All Chapters of Amara & The Hidden World: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
Chapter 61
***POV: Amara***We have danced to 10 songs or so, definitely more than I thought we could make it through. Our bodies are glistening with a light sweat. I have never had so much fun dancing with anyone like this before. Cole was keeping his talent for dancing under wraps, but he can move. We’ve grabbed a few shots from the shot girls walking around so we are nice and toasty. Inhibitions are down and I am pressed completely against him, grinding hard against his erection while we move our bodies to the beat. A few mere scraps of clothing are all that’s keeping us from giving this club full of people an entirely different show. He grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me in to kiss me hard and fast. I feel my fangs slip, my wolf leaning into the temptation of our mate.He moves my head to the side and whispers roughly in my ear. “Enough, I need inside of you now.”I feel my core tighten, and the wetness pool down there, waiting expectantly for him to enter me. I nod and grab his ha
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Chapter 62
***POV: Cole***Damn, I don’t know what this woman is doing to me. Being with her and inside her is all I can think about. We are most definitely going to have to have a talk and figure this out, because there is no way I can be without her now. I have never felt anything like this before for anyone. Everything about us being together is electric. I follow her back out onto the dance floor, she motions for drinks upstairs and I nod. We walk up the stairs and head to the bar. I caught a brief glimpse of my sister dancing very closely with Tobias on our way up. I’ll have to figure out what’s going on there. Pretty sure the guy is around my age, definitely too old for Imogen.We walk up to the bar and order drinks, and I hold Amara from behind, my hand on her waist, swaying her with me to the music.“Where did you learn to dance like that?” She asks me, turning around and eyeing with fake suspicion.“Like what?” I ask her, feigning innocence.“Oh please, you know what you are doing out t
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Chapter 63
***POV: Amara*** I am shaking. I didn’t mean to let that slip out in that way, I don’t even know why I said it. Trent’s face twists as he processes what I just said. He looks back and forth between me and Cole, rage building within him. I look over at Cole and he looks surprised and confused. “Your mate? Are you serious?” Cole looks at me with pleading eyes. I can’t tell if he doesn’t want it to be true or what is even going through his mind. I turn to face him, forgetting about Trent for a minute. “Yes Cole, you are my fated mate.” I study his face for his reaction, pleading this doesn’t blow up in my face. “And how long have you known this?” His face now morphing into somewhat of a glare, leaving me a bit shocked. “Amara, how long have you known that I am your fated mate?” Trent steps towards us and gets in Cole’s space. “You idiot, if she is telling the truth, she would have known immediately. We wolves can sense our mates, smell them, their touch feels differently. She has kno
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Chapter 64
***POV: Cole***I am so mad; I can’t even see straight. I storm out of the club and just walk aimlessly. I don’t even know where to go, but I know I can’t be near Amara right now. This is all just too much to take in. Her fated mate? I am her fated mate. What does that even mean? These feelings I have for her, could they possibly not be real? I am in love with this woman, or at least I think I am. I have so many questions and doubts now. Does she actually have feelings for me or is it the bond? She said she loved me, is that real? How much does the bond affect my feelings? I wish she had been honest with me.I look around and realize I am approaching some docks. I don’t even recognize where I am having had a limited experience on the colony so far. I sit down by the water, take a deep breath of the salty air, and try to exhale out my frustrations. This is all more than I bargained for. This girl is a supernatural being, a leader, and comes with baggage that I don’t think we will ever
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Chapter 65
***POV: Violet***What a mess. Amara is crying, so many emotions over so many different things truly coming to a head at the same time. I managed to get her back to the packhouse and into her room. Her mom knocks on the door and pushes in. She brought her some tea; she’s always been thoughtful like that. She walks across the spacious room and sits down next to Amara on the bed, offering her the tea. Amara, tear-streaked face, still wearing her club clothes, sits up and gratefully takes the tea.“Mija, will you tell me what happened now?” Luna Claudia pleads with her. “Maybe I can help, or at least it will help to get it off your chest.”Amara sips the tea and nods. “I will mami, just let me catch my breath for a moment.”“Ok, I can do that. Violet, I think you might be needed downstairs.” She says, her voice full of hidden meaning. I nod and take my leave, knowing that my best friend is in excellent hands. I head down the stairs and I already hear the voices drifting up. Cyrus is talk
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Chapter 66
