All Chapters of Dr. Song’s Secret New Wife: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
443 Chapters
Chapter 269 Little Gu Baisheng's Handwriting
The numbers were written by a child who just started learning numbers.They were so crooked that they almost fell apart.Song Shuang couldn't help smiling when he looked at them."Shen seemed to get the handwriting from his mother."Shen was Gu Baisheng's first child.When he was five, his handwriting was exactly like his mother's at that age.It seemed that Gu Baisheng's genes were very powerful.Surprisingly, Shen got the same handwriting.But after Gu Baisheng grew up, her handwriting improved a lot.Her handwriting became very aesthetically pleasing.If that kid could grow up, he might have the same handwriting as grown-up Gu Baisheng, too.After all, Gu Baisheng was a mother who enjoyed teaching her kid about reading and writing.She also told stories to him every night.Unfortunately, that kid died way t
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Chapter 270 You've Got the Wrong Person
Gu Baisheng didn't want to hang up.Song Shuang seemed to read her mind and said gently, "I won't hang up. Go to bed now. I want to hear your breathing."Although Song Shuang only said a few words, her heart was softened while hearing them as if they had been soft feathers.Her heart was soft and warm."Are you going to bed now?""I'll do so, too""Yeah."Gu Baisheng lay down, pulled up the quilts, and closed her eyes.She wore her earphones.Through her phone, she could even hear Song Shuang's sexy breathing.The sound was so familiar that it even made her blush.On many nights, she lay in Song Shuang's arms and listened to his breathing.Although they were not in the same bed tonight, the call made her feel that Song Shuang was by her side.She enjoyed this feeling.Gu Baisheng closed her eyes w
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Chapter 271 Have an Illusion
Gu Baisheng suddenly woke up at midnight.The person next to her moved slightly.Gu Baisheng was too sleepy to remember that she slept over at Hu Hui's place.She thought the person next to her was Song Shuang, so she turned around to look at him.But she suddenly saw a very strange but also very familiar face.It was not Song Shuang.It was another man."Ah!"Gu Baisheng's shriek suddenly sounded in the room.This sudden shriek woke up Hu Hui who was in the main bedroom. And she put on her clothes in a hurry and knocked on the door, "Shengsheng, what happened?"Hu Hui realized that the door was not locked after knocking on it, and then she pushed open the door.Gu Baisheng fell off the bed because she was too scared.Qu Xiaobo looked at Gu Baisheng confusedly, "What's going on?"Gu Baisheng looked very pale.
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Chapter 272 Gu Baisheng Sees the Therapist
The next day, Gu Baisheng and Qu Xiaobo went to Ye Xiao's office for their appointment.When Ye Xiao saw them, she shook hands with them naturally.Gu Baisheng and Qu Xiaobo both shook hands with her gently.After welcoming them, Ye Xiao invited Qu Xiaobo to go into the consulting room.Qu Xiaobo felt a bit nervous after following Ye Xiao in.She was clutching the corner of her shirt.She looked a bit childish, so Gu Baisheng encouraged her, "You got this, girl!"Qu Xiaobo nodded at Gu Baisheng after hearing it.Then she followed Ye Xiao into the consulting room.Ye Xiao smiled at Gu Baisheng when she closed the door.Gu Baisheng nodded back friendly.Then Ye Xiao closed the door.Gu Baisheng was waiting outside the room.She took out her phone and called Song Shuang in a low voice.Song Shuang ha
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Chapter 273 She Is Mentally Ill
She took a deep breath.She then took out a tissue and wiped her tears away.She pushed her shoulder gently, "Miss Bai?"Gu Baisheng was still in her dream.Ye Xiao pushed her again, "Wake up, Miss Bai!"Gu Baisheng moved her eyes on hearing her voice. After being called a few more times, she gradually opened her eyes.Ye Xiao felt relieved when Gu Baisheng woke up. She smiled, "It's nice that you wake up, Miss Bai.""Did I have any problems?"Gu Baisheng asked confusedly after she was conscious as if she had completely forgotten about her dream.Ye Xiao shook her head smilingly, "No, you were fine.""Well, I...""You're indeed too stressed. You need to learn how to take off the pressure."Ye Xiao stood up, "Miss Bai, you need to know how to relax and don’t keep everything to yourself. You need to share your concerns with
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Chapter 274 What a Drama Queen!
