All Chapters of Supreme Emperor of Swords: Chapter 1181 - Chapter 1190
1335 Chapters
Chapter 1181 Is He Hades True Immortal?
"These are their corpses. Their sources have been absorbed by the Origin-devouring Method. They all died in the hands of Hades True Immortal," the Sword Master said. "I'm sure that when they were alive, they had dark seeds planted in their bodies, so they were unconsciously infiltrated by the dark power. It was not easy to detect those dark seeds at the beginning. Later, even if they were aware, they could do nothing. Gradually, their minds would be controlled by the dark power and they would completely degenerate."Ding Hao's figure shook.He immediately recalled that the little dolphin, Adorable, also had a dark seed planted in his body. Fortunately, he was a descendant of a True God, so his source had not been completely devoured. Before the dark seed had fully matured, it had been discovered and was killed. That was why Adorable was lucky enough to survive. But even so, Adorable had lost his memory and his bloodline had almost been destroyed.
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Chapter 1182 It's Him
"Fuck that deal!" The Grand Ape King suddenly took a step forward, and his entire body seethed with killing intent as he said, "We've come to kill you. Since you're Hades True Immortal, then prepare to die!"Because of the dark remains of the Beast Clan's Second Sage, the Beast Clan's two immortals were both filled with hostility toward Hades True Immortal.The reason why they fought against the dark power with Ding Hao before was that the dark power might threaten their clan, but now it had become a mortal enemy to them. The Beast Clan was a race with strong faith, just like the Sea Clan. The Second Sage had very high prestige in the Beast Clan, and the beastmen regarded themselves as his descendants."Hmm?" The man in the black flame seemed to be surprised when he heard that. He lowered his head and thought carefully for a moment before saying, "It turns out to be a group of idiots who overestimate themselves... You have a little backb
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Chapter 1183 Relief
At this moment, Ding Hao suddenly understood that the person in front of him was the mysterious person mentioned by Bright Moon Immortal. But this time, why didn't he go to see her?This also explained why among the Eight True Immortals, only Bright Moon Immortal could survive and remain in this state, while the other seven had been buried in the long history and turned into dust. They had already died.Ding Hao had begun to believe the words of the strange-looking man on the black flame throne in front of him.After all, everything he said made sense.No one would have thought that there would be such a secret hidden in the chaos of the Immortal Period. The only exceptions might be the white-robed Immortal King and the black-robed Immortal King because before they died, the white-robed Immortal King had left a message saying that there would be someone waiting for Ding Hao.Obviously, the person the white-robed
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Chapter 1184 White-Robed Divine Palace
Ding Hao and the others were shocked. They vaguely felt that there was a will to die in the roar of the fire artificer, but the dark power this person possessed was too strong. Once it got out of this burial ground of the immortals, it would probably have a terrible impact on the world of the Heaven Path. It was unknown how many creatures would die wherever the dark power passed."Let's go."With a shout, Ding Hao chased after the dark power.The crowd followed closely behind.In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the exit of the small world. Everyone got out and found that within a radius of hundreds of miles, the masters of the Feather Clan exploded one by one under the radiation of the dark power. They had no power to resist at all. Countless divine halls around them collapsed. The fire artificer rushed toward the direction of the ancient site of the Seven Seas like flowing light, but he had only flown hundreds of miles
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Chapter 1185 Another Battle of Fate
The master of the White-Robed Divine Palace was Mu Tianyang, the White-Robed King.Starting from Wei Province, a small province, the White-Robed Divine Palace had made rapid progress in the past two hundred years. Now, it had almost gained control of the entire territory of the Divine Central Continent in the Land of Infinity. The previous Super Divine Hall in the Central Continent had long been forgotten by people, and it had been completely replaced by the White-Robed Divine Palace. Mu Tianyang, the White-Robed King, was well-known in the region. Many people regarded him as the second Ding Hao because up to now, Mu Tianyang had not passed the Immortal Disaster and reached the Celestial Realm.However, Mu Tianyang's strength was extremely horrifying.Like Ding Hao, although Mu Tianyang had not reached the Celestial Realm, he had the strength to kill immortals and he was well-known in the world.Ten immortals had worked toge
