All Chapters of Amara & The Hidden World: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
93 Chapters
Chapter 81
***POV: Tobias***With that difficult conversation wrapped up and having gone easier than expected, we gather our few things and head out of the training arena. I am ecstatic and leaving feeling far lighter than when I came in. I know that Cole was one of my biggest barriers in my pursuit of Imogen. My thoughts drift to her and what her day with the girl must be going. I have no doubt that Amara and Violet are taking good care of her, and will give me all their opinions.Cyrus clears his throat. “Cole, one question, what did Charlotte want with you?”Cole stops and looks at him, clearly surprised. “Well, she was impressed with the fact that I kicked Trent’s ass.”We all laughed in unison, the kind of relaxed laughter that friends would share easily.“In all seriousness, she wants me to consider working for her. She said her people need training in hand to hand combat skills, so basically it was a job offer.”I look over at Cyrus, both of us thinking of the implications of those words.
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Chapter 82
***POV: Amara***I make my way back to the packhouse slowly. I need to clear my head. There is just so much going on now, and I need to process. It’s a beautiful day out, clear skies, warm temperature, slight breeze blowing. I stop walking and close my eyes for a moment, let the wind blow across me. My thoughts drift to Cole, and the soft touch of his hands, his particular scent. I stop, realizing that this is not a healthy thought pattern. I need to find a new mate to help me get Cole out of my head and my heart.I open my eyes, taking in my location, and realize I am close to the training center. I don’t even know how I made it over here. I look over to where I hear voices from the entrance and spot Cole immediately. No wonder my thoughts drifter, I probably subconsciously picked up his scent. I watch him, knowing he hasn’t seen me yet. He looks like he’s been in a fight. Oh God, I wonder what happened. I want to go to him and ask him but I am trying to keep my distance right now.
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Chapter 83
***POV: Cole***Just as it was getting good, just as I thought she might cave, the trance was broken. I would be more pissed if I thought we had been making any kind of significant progress. When I realized it was Charlotte, it was almost comical that she would be the one interrupting. The same person offering me a future here, interfering with the one sure thing that could keep me here. It’s obvious that she and Amara know and like each other. When she greets with the wink, I immediately catch Amara tensing next to me.I look at her, and the jealousy is plain as day on her face. Does she think so little of me that she thinks I have moved on in 12 hours? Charlotte keeps walking and goes down the path away from us quickly. Amara takes a step back from me, arms folded across her chest and looks so betrayed. This is ridiculous.“What was that about? How do you two know each other?” She demands.“Why do you care?”“Don’t be obtuse Cole. You were inside me all night last night, you know I
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Chapter 84
***POV: Amara***I touch my fingers to where his lips just were. I should walk away right now before this goes any further, but my feet won’t move. My entire body starving for another taste of him. Being in love with this man feels like what an addiction must feel like. I look away from his intense gaze, needing a break from all of the conflicting emotions within me. I take a deep breath, gather my resolved and make eye contact again. No dice, I still want to jump in his arms.“Will Imogen be leaving with you still, or is she staying behind with Tobias?”He gives me a mischievous look and answers me, “Who says I am leaving?”I study his face for any sign that he might be messing with me. He couldn’t possibly be considering staying here, not for a job. What did they even offer to pay him with? Nothing matter above his family, so I am at a loss.“What about your parents? The kids?” I say desperately grasping for anything that will remove this torture from my world.“Things are a little
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Chapter 85
***POV: Tobias***My visit with Alpha Thomas was the right move. He has listened to me carefully as he always does, and put some pieces together for me that I would have never put together otherwise.“Tobias, there is a prophecy that is older than we know about two human siblings that are destined to save the werewolf race. It really isn’t talked about much, especially since the collapse, because what wolf wants to admit that their future depends on humans?”“Not talked about much? I haven’t even heard this and I am an Alpha.”“I know son, but losing your parents so early on really robbed you of years of knowledge and training that you should have gone through before becoming an Alpha. Don’t get me wrong, you have done a great job without it, but still would have been nice for you to benefit from that as others have.”I nod, momentarily losing myself in thoughts of my parents. Snapping out of it, the questions come flooding in. “So who knows about this prophecy? Where did it come from
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Chapter 86
