still sleeping quietly on the bed, he then opened the door that was already ajar and went out sideways quickly. He rushed into the courtyard and joined in the battle. Brandishing his sharp sword, he helped Dong Fangying to lead tw
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Chapter 246 Conspiracy
After waiting for half a day, Murong Yunxi still did not manage to see Gong Yu return. As Murong Yunxi's eyes made it inconvenient for her and she also could not head outside, while she was full of surprise, she had no choice but to sit in the courtyard and bask in the sun. It was not until Xing Ye called her to have lunch that she was saved from the awkwardness of being a "dried human”. "Xing Ye, could I trouble you to take me to see Gong Yu? He already went to the study for half a day and he still has not come out yet." "Alright!" Xing Ye brought Murong Yunxiao to the study room. Gong Yu was slightly depressed when he saw Murong Yunxi. "Xiao Xi, I will help you to find another suitable book of martial arts to practice. We can't practice with this book. Master actually set a password lock for it." "Oh? What kind of password lock?" Murong Yunxi was very curious. It was really amazing that Master Kuang could actual
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Chapter 247 Frozen to Death
"The decision has been made to behead them on a date!" Gong Yu immediately felt his heart being pinched by something. His body felt like it was going through a sudden backward flow of blood. A dizziness overpowered him, blurring his vision. "Yes. Everyone, including Nanny Wu, was put in jail." Gong Yu recalled Nanny Wu's kind face. Apart from his mother, she was the only one who really cared for him. When he had been young, he had considered Nanny Wu the most responsible servant. After his mother had died, he had felt that Nanny Wu truly loved him as her own child. Nanny Wu remembered his personal preferences and every detail of his life and took the best care of him. This made Gong Yu feel bad. How could he watch Nanny Wu being beheaded like that? Once he turned up, he would just walk into a trap set by Duanmu Gongcheng and Duanmu Gongqi. They wanted him to break into the jail and rescue his people. Then, he would be completel
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Chapter 248 An Unsettling Smirk
He lowered his head and kissed her gently as if they were snowflakes falling outside. His tenderness became a part of the illusion, which made Baili Ziyi hard to refuse. Just when she was about to sink, he suddenly stopped the kiss, raised his head and looked straight at her blurry, emotional eyes. "Come back to the country of Mu Xia with me!" Her expression suddenly turned cold, and she tried to escape from his embrace. However, his body didn't move at all, so she didn't succeed. "No." "But you are responsible for your conduct!" "It's you who took advantage of me!" "I just went down on my knees outside. I think my knees are injured. After you kicked them hard, I think they are not going to get better." "That's what you deserve! I didn't make you kneel in the yard!" "I said that if you didn't go back to the country of Mu Xia with me, I would remain on my knee
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Chapter 249 Action
The result spoke for itself. Kuang Youzhi returned from his trip fruitfully. His trick succeeded and he took his beautiful wife home. While he was in a good mood about returning home with his wife, he didn't know that people in the country of Mu Xia had been looking for him everywhere. After traveling back for half a month, Kuang Youzhi and Baili Ziyi finally arrived at the border between the country of Mu Xia and Zhongxi Country. The border between the two countries was strictly guarded so nobody could easily cross it. Once a trespasser was found on either side, an arrow would just shoot the person down. This was the agreement that the two countries had reached on border management. Therefore, if anyone wanted to cross the border, they had to escape the guards from both countries. There were very few people who could cross the border between the two countries. Rows of dead bodies hanging on bamboo poles had dried up in the su
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Chapter 250 Footsteps
Kuang Youzhi leaned over and whispered in Baili Ziyi's ears. "Tonight's security has been tightened. Later, I'll cover for you, you should be more careful when you're getting into action!" Just as he stopped talking, a ray of light flashed over to their side. Kuang Youzhi hurriedly covered Baili Ziyi with his arms, bent down, and hid behind a big stone. They were so close to each other. Even though they had been together for 30 years, Baili Ziyi's heart still beat fast. Her heartbeats sounded so loud, in such a quiet night. Kuang Youzhi bent and nibbled Baili Ziyi's earlobe. His breath was especially warm, in such a cold night, and it was tickling her heart. Baili Ziyi wanted to push Kuang Youzhi aside. She moved her hands slightly, but they were immediately grasped by Kuang Youzhi, by the palms. Baili Ziyi's hands were a little cold, but they turned warm within Kuang Youzhi's grasp. Her heart was also getting warmer.
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