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Chapter 1186 Another Battle of Fate (2)
The world was in an uproar.This battle was about to arrive in the end.This was a collision between two giants. The ones who had challenged Ding Hao before were crushed. Many people believed that Mu Tianyang, the White-Robed Emperor, who was also mysterious and competed with Ding Hao for glory in his youth, would be an opponent who would really make a difference.Countless people rushed to the Frozen Peak of Snow Province in the Northern Region.That was the place where Ding Hao and Mu Tianyang had their first duel.It was also in that confrontation that the Frozen Peak was completely destroyed, and Mu Tianyang was defeated, but how he managed to escape was another story.In less than 20 days, countless masters and experts from various sects appeared in the Snow Province of the Northern Region. In the entire Heaven Path world, those who were qualified to appear around this place had all arrived in
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Chapter 1187 Instantaneous Shadow Hell Killing
Countless people were extremely shocked.Was this the strength of Ding Hao and Mu Tianyang, the two super monsters? Just the sound of the long swords colliding was enough to make a master in the four-apertured Celestial Realm vomit blood. This was just the aftermath of their fight. If those onlookers were in the battle circle, what kind of horrible pressure would they bear?The experts watching the battle retreated again and again. Those immortals who were not strong enough retreated more than 100 kilometers before they felt a little relaxed.This indirectly varied the strength of the masters of the Immortal Tao. Only those real top masters, such as the Pig Immortal, the Great Ape King, Xie Jieyu, Bai Qifeng, Fang Tianyi, and others, could get close to the battlefield within a radius of about 100 kilometers. If the others struggled to get close to the battlefield, they would soon be shaken by the strange sound of the long swords and spit
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Chapter 1188 Xuan Tianzong
"Amazing. What wonderful sword moves. Your magical power is great."Ding Hao's head was levitating in the void. He seemed to be extremely weak, but his face was calm. With a faint look of admiration on his face, he said, "The Nihility Extermination Sword has not appeared in the world for countless years. I didn't expect it to reappear today."Mu Tianyang's face changed slightly."Xuan Tianzong, known as the ancestor of all immortals in the past, dominated the world with this Nihility Extermination Sword and almost killed all immortals. Later, Xuan Tianzong also thought that this sword technique was too sharp and harmful to the harmony of the world, so he abandoned it. Later, many people forgot that Xuan Tianzong had this magical power. Even the Eight True Immortals under his command did not get the inheritance of this magical skill." Ding Hao smiled slightly and said, "Am I right about it?"Mu Tianyang's face became cold and
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Chapter 1189 Unfortunately Their Opponent Is Ding Hao
Xuan Tianzong merely smiled and didn't speak.The flame of the Yin and Yang Pisces around Ding Hao's body was getting weaker and weaker. It was suppressed by the Lightning Disaster all over the sky to the extreme. It was as if the next moment, the Lightning Disaster could completely tear him apart.Mu Tianyang roared wildly like an injured beast to resist the Heaven Disaster."How long can you hold on?" Mu Tianyang looked at Ding Hao, and his eyes were burning with crazy flames. He approached Ding Hao while fighting against the Heaven Disaster. He was the center of the Heaven Disaster sea of thunder and the place where the power of the tribulation light was the strongest. Ding Hao could bear more pressure if he was closer to him.There was less than a thin layer of flame left on the Yin and Yang Pisces Diagram around Ding Hao, which was like a thin piece of paper that would break at any time."When your Lightnin
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Chapter 1190 Who's the Winner
The second unprecedented battle of the Frozen Peak came to an end just like that.The strongest people in the Heaven Path world had all witnessed the rise of a real Divine Emperor.Even Mu Tianyang, the White-Robed Emperor, was killed by Ding Hao in the end. What shocked countless masters around the peaks more was that Ding Hao did not seem to have shown his strongest strength in the battle. He defeated the White-Robed Emperor in a very relaxed posture. Even the spectators watched the entire battle, they did not see clearly how powerful Ding Hao was.When Ding Hao and the others left, the world became quiet.Liu Lingzui was still crying her heart out. Given her status, she had lost her composure to the extreme. She stood in the void with tears streaming down her face. She quietly looked at the place where the man in white disappeared as if she wanted to vent all her sadness, anger, and pain. Bai Qifeng's shoulders shook slig
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