All Chapters of Amara & The Hidden World: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
93 Chapters
Chapter 71
***POV: Cole***Amara might just be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It truly is as if she was made for me. I have so many thoughts and emotions warring within me, but right now, I just need to lose myself in her. Enjoy this moment, as it will be our last. I lean down on top of her and gently place a chaste kiss on her lips. I trail kisses down her neck. Slowly, I removed her clothes as I kiss and savor every inch of her body. Intentionally taking my time, drawing this out as much as I can endure.Once I have her naked, completely spread out on the bed, I take my time inspecting her gorgeous body, memorizing every detail of her perfection. I start trailing deeper kisses along her skin this time, sucking a little bit each time my lips meet her sweet skin. She lets out soft moans, moving her body in tandem, wordlessly begging me to give her more. I tease the taut peaks of her breasts, alternating between them, licking, nipping, and blowing on them. I can tell I am driving her
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Chapter 72
***POV: Cole***We spent all night making love as many times as our bodies would allow. By the time morning came, Amara had slipped out, out of my arms, out of my bed, out of my life. It feels surreal to have something so amazing with someone and walk away.So now Cyrus and Tobias had taken it upon themselves to be my tour guides. They took me all over the colony, showing me how their farming works, water filtration, livestock maintenance and now we have moved on to training. I step into the training warehouse, and I am immediately hit with all too familiar scents and sounds. This takes me back to my military training days and the fond memories already put me in a better mood.The training center is meant to be used by any of the residents of the colony, which of course now includes humans. As I look around, they take turns pointing out the different areas, equipment, and even the different species that are currently training. As I observe a sparring match, I make note that their hand
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Chapter 73
***POV: Amara***We grabbed Imogen bright and early and set off on a girl’s tour. Without even speaking, Violet planned an itinerary for the day that ensured no overlap with the men. She’s always good like that.Today was already hard without having to see him, I can still feel him everywhere. After spending all night worshipping each other, my body feels like I put it through a gauntlet.I don’t know what it would be like to see him again, how will he react, how will I? Imogen seems quieter than usual this morning, but based on the time I left him, and the time that we went back to pick her up, I’m not sure how much of a chance they would have had to speak to each other about our situation.I know she really likes Cole and I together, I just don’t know how much she knows right now. So we go on like everything is normal, knowing it’s not. We started the day off by taking her back to the refugee depot. We show her around the place, completely explaining the process of refugee retrieval
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Chapter 74
***POV: Imogen***I look between Amara and Violet and it’s obvious that they already knew. There is no surprise, no emotion really other than them staring back at me, like they are trying to figure out what to say next.“You guys already knew, didn’t you?” They both nod quietly.“Yes, we figured it out from Tobias’ reaction to you that night at the club. I was honestly thrilled at the thought, and hopeful it would all work out.” Amara says, her voice flooded with sadness. I know things still aren’t good with her and Cole, but there is something final in her tone and it saddens me to my core. Her and Cole truly are perfect for each other. It can’t be over before it even really got started, it just can’t.“Well, we are going to get to know each other and see how things progress. From what I have seen, I am really excited about him. I’m still not sure about how it works with the bond, and really don’t want to focus so much on that part. I am just nervous about being enough for him. He is
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Chapter 75
***POV: Cole***Sitting at the training arena with the guys, replaying the fight, I feel normal for a moment, like the world didn’t end and I’m not actually talking to wolves. I can easily see how I could feel at home here. They point me in the direction of the showers and Cyrus gives me some spare clothes he had here so I can get cleaned up.I feel eyes on me as I’m walking to the showers but I can’t quite spot who is watching. I go about my business and quickly get cleaned up and dressed. When I get out of the changing area, I feel it again and suddenly someone is behind me. I turn around quickly, poised to fight, only to find myself face to face with a tall, lithe, beautiful dark skinned creature. That’s the only word that I can think of at this point, because I have never seen anything like her. She is all long limbs and glowing skin, slight point at the top part of her ears, big bright eyes. From my introduction to the colony, I can safely say I think she is a fairy. “Well, hell
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Chapter 76
