All Chapters of Supreme Emperor of Swords: Chapter 1191 - Chapter 1200
1335 Chapters
Chapter 1191 The Chess Player and the Pawn
"Damn it!" Ding Hao attacked the tactical deployment with all his strength, but he couldn't break it in a short time.He could only watch as the fire artificer enter Zhang Fan's body little by little, and the surrounding dark power, like a whale sucking water, all went deep into Zhang Fan's body. Zhang Fan's expression began to gradually become stiff and then twisted little by little. There were ink-colored stripes on the surface of his skin, which looked like tattoos."Ah, what a perfect body! Although so many great eras have passed, it's worth it!"Zhang Fan's body began to move slowly, and his movements were a little stiff. At the same time, his eyes changed. His originally simple and mellow eyes became fierce and ferocious. With the mysterious black blood-like patterns wandering on the surface of his skin, his temperament had changed greatly, and he no longer looked like the man he was."Haha, hahahaha..."T
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Chapter 1192 A Trap for You
However, on second thought, the fire artificer assumed that there were so many forces and spies that he had set up for countless years. They were the forces that had really been buried for several epochs. Some of them were so ancient that he almost forgot about them. They were like the stars in the dark night. Even if Ding Hao was the real overlord of the world, he might not be able to find out all of them, not to mention that he had not really dominated the world.Even if the Earth Sight Pavilion was destroyed, not all the information Ding Hao could get from that force was complete."Ding Hao... Humph, he must be bluffing."On the other side.Ding Hao seemed to have seen through what the fire artificer was thinking and said, "What? You don't believe it? I believe you know how the Earth Sight Pavilion knows all kinds of secrets in the world better than I do. Divination is indeed a supreme skill in the world, but when it come
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Chapter 1193 Golden Thunder Liquid Extermination
"Humph, ignorant junior, do you think I will be trapped so easily..." Hades True Immortal sneered, but soon his expression began to freeze. He was stunned, and the next moment, he seemed to suddenly become extremely shocked and roared, "Xuan Tianzong, you old dog, you..."Hades True Immortal was shocked to find that his divine soul had been imprisoned by this body, which was far beyond his expectation. At this time, it was impossible for him to get out of Zhang Fan's body.What he found harder to believe was that in addition to himself, there were three other souls in the body. They were fighting for control of the body. Once he lost control of Zhang Fan's body, his Zhang Fan would really be refined.What was worse, under the suppression of Ding Hao's Yin and Yang Pisces Diagram, he could not mobilize the dark power to destroy the other souls in the body. In this state, he was really the weakest."As I said, I'm very clear a
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Chapter 1194 The Ending
"Hades True Immortal is dead!"It was Zhang Fan who spoke, but Xuan Tianzong's voice rang out.His words were mixed with joy and incomparable shock. It was like a kind of disbelief and also a kind of relief. At the moment when he saw the soul essence of Hades True Immortal being swallowed by the golden thunder liquid, the ancestor of all immortals felt as if a lifetime had passed, and he could hardly believe his own eyes.He stared at the endless sea of golden Lightning Disaster as if he was afraid that the illusory image of the immortal ghost would reappear and gather again in the next moment.Because this scene had happened too many times in the past.Every time Xuan Tianzong thought that he had finally killed Hades True Immortal, this vengeful spirit would appear again.Fortunately, this time, it didn't happen.The endless sea of golden thunder liquid completely annihilated the illus
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Chapter 1195 What Happens After the Ending
Ding Hao, the Divine Emperor of the Saber and Sword, came back again and set off endless waves in the Heaven Path world.It was hard to imagine how powerful Ding Hao had become after a century-long golden Lightning Disaster. At the very least, no one in the world dared to provoke him anymore.In the next year or two, the legend that Ding Hao absorbed the tribulation light of the golden sea of thunder and made the ten supreme masters enter the Eternal Realm spread between heaven and earth. Countless people were envious. Eternity was a forever dream, the ultimate attainment of the martial arts world. Countless incredible people could not reach the Eternal Realm in their lifetime. However, the ten supreme masters achieved it because of Ding Hao's words. It was simply a skyrocketing rise.The masters of the Immortal Tao, such as the Pig Immortal, the Great Ape King, and Wen Duoqing, had climbed the Sword-hidden Peak one after another and sat