***POV: Imogen***It feels like this day has taken forever to come to an end. I really enjoyed hanging out with Amara and Violet, and getting to see all of the colony, but I am exhausted. I think it’s just an overload of new information and feelings for me to process, and it’s just taken it out of me.Violet walks me back to Tobias’ packhouse. While I am excited at the thought of seeing him, and reveling in the anticipation of getting to know him better, the fact that we are going back there and not back to Amara’s makes me sad for Cole.“Violet, you think there is any way that Amara will come to her senses about Cole?”Violet stops and turns to me. “That is such a complicated topic Imogen. I know where you are coming from, they are perfect for each other, quite literally. It’s just a lot of complication.” She sighs, looks away for a moment and then turns back to me again. “How many female Alphas have you seen?”“I guess so far I have only met Amara.” I shrug.“And that is all you wil
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Chapter 87
***POV: Tobias***Luna Claudia rakes her eyes over me, as if she is trying to read my mind. I get it, it is odd for me to have requested we meet alone. We are sitting outside of her packhouse, within the walls of their private garden. In a spot like this it’s easy to forget all of the strife brewing within our colony, and even more so the strife that the rest of the world is buried in. It’s beautiful and full of blooming tropical plant life.We sit across each other, with a small table between us. She looks at me, her piercing gaze starting to turn impatient.“I’m sorry to be taking up your time Luna, I know it was a strange request.”She nods and softens her face a bit. She has always been kind to me, motherly even. “So tell me Tobias, what brings you here under these odd circumstances?”I launch into my retelling of all the things that Alpha Thomas told me. She listens quietly and thoughtfully. When I am done, I notice she is wringing her hands in her lap.“So Imogen is your mate, a
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Chapter 88
***POV: Tobias***All day I have felt this incredible pull to get back to Imogen. I walk into my packhouse and I am hit with some ridiculously good smell coming from the kitchen. Imogen is perched at the stove stirring what looks like pasta sauce. She is surrounded by a handful of pack wolves, who all appear to be thoroughly enjoying her company. It throws me off a little, but not in a bad way.She says something and everyone in the room erupts into raucous laughter. I watch her, throw her head back and laugh unashamedly and it does something to me. After they settle, I am finally noticed by one of my wolves, Peter.“Hey boss.” He says, smiling at me a very relaxed and at home smile. “We were just hanging with Imogen here, she offered to make us dinner so we wouldn’t be hungry enough to eat her.” They all laugh and he wiggles his eyebrows at his own joke. They obviously don’t know she is my fated mate and their future Luna or he would have never dared make a joke like that. Imogen loo
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Chapter 89
***POV: Amara***Back at my packhouse and I can’t stop thinking about Cole. I am in a loop of replaying what just happened. I don’t know how I am supposed to do this, walk away from this feeling, abandon this gift of my fated mate. I leave my room in search of, well anyone really. I don’t see Violet, of course Imogen is now at Tobias’, my mother isn’t anywhere either. My last stop is my father’s study, and sure enough he is there. I watch him for a moment before knocking on the partially open door. He is poring over a large volume. From here it looks like our wolf directory for the other colonies, he’s probably working on finding me a match.I lightly tap on the door and go in as he looks up and smiles at me. “Where is everyone?”“Not sure, but I know your mother went out to do some “errands” on the other side of the colony, whatever that means.” He said distractedly, going back to his research.“What are you up to Papi?”“Well, I’ve spoken with some of the Council members, and it loo
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Chapter 90
POV: TrentAmara opens the door and I barge in past her. The look on her face tells me I am completely unwelcome, but I don’t care. This woman is mine whether she wants to accept it or not. I stride in to the living room and sit down on the bigger couch. She is still standing by the open door, looking at me, assessing me, obviously trying to figure out what to do next. She closes the door and pauses there for a minute, finally turning and walking over to where I am. She sits down on the loveseat across from me.
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