***POV: Amara***Of course, my mother and her tea have helped soothe me. I know I have no one but myself to blame for this mess but thinking it all over I can’t see what I should have done differently. With Cole not even knowing about our supernatural existence, I couldn’t have told him we were fated to each other right away regardless. He would have thought I was crazy.There was so much going on with me, hell, I didn’t even want to be with him or anyone for that matter. It just wasn’t the right timing. Maybe after we started getting involved, maybe after we talked about really giving it shot, maybe that would have been the time.There is no easy or right answer for this, and maybe I can make him see that too. I sit up, gather all my resolve, deciding it’s time to face the music, and talk to Cole.“Amara, what are you thinking?” My mother asks gently, knowing me so well that she probably already has her answer from just looking at me.“I need to talk to him Mami, I need to try to mak
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Chapter 67
***POV: Cole***Imogen and I are hiding out in Tobias’ packhouse. In a bizarre turn of events, this is my life now. Going to supernatural nightclubs and jumping from werewolf packhouse to werewolf packhouse. This feels insane. I miss Amara already. The doubt creeps in instantly though, do I actually miss her or is it this weird freaky bond thing making me think I do?I heard Tobias, and I believe him. He would have no reason to lie to me. So, I suppose somewhere inside me I do know that I have real valid feelings for Amara. This is all just so much to take in. I just keep cycling all the thoughts through my mind on an endless loop. I need to see her and talk all of this out with her.Just then there’s a light knock on the door of the guest room I am holed up in. Imogen pushes the door open, peeking around it. “You have a visitor.” She announces it with unmistakably hope in her eyes. I know how she feels about Amara, and I know that above all she wants to see me happy. I nod at her to
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Chapter 68
***POV: Amara***My words are hanging in the air. I wish he would say something, do something, have any kind of reaction. Instead, he is just staring blankly off into space. I feel like I can’t breathe. I know this is probably for the best, but my emotions are screaming that this is all just wrong. Kylah is begging to be with her mate, her whining in my head driving me to distraction. I have to hold on to my resolve, he doesn’t want me anyway, so there really isn’t anything to think about here.“Ok well, I guess we’ve said all there is to say, so I’ll go now.” I can’t even look at him as I push off the bed. I feel like I am going to vomit. I stand and I am about to walk away when suddenly he clamps his hand around my wrist, sending those damn tingles shooting through my body. I close my eyes and revel in them, knowing I will never feel anything quite like this again.“Wait.” He whispers softly, keeping his gaze down and away from me.“What Cole? What else is there to say?” I half-hear
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Chapter 69
***POV: Tobias***I swirl the whiskey around in my glass. I usually save it for special occasions since it’s not always easy to find, but tonight certainly was something else. I am sitting outside, soaking up the fresh air, trying to clear my head. There has been so much change around here recently, and it’s a lot to process. Since we allowed the humans in everything has shifted. And now, with the arrival of Imogen and Cole, I have definitely been thrown for a loop. The odds of two Alphas being fated to humans, and siblings at that, are so small, that it bothers me. There has to be something more to this, it’s too great of a coincidence. I can’t pinpoint what it is, but I definitely have a feeling. I might have to wander to the other side of the colony and seek out the witches for some clarity.I close my eyes and immediately see Imogen. She is so vastly different from anyone that I have even considered. Someone so young and innocent would have never made my list as a potential Luna.
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Chapter 70
***POV: Imogen***I can’t believe this is actually happening. I had my first kiss, and it was with this super-hot man. With my limited exposure to guys, I wasn’t even sure it would ever happen. That felt magical. Is that what it always felt like? Is he going to do that again? What made him do it this time? I have so many questions.I focus on his face as he tells me that he has something to tell me. Oh no, here comes the letdown. I shouldn’t have told him that was my first kiss. Of course, this hot older guy isn’t going to want to be with an inexperienced teenager.“How old are you?” I awkwardly blurt out. He stops and bursts out in laughter again.“Well, that sort of came out of nowhere.” He grins at me. “I am an old man of 26.”I guess it could be worse. An 8-year age difference isn’t too bad, right? What am I even thinking, I have no chance here. “Sorry, what did you want to tell me?”“Well, I don’t want to repeat Amara and Cole’s situation, so I want to transparent from the start.
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