All Chapters of Dr. Song’s Secret New Wife: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
443 Chapters
Chapter 279 Xiao Rong Was Alone Again
Sun Jing nodded, "Yes.""Where is the graveyard of the Zhang Family?"Song Shuang asked Sun Jing.Sun Jing answered immediately, "It's on the second mountain at the Caixia Village."He didn't necessarily have to see Xiao Rong who now stayed at the graveyard.But when Gu Baisheng arrived, she would visit him.Song Shuang asked about its location, so he could tell Gu Baisheng about it later.Sun Jing looked at Song Shuang, "Do you want to have a look with me, Dr. Song?""Was Xiao Rong at the crime scene when it happened?""Yes."Sun Jing nodded.Song Shuang said, "Let's visit him later."As long as Xiao Rong was at the crime scene, both Gu Baisheng and Qu Xiaobo would look for him.It was because he was the only witness who could tell people the truth....Gu Baisheng and Qu Xiaobo got
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Chapter 280 She Knew About His Death
Qu Xiaobo was anxious and confused, but she could only follow Gu Baisheng into the car because Sun Jing refused to answer her question.Mo Shaoyan took the passenger seat.Qu Xiaobo wanted to ask Sun Jing the question after the car started.However, she was interrupted by Mo Shaoyan.Mo Shaoyan didn't stop talking on the whole as if to shut Qu Xiaobo up.He kept asking about the tourist spots, hotels, local delicacies, and specialties.In a word, every time Qu Xiaobo wanted to talk, Mo Shaoyan asked something first.Qu Xiaobo failed to ask a single question on their way to the police station.When Qu Xiaobo got off the car, she even wanted to strangle Mo Shaoyan on the spot because he always went against her.Gu Baisheng whispered to Mo Shaoyan while walking past him, "Thank you."Mo Shaoyan sighed and said with a heavy heart, "She'll find it out s
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Chapter 281 Qu Xiaobo Was Pregnant
Qu Xiaobo couldn't stay calm after hearing the horrible news.Gu Baisheng tried her best to comfort her.But her face suddenly changed after Qu Xiaobo twitched once in her arms while crying."Bobo?"Gu Baisheng let go of her in panic.She hurried to hold Qu Xiaobo's shoulders to look at her face.Expectedly, Qu Xiaobo who had been crying passed out."She passed out." Gu Baisheng raised her head and asked for help.Mo Shaoyan strode here and was really worried. He took Qu Xiaobo over from Gu Baisheng, stooped down, and picked her up, "I'll take her to the doctor's."Mo Shaoyan held Qu Xiaobo and left the morgue quickly.He was too nervous to remember that Gu Baisheng and Song Shuang were both doctors.Gu Baisheng noticed that Mo Shaoyan panicked, so she followed Mo Shaoyan out of the morgue.Mo Shaoyan held Qu Xiaobo and le
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Chapter 282 Qu Xiaobo Banged Her Head Against the Table
Zhang Kai's sister didn't want to take Mo Shaoyan's handkerchief.So, Mo Shaoyan had to sit next to her, "Your brother died gloriously for his job. He's a hero."She turned around to look at Mo Shaoyan after hearing his comment.Mo Shaoyan smiled and put the handkerchief in her hand, "Your brother won't want you to be so sad when he watches you in heaven."She looked at his face and then at the handkerchief.She bit her lip and started to cry quietly.Mo Shaoyan knew that words meant nothing when people lost their families.But that was all he could do.He couldn't do anything more."Stop crying. Go inside. It's cold outside."Mo Shaoyan suggested that she should go inside concernedly.But she refused to leave.He thought that he couldn't stay here with her.So, he took off his jacket and put it on her.
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Chapter 283 What Did I Say Wrong?
