All Chapters of The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
332 Chapters
Chapter 231 Xuanxuan's Mother
"Xuanxuan's mother?" Murong Yunxi was somewhat surprised when they talked about this woman. She never had a good feeling about Xuanxuan's mother. She had witnessed how Xuanxuan came out of the pain of losing her mother. She could not help thinking of the little girl who was so vulnerable back then. 20 years ago— At that time, she had just started kindergarten. There was a little girl in the class who cried a lot. Even if she was not crying, she would only hold a doll alone, sitting in a daze. Murong Yunxi felt sympathy for the little girl, so she didn't want to play with the other children and went to her side. "I'm Xiao Xi, what's your name? Let's play together." Murong Yunxi's childish voice carried a hint of cowardice because she was afraid of being rejected. But she really felt sorry for her. The little girl raised her head with her eyes full of sorrow, looking at Murong Yunxi. She had beautiful eyes, but now
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Chapter 232 Don't Be Trapped Here Today!
Murong Yunxi was in a daze, "To see who?" "To be exact, I'm bringing Gong Yu and you to meet someone." Murong Ye lifted his eyebrows slightly, and gave Gong Yu a meaningful look. "Did I come to America, to meet people all the time?" "Yeah, sort of. But not all the time." Murong Ye's appearance of being deliberately mystifying made Murong Yunxi feel a little discontented. She pouted and frowned, saying in a little unhappy and angry voice, "Bro, are you doing this on purpose?" Murong Ye looked at Murong Yunxi, whom he thought was behaving in such a cute manner, smiled and said, "Xiao Xi, you already are a mother. Aren't you ashamed of behaving like this?" "I'm indeed a mother, but this doesn't involve my position as a mother! Don't change the topic and answer my question!" "Haha, I'm not bringing you to meet a nice guy later. Are you sure you want to find out now? It may affect your appet
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Chapter 233 I Bet You Won't Shoot
Murong Ye curled the corner of his mouth into a light smile that contained enormous strength. His narrowed eyes were throwing off a dangerous dim light. Lisa and Fourth knew Murong Ye the best. Murong Ye's look overwhelmed them silently, as their boss hadn't showed that look for too long. Both of them lifted their eyes to look at Carl, showing sympathy for him. Carl seemed to have had a tough day. He deserved it! How dare he say that to the boss! Carl raised his eyebrows and looked at Murong Ye, carelessly giving him an ironic, contemptful smile. "Master Ye, don't you think you are everyone's master when others dare not fight with you? You should know that the bright period you are experiencing because of that event won't last for life. Today, everything changed. You are just a has-been!" Murong Ye lowered his eyes slightly. No one could see his expression now. They could only hear his frightening voice as if they were stationed in the icy lake at the bot
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Chapter 234 Gong Yu, You Are Heartless!
One of their enemies behind Gong Yu, who was fighting with the super-bodyguard, tried to shoot that guard. The guard dodged and avoided the bullet, but the bullet flew toward Gong Yu at a high speed. When Murong Yunxi saw that bullet clearly, her eyes became wider and wider. Her terrified heart stopped suddenly, and even her mind went blank for a second. Fortunately, Murong Yunxi came to her senses in time. She pushed Gong Yu away quickly and Gong Yu successfully avoided that bullet. However, it was still too late. The bullet flew right by Murong Yunxi's arm. Murong Yunxi lowered her head and hummed. Gong Yu, who noticed that something was wrong with Murong Yunxi, lowered his head and watched her. He noticed a dazzling bloody wound in Murong Yunxi's arm. "You got hurt?" Gong Yu looked at Murong Yunxi nervously, tender love filling his eyes. Murong Yunxi looked up at Gong Yu and managed to smile. "Don
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Chapter 235 Not Sure About the Medicine That Can Be Used
Gong Yu saw the doctor's growingly somber face and felt agitated. The doctor turned his face and said to Gong Yu in a serious tone,"She has been poisoned!" "Poisoned? How did it happen?" Gong Yu fixed a gimlet-eyed stare at the doctor, making him feel as if he had been the one who administered the poison. "My guess is that it is a kind of hidden toxin carried by the bullet. It is hidden, thus it can be easily overlooked, before the effects become visible," The doctor began to explain nervously to Gong Yu, afraid that Gong Yu might blame him. "What kind of poison? How can we can get rid of it?" "We need to extract the toxins and have them tested. We can't run the tests here because we do not have the equipment here." "Then what are you waiting for!" Gong Yu yelled at him in a low, yet horrifying voice, which made the doctor tremble involuntarily. "I am on my way!" He turned and rushed fo