Gu Baisheng had to play the peacemaker, "Bobo, please have lunch with us. We can leave as soon as we finish our meal."Qu Xiaobo glared at Mo Shaoyan.Mo Shaoyan smiled happily and said boldly, "Miss Qu, it's hard to find another place to eat at this time. Why not join us? It's nice to have some time together!"Song Shuang and Gu Baisheng were here. Although Mo Shaoyan was annoying, Qu Xiaobo would show no respect to Song Shuang or Gu Baisheng if she lost her temper and insisted on leaving.When she thought about this, she put down her bag and got back on her seat, "I'll start to order now."Mo Shaoyan passed over the menu to her gently and chicly.Qu Xiaobo had been to lots of restaurants.But the pricing of this restaurant was insane.However, when Mo Shaoyan offered to pay the bill, she didn't care about the prices.Qu Xiaobo just ordered the most expensive
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Chapter 275 Zhang Kai Is Dead
After saying so, Qu Xiaobo turned away madly and left.Mo Shaoyan was so impressed by Qu Xiaobo's acting.Gu Baisheng even wanted to applaud Qu Xiaobo while watching from a distance.Qu Xiaobo was really a drama queen.It was unbelievable that she didn't win a prize.After Qu Xiaobo left angrily, Gu Baisheng left with Song Shuang while holding back her laughter.Mo Shaoyan was laughed at by his rich friend. He couldn't throw a tantrum, so he could only take a deep breath himself.Qu Xiaobo was secretly watching Mo Shaoyan's reaction in the garden. She couldn't help laughing when she saw Mo Shaoyan being laughed at by his friend and taking a deep breath, "You deserve it! It's your fault to scare and scold me!"She was patted on the shoulder after saying so.Qu Xiaobo shivered and turned around immediately.She was relieved when she realized it was G
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Chapter 276 Accompany Them to Gui Town
Gu Baisheng started crying, "Zhang Tiantian died as well? How did it happen?"It was hard enough for her to accept Zhang Kai's death.She didn't expect Zhang Tiantian to die, either.What was going on?Why did so many people die all of a sudden?Gu Baisheng couldn't accept that.Song Shuang knew that she was having a mental breakdown based on her voice.He wished that he could go back to her right away and hold her in his arms.But he couldn't.He could only try to comfort her on his phone."Shengsheng, people will die at some point. Zhang Tiantian and Zhang Kai's death was an accident. Please don't be too sad."Gu Baisheng pressed her lips and shook her head, "I can't accept it. Ye's death was an accident, too. Now Zhang Tiantian is dead. It doesn't sound like an accident to me."Something suddenly occurred to Gu Baisheng
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Chapter 277 Made Him Obsessed
Beside them, Hu Hui had no idea of what was going on.She asked Mo Shaoyan, "Are you going somewhere far away?""No, we'll just go to Gui Town."It was not a long journey from Beicheng to Gui Town if they took a plane. It was a domestic route, so it wouldn't be as exhausting as travelling abroad."How long will you be staying there?"Hu Hui asked again.Mo Shaoyan smiled, "Not long. We can come back if everything goes well.""Why do you have to go to Gui Town?"Hu Hui was very straightforward when she asked those questions because she worried about her daughter.Mo Shaoyan was good at keeping secrets. He explained smilingly after realizing that Gu Baisheng didn't want him to tell the truth, "Song Shuang only asked me to keep Ms. Bai's company because he was worried about her safety. I really have no idea of why they need to go there."Mo Shaoyan pr
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Chapter 278 Precious Memories Inside the Box
Gu Baisheng raised her hand and pointed to the left, "That way."Mo Shaoyan turned around the car to drive to Qu Xiaobo's home, "Does Miss Qu...?""She doesn't know about it. Please don't tell her." Gu Baisheng was nervous, so she interrupted before Mo Shaoyan finished his sentence.Mo Shaoyan nodded, "I know. Relax. I won't tell her."If Qu Xiaobo knew about Zhang Kai's death, she would pass out on the spot.Mo Shaoyan felt sorry for Qu Xiaobo when he thought about it."She probably won't treat you well after we arrive at her home. I hope you don't mind, Mr. Mo."Gu Baisheng knew that Qu Xiaobo didn't get along with Mo Shaoyan.But it was nothing compared to Zhang Kai's death.Mo Shaoyan did them a favor by accompanying them to Gui Town.Otherwise, it was hard to imagine what would happen if two sad people went to Gui Town together.M
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