***POV: Trent*** ***POV: Trent*** How the hell a human just beat me, I have no clue. This is humiliating and I have to make him pay. No human is good enough to be with one of our alphas, even if this oaf is good at fighting. I stormed out of the training center, making sure to avoid speaking to anyone. I can feel my body trying to start to heal itself. I am pretty sure I have a broken rib or two, and definitely plenty of bruising. This is just so fucking embarrassing. There has to be some sort of explanation for it. I have to consult the witches. I know it will cost me, they are always so damn uncooperative for anyone, even their own kind. I make it back to the packhouse and mind-link for the pack doctor. I stumble up the stairs, praying that Heather is nowhere in sight. She’s the last thing I need right now. I push our bedroom door open and breathe out a sigh of relief when I find the room empty. I can't even stand the sigh of her at this point. I carefully strip all my clothes of
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Chapter 77
***POV: Amara***I am barely keeping it together right now. I am stuck in a constant struggle with my wolf over control. She is fighting me with everything she has to go back to our mate. I am holding steady and trying to stay distracted. I know we are fated to each other, and I know that I love him, but he is not the best choice for me given the current situation. My father is right, he is always right. So even though my heart is breaking, I will do as he asks.I look around at the girls and smile and nod when it seems appropriate, completely unable to focus on what they are saying. I stand up and excuse myself, telling them I have pack matters to get back to, but to continue enjoying their day. I head back to the packhouse.I walk in and listen, and the house sounds completely quiet. I walk towards my father’s office, and my instincts are right, he is in there.“Hey papi.” I say softly. He looks up at me and gives me a tenuous smile. His eyes are heavy with worry, and I wonder if I
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Chapter 78
***POV: Amara***I run down to the docks near the refugee center. With no incoming humans, I expect it to be empty and quiet. Much to my surprise, I find Heather there sitting on a bench looking out at the water. I try to decide quickly what to do but she hears me and turns to me before I can decide on my escape.“Oh, it’s you. Of course, it’s you.”I want to roll my eyes and say something smart back but the look on her face stops me. It’s not only the expression, but the color of her skin, her stringy hair, everything about her looks sickly.“Are you alright?” I can’t help myself, with the way she looks and her swollen belly, concern overtakes my ire towards her.“Please, as if you care.” She spits out at me. I approach her slowly, and the closer I get, the worse she looks.“I do actually, you don’t look well.”“Apparently pregnancy doesn’t suit me. Who knows? I feel like this baby is literally sucking the life out of me and apparently, I look like it too.”This is so awkward; I don’
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Chapter 79
***POV: Cole***I am sore and feeling the bruising after the fight. I walk away from my conversation with the fairy to find Cyrus and Tobias. I see them huddled up in the corner speaking in hushed tones, and as they see me approach, they go completely silent. “What’s up guys?” I ask as casually as I can.Tobias and Cyrus exchange glances. Tobias speaks up first. “We were just talking about how bizarre it is, what just went down with you and Trent.”Cyrus pipes in. “I don’t think you get the magnitude of what just happened here. It is unheard of for anyone to get the best of an Alpha unless it is another Alpha, but you are not even a wolf.”“But can you imagine what he could do if he was a wolf? It’s like he was born to be one, to be like a super wolf.” Tobias finishes his sentence and then they both look at each other again, something coming over their faces.“What if there is something to that? We need to talk to someone.” Cyrus says with a far off look on his face, clearly his thoug
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Chapter 80
***POV: Cole***I am furious, who do these people think they are? Tobias is trying to talk to me and I can’t hear a thing. I am literally seeing red. Suddenly I realize that Cyrus is pulling me back off Tobias, when I didn’t realize I was even putting my hands on him. I let go of Tobias, and walk off a bit to breath and calm down,I gather myself for a few minutes and walk back over there. Through gritted teeth I demand, “Explain yourself.”“I have not touched her inappropriately. That’s the first thing I need you to hear.”I nod and exhale, loosening up a bit, but waiting for more information.He starts again. “I realized who she was to me immediately at the club that night. When our skin touched, she felt it too. The only other thing that has happened between us is a chaste peck on the lips. That’s it, that’s all.”I don’t love this but it’s better than the things that were going through my head. Logical me realizes that she is almost 18, but she is still my baby sister, and she has
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