All Chapters of Alpha King's Slave: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
177 Chapters
Chapter 110 Let's go back
She believed Elena's words and has been waiting for him in the main city with both the horse, so they can return back together. "what are you doing here, Milly? when did you come? and how did you come? who brought you here? I know you don't know anywhere other than the mountain?!" Andre asked in shock, confusion, and at the same time, worried that someone might see her here with him. Milly took a long sigh and whispered "you don't have to worry about anything, brother Andre, I came here to take you back to our place". "take me back? did you know that I will be realized? how did you know? I am so confused so tell me everything, Milly!" He asked in shock, as he don't know what is going on and why Milly is here out of all the people, as she doesn't know anything outside the mountain. "You didn't return back after so long so we were worried about you, that's when we heard that the Alpha king is torturing you to get Elena, we were really shocked, even Elena got to know this. she was r
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Chapter 111 Hail likes her
Both of them turned to look at Kate in confusion and asked "Mrs. woods? is that really you? I heard that you are not here in the palace?". "What? who told you that?" Kate asked in confusion, walking closer to Lilly and Hail. "Because you didn't come down to have breakfast," Hail said in confusion while arranging all the dishes back to their place. "you mean breakfast is already served?" Kate asked in shock, as she thought she is the early one today. "yes, it's already been an hour I guess, and here, we are washing all the plates," Lilly said in confusion, looking at Kate's face. "really?! how is that even possible? I got up so early today guys! I didn't expect even today I will be so late like this!" Kate said, thinking about her stupidness, "early? how could you even tell that you got up early, look at the time, it's soon to be afternoon, you use to wake up a lot faster when you were Head maid Mrs. woods" Lilly said, thinking about the old times?"I got up today but Martin gave me
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Chapter 112 rules
Hail was staring at them, thinking about so many things but his eyes were only showing sadness, which Lilly noted. "Can I ask you something, Hail?" She asked, looking at Hail. He was confused but then nodded, saying "yes, ask me". "Do you like Mrs. Woods?" Lilly asked, as she can tell that Hail has something for Kate. "Why are you asking that? you know that I like her, she is such a nice person" Hail said, trying to cover his feelings, even though he can tell in what way Lilly is asking. "I am not asking about that, Hail? I am talking about you liking Mrs. woods romantically! I can tell that from the way you were staring at her, she is already married so I think you should stop all these things and get back to your work and I think you will get the girl that loves you just like Mrs. Woods told you" Lilly said with a smile and at the same time, giving him the look of stop it. Hail took a long sigh and nodded his head, then he got up and started to walk, but then he stopped in the mi
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Chapter 113 you belong to me
Ashton's hand is around her waist, while the other one is inside her skirt, stroking her thighs and feeling her. Elena's eyes widen, feeling his hand on her thighs, but the rules are making her speechless. She doesn't know how to react in this situation, his hand on her is not letting her concentrate on the rules that she is reading. His hand on her thigh moves deeper, towards her core, making her toe curl in pleasure. Ashton's face is on her neck, inhaling her sweet Pheromens, as he can't get enough of it and whispers in her ear in his deep voice "did you read all the rules?". She shook her head, closing her eyes, feeling his rough hand stroking her smooth skin which is making her hot and his Pheromens is not helping, but making it worse. She can't concentrate on anything other than his hands on her body. Ashton knows how to control her body as he wants and seeing her losing her sense and getting into his web like a little perry is making him smile. Ashton kissed her neck and bites
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Chapter 114 did you forget me?
