All Chapters of Supreme Emperor of Swords: Chapter 1201 - Chapter 1210
1335 Chapters
Chapter 6 The Disturbance in the Southern Wilderness
Ding Hao's Buddhist nature was very profound, and his Buddhist fate was also very high. The Great Tao he talked about was mixed with Buddhist doctrine. It was useful for both cultivators and martial artists. As for how much they understood, it depended on their own comprehension ability.In the Great Palace, Ding Hao sat cross-legged in the void, with his hands naturally placed on his knees. He looked very natural. Without the support of the golden light, he did not look like a supreme master at all, just like a wise man sharing his own experience.Golden Cicada was sitting next to Ding Hao, quietly listening to the supreme master's voice.Ding Hao's voice was not very loud, but it was very clear, as if he were right in front of the people, talking to them cordially. This voice could be clearly heard within a radius of a million miles in the Western Desert, centered on the Great Leiyin Monastery.Many martial artists and Bud
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Chapter 7 The Difficulty of the Ceroman Clan
The young man was shocked and quickly knelt. He kowtowed to the two Demon Kings and pleaded, "Your Highness, please forgive us! Your Highness, please forgive my sister! My sister is not sensible. Please forgive us. I, I will hand over all my valuable things. Please let us go!"Seeing this, everyone was shocked at first, and then their faces were full of helplessness.On the sea, the Ceroman Clan was born to be powerful, and the Human Clan could not compete with them.These days, the safe route that the Human Clan and the Sea Clan had agreed on was no longer safe. The Ceroman Clan was ready to take action. After hundreds of years of peace, the most brutal clan of the Sea Clan finally began to reveal its fangs."Brother, get up. We won't cry." The girl with the braids pulled her brother and said, "If Supreme Master Ding knows what happened here, he will punish them.""Humph, are you trying to scare me with Ding Ha
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Chapter 8 Changes in the Seven Seas
Currently, the Seven Seas' Sea Region was occupied by seven royal clans of the Sea Clan.The Demon Clan of the Southern Wilderness had to get the approval of the Sea Clan of the Seven Seas before dealing with any kind of affairs, directly or indirectly. Otherwise, they had no way to carry out their measures.There was no doubt that the Sea Clan of the Seven Seas was an absolute force among the demons of the Southern Wilderness.However, in the peaceful era of the Southern Wilderness, although the territory and strength of the Sea Clan of the Seven Seas had been greatly improved, they could not really do whatever they wanted on this sea.This was because the Sea God was the true ruler of this region.In the middle of the Seven Seas was the Sea God Palace, which was the Southern Wilderness Sea Clan's political center, where the Sea God was in command.The Sea God was, of course, the dolphin Adorable.
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Chapter 9 The Sea God Palace
After a tour, Ding Hao had a clear understanding of the current situation of the Seven Seas, so he also had a more comprehensive understanding of the entire Southern Wilderness.Obviously, the most important thing for the Southern Wilderness now was handling the contradiction between the population and the land. He further speculated that the Sea Clan in the Southern Wilderness might not be the only one facing this problem at the moment. Maybe other places would also be overcrowded."The law of the jungle is the fundamental law of this world. Since I took control of this continent, I have been fully carrying out the law of peace and development, stopping the war. Does this violate the natural laws of this continent?"Ding Hao let out a sigh.After walking around the Seven Seas Sea Region, Ding Hao returned to the Sea God Palace accompanied by the Mermaid Princess.This time, there were only two of them.