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Side Story: The Legend of Saber and Sword - Chapter 1 Heroes from Youngsters
In Snow Province in winter, it was snowing heavily.The ground seemed to be covered with a thick white carpet, revealing a world of ice and snow.A young man in a cyan robe, carrying a long sword on his back, was walking fast in the vast snow.The young man was about ten years old. He was no longer childish. On his fair face, his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky. His bright eyes seemed to be able to see everything in the world, but he took nothing seriously.All of a sudden, the young man stopped his hasty footsteps.He closed his bright eyes, tilted his head slightly, and captured the information mixed in the wind.There were a few miserable screams.When he opened his eyes again, his bright eyes were full of killing intent. The young man flashed and disappeared in the snow in an instant....Between the snow-capped mountains.Within a small v
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Chapter 2 Qi Qingshan
This winter, the Demon Clan stirred up trouble again.It was unlike what happened in previous years when the Demon Clan had only attacked some remote villages and sent out fierce beasts and demonic beasts as the main troops.This time, the Demon Clan not only dispatched a large number of Demon Soldiers and Demon Generals but even Demon Commanders, Demon Princes, and Demon Kings. The location of the attack was not limited to the small border cities. They also intended to attack the areas under the jurisdiction of the nine major sects.In just half a month, the Demon Clan's territory in Snow Province continued to expand, and its forces were also growing rapidly, led by the Ten Great Demon Tribes.Up to now, thousands of disciples of dozens of sects in Snow Province had died in the turmoil launched by the Demon Clan. Many small sects had been destroyed in an instant. As for ordinary humans, they had suffered countless casualtie
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Chapter 3 Hundreds of Years Later
In the boundless sea of clouds, the white clouds and mist interweaved and surged madly, as if they were dancing wildly, creating a piece of music that had never existed in this world before.From time to time, thick clouds gathered, carrying a storm, pouring down from above or sweeping over from the front. In the chaotic world, there was no difference between the top and bottom, and no difference between the left and right.Occasionally, the clouds and mist would disperse, and the sun and moon would appear in the sky. The sun and moon would appear at the same time, competing with each other for glory, either rising, falling, or overlapping with each other. In the chaotic world, there were no stars, and the changes revealed no patterns.As far as the eye could see, the whole place was a sea of clouds. There was no ground under one's feet and no blue sky above one's head. Everything was drifting. Heaven and earth were one.The
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Chapter 4 Visiting the Western Desert Again
In the Western Desert. Under the scorching sun. In the boundless desert.This was supposed to be a world of death, but now it was full of vitality.On the barren land, large and small golden pagodas were well-arranged, like chess pieces made of gold, scattered on the vast and boundless chessboard, the Western Desert.Wild winds kicked up the yellow sand, causing a sandstorm to spring up. Within the sandstorm were countless pilgrims, who were walking haltingly.They were wrapped in white cloth, and their heads and faces were tightly wrapped. In the sandstorm, they walk, knelt, and prostrated in an extremely pious manner.Among the tens of thousands of devout believers kowtowing, a figure in a cyan shirt was particularly prominent.The man was tall and straight, and his every move showed the demeanor of a supreme power master. Compared with the others, he exuded another kind of aura, which made people
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Chapter 5 Seeing Sweet Sound Again
"You want to see Sweet Sound?"Golden Cicada looked troubled. Sweet Sound had murdered her fellow disciples, disrupted the holy land of Buddhism, and usurped the position of the Lord Buddha. She had committed a heinous crime. Moreover, the place where she was imprisoned was the most important place of Buddhism, and one could not go in and out at will."If someone else said that, I would naturally not approve it. But since it's your request, that's another pair of shoes. After all, Almsgiver Ding, you and Sweet Sound were fated back then!"Golden Cicada was referring to the three Buddhist hymns that Ding Hao had written for Sweet Sound.When Lei Tingchan heard this, she just smiled slightly and was not surprised.With Ding Hao's current strength, if he wanted to meet Sweet Sound, he could make it happen in the blink of an eye. His request was just out of respect for Buddhism.Sweet Sound was imprison
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