He can turn this world upside down so he can just be with her, Ashton never felt something like this to anyone other than Elena so he decided to lock her up with him and do all the possible way so that she would never leave him. After 4 hours: Elena opens her eyes while rubbing them to see clearly, she is sleeping on the sofa, and she got up and saw Ashton who is still working, Then she looks down at her body as she felt cold air passing through her body. Her eyes widen in shock because she is naked, but then she saw his coat which was on her body. Elena took the coat and covered herself, as she called Ashton "c... can you please bring me my dress?". Ashton turned his head to look at her and then turned back to his files, seeing her half naked, and says "in the table" Then he goes back to his work. Elena was confused seeing his reaction but she just let that go and took the dress from the table. She took a long sigh and started to wear it. Then she turned to look at Ashton, who is
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Chapter 115 do your work
As soon as Fedrick walks out, Martin grabs Kate's chin softly and turns her to him, and asks "what happened?". Kate blinked her eyes in confusion and asked "what are you talking about?". Martin looked at her for a few seconds as he wanted to ask her but then he took a long sigh and shook his head a little, thinking "let's not ask about that, she might think that I care about her". Kate was confused as Martin still let go of her chin and is staring at her without telling anything, so she asked "what happened? is everything ok?". Martin didn't reply anything but pressed his lips on hers, making Kate's eyes open wide in shock. She is not shocked because of the kiss but the way he kissed her so suddenly. Martin lays Kate down on the sofa and started to kiss her deeply, as he wanted to kiss her for so long then, he got a chance and he did it.He slips his hand under her skirt, stroking her soft asking with his rough hand. His other hand is on her neck, pulling her close to him while kissi
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Chapter 116 panic
Ashton didn't like the way Elena is talking, he looked at her for a few minutes and said "stop this before I get angry and do your work, Elena". He didn't like Elena and started to behave like she is the boss, even though he treats her much better than in the starting days, still, he can never accept that she is the daughter of James moon. He hates and everyone related to the pack."I really can't do this! I know that you doing it because I left but this is really too much and I can't take it!" Elena said, standing on her own feet, she doesn't want to be too scared of him anymore as he doesn't have anything to blackmail her with. "Elena!" Ashton grabbed her face in anger and pushed her to the wall with force. She flinched in shock as she didn't expect him to do that. "just because I treat you well doesn't mean that you are my luna! you will never be my luna! you are just my slave till the end of your life! you can never be anything other than that so just do as I told you! as your ma
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Chapter 117 Trust
Elena's life came back as soon as she heard Ashton's voice, and said "please come here! please! I don't... I don't want to be here! it's really hurting! please.....". Ashton got up as he is worried about her, even though he felt like these are just lies. He took a long sigh and said to everyone in the meeting room "I have something to do now, I will be back guys". Everyone was confused because Ashton never got up and left like this, Ashton started to walk towards the storage room and by the time he reached there, he saw Fedarick carrying Elena out of the storage room unconscious. He panics as he runs to his brother and took Elena asking "what happened to her? why is she unconscious?!". "Someone locked the room, and Elena was panicking and calling for help, I crossed this side so I heard her cry and helped, but please look after her brother... I don't know why she was here, but I think you should start to treat her like her mate then a slave" Frederick said with a sigh, looking at
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Chapter 118 Guilty?
Next day: Elena is in the room, cleaning the room, covering her whole face with thick cloths. She is so happy that Ashton let her clean this place because he trusts her. She worked a lot harder and this time, she is so confident because she has the key to the room from Ashton. It was hard for her but she did clean. When Elena was cleaning, she saw a lot of files that are related to her pack, which made her confused, She took a long sigh and whispered "NO! I shouldn't look at this, Ashton trusted me with this work and if I look into the files then he will be angry". Then she continued to do her work, but still, those things were going in her head, like what might happen? and what is there in the files? why Ashton don't want others to read this?! is there something that is related to Ashton's anger with her pack? she started to think about so many things. Then she took a long sigh and took one of the files and started to read that. Her whole body froze, seeing that her pack got exte
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Chapter 119 my team
"Stupid! why the hell didn't you knock". Then she took a long sigh and opened the door again, but saw Martin pulling Kate to his lap for continuing the kiss, this made things even more awkward. "what do you want, sister-in-law?" Martin asked, seeing her disturbing their moment. "I am just here to take Kate, that is all," Samantha said with an embarrassed smile and walks to Kate and said, "come on, let's go". "What... what are you doing? where are you taking Kate?" Martin asked confused, as he don't know what is going on there. "go back to your work, this is your working hour and you shouldn't be with your wife, I will take her with me" Samantha said with a smile and takes Kate's hand and then walks out of the room, leaving Martin in confusion. He was really so pissed off but couldn't tell anything to his sister-in-law. Kate was confused too, as she asked "where are we going, sister?". "you! it's been so many days and you never come to me?! I was waiting for you!" Samantha said with
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