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Chapter 236 She Will Die Spitting Blood
Murong Ye and Gong Yu looked at each other hopelessly. Murong Yunxi was the whole world to these two men. At this moment they were feeling both desperate and helpless, as if it were the end of the world. "Brother, what do you think?" Gong Yu asked Murong Fu, weakly. "I …What do you think?" Murong Ye had never felt so powerless before, this time he sincerely hoped that someone could make the decision for him. … Brief silence. Suddenly Murong Yunxi started twitching again. They gathered around Murong Yunxi again. Gong Yu could see that even Murong Yunxi's blood veins were twitching. Her snow white skin had turned purple and her veins were bulging. The image was unbearable. This time the twitching lasted longer. She was suffering every second. It was as if Murong Yunxi's skinny body was getting electric shocks. Murong Ye couldn't bear it anymore and he shouted at Randell,"Go,
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Chapter 237 Something Wrong with Her Eyes
Murong Ye and Gong Yu noticed that there was something wrong with Murong Yunxi. She was staring straight at the ceiling, her eyes fixed without blinking. They suddenly panicked. Gong Yu stretched out one big hand and shook it gently in front of Murong Yunxi's eyes. There was no reaction in them. Murong Ye also noticed that Murong Yunxi's black eyes, which used to be bright and clean, seemed to be missing something. Murong Yunxi's eyes used to contain a vivid light, yet now they were empty and lifeless. "Xiao Xi." Gong Yu tentatively called her name while nervously looking at Murong Yunxi and waiting for a response. "Gong Yu? You're not asleep. I thought you were asleep. I didn't dare to move around for fear of waking you up." Murong Yunxi's voice was very light. It sounded a little bit hoarse because of the fever. Although an ominous feeling struck Gong Yu, he still pretended to be calm. "Would you l
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Chapter 238 Hit Someone
Mu Rongxu went silent for a while while he seemed to be struggling. Finally, he summoned up some courage and said, "I want to take my father down!" "Oh?" Murong Ye was astounded again. He'd had no idea that Murong Xu would ask him to do such a thing. Murong Xu was indeed different from what he used to be. Murong Ye immediately asked, "Why?" "I fell out with him, and he even started to undermine Xuanxuan's father's company. He just did that to make me compromise, but I will not let him. I despise him for doing so. Thus, I decided that only by taking him down will I be able to completely prevent him from sabotaging my relationship with Xuanxuan." "But this is not the only way, is it? You chose the most ruthless way to take your father down." "I have no other way. It's my father after all. I don't want to see him like this. I just want him to be completely defeated once. Only when he tastes failure himself, will he l
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Chapter 239 The Outcome Could Not Be Salvaged
Gu Yuxuan thoroughly tried to identify one time before she managed to tell who this girl in an awkward state was. "Tong Nan?!" "Sister Xuanxuan, it's been a long time since we've met!" Tong Nan got up from the ground and look at Gu Yuxuan. "How did you...?" Gu Yuxuan looked at the completely awkward state that Tong Nan was in. It does not seem to have been caused entirely by the car crash. Tong Nan wore a black down jacket but the few big openings in it had already caused a lot of feathers to fly out. The graze also created two big holes in her slim-fit jeans. Her hair was slightly messy and there was even a bloody gash on her cheek. No matter how one looked at this, it did not seem to be a sorry state that resulted from being hit by a car. Furthermore, the speed of their car was not fast. Tong Nan gave a slightly awkward smile. However, having a naturally cheerful personality, she was not excessively coy as she said to Gu Yuxu
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Chapter 240 Goodbye or a Last Farewell
Gong Yu looked fixedly at Murong Ye and asked casually, "Do you still remember that I told you where I come from?" Murong Ye nodded. He did not understand why Gong Yu suddenly brought this up. Gong Yu paused for a moment, seeming to be hesitant about something. But eventually, he said, "When I was around 10 years old, my mother passed away. I had a very negative phase at that point in time. Once, when I was in a bad mood and went to a secluded mountain in the suburbs alone, I was bitten by a venomous snake, and that was also when I met my master by coincidence. He saved me and I stayed at his place until I recovered before leaving the mountains. Afterward, I even worshipped him as my master. He taught me martial arts and how to practice. Master's temperament was a little strange, but deep in his bones, he was not actually a bad person." "Could it be that Kuang Youzhi is the master whom you are talking about?" "My master was ind
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