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Chapter 10 A Conversation from Pro-Immortal Period
Ding Hao had entered this mysterious space.It was actually a desolate world.It was not sinister, nor was it bloody.It was desolation that penetrated into one's marrow.The surroundings were filled with aimless souls. With the souls wandering about, the place didn't even give off a sinister and terrifying feeling. The only thing that could be felt was complete desolation.The desolate world had become extremely muddy along with this scene.This place seemed like an ancient battlefield, and the aura of blood that was left behind by the passage of time had been condensed here, causing only a few damaged divine halls and some strange levitating objects to remain.Standing on this ancient battlefield, Ding Hao did not reject the sudden attack of the strong inward power.In Ding Hao's realm, he didn't need to be afraid of any powerful and strange inward power. If this inward p
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Chapter 11 Only When You Enter Reincarnation
A cyan shadow flashed, and Ding Hao came to the lonely and cold ruins' tactical deployment at the bottom of the sea.Bright Moon Immortal lived here.This was the place where Bright Moon Immortal was once trapped. After eliminating Hades True Immortal, Ding Hao used the Reincarnation Power to help Bright Moon Immortal get out of the state of undead so that she could wander freely between heaven and earth.However, Bright Moon Immortal had no worries or desires for cultivation in this world. Even though the world was vast, she still chose to stay in this place that she was most familiar with."Little guy, what brings you here?"In the ruins that had not changed for a hundred years, a woman in white slowly walked out. She was an extremely beautiful woman. All the words that could be used to describe a beautiful woman in the world were not enough to describe her in detail. Her extraordinary temperament made people
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Chapter 12 Inspecting the World
An hour later, Lin Xin and Li Canyang slightly exhaled and slowly opened their eyes. They looked at each other and nodded gently with a smile.They made it.They had successfully broken through the bottleneck of cultivation.Ding Hao appeared in front of them at that moment. When they saw him, they were both shocked."Senior Brother Ding!" the two shouted in unison.Although they had not completely regained their memories, with some fragments of their memories of Ding Hao and Ding Hao's care for them all the time, how could Lin Xin and Li Canyang not recognize Senior Brother Ding?In fact, even if they lost all their memories, they would immediately feel a sense of familiarity and intimacy when they saw Ding Hao."Junior Brother Lin, Junior Brother Li, long time no see!" Ding Hao looked at them with his bright eyes.Li Canyang had known Ding Hao earlier. Because of the rela
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Chapter 13 May Be Away for a Long Time
God's Palace was now the number one force of the Human Clan on the Eastern Continent.In the current Heaven Path world, there were four incomparably powerful forces. The Swordsmanship-seeking Sect was the top sect of the six paths. It was also the place where Ding Hao first became famous. Over the years, it had cultivated countless god-level and immortal-level masters. Naturally, it was the head of the four forces.In addition, it was founded by Mu Tianyang and once stunned the entire continent. Now, the White-Robed Divine Palace, whose strength was still rising, guarded the Central Continent and occupied one of the top four places.Heaven Sect, the holy land of the Human Clan in the Southern Wilderness, had always been very powerful, especially after Ding Ke'er took charge of the sect. Its whole strength suddenly erupted, and it stood side by side with the White-Robed Divine Palace on the Central Continent. Its power ranked among the to
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Chapter 14 A Farewell
On the fourth day, Ding Hao bade farewell to his uncles and cousins.After Ding Hao left, Ding Busi asked Ding Xinghua, "Father, Little Hao said he would be gone for a long time. Do you know where he's going?""Hao has his own plans. We can't see through him," Ding Xinghua said lightly. He didn't say the thing that was on his mind. He kept having a feeling that Ding Hao's plan seemed to be a little dangerous.In fact, not only Ding Busi but also Ding Xinghua and the others had a little doubt in their hearts.After all, Ding Hao's arrival this time was somewhat unusual. He stayed for a much longer time than expected. Although he just chatted with them casually, it showed something else. However, they thought that with Ding Hao's current strength, who could really be an obstacle to him?Thinking of this, they were relieved and continued to live a leisurely cultivation life....That night
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Chapter 15 Traveling All Over the World
In the vast primeval forest, under the endless stretch of green hills and blue sky and white clouds, birds flew and chirped from time to time.The forest was the Beast Clan's paradise.The north was the Beast Clan's homeland.The Beast Clan in the north no longer consisted of only the beasts in the Land of Divine Grace. Since the merger of the two continents, the Beast Clan in the Land of Divine Grace and the Demon Clan in the Land of Infinity gradually merged and produced a new clan with the advantage of the two major clans.Because of the geographical location and population distribution, the beasts mainly stayed in the north, ruled over by the Great Ape King. As for the south, most of the demons lived there and were led by Wen Duoqing.In this way, the situation of the Southern Demon Clan and the Northern Demon Clan was formed. Comparatively speaking, the bloodline of the Beast Clan seemed to be purer, and the Demon
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