Gu Baisheng looked down, "If Bobo doesn't care about the baby, it will be a tough situation."Song Shuang understood it clearly.When a woman lost her man, the only thing that would lift her up was his baby.Gu Baisheng survived thanks to Cheng Bi's baby.But Qu Xiaobo still tried to kill herself after knowing about her pregnancy.It was difficult to handle.Song Shuang watched the doctor dressing Gu Baisheng's wound while sitting with her in the treatment room.Although lots of blood flowed out of her wound, the wound was not so deep that it required no stitches.After Gu Baisheng got her tetanus vaccine, Song Shuang and she left the room together.It was night already.It was 8 p.m.It was dark outside the window.Qu Xiaobo couldn't leave the hospital based on her situation.Gu Baisheng wanted to stay with Q
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Chapter 284 Mo Shaoyan Stayed with Her
"It's fine." Gu Baisheng sighed, "She'll think it through."She would start to plan for the future after she thought it through.Song Shuang called the doctor over really quickly.The doctor didn't dare to prescribe her medicine carelessly due to her pregnancy, so the doctor suggested that Gu Baisheng should look after her.The doctor suggested that Gu Baisheng should take care of her and let her have enough rest.Gu Baisheng nodded.After saying so, the doctor added, "Previously, someone from her husband's family asked about her situation.""Her husband's family?"Gu Baisheng assumed that the doctor was talking about Zhang Kai's family. Although they weren't married, the Zhang Family knew that Qu Xiaobo was Zhang Kai's girlfriend.Zhang Kai's family even tried to separate them because Qu Xiaobo refused to get married.But now Zhang Kai was dead.
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Chapter 285 The Cause of Zhang Tiantian's Death
Zhang Huai looked at Qu Xiaobo coldly, saying, "If it's my brother's baby, why would she refuse to marry him?"Mo Shaoyan didn't know how to answer her question.He didn't want to argue with her either, "You can believe whatever you want to believe."Zhang Huai frowned after Mo Shaoyan stopped speaking for Qu Xiaobo, "You're so protective of her. Is that your baby?"Mo Shaoyan was so shocked at her words, "Be careful with your words! It's your brother's baby and it has nothing to do with me!""Is that so?"Zhang Huai was suspicious.Mo Shaoyan found her and her family unbelievable, "Whatever. It's your brother's baby. If you don't believe it, you can ask her to have an abortion. She's young and pretty, so it won't be hard for her to find a nice husband after the abortion. Why would she keep the baby?"Mo Shaoyan was very straightforward and he said the truth.Q
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Chapter 286 Looked for Xiao Rong on the Mountain
She set off to the mountain from the hotel with Song Shuang after she put on the down jacket.It was midwinter now.People hid inside their houses to watch TV or use their phones early at night with the heat on. Some locals even gathered together to play cards.Only a few people wandered outside at night.Some film shootings in Caixia Town in recent years contributed to the construction of the tourist projects here.But there were only a few tourists.There were not many tourists during spring and autumn, let alone winter.Gu Baisheng was dressed in white while Song Shuang was dressed in black.When they passed by the little shop on their way to the mountain, the owner walked out and shouted at them because she noticed Gu Baisheng's white jacket, "Are you going to the mountain?"Gu Baisheng stopped, turned around, and answered, "Yes."The shop owne
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Chapter 287 She Asked Zhang Huai to Leave
Mo Shaoyan said in a low voice.But Qu Xiaobo still heard it.When she heard his words, she regained her consciousness.Her anger suddenly faded away.She looked at Mo Shaoyan less angrily.Zhang Huai hurried to throw the cup away after Mo Shaoyan said so.Mo Shaoyan turned around to look at Qu Xiaobo.Qu Xiaobo looked at him, too.He was watching Qu Xiaobo, too.He suddenly noticed that Qu Xiaobo looked much calmer."You..."Mo Shaoyan wanted to ask her a question.She said one word hoarsely, "Water.""Water?"Mo Shaoyan paused a second and then he realized, "You want to drink some water?"Qu Xiaobo nodded and lay down in her bed tiredly."I'll get you some water now."Mo Shaoyan hurried to take up the kettle to pour her some water.But he sudde
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Chapter 288 Saw Xiao Rong Again
When Song Shuang and Gu Baisheng got to the mountain top, they spent dozens of minutes finding the graveyard of the Zhang Family.They finally found it in this big mountain.It was very scary to visit a graveyard at night.They used their phones to light the road ahead. And it was frightening to see the graves.It would easily remind people of the horror movies they watched before.Song Shuang held her hand and asked, "Are you scared?""Yeah."Gu Baisheng held Song Shuang's arm and got closer to him by instinct.Any woman would feel scared in this situation.She was no exception.Luckily, Song Shuang was by her side.Even if she was scared, Song Shuang got her back."Let's go."Song Shuang lighted the road ahead with his phone and held her arm to comfort her at the same time.Gu Baisheng moved ahe
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